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A look into the world of State Troopers, the good and the bad. |
Beverly cranked the Camaro up, it had glass packs on and gave off a throaty roar. As she eased the car into gear the garage doors began to roll open. She left the warehouse and headed for the interstate. Once to the freeway she ran the car through the gears. She was amazed at the thrust. While in the first three gears she was thrown against the seat. ‘This is going to be a rush,’she thought. When the car hit 90 mph she back off the accelerator and let the car slow down to the speed limit of 65 mph. The car handled well. Even though it looked like a rust bucket. Beverly would have preferred to have a new body, gleaming red, her favorite color. She looked around the dash. There were a lot of instruments. She turned on the radio and instantly a rock station started playing, ‘One bourbon, one beer and one scotch’ by John Thurouhgood, one of her favorite rock tunes. She started shaking to the music. She lit a cigarette. Up ahead at the 8 mile marker there should be a trooper. She was about a mile away when she floored the Camaro. When she passed the 8 mile marker she noticed the trooper well off the road. She was doing 85 when she passed him. She watched her rearview mirror and when she saw him pull out onto the road she started slowing down. His blue lights came on and she immediately pulled over. Beverly watched as the trooper’s police cruiser came to a stop about twenty feet behind her car. He got out of his car and walked up to just behind the driver’s side door. “License and registration please.” he spoke courteously. Beverly fished out the credentials and handed them to the officer. She looked in her driver’s side rear view mirror. She could see his name tag. It read: Baker. The trooper looked over the driver’s license and registration. “What’s your hurry, Ms. Edwards?” he asked. “Just out for a drive, Officer Baker.” she replied. “Just sit tight while I run your license.” Baker said as he went back to his car. About three minutes passed and he returned with a ticket book in his hand. “I’m going to have to give you a speeding ticket. You were going twenty one miles over the posted limit.” “Is there anything I could do to keep you from writing that ticket,” Beverly said sweetly and smiled up at the officer. She thought she saw him blush slightly. “Ma’am speed kills. If I give you a ticket maybe you will think twice next time about speeding.” The trooper started writing the ticket. When he finished writing the ticket he tore it out of his book and handed it to her. “Please take it easy, Ms. Edwards.” “Okay, officer. I will Beverly said as she started up the car and pulled back onto the freeway. She had an urge to floorboard the Camaro but she resisted and when she got up to the posted 65 mph she eased off the accelerator. Beverly took the next exit and went to the convenience store that was located on the corner of the service road and the overpass. A county sherif’s car was in the parking lot with an officer sitting behind the wheel. Beverly pulled in beside him and reved her engine up and then turned the car off. When she glanced at the sherif he winked at her. She went inside and got herself a pack of Marlboro lights 100's and a coke. When she got back to the car she started the Camaro up and as she exited the parking lot she noticed the county sherif pull in behind her. As soon as she got on the service road the sherif’s blue lights came on. Beverly pulled over on the side of the road. She notice the officer get out of his cruiser. He had a beer belly hanging over his utility belt and walked like he had a corn cob up his ass. When he got to Beverly’s door he said, “ Öut of the car.” As Beverly got out she asked, “What happened to : may I see your driver’s license.” “Don’t get smart with me.” the officer replied. “Put your hands on top of the car. I’m going to search you for drugs.” “Hey, isn’t a female officer supposed to do that.” Beverly asked as she faced her car, spread her legs and put her hands on top of the car. “Just keep your smart mouth shut. Are there any needles in your pockets? Anything I should know about.” The officer said as he began to frisk Beverly. When he got to her hips he ran his hand between her legs and got a feel of her pussy through her jeans. “Now that’s where I draw the line.”Beverly said as she turned to face the officer. Before he had a chance to see what was coming she kicked him between the legs. He grabbed his balls and let out a yell, “Dammit, Bitch-h-h,” and started to double over. But before he could do that Beverly gave him a forearm chop across the nose. The officer fell back and when he hit the ground he was out cold. She then stepped over him, grabbed him by the arms and pulled him back to where his cruiser was parked. She took his handcuffs out of his utility belt and cuffed him to the bumper of his car. She then pulled her cell phone out and called Captain Pierce. When he answered on the 2nd ring she said, “I’m already in trouble, boss. A county cop just pulled me over and while he was frisking me he got a feelie between my legs. He’s out cold and handcuffed to his car. Call county, and let’s see what happens.” “Okay, and I’ll get someone to come get you out of jail.” Captain Pierce said. “10-4.” Beverly said. She went back to her car and lit a cigarette. As she was smoking a state trooper pulled up next to her. “It was Baker, the one that had stopped her an hour ago. “ You okay.? Hey what’s going on,” he added as he noticed the county cop handcuffed to the car. “Yeah, county cop got fresh and I overdid it.” Beverly said. “Maybe you ought to stick around In fact, nobody is going to believe me. I’m going to jail. You might as well arrest me. I don’t trust the county sherif’s office..” “Okay, put your hands behind your back.” Baker said. He quickly cuffed her and led her to the backseat of his patrol car and put her in. Then four county sherif’s cars all pulled up at about the same time. When they saw the county cop hand cuffed to the bumper they all wanted Beverly. “ “Take it easy fellows.” Baker said. “I was here first, she belongs to me. You can meet me at county jail and we’ll iron this out.” A Captain for the county walked to where Baker was standing and said rather roughly, “This is my jurisdiction. Put the woman in the back of my car and there won’t be any trouble.” Baker rested his hand on the butt of his revolver. “Nope, I’ve got this one. And if you boys don’t get in your cars and leave right now, there will be trouble.” The county Captain eyed the hand on the revolver and said, “Are you threatening me?” “No. Not at all. Are you Polish? I’ve already told you how it’s going to be and I’m just about tired of fucking with you.” Baker said heatedly. The county Captain turned to the other county officers and said, “Somebody undo Joseph and then we’ll all meet at the jail. Might better see if he needs a doctor.” Baker turned on his heel and got in his car and as he started the car up he said to Beverly, “Sure hope they don’t get you alone.” “Do me a favor. I have a friend with the State Police. His name is Joe Pierce. Can you give him a call and let him know what is going down.” “Sure, I know Captain Pierce. “ Baker said. He then picked up his mic and called dispatch. When the dispatch operator answered his call he said, “Patch me through to Captain Pierce.” Pierce answered almost immediately. “What can I do for you Baker?” “I’ve got someone here that says she knows you. Her name is Beverly Edwards. “Yeah,” Pierce said. “Do me a favor. Bring her into State Police Headquarters.” “Well, the county Sherif is expecting me to take her to county.” Baker replied. “Just bring her in. I’ll handle county.” Captain Pierce said and signed off. Baker looked in his rearview mirror until his eyes met Beverly’s. If Captain Pierce is your friend, then you are lucky.” .................. When Baker pulled into State Police headquarters, Joe Pierce was standing next to his own patrol car waiting. They spoke for a minute and then Pierce told Baker he’d handle it from here. Baker led Beverly to the back of Pierce’s car. Joe told him to remove the cuffs. He did and left. “Whew, I really didn’t like that.” Beverly said. “I’ll bet. Let’s go to my office and see if we can get your ass out of the fire.” Pierce said as they walked into State Police Headquarters. When they got to his office he closed the door behind them and sat down behind his massive oak desk that had papers piled all over it. Beverly lit a cigarette as she watched her boss pick up the phone and dial a number. When a secretary answered he identified himself and asked to speak to Sherif Oliver. Oliver came on immediately, “That you, Joe? What can I do for you.” “I’ve got a problem. One of your county boys stopped an undercover officer of mine, got him a feelie and she put him in some pain.” Pierce started. “Yeah, I know. He’s in the hospital. His nuts have swelled up the size of grapefruits.” Oliver said. “I’ve got the whole incident on video. You get rid of him anyway you can and soothe over his captain. If I have to show the video, we’ll prosecute.” Pierce said. “That’s pretty strong, Joe. I’ll see what I can do and call you back.” Oliver said and hung up. Joe hung the phone up and said, “ Ökay, you’re off the hook.” “What if a county tries to mess with me?” “You’ll just have to use your own best judgement. I’d say you can probably take care of yourself.” “I think I’ll call it a day. Too much drama.” Beverly said. |