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Emma is taken captive by the syndicate. Can she escape and rescue cousin Stacy? |
Emma struggled as her captors tied her wrists to the ceiling and her ankles together, her feeble protests muffled against the piece of duct tape stretched over her mouth. As marauding hands removed her bra, she tried to kick out at them, but they held her fast, and she felt her panties being pulled down. She struggled furiously as she was raped with a dildo, which rubbed against her, sending spasms of pain through her body. "Enough of that", said one of the men. "Bring on the other one." Stacy, blindfolded and gagged with duct tape and wearing only the bathrobe in which Emma last saw her, was led into the room and forced into a chair. As she was tied firmly into it, one of the men undid her bathrobe and flung it open, revealing Stacy's breasts and pussy. Bound and helpless, Emma was forced to watch as Stacy was raped with the dildo as well. "All right, let's take this one downstairs." Stacy was untied and frog-marched from the room, leaving Emma tied up and wondering what would happen to her. ****************************** Emma stood bound for what seemed like a long time. Suddenly, she heard someone drop lightly behind her. "Well, looks like you're having a good time, aren't you?" a girl's voice said. "Jaina!" Emma wanted to scream, but her gag was in the way. Jaina laughed. "I'm here to help you escape, Emma... but before that, you owe me one..." she said, producing a pink dildo from somewhere inside her black gym leotard. Emma grunted as Jaina started to push the dildo up Emma's ass. Jaina could be such a bitch sometimes. Jaina continued to make out with helpless Emma, inserting the dildo into Emma's pussy and rubbing her with it as she struggled against her bonds. As Emma enjoyed the sensation, she suddenly saw two men sneaking up behind Jaina. She tried to scream to warm Jaina, but Jaina, thinking that she was reaching her high point, merely said, "You love that, don't you?" Jaina screamed as the men grabbed her, one of them clamping a hand over her mouth. "Hey Chris, this one bites," he said, administering a slap to the struggling girl. "Where's that tape?" ***************************** "Hey, she even brought her own dildo." Wrists and ankles bound, Jaina's muffled screams soon turned to sobs as she was mercilessly raped by the men, first with the dildo, then taken by them in turn. "Take this one down, you. Check her body, she might be wired." Two men dragged Jaina's limp form out of the room. "Now for you, little spy." One of the men turned to Emma. "Been watching us, haven't you? Well, now's your turn to be watched... in fact, you'll be a porn star..." He indicated to a video camera held by one of the captors. Emma's screams were muffled by her tape gag as she was whipped, first her breasts, then between her legs until her clitoris was raw and throbbing... As she struggled helplessly, one of the men inserted a dildo into her throbbing pussy and started raping her... Emma's muffled screams only made them laugh as spasms of pain shot through her body... After what seemed like hours, Emma hung limply from her wrists. She heard one of the men say, "Now do away with this one..." **************************** Emma was taken off the ceiling, her wrists still bound, and still gagged and half-naked, nudged roughly into the car in which she had been abducted in. As the car sped off, Emma wondered where they were taking her. After a long time, the car stopped on a gentle slope, and Emma was pushed out and frog-marched down the slope. She wished somebody would see her and come and help, but no one was in sight. The men took her to a railway line, where they pushed her down roughly on her stomach. As she let out a grunt of pain, she saw the men tying her wrists and ankles to the tracks. 'This must be some kind of joke', thought Emma. She tried to free herself, but the men tied her very tightly to the tracks. "How do you like it, eh?" taunted one of the men. "We'll be far away before the police discover your body." The other men laughed. Emma whimpered through her gag. One of the men bent over her and pulled her panties down, exposing her ass. Emma wriggled helplessly as she felt her buttocks being pushed aside and her ass being stretched painfully as her captor's erect penis penetrated her and began grinding inside her, filling her with hot, wet semen and making her squirm uncomfortably. Emma screamed as loudly as she could through her gag, hoping someone could hear her, as the second man pushed her buttocks apart and raped her, filling her with more semen... then the third... After the fourth man had finished with her, they left. Emma struggled against the ropes binding her to the tracks, but she was tied too tightly to escape. Swearing through her gag, she fought with all her might, but only managed to exhaust herself. Emma lay there, her buttocks dripping, for what she thought was a long time. Suddenly, she heard a man's voice. "Didn't I tell you not to go?" "James!" Emma wanted to cry out. James did not answer, but stood over her, not saying anything... Emma had a nasty feeling he was looking at her body. He bent over her, but instead of untying her, he ran his hands lightly under her breasts. A stream of muffled sounds came from under Emma's gag. She was clearly panicking. What if the train came? "Don't worry, Emma," said James, reading her mind. "The next train arrives in about... 13 minutes," he glanced at his watch. "Til then, plenty of time..." James played with bound Emma's body for some time, stopping every minute or so to check his watch. Finally, he produced a small knife and expertly cut through her restraints. He pulled her back and away from the tracks, to some trees on the side of the line. James tore off Emma's gag. "You're really hot, Emma..." James said, hugging Emma tightly from behind. She shuddered as he ran his tongue down her neck. As his hand moved up her thigh, approaching her pussy, she put her hand on his, wanting to stop him, but he gently touched her between her legs. Aroused, Emma turned her head and kissed him. Just then, the train passed by with a deafening noise. Smiling slightly, James pressed Emma against the trunk of a tree, her breasts rubbing against its rough bark. Pinning her to the tree with his own weight, he touched Emma's breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers. "I want you..." Emma breathed weakly. The words were barely out of her mouth when she felt her legs being pushed apart. Not daring to look, she gasped as James penetrated her, thrusting upwards and into her, pinning her helplessly against the tree... ******************************* "I see they wanted you to be crushed under the train. The syndicate is known to dispose of its foes in such gruesome methods." Emma nodded, adjusting her garments. "What methods did they use?" she asked. James was silent for a few seconds. "Last year one of our agents - I can't remember her name - was exposed," he said slowly. "They tortured her, and she squealed on one of our best undercover agents - Laura Watson." James paused heavily. "They tied her to a chair, gagged her, and - and taped her nose." Emma gasped. "Laura?" "I wish," said James. "Laura suffered an even more gruesome death. They tortured her, of course," he added. "They lowered her from the ceiling into a large vat of water." Emma was dumbfounded. "How - how do you - " "I was there." Emma stared at James. For a long time, neither of them spoke. Then, Emma threw her arms around James and kissed him. ******************************** The shack seemed full of syndicate members, thought Emma, as she crouched, hidden among a pile of empty crates. A bunch of Jaina's captors had been apprehended while driving her to the same railway line, and Jaina had been rescued. Stacy, however, was still in the hands of the syndicate, and, after some discussion, it was decided that Emma would sneak in and attempt to rescue her. ********************************* Emma lay hidden above the ceiling of the shack. Peering through a crack she'd made by moving one of the ceiling tiles, she could see that she was just above the room where Stacy was held. Stacy, blindfolded and gagged, was suspended upside down from the ceiling by her ankles, her legs spread apart. Her arms were bound to her sides. Emma watched as a man took out a dildo and forced it down Stacy's pussy. Stacy struggled and screamed as the man thrust the dildo up and down Stacy's pussy. The dildo was withdrawn and Stacy's pussy was whipped, blows landing cruelly between her legs until her pussy was red and swollen. Stacy was then raped again with the dildo. After a while, Stacy's tormentor left the room. Emma seized the chance, dropping lightly to the floor from her hiding place in the ceiling. Stacy's muffled cries of surprise were quickly interrupted by a "Shhhh!" as Emma worked to untie Stacy. "Quick! Out by the window!" Emma ushered Stacy to the window, but Stacy could not reach the window by jumping. Emma was just about to boost Stacy up when the door opened and Stacy's tormentor came in. Stacy tumbled down in a fright, crashing into Emma. The tormentor started shouting at the top of his voice. Recovering quickly, Emma dragged Stacy to her feet, and had only just managed to boost her up to the top of the window ledge when many arms grabbed her. As she was dragged away from the window, she saw three men trying to grab Stacy's ankles, but she disappeared out the window. ********************************* Emma was the captive of the syndicate again, as they led her into a small room with two chairs. Emma's ankles were tied to the chairs, which were placed far apart, and she was suspended by her wrists from the ceiling. A man walked in - a man whose face she had seen in a photo James had shown her. Carl van der Beer - the drug lord. "Well, well, well." van der Beer said. He had a high-pitched, nasal voice. "You managed to rescue the other one, huh, but you took her place instead." He laughed. He was as bad as his voice. Shoving the chairs further apart, he placed a large, cone-shaped dildo between the chairs - directly below Emma's opening. Bound and gagged, Emma was slowly lowered from the ceiling onto the dildo, until she was leaning on it with her own weight. With a ripping sound, Emma's panties tore, and, struggling, she was lowered onto the dildo, her pussy swallowing it as she went.... Emma was in agony as her pussy was forcibly stretched... Laughing, van der Beer watched as Emma thrashed about on the dildo, his hands squeezing her breasts cruelly... Emma's legs fought against their bonds, but she only feel deeper and got stretched further on the dildo... she gasped as she came... Suddenly, a man burst in and said, "Sir, we've been discovered!" Almost immediately, van der Beer hoisted Emma off the dildo, cut her from the ceiling and the chairs hurriedly, and forced her from the room, from the shack, into the back of a white van Emma never knew was there. Still gagged, Emma was tied by the wrists to a hook set in the ceiling of the van, while her ankles were tied to similar hooks in the sides. Amidst the flurry of activity, she could hear police sirens and shouting. The men slammed the door and the van sped off, van der Beer in the back with Emma. Emma could hear the wailing of the sirens of police cars giving chase. "You're my hostage now, better not try anything funny," hissed van der Beer in Emma's ear. Emma was tossed about as the van did fast swerves now and then, trying to shake the police off. Suddenly, the van screeched to a halt. "We're surrounded!" shouted the driver. In response, van der Beer flung the door open, revealing Emma to several policemen holding pistols, who all looked shocked. "Nobody move!" shouted van der Beer behind her, brandishing his own pistol. Emma gave a small whimper of fear. "Everyone back off, or the girl's dead!" He pointed it at Emma's head. The policemen looked at each other, confused. One or two of them started to back off slowly. Others, seeing them, followed suit. However, a few of them stayed where they were. Van der Beer laughed. "I'm not here to play games with you cops..." He took the gun away from Emma's head, still pointing it at her - "I'm serious, you know... if you don't fancy the girl taking it to her head, what about - up her cunt?" Emma gasped as van der Beer pushed the barrel of the gun through her ripped panties into her pussy, making her shudder. "You like it, don't you?" leered van der Beer. "How does it feel to have cold steel up your pussy, eh?" He moved the gun slowly up and down, making Emma squirm, partly with pleasure and partly with fear that he might 'accidentally' pull the trigger. "You guys listen up!" he shouted, addressing the policemen. "You had better move your cars off the road, or I'll fuck this girl until she dies." He continued thrusting the pistol in and out of Emma's pussy, eliciting a soft moan of mixed pleasure and protest from her. "See, she's screaming for mercy already... WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" All the policemen backed off except one. He remained where he was, pointing his pistol defiantly at van der Beer. It was James. Van der Beer's eyes narrowed. "I recognize you, Sonny Jim... Why, don't you believe I'll kill the girl? Or am I not causing her enough pain?" Almost on cue, Emma moaned, more in pleasure than anything else... she didn't want him to stop, not when she was becoming aroused... she didn't want him to think that he was not torturing her enough. "She's protesting, see?" laughed van der Beer. "Do you really want to maker her suffer? Just get out of the way, and make everyone's lives easier..." With his remaining hand, van der Beer squeezed Emma's breasts in turn, still fucking her with the pistol. The pistol's aiming sight rubbed relentlessly against her pussy, making her wriggle, thoroughly enjoying the sensation - and then she came, with a great shuddering gasp. "Why, it almost seems as if she's enjoying herself," said van der Beer, as Emma's juices flowed down her legs. Laughing maniacally, he pulled out the gun, which was now shiny with her cum. With his free hand, he pulled down her shredded panties - first one side, then the other. Emma moaned again as she felt him prying open her buttocks - and forcing the gun up her unprotected ass. Emma fought with all her might as van der Beer fucked her in the ass with the gun, she was in agony as the barrel slid in and out of her - Suddenly, there was a deafening gunshot. Emma screamed, her eyes scrunched tight. When she opened them again, policemen were running up to untie her wrists and ankles. As she was being led away, she saw van der Beer lying dead inside the van. *********************************** "I was the one who shot him," said James. Emma's eyes widened. It had been days since the incident; aside from some psychological scarring, the three girls were safe and sound. "You shot him? But how did you know he wasn't - " James grinned. "I saw that he made you come..." he said, putting a hand on Emma's thigh. Emma put her hand on his, blushing slightly. "And I figured that would put the gun out of order. You know, moisture..." He put an arm around her. "You certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself." Blushing even more, Emma tried to push him away, but he grabbed her firmly. "So," he said, nuzzling her cheek, "I let him take his time with you for a bit." "Hey, that's not funny, James..." Emma said reproachfully. "The gun really hurt my ass..." "I didn't know that, honey..." James kissed her neck. "But tonight you're mine... and I won't hurt you." He ran his hands lightly over her breasts. Emma nodded slowly, closing her eyes... |