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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #888014
About Vincent's love...It's hard to describe but very good! Read for yourself!
She came out in a brilliant color of white. Like an angel or something. Vincent thought. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.
She came up to Vincent closer and closer. Her lips a glossy shell pink; in a slight smile. Sparkling gray, almond-shaped eyes and long flowing black-brown highlighted hair down to her back. She had a perfect slender body, one of a goddess to Vincent’s eyes. She wore a lacy ice blue, long gown to her pale bare feet and a silver heart locket around her slender neck.
“Vince,” she whispered.
“Jessica?” Vincent held out his hand. “Is that really you?”
“Yes Vincent. I’ve come.”
“After all these years.”
She just grabbed his arms, touched his cheek, gently caressing it and kissed him hungrily. Her lips were soft, like always. Nothing changed about her.
Finally they pulled away. Around them was a complete gray, misty fog. Long tendrils of vines and leaves hung down; surrounding them; coming from the foggy heavens above. When she came out, she came through a gate; a white elegant gate, bursting with clouds. They were walking on air. Jessica’s smile widened as Vincent encircled her waist.
“I love you,” Vincent murmured quietly.
“I love you too,” She tightened the grip on his hand. She raised it up and they pressed both hand-to-hand, palm-to-palm, finger-to-finger. Their chest rose and fell together and their breathing mixing harmoniously. “Vincent Cagle.”
They kissed again.

Vincent snapped his head up from the desk, blinking. His eyes had to readjust itself to the brightness in the room. His mind was a complete daze and at first, he didn’t know where he was until he took in his surroundings. An olive green file cabinet was in the corner of the room with a fruit still life oil on canvas painting hanging about 16 inches above it. 3 chairs lined up on either sides of it against the light green painted walls. On the other corner of the room, was a small 20-inch refrigerator on a little stand and a bulletin board behind it. Pictures and letters covered its surface, overlapping some. They were all from and of his girlfriend, Jessica. Mixed wildflowers were on top the fridge. Directly across from all this was Vincent’s desk and a huge rolling leather chair, he was seated on right now. Papers were scattered about with his telephone and two framed pictures; one of his family and one of him and Jessica at the beach.
It was his office. He worked as a secret agent. He was reading over a case when he must’ve dozed off. He looked up at the speaker in his room. Ted, his best friend and comrade, gazed over at him, standing in front his desk.
“Sleeping on da job again, son?” he asked with half concern, half humor in his voice.
“Yeah,” Vincent replied bored, sighing. He stifled a yawn. “I didn’t sleep all night last night.”
“Up late working on a case, eh?” Ted reached in Vincent’s fridge for a drink. “Ya gonna kill yourself if ya don’t sleep.”
With a tied face, Vincent looked over at his friend. Ted was a tall and very built Spanish guy, with tan colored skin and sandy brown hair. His eyes were a golden bronze and a long scar lay on his right chiseled cheekbone.
“I couldn’t sleep anyhow. Dreaming of Jess all the time,” Vincent suddenly bolted up straight in his seat, gasping. “My God! How can I forget! Guess what?!”
“Well it must be really good news. You’re like bouncing up and down in your seat.” Taking out a cigarette from his breast pocket, Ted slipped it in between his lips but didn’t light it yet. “What is it?”
“Okay,” he paused for a dramatic effect. “Jessica- she called me last night,” he beamed. “And she said she was going to finally come back and meet me today in the church yard, the one near Deri Ave. Isn’t that great?”
Ted was about to light his cigarette but immediately dropped the lighter in shock. He quickly scrambled down to pick it up. “Wh-What?”
“Yep, you heard me right! I guess my dream was like a foreshadowing because she said she’d be wearing an ice blue gown and that locket I gave her for her birthday. She was wearing that in my dream too! Unfortunately, we won’t be walking on clouds,” he laughed lightly.
“Oh,” Ted turned from him with a flat voice. “Great.”
Vincent sighed in contentment. “Finally, after so long we will once again be reunited! I will finally see her again. I miss her so much. I can’t wait!”
Ted swallowed hard, his eyes getting moist as he frowned sadly but Vincent didn’t notice. He really liked Jessica and missed her a lot too but Vincent was not able to see the real truth about Jessica. Saying that she was coming back to him and today didn’t sound too good. And he had no intentions of meeting her again.
“Yeah,” he looked up with not much enthusiasm.
“Aren’t you happy for me?” he narrowed his eyes a bit and cocked his head to the side. He then raised an eyebrow. “You look sick.”
“Hmm,” Ted shifted his eyes towards him, snapping out of it. “No, I’m fine.”
A slow grin crept up on Vincent’s lips. “Good. So, how have you been? Oh! How’s Mr. Peters? He’s your new agent director, isn’t he?”
“Huh? Oh yea`. Yo, he called my office today. I think he’ll like to meet ya again. He wants to know if we can meet him at one o` clock, lunch hour, actually.”
“Red Lion’s Café.”
“No problem. I definitely want to meet him again. Then after that, I have to meet Jess.” His coffee brown eyes sparkled with merit. “You’re coming, right?”
“Uhh….yea`. I….um….better get going. See ya later, man.” Ted gave him a pound and rushed out before Vincent could catch anything. He quickly approached the secretary’s desk and faced the green-eyed, mousy brown haired secretary.
“Hi, Mr. Martinez!” she exclaimed brightly, adjusting her glasses. “How may I help you?”
“Hi. Contact Mr. Peters immediately. Tell him we can make it.”

Vincent strolled down that afternoon, his long black trench coat hung over his arm and the postmeridian breeze blowing locks of silky black hair in front his face. He pushed the astray back behind his ear as the Red Lion Café loomed in front of him.
He quickly spotted Mr. Peters and Ted sitting in the terrace of the café. They were at the front table, talking, looking grim faced. That was unusual. Ted was always the loud, perky, funny type. Vincent never saw him look so serious before.
What’s up with him lately? Vincent scowled deeply, shaking his head. I’m so happy, this is possibly the happiest day of my life and he’s acting all strange. Weird.
Actually, it wasn’t just today but Vincent only noticed it today.
Maybe he’s jealous. But of what? Because I’m happy? No, that’s ridiculous. Then he stopped short in his tracks and sucked in a breath of alarm. Maybe he likes Jess more than I think. Maybe he wants her. And all to himself too!
Vincent shook his head, getting all the bad thoughts out his mind. What am I thinking? This is silly! I mean, come on, Ted? Ted would never do that to me. I’m acting very, very childish. Without another crazy thought, Vincent continued up the café.
“Hey guys!” Vincent called out, entering through the fence and taking up a seat across from them.
“Waz` up, son,” Ted nodded in his general direction. “Ya remember Mr. Peters, don’t ya?”
“Of course,” Vincent smiled pleasantly, holding out his hand. Mr. Peters shook it gracefully. “How do you do?”
“Nice to meet you again, Mr. Cagle. How have you been?”
“Never felt better and that’s not sarcasm. I feel so happy…like I’m walking on cloud 9,” the dreamy expression returned to his features. “Did Ted tell you my news yet?”
“Oh yes, yes. You’re girlfriend, Jessica. I’m very happy for you.”
At least someone is happy. Vincent thought. He looked over at Ted. He was very quiet.
“You know,” Mr. Peters resumed. “When I last saw you, you talked very highly of Ms. Jessica Saito.”
“Oh yes,” Vincent sighed. “She is the most lovely, the most beautiful girl in the world. Her smile, her laugh; she always made me so happy. She always lifted my spirits, my soul. She is truly the love of my life. She’s everything to me.”
“Wow,” Mr. Peters scratched his receding hairline. He must’ve been at least in his mid-50’s. “She sounds….”
“Wonderful?” Vincent finished for him, letting out a small laugh. “I know.”
Mr. Peters took out a tiny pad and started writing vigorously. Vincent peered over.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to seem so rude.” He glanced up with an apologetic smile. “Keep talking. I’m just…er…writing out my meetings schedule for tomorrow. I have so much, I must keep in track. If I don’t write it down, I may forget one.” He sighed in exasperation, rolling his eyes. “My days can be so hectic sometimes.”
“I understand.”
Ted glanced up at the waiter who approached them. “Ah! Time to order!”
They all ordered their lunches and while the waiter went to give the orders inside, Ted looked over at Vincent. He was whistling happily away as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Ted secretly kicked Mr. Peter’s foot under the table and nodded his chin towards Vincent. Mr. Peters chuckled, shaking his head. Finally the orders came.
“Enjoy,” the waiter bustled to the next set of hungry people.
“Say guys,” Vincent dug his fork in the rice. “We better hurry up. We got to meet Jessica soon. She said 3 o` clock sharp.”
Ted cleared his throat loudly. Vincent eyed him, giving him a funny look.
“Sure,” Mr. Peters cut off a piece of his chicken. “I’d love to meet her.” He chewed thoughtfully then took up his pad and pen again. He began writing. “So, Mr. Cagle, tell me more about Jessica again.”

All the way downtown the breeze was stronger, making Vincent very cold as he shrugged on his long, black trench coat. Mr. Peters and Ted were across the street parking the car.
Vincent sauntered up slowly to the churchyard gate. The doors were beautiful; black with tiny gold designs on it. He tightened the coat’s belt around his waist, slightly shivering. Wrapping his hand around the gate handle, he turned it cautiously. He walked in, the wind blowing his hair wildly about his face. Up above in the sky, the gray darkening clouds threatened rainfall, but it wasn’t even drizzling yet.
Vincent stepped forward, old leaves crunching under him and a twig snapped under his weight. He jumped for a second, and then quickly gained composure when he saw what it was. He continued walking further on.
“Jessica?” he called, his voice just an inch above a whisper. “Jess?”
No answer. Just more harsh wind and a few drizzle raindrops.
“Jess,” a rain drop wet his face and slid off his cheek to his chin. “Jessica, it’s no use playing surprise, my love. I know you’re here. You are hiding somewhere. Come out where ever you are.”
Still no reply. Suddenly, he heard a soft giggle.
“Here.” A voice replied very quietly and softly. It sounded sweet; angelic.
Vincent felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around and gasped, tears welling up in his eyes. A smile broke out, lighting up his features.
“Here I am, my love.”
Yes it was true. There she was, right in front of him, standing in the same ice blue, long flowing gown. The lacy tips blew gently around her, the same silver heart locket glowing around her neck. Her shinning cool gray eyes showed beautifully with the blue color of the dress; hair hanging down to her shoulders with grace. She was absolutely gorgeous, just like he remembered her. She held out her slender fingers, her long nails painted a pretty red.
“Vincent,” she spoke in a whisper. “It’s me.”
Vincent was too light headed with joy. Everything was just like how he dreamed.
“Jessica, oh Jessica….I missed you so much.” Tears fell down finally. He grabbed, embracing her tightly. She embraced him back.
“I missed you too.”
Vincent raised her chin up by his index finger. Their eyes locked, searching each other’s souls deeply. He anchored his face down to hers, gently encircling her locket in his palm and sliding his other hand down to her breast. Then tracing over her bodily curves. Their lips strongly met. That itself said, ‘I love you.’

Ted got out the car, walking up the steps to the yard, Mr. Peters right behind him. The gate was already wide open. Mr. Peters took his umbrella out, opening it up over him to shield himself from the increasing rain as they both walked in.
“Yo Vince! Vince, where are you? We’re here!”
“Is that him over there?”
Ted gazed over to where Mr. Peters pointed in the far back of the yard. Vincent sat alone, hugging his knees to his chest, his head bent low. His shoulder length hair fell over his whole face, obscuring his young features. He looked grim and serious, yet blissful.
The rain came down harder, pounding and appearing to attempt disturbance upon Vincent’s solitude. But the man did not budge.
“Vince?” Ted knelt down near him next to the tree.
“Where’s Jessica? Did you see her yet?” Mr. Peters asked.
Vincent finally raised his head up. “Oh hi guys,” he replied nonchalantly. His eyes were a bit glassy and unfocused.
“Where’s Jessica?” Mr. Peters asked again.
“Oh, she’s coming. I think she has a surprise for me.” He searched around the area. “Great. I think I see her coming now.”
“Uhh…where?” Ted frowned, looking around too.
“She….” Vincent’s voice trailed off. “She….she’ll come soon…I mean she was here. I saw her and hugged her and kissed her and…stuff….” His face unexplainably saddened and contorted up in pain, sorrow and agony. “S-she was here…” he got up, fast flowing tears mixed with rain cascaded down his face. He glanced around frantically. “Jess? Jessieee!” he sounded weak, pathetic and lost. “Jessica!”
“You see,” Ted whispered in Mr. Peters’s ear. “I told you. You don’t need any other proof.”
“Vincent,” Mr. Peters halted him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He sighed sympathetically. “I think it’s time you come with me to get some help. Really I can help you.”
“No!” he snapped pushing him away. He ran off but not too far when he stumbled over a stone. As soon as he fell flat on his face, he busted into more tears, sobbing. “You scared her away! She was here! She was!” he insisted strongly, completely oblivious to the stone he tripped over that read: Jessica Saito, 1972-1999.

© Copyright 2004 Jen-Jen (xxdantexx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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