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Rated: 18+ · Interview · Women's · #888743
Love don't live here anymore...
"My Love Story"
Golden Aquatic Dreams

Today I watched the walker briskly strut past my house like she does every morning at 10 o'clock. Her hair is always in a small bundle just above the nape of her neck. Her headset always rests exactly where her sweat band ends. She never looks my way.

I guess that's the attitude of a focused person; stay on course...let your eyes lead you not into temptation. Her focus was on point too because she had lost weight right before my eyes.

Her estimated weight, according to me, of course, must've been about 250 pounds. Now, she looked about 175 or less.

"Very encouraging," I said aloud to no one as I closed my front door.

Just as I realized it was that I spoke to no one, I tinge of loneliness swept through me. I decided to go upstairs and work on one of my writing projects. Hell, since I couldn't have the man of my dreams, surely I could conjure him up on my computer. The bright side to that is that if my special hero was good enough for my special heroine, the story plot and supporting characters were good enough, I could actually sell the story line.

That brought joy to me. That's all I really wanted. Didn't nessecarly need it from a man. Well, that's sorta stretching it, but close enough to the truth not to be called a complete liar. That is all I ever wanted from a man. That is the one thing I never got either.

Thinking about that loneliness re-routed my mind back to my selfish ex-lover that does not realize what 'ex' means. I laughed to myself and decided to call my best friend, Aahjala. I'm sure she'd get a kick out of this 'mid-nite mood' story. I sure did. Could barely stop laughing enough to dial the damned number.

'Ring-ring,' went the phone to her office.

"The Wicked Ways Shoppe- How may I direct your call?"

"Well, first by listening to what I did last night girl! You sitiing down? Got a customer?"

"Nope. What's going on?"

"Girl, now promise not to think that I'm totally looney?"

"Well, let me think about that one," she said while sniggling.

"Forget you. Anyway...junodr: 'about time
junodr: ...we manage to catch eachother online
junodr: Hoy!
playologist4u2: ADVANCED AT THAT!
playologist4u2: now i need a drink and dont have any. i knew i should've stopped before i went to that damm class
playologist4u2: SHIT
junodr: whoops
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: liquor stores close at 9 here
playologist4u2: I need an emergency drink too
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: ok, check this out... i'm going to be down for a while now because i really need to reformat. is there something i should do, besides back up docs, before this hellified measure?
junodr: backup
junodr: whoops
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: liquor stores close at 9 here
playologist4u2: I need an emergency drink too
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: ok, check this out... i'm going to be down for a while now because i really need to reformat. is there something i should do, besides back up docs, before this hellified measure?
junodr: backup favorites
playologist4u2: dang, how do i do that...where are they?
junodr: what OS ?
playologist4u2: winxp
playologist4u2: pro
junodr: Documents and settings
junodr: if you have your own login, then it's under your name
playologist4u2: dont see them
playologist4u2: it
junodr: find them ?
playologist4u2: no, gonna do a search
junodr: oh hell... what's your number again ?
playologist4u2: 4147601112
playologist4u2: wait one sec tho
playologist4u2: gotta get somebody off my phone
junodr: kay
playologist4u2: ok, he's talkin to the airline or somebody....
playologist4u2: so, did u move or something?
junodr: no, not yet....
junodr: putting $$ down on a place tomorrow
playologist4u2: kewl
playologist4u2: nice? or just something for now?
junodr: unless I just blow this town entirely
playologist4u2: yeah, know what u mean
junodr: comvince me
playologist4u2: i'm blowing this come June/July-ish
junodr: err... convince me... one way or other
playologist4u2: me?
playologist4u2: well, my plans are for Tempe, AZ
playologist4u2: bombing town, opps and beautiful weather
junodr: lol... tempe? why there ?
playologist4u2: need that...all of it
playologist4u2: hmmm
playologist4u2: cause, that's where i researched, was told some things about, saw pics, stats on business opps...lots of reasons
junodr: eh, okay... fair ebough
junodr: err.... enough
junodr: so, i take it that everyone either dropped ideas or ideas got dropped in general
playologist4u2: so, where do u wanna blow to?
junodr: i dunno
junodr: i mean here's the situation
playologist4u2: ok
junodr: i am no longer temping... i have full time employment
playologist4u2: good?
junodr: money is not great yet, but will be
junodr: in time
junodr: but what pisses me off is just being in this state
junodr: i don't like it
playologist4u2: really?
playologist4u2: well, you were raised there, right?
junodr: just shitty people
junodr: nope, raised in NYC, lived in SF
playologist4u2: that's everywhere, sooorrrry to let you know
playologist4u2: but, been there how long?
junodr: 6 years under relationship
playologist4u2: oh, damm
playologist4u2: the way that u put it
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: i dunno... maybe once i get out of this hell house i might have a better outlook on things
playologist4u2: maybe so.
junodr: limited income now
junodr: which really sucks
playologist4u2: me too. that's exactly what's limiting me
junodr: an i hear that hours are going to get cut scome winter
junodr: errr.. ummm... come winter
junodr: would cost me $180.00 to just grab a greyhound to elsewhere
playologist4u2: or less
playologist4u2: my son is on the phone right now looking for a flight
playologist4u2: but, the bus is only 130 and even less w/student discount
junodr: nohave student status
playologist4u2: right
playologist4u2: but, if you catch a special in advance of at least
junodr: that is the advance prce... lol
junodr: go from east to west
playologist4u2: yah
playologist4u2: me wanna go to Vegas or AZ
playologist4u2: Vegas! Let's move to VEGAS
junodr: hmmmm... settle in AZ and go to vegas
playologist4u2: hmmm
playologist4u2: who knows
playologist4u2: but, while we're dream moving here, reality is dictating that we go nowhere
playologist4u2: i barely have enough gas money to navigate around here at this point. picked up a part timer at the university
playologist4u2: dont get paid for a month
playologist4u2: dammit
junodr: sounds like volunteering
playologist4u2: feels like volunteering
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: lol...
junodr: Hmmm.... (thinking aloud) I pack it up, move to you, get job, make life happy between us?
junodr: (original thought) I pack it up, i move to you, we fuck our brains out, deal with things as they come
junodr: any comments?
playologist4u2: well, yeah
playologist4u2: ahhh
playologist4u2: the fuck part
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: errr ummmm
playologist4u2: the brains--been gone
junodr: in all seriousnes
junodr: humph... Shirley Temple was ambassordor to Ghana
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: where'd ya get that from?
junodr: watching Millionare
junodr: what's the name of the dog on cracker jacks?
playologist4u2: Spot
playologist4u2: see Spot run
playologist4u2: Jane see spot run
playologist4u2: Spot runs to Jane
junodr: saw spot flock jane
playologist4u2: LOL
playologist4u2: really?
junodr: jane is a what ?
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: bitch
junodr: HAHAHHAA
junodr: chnce or bingo ?
playologist4u2: Bingo
junodr: yup
junodr: took call friend AND 50/50
junodr: and he still got it wrong
playologist4u2: damm
junodr: ah well
junodr: Oh Gawd: liz taylors hubbies...
junodr: fastest finger
playologist4u2: fast fingers?
playologist4u2: oh yeah
playologist4u2: i got digitat phone now
playologist4u2: kewl, so far, except dont have 3way and *69
playologist4u2: *67
junodr: nice message
junodr: ah well
junodr: should I make coffee or just call it a night ?
junodr: i am like pissed inside... pissed off at jeannette
playologist4u2: oh, my...why?
junodr: about shit that's not worth going into.... let's just say... for lack of answering simple auestion with either a YES or NO
playologist4u2: Yes
playologist4u2: if you can sleep
junodr: ok... maing it
junodr: err... making it
junodr: she was being her stubborn assinine self...
junodr: i asked her just give me a simple YES or NO answer "do you want me to move"
junodr: and she refused the simple answer
junodr: instead she went into "what did i tell you last week"
playologist4u2: what did she tell you last weeK?
junodr: i have 30 days to get out
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: thats not an answer? a nice answer too, if you ask me
junodr: it is an answer, but when I asked, i didn't want un-needed words an such... just the simple answer...
junodr: she never gave it to me
junodr: never has
junodr: never has been decisive about anything really....
junodr: nothing is ever cut/dry with her
junodr: no a thing
junodr: always a story around it
playologist4u2: sounds like she doesnt want to be harsh about it, thus saying thirty days.
junodr: "what do you want to do today" ("I dunno")
junodr: "what do you want to eat" ("i dunno")
playologist4u2: maybe she wants her man to make the decisions
junodr: "when do you want to.... "("I dunno") OR ("in the car already")
junodr: ahh BUT she doesn't like to be told what to do or when to do something or how to do something
junodr: she is mostly right (in her mind, body & soul) no matter how con-fuzzled it may be
playologist4u2: that's what folks think about me....BUT! If I had someone that was a good decision maker that I loved and trusted, by all fuckin means...do it!
junodr: ih all honesty, i don't really want to talk about it
junodr: no no no... i wanna change "you've got mail" to "you've got (random words)"
junodr: lol
junodr: (millionaire)
junodr: anyways... enough about HER
junodr: take my mind off of it... please
junodr: Okay: the RED CARD in SOCCER == leave the field
playologist4u2: i stuck my finger in my butt when i took a shower today
junodr: Whoa! there's a different subject (shock!)
playologist4u2: Did that really do it?
junodr: Zooo tell zee doctor more about this... problem...
junodr: Problem... purrDICKermen
junodr: lol
junodr: errr... messed up! ratz
junodr: purrDICKament
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: u didnt ask if i liked it?
junodr: something tells me that you wouldn't have done it... if ya didn't like it.... am i correct ?
playologist4u2: well, yeah
junodr: heheheh
junodr: ....so what brought on this curiosity ?
playologist4u2: cause it was so wet and slippery when i ran the soapy towel down there...i just decided to investigate
playologist4u2: the insides
junodr: uh huh....
playologist4u2: i liked it, yessiree, sure did
junodr: inner-esting
junodr: whooohoooo! "she liked it"
junodr: an what about my earlier question: Got Couch ?
playologist4u2: wish someone were here to lick on what i liked
junodr: answer the question
junodr: and maybe....
junodr: you'll have a 5'6"
junodr: 135lb
junodr: cute
junodr: loveable
junodr: WHITE BOY
playologist4u2: always wanted one of those
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: heehhe
junodr: ya want one for keeps ?
playologist4u2: hmmm
playologist4u2: don't know if i can answer that w/o testing the product
playologist4u2: really cant honestly say
junodr: since honesty is the center of any relationship... friendship or otherwise..... Hmmmm then me asking for a dishonest answer would be totally out of the question
junodr: brb... me go pee
junodr: no reply ?
playologist4u2: oh
playologist4u2: where
junodr: since honesty is the center of any relationship... friendship or otherwise..... Hmmmm then me asking for a dishonest answer would be totally out of the question
playologist4u2: wait, let me reread
playologist4u2: yes
junodr: let's see .... what would a "test drive" take....
playologist4u2: a hard drive
junodr: a "personal" hard drive ? to go from floppy to hard ???
junodr: minneapolis, right?
junodr: oh it's the other city... lol
junodr: eez...
junodr: err.. geez
junodr: $127.00
junodr: hello ???
junodr: Yoo hooooo
junodr: where are uuuuu ?
playologist4u2: sorry, ran to the door
playologist4u2: thought it was gonna be just a sec, turns out the idiot wanted to converse
playologist4u2: about nothing of course
junodr: Ahhhh okay....
playologist4u2: Milwaukee
playologist4u2: beer and cheese
playologist4u2: and some beef
junodr: Burp 'n Fart! yeah!!!... lol
playologist4u2: lots and lots of sausages
junodr: Hmmm... me not into sausages (per say)
playologist4u2: i love sausages
playologist4u2: yes i do
playologist4u2: i like to eat them
playologist4u2: yes, i sure do
junodr: You're a girl... you should enjoy sausages
playologist4u2: yes, i sure do
junodr: lol
junodr: Ya know, I really do like you very much
playologist4u2: really?
playologist4u2: well, that's a real good and I'm happy
junodr: yes, really
playologist4u2: i like you too
playologist4u2: i sure do
playologist4u2: so, do we kiss now?
junodr: embarassed ?
junodr: (Andrea must be answering door again)
playologist4u2: Andrea
playologist4u2: Not
playologist4u2: yeap
playologist4u2: gotta answer the door again
playologist4u2: somebody is bringing me some 'drink'
playologist4u2: hmmmm, good
playologist4u2: just called on the cell phone
junodr: that figures, cause Andrea would never be at your door... lOL
junodr: Sory, spaced here
junodr: too many things running through head
junodr: OMG....
junodr: now, look here SHeree... we haven' spoken eachothers rightful names in how long ?
junodr: now where ya go ?
junodr: lol
junodr: you disppeared ?
junodr: g'night
playologist4u2: sorry sweetie. just got a bit carried away with my first sip in weeks...really needed and wanted that. So, I had a toast w/whom brought the drinky over. Talked and laughed. Mind you, the person said they'd have to go ...only had a few minutes. Guess that was a lie or either he's pissed someone off.
playologist4u2: oh well. sure ur prolly gone nighty on me
junodr: HAHAHA... be right there Sheree....
junodr: ya there ?
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: whatyabeendoing?
junodr: ah okay
junodr: friends poppin in an out
playologist4u2: oh
playologist4u2: ok
playologist4u2: in & out, like my fingers?
playologist4u2: why?
junodr: because it would have ben so much more fun
junodr: instead my fingers been pumpin keys
playologist4u2: oh
playologist4u2: taste?
junodr: clean ?
playologist4u2: how's my scanner working?
playologist4u2: I still didnt have a cam to scan you the tasty looking pic tho..
junodr: your scanner was not purchased because of financial difficulties... changed jobs and wound up with MUCH less
junodr: UGH
junodr: then the lack of communication
junodr: then the nette breakup
playologist4u2: but, i thought you said that it was purchased and on the way.
junodr: then the changing of job hours
junodr: No, I had bought one to try out and see
playologist4u2: you did say that it was on the way to u and that you'd send it to me
junodr: the next one was gonna be yours
playologist4u2: oh, ok
playologist4u2: ok, ok
playologist4u2: hmm
playologist4u2: grrr
junodr: but if we physically combine resources
junodr: then there would be no need
playologist4u2: if u move here?
junodr: y
junodr: y == yes
playologist4u2: oh, well...you do know my position on that still. My daughter. However, she will be graduating and going off to college in the near future. then i can think about risque behaviour and naughty rendevouz and menage trois, and
playologist4u2: oh, yeah
playologist4u2: got off on a tangent there a bit. erase that
junodr: tangents are good
junodr: but not thingking of risque relationship at this point in the mix.... just looking for place to launch new self an ideas from
junodr: business first, pleasures during and after
playologist4u2: still, inside of the same house. 'i' know you. she doesn't nor anything about you
playologist4u2: not fair
playologist4u2: room next to hers
playologist4u2: nope
junodr: <--- perfect gentleman
junodr: if you are quiet about "things" heck, i'm a border
playologist4u2: murder inc if something gets suspicious. i don't take those types of risks with my daughter. never have. i know that she's almost grown, but my love for her has grown with that time and i dont risk her sanity or safety.
playologist4u2: too bad i didnt speak to you just two days ago if you're really serious.
playologist4u2: that's why my son was up here.
junodr: i was online
junodr: where were you ?
playologist4u2: he was trying to rent/sublet his apartment out so that he'd have it come summer break
junodr: with nose buried on books
playologist4u2: YEP
junodr: an his apartment no longer available ?
playologist4u2: he's only subbing it for 300? or so. he just wanted to have someone keep it since it is cheap rent with everything included.
junodr: but that's OK... by the time I get done with greyhound... heck, barely have enough $$ to do anything anyways.... [damn depressing]
playologist4u2: Nope, finally found someone that is 'supposed' to be quiet and responsible.
playologist4u2: 300 included the utilities tho
playologist4u2: cant beat that
junodr: nope
junodr: as you said "Oh well"
playologist4u2: nice one bdrm
junodr: fuck me!
playologist4u2: and his furniture is still there
junodr: fuck me!
playologist4u2: bed, living room, kitchen set, entertainment set
junodr: fuck me!
playologist4u2: he sold his tvs to get money for trip
junodr: Sheree, that's unfair....
playologist4u2: i know
playologist4u2: but, if these folk dont pay right, they will just have to go.
junodr: right
playologist4u2: who knows...people are so full of shit, especially w/o a contract
junodr: by then, will be relocated into something else
playologist4u2: true
playologist4u2: dang
playologist4u2: shit
playologist4u2: fuck
junodr: an be even tighter in funds
playologist4u2: sooo, who r u voting for?
junodr: at this point, i could prolly tell possible new land person that I am not gonna rent and wait another couple weeks but what's that gonna do?
junodr: there ain't nuthin worth voting for
playologist4u2: so, does that mean you wont?
junodr: not even registered
playologist4u2: felon?
junodr: I be pissed off at New Jersey
playologist4u2: why?
junodr: because this is a fucking asshole state
playologist4u2: republican?
junodr: dem
playologist4u2: dems are asswholes?
junodr: we ain't assholes
playologist4u2: holes, in whole?
playologist4u2: I have never understood the concept of a poor republican...just never could grasp that one too well.
playologist4u2: kinda makes ya go, 'hmmm
playologist4u2: /
playologist4u2: and think of looney bins
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: lol
junodr: the looney bin is where you and i belong... safe from the real asswipes
playologist4u2: well, the looney bin is keeping them safe from us
junodr: an if they calll themselves sane... OMG, we're dun fer
playologist4u2: yeah, true
playologist4u2: but, however, they do.
junodr: ya may have a point there... i dunno
junodr: kinda hard to figger out
junodr: gotts think about it
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: not too hard to figger out
playologist4u2: according to the repubs, the economy is great!
playologist4u2: hmmm
junodr: something rotten in denmark ?
playologist4u2: never been better
playologist4u2: oh well
playologist4u2: who wants to talk about politics? huh?
junodr: I am worse off now than 4 years ago
playologist4u2: of course
junodr: jobs are scarce
playologist4u2: damm, i keep getting hijacked and freezing up
playologist4u2: dammm
junodr: too few an far betwen
junodr: an then i get a regular ob... pay is crapola
playologist4u2: well, that's because the economy is great for the repubs...that's why the jobs are scarce.
junodr: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer
playologist4u2: well, that's because the economy is great for the repubs...that's why the jobs are scarce.
junodr: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer
junodr: that's the rep way
playologist4u2: rich folks are getting richer right now. i guess if we wont get them out with votes, they can just keep on and we can keep our same ole crappy jobs and 'great' economy
junodr: yeah well, kery ain;t no bettah
playologist4u2: nah, but you beat bush
junodr: bush should stay an finish his own frickin mess
junodr: shit I'd hate to become pres. after him
junodr: Ewweeee
junodr: an have to clean up that mess
playologist4u2: i think he'd be real cocky about 'doin a great job and service to our 'economy and continue fucking it up more
playologist4u2: if he were to get reelected. that would make him think that means he's the greatest
playologist4u2: his plans as well, despite the reality
junodr: honestly, no time to register at this point
junodr: registration is closed here
junodr: which sucks
junodr: but so does my work schedule, my pay rate and bunches of other things
playologist4u2: a rep tactic. oh, they've been adament about registration in 'clusters' where they believe a dem would want to vote
playologist4u2: well
playologist4u2: cant be that bad
junodr: just the pay sucks
playologist4u2: didn't try to get higher and do something about it
junodr: that's all really
playologist4u2: nothing, or nobody else sucks anymore?
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: have to live through first 6 months, then able to move up
playologist4u2: lucky you're not black then
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: well, not really a 'lol'
playologist4u2: just lucky
junodr: if i was... i'd prolly be making more
junodr: honest!
playologist4u2: u think?
playologist4u2: why?
junodr: around here, yeah
playologist4u2: i dont think so
playologist4u2: really?
junodr: either black or hispanic
junodr: us white boys are like dirt
junodr: we're the minority
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: wow. so that's where all the black men are??? on the east coast. mostly white ones here
playologist4u2: oh, yeah....the ones that are here (black) get put in jail for driving and having a joint for ten or better, in some cases.
playologist4u2: many/most are in jail
junodr: that kinda sucks
playologist4u2: kinda!?
playologist4u2: my son was up for the weekend
junodr: <-- not into black "meat" persay.... lol
junodr: what for?
playologist4u2: brand new car, out of state plates and was still pulled over, supposedly randomly
junodr: typecast
playologist4u2: he was taken to jail.
junodr: car not in his name or something ?
junodr: cops thought he stole it?
playologist4u2: not long ago, this summer, he was with his white friend that was driving after revocation, for the thrid time, and they let him go. his friend even said when the police is behind him, all he does is sticks his arm out to let them see that he's white
playologist4u2: yeap, it's in his name. they asked him if he knew someone that worked for Enterprise...how did you get this car, boy?
playologist4u2: that's still racial profiling/stereotyping
junodr: OMG, that definitely is racial & profiling too
playologist4u2: they let him out the next day, after checking it out, but he missed a week of school since he was stuck here without any car plus the rental place charged him and took his deposit after the car was taken by them
junodr: f'ng shit
playologist4u2: i just finished paying for his classes and begging for them to let me make payments on the rest. he may even be kicked out since he's missed a week that is midterm
junodr: as i said earlier... rotten in denmark!
playologist4u2: since he just caught the bus back, he wont make it there till saturday morning sometime. wont know anything til monday about his status
junodr: right
playologist4u2: they never give him a speeding ticket or anyother probably causes, for the most part. just stop him cause he's black, and male
playologist4u2: but, many men complain about that here.
junodr: police harassment
playologist4u2: hell, they stopped a few of the GB football players. Up where they live, they are always getting harrassed
playologist4u2: Al Jarue got pulled over a few times until they realized who he was and apologized...said some random bs
playologist4u2: Jerouex?
playologist4u2: something like that
junodr: likely excuse... ya frickin pig
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: they dont bother me cause of my fair skin...cant really tell from the distance. in the winter, i can stick my hand out to show my skin color
junodr: booo hisss that's bad girl an you know it
junodr: shame on you
playologist4u2: Anchored, assured and positioned
Anticipating my
Female k-9 submission to his
Every beck and call…
I watch me as I crawl

playologist4u2: does that sound too provocotive for an 18 rated poetry entry?
junodr: no, cause that's the feeling of young males & females of color
playologist4u2: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/891585 read it to let me know
junodr: it's good, but OMG what an inside glimpse of youself
junodr: (knowing what you have gone through)
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: not too nasty for the rating tho? u think?
junodr: wince... yeah ?
playologist4u2: i kinda think it was boardering GC
junodr: R - which is 17 or over
playologist4u2: ok. but, if it's read right, i do speak of penis and lust and fucking, big time in there
playologist4u2: scorching womb = hot pussy
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: yeah caught all that
playologist4u2: phallus afire = hot dick
junodr: good usage of words though
junodr: yo be ejamacated
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: what's dat?
junodr: shewled
junodr: learn-ed
playologist4u2: i secretly readz whilst da massa away
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: oooo you baaad girl
playologist4u2: well, a gull gotz ta' do what a gulls' got ta do
playologist4u2: iz gonna learn and run away
junodr: what's that? get the flock outta here ?
playologist4u2: i'z gonna read my way ra'at on into freedom land
playologist4u2: one kinky hint about me???? wanna know?
junodr: well, if you hear of anything availble... gimme a hollar
junodr: ummm.. ra'at on into freedom land ?
playologist4u2: i love role play
playologist4u2: i mean major play too
junodr: <--- vergin
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: cute
junodr: never role played
junodr: <-- vergin
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: --------
junodr: ======
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: i played the poor little slave girl role one eve with someone....it was demeaning, yet interesting.
playologist4u2: he was sooo uncomfortable
junodr: i just like being taken advantage of
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: that's what it would have led to, of course, fucking with a girl like me.
junodr: an after you are done with me...
playologist4u2: it would have esculated to me getting revenge on my massa in some 'deep' ways
junodr: then tyin you to the bed
junodr: just your legs
junodr: leaving your hands fre
junodr: eat you out of house 'n home
playologist4u2: he made me suck his dick when he woke up...
playologist4u2: during breakfast
playologist4u2: lunch
playologist4u2: dinner
playologist4u2: then he beat me if i didnt do it right
playologist4u2: then he fucked me hard for not saying 'thankya massa'
playologist4u2: he was horrible
playologist4u2: glad he was online, hell
playologist4u2: dang
junodr: leave ya tied up the whole night
playologist4u2: i wonder if that actually became a fantasy of his later
junodr: who knows
junodr: leave ya tied up all night, just in case I wanted seconds or thirds
playologist4u2: water?
junodr: waiter service
junodr: cup 'n straw
junodr: <evil grin>
playologist4u2: cause i'm sure you'll be thirsty for your golden elixar later
junodr: <-- not into gold
junodr: (cough)
playologist4u2: ------------
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: <pout> sorry
junodr: piss'n & poopin are meant fer da terlett
junodr: thought you might like that
playologist4u2: laughing too hard
junodr: hehehhe
playologist4u2: so, this should really be funny to u
playologist4u2: man o man
playologist4u2: sometimes, i really do loose
playologist4u2: not long ago, this summer, he was with his white friend that was driving after revocation, for the thrid time, and they let him go. his friend even said when the police is behind him, all he does is sticks his arm out to let them see that he's white
playologist4u2: yeap, it's in his name. they asked him if he knew someone that worked for Enterprise...how did you get this car, boy?
playologist4u2: that's still racial profiling/stereotyping
junodr: OMG, that definitely is racial & profiling too
playologist4u2: they let him out the next day, after checking it out, but he missed a week of school since he was stuck here without any car plus the rental place charged him and took his deposit after the car was taken by them
junodr: f'ng shit
playologist4u2: i just finished paying for his classes and begging for them to let me make payments on the rest. he may even be kicked out since he's missed a week that is midterm
junodr: as i said earlier... rotten in denmark!
playologist4u2: since he just caught the bus back, he wont make it there till saturday morning sometime. wont know anything til monday about his status
junodr: right
playologist4u2: they never give him a speeding ticket or anyother probably causes, for the most part. just stop him cause he's black, and male
playologist4u2: but, many men complain about that here.
junodr: police harassment
playologist4u2: hell, they stopped a few of the GB football players. Up where they live, they are always getting harrassed
playologist4u2: Al Jarue got pulled over a few times until they realized who he was and apologized...said some random bs
playologist4u2: Jerouex?
playologist4u2: something like that
junodr: likely excuse... ya frickin pig
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: they dont bother me cause of my fair skin...cant really tell from the distance. in the winter, i can stick my hand out to show my skin color
junodr: booo hisss that's bad girl an you know it
junodr: shame on you
playologist4u2: Anchored, assured and positioned
Anticipating my
Female k-9 submission to his
Every beck and call…
I watch me as I crawl

playologist4u2: does that sound too provocotive for an 18 rated poetry entry?
junodr: no, cause that's the feeling of young males & females of color
playologist4u2: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/891585 read it to let me know
junodr: it's good, but OMG what an inside glimpse of youself
junodr: (knowing what you have gone through)
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: not too nasty for the rating tho? u think?
junodr: wince... yeah ?
playologist4u2: i kinda think it was boardering GC
junodr: R - which is 17 or over
playologist4u2: ok. but, if it's read right, i do speak of penis and lust and fucking, big time in there
playologist4u2: scorching womb = hot pussy
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: yeah caught all that
playologist4u2: phallus afire = hot dick
junodr: good usage of words though
junodr: yo be ejamacated
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: what's dat?
junodr: shewled
junodr: learn-ed
playologist4u2: i secretly readz whilst da massa away
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: oooo you baaad girl
playologist4u2: well, a gull gotz ta' do what a gulls' got ta do
playologist4u2: iz gonna learn and run away
junodr: what's that? get the flock outta here ?
playologist4u2: i'z gonna read my way ra'at on into freedom land
playologist4u2: one kinky hint about me???? wanna know?
junodr: well, if you hear of anything availble... gimme a hollar
junodr: ummm.. ra'at on into freedom land ?
playologist4u2: i love role play
playologist4u2: i mean major play too
junodr: <--- vergin
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: cute
junodr: never role played
junodr: <-- vergin
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: --------
junodr: ======
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: i played the poor little slave girl role one eve with someone....it was demeaning, yet interesting.
playologist4u2: he was sooo uncomfortable
junodr: i just like being taken advantage of
playologist4u2: yeah
playologist4u2: that's what it would have led to, of course, fucking with a girl like me.
junodr: an after you are done with me...
playologist4u2: it would have esculated to me getting revenge on my massa in some 'deep' ways
junodr: then tyin you to the bed
junodr: just your legs
junodr: leaving your hands fre
junodr: eat you out of house 'n home
playologist4u2: he made me suck his dick when he woke up...
playologist4u2: during breakfast
playologist4u2: lunch
playologist4u2: dinner
playologist4u2: then he beat me if i didnt do it right
playologist4u2: then he fucked me hard for not saying 'thankya massa'
playologist4u2: he was horrible
playologist4u2: glad he was online, hell
playologist4u2: dang
junodr: leave ya tied up the whole night
playologist4u2: i wonder if that actually became a fantasy of his later
junodr: who knows
junodr: leave ya tied up all night, just in case I wanted seconds or thirds
playologist4u2: water?
junodr: waiter service
junodr: cup 'n straw
junodr: <evil grin>
playologist4u2: cause i'm sure you'll be thirsty for your golden elixar later
junodr: <-- not into gold
junodr: (cough)
playologist4u2: ------------
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: <pout> sorry
junodr: piss'n & poopin are meant fer da terlett
junodr: thought you might like that
playologist4u2: laughing too hard
junodr: hehehhe
playologist4u2: so, this should really be funny to u
playologist4u2: man o man
playologist4u2: sometimes, i really do loose ma' mind (in a fun way for me anyway)
playologist4u2: this guy i'd been dating a while back was still fuckin with me trying, right
junodr: [listening]
playologist4u2: well, he hadn't proved to me why i should give him another chance. basically, he was the same
junodr: [uh huh... go on]
playologist4u2: so, one evenng, after he'd rang my damm phone off the hook, i answered and agreed to let him come
playologist4u2: when he got here, something inside of me decided that i still didnt like him
junodr: [thinking: mistake???]
playologist4u2: but, what the fuck, he's here now...may as well make the best of it
playologist4u2: So, i took a look at the items he brought with him, the ones he didnt think i noticed....condoms, Berry Trojan jell, a cigar.... Basically, all things that would make him comfy. He didnt even consider me
playologist4u2: u got that last one?
junodr: [stunned: yeah]
playologist4u2: ok, so, while my mental note was taking inventory, my mentally bruised self was scheming
playologist4u2: i let him believe that it was 'business as usual'
playologist4u2: i let him pretend that he wanted to watch the movie, but in bed.
junodr: [wtf... it's there... USE it]
playologist4u2: then, try to 'gently' nudge up against me and eventually fuck
playologist4u2: lol to myself with every concerted carnal effort he made
junodr: [errr roger, houston we have a problem]
playologist4u2: well, surely enough, he 'talked' his way into my bedroom
playologist4u2: i decided, 'what the hell? may as well join him."
junodr: [awww geez]
playologist4u2: so, now we lay and sippping and drinking
playologist4u2: same there
playologist4u2: he never even bothered with the movie
junodr: ??? him not putting out ??? or you not putting out ???
playologist4u2: he's turned toward me and fucking with me
playologist4u2: i asked him why he was not watching the movie
playologist4u2: then i asked him if this was supposed to be his normal self or his new and improved self
junodr: [typical answer: I DUNNO]
playologist4u2: after a few more questions, i asked him what it is that he would do different to make me understand and know for sure that he is who i need and want and that he would be worth me
playologist4u2: basically, he really couldnt come up with the right answer cause the idiot didnt have one
playologist4u2: can get blood out of a turnip. heard that before. well, it applies here too.
junodr: [ROTFL] go onn
playologist4u2: so, i asked, "Haven't you ever heard of men promising to buy their wife/gf roses everyday, or even telling them they'd drink their dirty bath water? Something?"
playologist4u2: he agreed that he had
playologist4u2: so, then i went on to explain my mental note of his personal inventory and told him that he was still a self-centered peice of dried out shit, but in a nice voice, with my arms rested on his chest, finger gently circling his nips and chest hairs
junodr: OMG... LOL....you naughty girl....
playologist4u2: our semi-naked bodies all cuddly
junodr: lol too funny
playologist4u2: he was a bit tipsy and very unsure of my words
playologist4u2: so, i continued
playologist4u2: i could slightly see the expression on his face from the candle light
playologist4u2: i sat up just slightly over his face and kissed his bottom lip, then got closer. i could tell that this was confusing him
playologist4u2: he wasnt sure my words matched my body language because i never stopped talking about him
playologist4u2: u with me?
playologist4u2: but, i was doing in such a nice and gentle, subtle sweet way
playologist4u2: tender kisses after calling him a sack of shit
playologist4u2: or during
junodr: can I call you a bitch and you not be offended ?
playologist4u2: save it for the better part
playologist4u2: so, as i lay there telling him all about the things he never thought i knew about him but just didnt give a fuck to express, he looked a bit nervous
junodr: [please continue] austrailia on the line
playologist4u2: a phone call?
junodr: no online
junodr: and this ocnversation was a conversation... not a yelling match or anything ?
playologist4u2: so, i started kissing down his hairline to calm him down so that he could hear the rest
playologist4u2: nope. he was in shock
playologist4u2: the grand finale is coming
junodr: [hoping the punch line is biting his weiner]
playologist4u2: just as i made it slightly above his pubic hair, i stopped and got real excited and started yelling.
playologist4u2: "I got it! I got it!"
playologist4u2: mood change for a motha
playologist4u2: ok
playologist4u2: well, of course he says, "what, got what?
playologist4u2: "I've got the perfect way for u to prove that you really do want this to work. Remember what i just said about the bathwater??? Huh, baby? Well, since I normally take showers, I dont have any bathwater for u to drink."
junodr: HAHHA... got what... lOL
junodr: OMG
junodr: LOL!!!!
playologist4u2: at this point i was up out of the bed excited and happy with my bright idea
junodr: ROTFL
playologist4u2: he stood up too and started to drink more of his drink. mine was gone and he refilled it. of course, not because he was just the kind type, he was trying to get some puss
playologist4u2: drunk or not
playologist4u2: ok, so i walked into the door way of my bedroom
junodr: and of course... that was a "no go" situation
playologist4u2: i stood there talking so that he could get a full view of me and my face when i explained my latest bright idea
playologist4u2: the music was on so i did a little dance
playologist4u2: the i finished and parted my leg, placed his glass under my coochie and peed
junodr: no... you didn't....
playologist4u2: I said, "This is it baby! If you drink this, i will honestly know that you really love and want to be with me! Dont you get it? You wont have to do anything else?!" I said this with a straight sensual and excited face
playologist4u2: it was soooo hard cause i could tell that he was confused again...that he wasnt sure he'd seen me nor heard what i said. I walked over to him and put a real sad look on my face as i passed it to him
playologist4u2: I convinced him to just feel the warmth and let him know, "Baby, I have never offered my pee to anyone but you...dont you feel special? You sure arent acting like it's a big deal to you.
playologist4u2: :
playologist4u2: "Woman, have you lost your fuckin' mind?" is what he asked me
playologist4u2: "Of course not"
junodr: continue
playologist4u2: "Look at the bright side. You're cheap or broke cause you only brought you something over here to drink and smoke. You have not changed at all cause you still want pussy for nothing at all. You have not changed."
playologist4u2: "So, you mean you want me to drink yo pee to prove myself?"
playologist4u2: "Yes, baby! Please do this for me. You dont know how much it would mean to me," I said looking down like i was sad that he hadnt started drinking and was questioning me.
playologist4u2: "You have really lost your fuckin mind, havent you?" he asked as if he was serious. I was about to crack up laughing but held my composure while he held my pee
playologist4u2: i really wanted to laugh then
playologist4u2: he went to the bathroom and poured it out. i really had a fit then
playologist4u2: "BASTARD! YOU POURED MY PEE OUT?"
junodr: you keniving little
playologist4u2: He was putting his clothes on and leaving....when i said, "Oh, baby, I'm sorry," wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss his lips
playologist4u2: "baby, dont leave. i need you. if you dont want to right now, i'm sure you will later, right baby?"
playologist4u2: kisses planted all over his lips
playologist4u2: down his neck
playologist4u2: dick strung up
junodr: omg
junodr: brb... cofe P
playologist4u2: then i started crying
playologist4u2: "I just dont know what i'd do if you left me alone? i mean, you bring me trojan jell when i let you come over. i know you only do that for me cause i'm on a diet, right?"
playologist4u2: "I know that you dont want to bring me fattening food. I see that on the back of edible Trojan jell, there are no calories....You really do love me, huh baby. Thank you. Now put some on cause I'm hungry."
playologist4u2: I walked over to the bed where he'd hidden it underneath the covers thinking he was getting some puss. lol
playologist4u2: "Come on, Baby? What's wrong?"
playologist4u2: cause his ding had gone back down again. can you believe that?
junodr: OMG.... dong went dang
playologist4u2: did u read the other part?
playologist4u2: i guess that's why dong went dang
playologist4u2: u there?
junodr: friend is chatting with me.... lemme catch up
junodr: ok.... he went soft after thinking he was gonna get... then you opened mouth again an went soft again ?
playologist4u2: yep
junodr: ok.. then got it
playologist4u2: so, this time i sat down on the bed, pulled him close with my face in his naked stomach
playologist4u2: i was laughing at this point, but i had to 'play' it off so i pretended that my chuckling was a cry instead. i had to come up with some quick tears. i did.
playologist4u2: he looked into my eyes, "Baby, I'm sorry if I upset you. You just seemed like you had lost it telling me to drink your pee. I know you were playing but it sure was convincing."
playologist4u2: i really started crying then
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: "YOu dont love me. If you did, you'd have done whatever it takes to prove it. Doesnt matter what it is. Right?"
junodr: OMG... you come on you
playologist4u2: "See, I'm gettin the fuck out of here!"
playologist4u2: "But, I thought we were sharing our emotions, talking, going to watch a movie... What is wrong with you? Just because you cant get none you gotta leave? Well, I dont want no fucking man that cant drink my pee, fresh at that, around me anyway. You're right! Get the fuck out!"
playologist4u2: I stood up, put my robe on and stormed down the stairs, upset, of course.
junodr: "gee ummmm i just wanted to fuck with you... not fuck you"
playologist4u2: LOL
junodr: ugh... it's almost 6am... gotta get some Z's before work
junodr: interesting story/situation
junodr: gotta remember it
playologist4u2: strange enough, he's called several times since then. i was trying to get rid of him. he''s the reason i hate i didnt get a new phone number.
junodr: gotcha
playologist4u2: Sorry, but that was a true story.
junodr: i know it was
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: dont you go thinking that im crazy now
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: I was just pissed off
junodr: hell no,,, you ain't the crazy one... he is
junodr: for thinking that he could get to you
playologist4u2: LOL! You act like you know me...hehehehe
junodr: <evil grin> that's why we would make a pair
playologist4u2: lol
playologist4u2: my girlfriend was reallly laughing out loud
junodr: HAHAHAHA i bet
junodr: she never seen or heard such evil
playologist4u2: is that evil?
playologist4u2: didnt know evil could be that fun
playologist4u2: hmm
junodr: nawh, revenge
junodr: ok... Sheree... i does need to go sleepies
playologist4u2: youz gotz ta' leaves me?
junodr: need sleep
junodr: so do you
playologist4u2: well, fine! i dont want to be chatting with nobody that aint interested in my pissy ass stories anyway! BYE!
junodr: i have to be at work in like... 4m and gotta put monies down on place at 2pm
junodr: Well now! shesh... dont take it personal
junodr: lol
playologist4u2: dont piss me off!
playologist4u2: well, since you put it like that
junodr: LOL HELL NO
junodr: LOL
playologist4u2: ok, i'll sleep too.
junodr: ok... talk a bit tomorrow AM if possible
junodr: if not, we'll have to figger out another way
junodr: I love you!
junodr: Take care
playologist4u2: good you aint pissing me off cause i'd have to put some of this louisiana on you and make you pee in the bed
playologist4u2: You love me?!!!
junodr: [ducking]
junodr: as a person
playologist4u2: I love you back!
junodr: & 's
playologist4u2: u dont love me as a bitch?
playologist4u2: like u asked earlier?
playologist4u2: lol
junodr: LOL
playologist4u2: Good nite
junodr: g'night.... might answer that later
junodr: sweet dreams
playologist4u2: ok
playologist4u2: aquatic dreams to u
playologist4u2: golden aquatic dreams....LOL
© Copyright 2004 Sugaree-Serial_Writer (sugaree at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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