Results of my Poetry Survey - Updated 7/16/07 10:47 am |
These are the results from
Check back often, I'll update as much as I can. Updated - 7/16/07 10:47 am Number of people who have taken survey: 190 Questions and Results: 1. Overall, which do you prefer? (Must pick one!)* A. Free Verse poetry - 54% B. Rhymed poetry - 46% 2. What type of poetry do you most like to read? A. Free Verse - No set rhyme or meter - 28% B. Strict Rhyme - 8% C. Strict Meter - 1% D. Strict Rhyme and Meter - 13% E. Loose Rhyme and Meter - 29% F. Other (if other, please email and explain) - 1% *Write in vote:For question 2 I chose "other" because I've read and enjoyed free verse and strict verse. I don't particularly enjoy one type over the other-my distinction is just that often times strict verse is more difficult to pull off so it doesn't sound forced. If it's done well, you don't notice it rhymes. G. Can't decide - 20% 3. What type of poetry do you most like to write? A. Free Verse - No set rhyme or meter - 47% B. Strict Rhyme - 7% C. Strict Meter - 1% D. Strict Rhyme and Meter - 11% E. Loose Rhyme and Meter - 25% F. Other (if other, please email and explain) - 2% G. Can't decide - 7% 4. Which aspect do you think is most critical in creating a successful poem? (Please pick one) A. Imagery - 46% B. Flow/Rhythm - 37% C. Tone - 3% D. Punctuation - 1% E. Line Breaks/Line Lengths - 1% F. Other - 6% A few of the write-in votes: "Originality" "I think honesty is essential in creating a good poem. It is hard to explain, but poetry is not quite like storytelling. I don't mean we always have to explain our own feelings etc., but there should be something we feel some way about. A good poem is not JUST playing with words." "...regarding what critical aspect I think makes a successful poem - I think heart does. Is the work coming from the heart or the head. It is possible to write a poem that has everything needed, but if it isn't from the heart it usually doesnt move me." G. Can't Decide - 5% 5. Favorite Poets - Various Answers **See Below** 6. How do you feel about the use of color fonts in poetry? A. Love it! - 8% B. It's okay, if it's done right. - 41% C. Don't feel one way or another about it. - 27% D. Would rather not see it. - 18% E. Hate it with a passion. - 6% 7. Do you think punctuation is needed in poetry? A. Yes, definitely! - 17% B. Most of the time, there are a few exceptions. - 33% C. Sometimes - 40% D. It doesn't matter to me. - 8% E. Definitely not. - 2% 8. Is a title needed in poetry? A. Yes, definitely! - 39% B. Most of the time, there are a few exceptions. - 35% C. Sometimes - 19% D. It doesn't matter to me. - 9% E. Definitely not. - 3% Question 5: Who is are your favorite poets, on and otherwise? Here are the answers as they were given to me: (Most were mentioned more than once!) Redbird on brief hiatus teardrop invisibleink spidey Aww.. jacky was sick, missed you! Mark Doty Marge Piercy T.S. Eliot Ogden Nash Catullus Edna St. Vincent Mallay Tornado Day sedona bianca_b COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME cassidra aynhazaii Sarah Rae John~Ashen Eliot ee cummings Emily Dickenson Edgar Allan Poe Melissa biancascott88 Robert Townes Robert Frost Robert Crummy Shel Silverstein Allyn-P90X Fiend! involution Jedi Moose Harlow Flick, Right Fielder winklett Plath Sexton Lowell the Beats 👼intuey Lexi WH Auden Shakespeare Brenpoet William Carlos Williams Walt Whitman Ginsberg Donne phlegyas El Shawn Sara Teasdale Wendy Cope Margaret Atwood Alfred Noyes King David William Wordsworth Dylan Thomas Robert Service wordsy Kraken through the Snow dimaradu Wilfred Owen Thomas Sherman Alexie Garret Hungo Ai Langston Hughes Dante Milton Blake Gheote W.S. Merwin InkyShadows Aurelio2005 cerianwen crithni Elby Wordsmith novrain1962 poetchick Nate Yeats Wislawa Szymborska C.K. Norwid AnderClunk Ann Ticipation Mavis Moog Tanith Lee silentspring Samuel Taylor Coleridge Prufrock Michael O'Donovan Anna Akhmatova Kerouac Lisa Taylor Carlos Russell Longfellow cnoto dwilliamsbw David E. Navarro bkcompton runningpoet08 Elia Amathel Sappho Lesbos SB Musing Tetiana Dave Matthews Charles Bukowski idylore EyeKahn David Horner Lawrence Ferlinghetti Alfred Tennyson Ann Bradstreet Tahirih Breyten Breytenbach larryp Tigger thinks of Prancer Beyond the Cloud9 MDuci bakar Baeby-taking a sabbatical Orual Ellen Hopkins Jordan Langer writerguy13 Jack Howarth irisjustwrite has granddogger D. Byron Patterson AXiLeA shleprock winter katherinea slavesinchains Lynda So far, the poet named to be a favorite the most is: Robert Frost *Question 1 was added after the first person took the survey. **Numbers are rounded up to the nearest whole. |