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What I saw on a sleepless night. |
That night I was restless. I could not sleep for some very strange reason, I’m a good sleeper, always having elaborate dreams, but that night was different. Everything was still, there was no wind and the dogs were all asleep. Nothing stirred. I had tried drinking some milk, reading my book and still I could not get more than a few minutes sleep at a time. I decided to try some fresh air and exercise to work out the kinks, maybe that way I could finally relax. I gently slid the sliding door across so as not to waken anyone in the house. Stepping outside I checked on the dogs, sleeping on their mats. They stirred not a muscle, I could barely see them breathing. It was a little disconcerting being outside with no noises around. I thought about waking my own little Maltese terrier, Richie, to keep me company. He was a great noise maker, and could see and hear things like no other dog I knew. Looking at him sleeping there so peacefully though, I decided not to. I’m a grown up! I thought to myself. I can handle a walk around my own garden. Shaking off the creepy feeling on my skin, I stepped off the veranda and felt the soft grass sliding through my toes. Enjoying the slight tickling feeling surrounding my feet, I looked up to see a beautiful clear night with the bright full moon rising over the hill behind our house. Made bigger by the thickness of the atmosphere, it shone like a light on the garden, illuminating the plants and pathways around them. I wandered around, trying to enjoy the time alone, and ignoring the slight tingle at the back of my neck. Looking out, I noticed a Tawny Frog Mouth owl resting on the wooden post of the fence. Silhouetted by the light of that full moon it looked mystical, a silent ghost of the night. I knew this wasn’t so though, a family of them lived around our place, but never before had they seemed almost magical. This one seemed to be waiting for something, that’s when I realised that I too was ready for something unusual to happen. I looked out onto our property, the treeless space stretching out before me on rolling hills. A dark movement drew my eye, but I quickly realised that it must be the cows from the property next door. They were close to calving and I thought for a moment that perhaps it was a problem with them that was what I sensed. Yet they made not a sound, I could not even hear their movements, so surely nothing was wrong with them. In the stillness of the night, it was the noise that first drew my attention. At first faint, as it drew nearer I could discern the sounds of galloping hooves. It certainly wasn’t the cows, they were barely moving. So what could it be? There were no herds of horses around, so that could not explain it. Puzzled, I looked around for the source of the sound. Scanning the surrounding hills I could see nothing but grass and bushes at first. Then the most fantastic sight of my life greeted my eyes. Galloping down the slopes of the hill, with the full moon at their backs, was a herd of majestic centaurs. All in their prime, the light reflected off the sleek fur of their rumps, helping me to identify a variety of breeds, from palominos to bays. Their muscles flexed taunt when they reached a fence and jumped, relaxing again as they settled back into the familiar loping gallop. They had obviously travelled far as the sweat glistened on their muscular chests, and those chests expanded as they breathed deeply of the night air. As they drew ever closer, I could see the dark, wet stains in their long flowing locks. At first I was unsure whether I should alert them to my presence, but as they flew past I could not resist raising my hand in salutation to the magnificent creatures. Immediately they slowed, coming to rest, one separated from the herd and trotted towards me. I felt no fear, I was no threat to them and I had not infringed upon their lands. Yet, when he drew face to face with me, I stepped back, and curtsied out of respect. He bowed in return before he spoke, “You may speak, human, do not be alarmed.” I blinked rapidly in shock that I could be so honoured. I spoke my mind. “I was wondering why you are here, so far from where you belong?” He nodded, “We travel this night to yonder sacred ground. A meeting there will be with the local dreaming creatures. Ambassadors were called for, from all the continents. And so we travel, through your lands.” Cocking his head he continued, “In return for my answer, will you hear my question?” I nodded, who was I to deny him anything? “Why are you here to see us at this late hour, it is not natural for a creature such as yourself to be out at such a time.” I shrugged, “I could not sleep, so I came outside for a walk.” He pondered this for a moment, “Perhaps you are sensitive to magical creatures and you were aware of us drawing near, without even knowing what it was.” He reached out to touch my forehead and I felt a slight tingle pass through my skin and through to my brain. “This will help you to rest while our presence disturbs you. May you sleep well and always be so connected to those around.” I smiled in thanks and curtsied once again, “I hope that the meeting goes well and that you return safely to your home.” Whirling around on his hind legs, he rejoined his herd and I watched them as they galloped off into the distance, beyond where I could see. I returned to my bed and dreamed that night of running wild and free. |