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“Hey man, are we doing this shit or not. C’mon man, we can’t wait forever. Don’t pussy out!” James exclaimed anxiously with a rather impatient look upon his hyperactive face of deviancy. “Fuck man, hold on one godamn second. I swear to fucking Christ your to excited to do this type shit. You need to get your fucking head check man! Damn, man I don’t even have to piss right this second. That shit hurts when you force it.” Danny said with a worried look. Godamn he thought. One of these days were going to so fucking regret this shit….either that or get caught in the act.
On a bridge Danny and James stood looking over at the afternoon traffic. But today was different, because of a car wreck the traffic was completely bumper to bumper. The bikers were able to scoot through the cars and leave but everyone was immobilized. Which gave James the perfect idea to break the days monotony. The two juveniles sat upon the bridge giggling. Excited with a mingled feelings that they were doing something that they weren’t suppose to, which made this all more worth the wild.
“al-fucking-right. I’m ready. Lets do this shit!” Danny said hurriedly. “fucking-a, man.” James screamed with a laugh. The two teens leapt up on the bridge and unzipped their pants and proceeded to urinate on the clueless cars below. The yellow stream of urine hit every car that looked like it might be worth money and stained the cars with an awful smell and look. The cars honked and screamed with malice at the damage. An old bald man exited his vehicle and started shouting at the teens in the perturbed voice. “You fucking bastards, if I catch you fucking cocksuckers I’ll fucking beat the shit eating grins off your face then turn you in the law!” James and Danny looked at each other and burst out laughing. Tears rolled around their already red faces. They then fled the bridge a little bit happier as the cars socked irritated in urine.

“C’mon man. You got to admit that shit was fucking hilarious.” James said as they walked around the city looking for kicks. “yeah, okay. I’ll admit that was funny as hell…..yeah, it was worth it.” Danny agreed. “ahh, that’s the mother fucker I know. So with all that piss and shit set aside. What do you wanna do now man.?” James asked. Danny thought about it for a second. “How about we just hang around the city smoking cigarettes and looking for kicks. James agreed with him sense there was nothing else to do. “Brilliant idea as usual James, Fucking Brilliant.” James said in a falsettos British accent. Yeah, Danny thought. I’m a fucking genius alright. The kind of genius who gets held back a year in school and makes frequent stops at the penitentiary. Fucking brilliant alright.
The two boys soon entered the red city. The City was a swarming jungle of the human society. It was the only suitable colony for mans nature. All walks of life breed here, the blacks, the whites, Latinos, Asians and other culture was here roaming the cracked streets. Living their lives at a fast pace of drugs, sex, convince and loneliness. This was a haven for any body infidel who wanted to got through hell and back and tell the tale. To James this was nothing more that a mystic place to indulge in the all the counter culture pleause4rs that he was warned about as a child. Danny saw it differently however. He knew this place was a lot more beautiful than what James could ever see. It was also a lot more horrible than any of them could ever imagine. A lot of dreams were made and broken here in this constantly moving environment of life. Danny kept contemplating whether his dreams would be made or broken here. It plagued him most of the nights he was suppose to be having fun, but as soon as he got into deep contemplation about his hectic lifestyle he’s friends swept him from his worried plague to commit several acts of juvenile vandalism. And for that brief second in time he forgot his simple problems and let lose.
“Hey dude, you wanna call Dee and see what he is up too.” James asked. “uh, okay…I don’t care. But why do you wanna call him?” “well, I heard through the grapevine that he had some of that sacred cannabis, ya know. It might be fun to hang out and get high.” James said, but Danny had a far away look on his face as his if he were contemplating the universes secret. “uhhh, sure dude. Whatever, getting high sounds cool to me.” Danny said deeply. “Okay, let me find a pay phone” James said looking worriedly at his friend. James noticed that as of late that Danny seemed to be acting differently. As if he was upset with the way his life was going. It wasn’t like he had major family problems, the same with any family really. He just seems like he’s out of it. James decided he had to get his friend out of this state, and there was no better medication than weed at this point. Plus he could laugh at all of Danny’s stupid mistakes he does when he’s high as hell. So the two juveniles lit up cigarettes and moved quickly to the next payphone.
“You ever wonder dude that this life we live is going to catch up to?” Danny asked. “What do you mean?” “Like, I don’t know…we should be doing something productive with out lives like saving rain forest and shit like that. I don’t know, but how much longer can we keep doing this shit?” “Well, I tend not to think about shit like that. If I thought like that it would mean I have a conscience. And you can’t have one of those pesky mother fuckers on your shoulder when your pissing on cars and shit. I mean even if I had the whole little angel and devil thing on my shoulder consulting with me about doing shit, the angel probably would end up being some acid freak that I couldn’t trust so I would naturally have to take the little devils word and continue to fuck shit up.” James said smiling. Danny’s face started to lighten up and spread a smile. “Yeah, but you can’t do that your whole life.” “Sure I can!” James laughed. “Yeah, well I don’t how much longer I can do it.” “Oh, trust me…your going to be doing this shit for a while.” “How you that?” Danny asked sarcastically. “Its always the mother fucker whose all like, fuck it I’m not doing this shit any more, who keeps doing the shit his whole life while everybody grows up. C’mon man, were teens. We have a reason for being dumb asses, its not our fault. it’s the hormones fault for making us walking retards with hard ons!” James said loudly, accenting the last sentence. Danny couldn’t help but laugh at it and ponder if what he meant was true.

“Well, here’s the payphone. Let me call Gene.” James said as Danny smoked a cigarette and leaned up against the wall. James looked at Danny then put a quarter into the pay phone and let the phone ring its bee like buzz. The phone clicked up after a second and a very inebriated voice came on. “yeah, who is it.” the voice asked. “it’s the mother fucking tooth fairy you stoned bastard! What the fucks up Gene, its James.” “Nothing man. Just playing guitar, entertain friends. Getting stoned.” “Seems like fun, you mind if we crash at your pad and share in the wealth?” “Sure man, your always welcome here. Just remember, if you bring you own shit…share. Haha” Gene laughed. The joke wasn’t really that funny but Gene was too fucked up to know the difference between his asshole and his ear hole. “Okay, dude. We’ll be over there shortly. See ya man.” “Later.” James hung up the phone and turned to Danny. “Put your spurs on boss, were going to cattle herding country.” Danny looked at James like he was stupid and said “what?!” but before Danny could even finish the sentence James kept on yelling “It might as well be cattle, their fucking stoned out their fucking mind. Their as fucking dumb as cows, so we need to heard those mother fuckers into the promise land. YEE HAW…..what your looking at me strange for Danny?” “Its nothing man…nothing.” Danny said with a smile on his face. Both boys looked at each other and laughed and walked over to Genes apartment.
“So who’s all going to be there?” Danny asked James. “Well the usual gang of course…um, Brad definitely. Where there is pot your going to find Brad. Ummmm, let me see, maybe Rick might be there…Ross could be there, even though he doesn’t do any drugs…Patrick might me there.” “Patrick, really. I haven’t seen him in god knows how many years.” Danny asked now anxious to go to the party to see Patrick. “Yeah, he just got back into town after that I got to find myself hitch across America bullshit. It’ll be cool to see him though.” “What makes you think Patrick is going to be there?” “Well, for two reasons. One, he’s been away for about two years, he should want to see the whole gang again.” “And the other reason” “Well, the word around the campfire is that Patrick has been getting real deep into drugs. They say he seems to be kind of burned out yet a lot deeper now a days. So he’s doing a lot more hallucinogenic drugs to cope with his old home. You know he moved back in with his parents.” “Oh, man that’s got to be hard on him. I can see why he’s using so much.” “Yeah, that man has some serious problems. I’m scared to around that house, his dad seems to be really bad. You know being schizophrenic and having Alzheimer’s and all.” “Yeah, he’s a fucking nut case….that’s why I like him so much” Danny smiled at the thought of Patrick. The crazy polish bastard. Always had his head either in the clouds or on the cracked streets. Never could pass a day without sharing some half assed poetic sense of philosophy on life and love. He had some sad puppy dog charm about him. “Well we only got about 12 blocks to go. Wanna have another cig” James asked. “Sure.” And the two boys kept walking to Genes apartment.

The two boys were walking into the suns last dying breath of life for the day when they reached Genes apartment. It was a shit hole at best, positioned in the worst neighborhood in the city. The neighborhood was filled with gun stores, liquor stores, drug addicts, dealers, gangsters and porn theaters. Its probably the main reason the kids liked the neighborhood so much, it was the slums and the slums always meant good times at a cheap price.
So the two teens oblivious to the chaos that was the streets walked gallantly up the stairs to Genes apartment on the third floor. As they made their way up to the third floor they could hear the music of Genes radio scream its primal rage of angst into the dust of oblivion as the guest drunk and smoked away that dust. The two teens looked at each other with delightful glee as they knocked on the brown tarnished door of Genes apartment. A few second later a tall scrawny curly haired man opened the door with a look of complete inebriated bliss opened the door. He looked like he was Gene Wilder if he was in Metallica. His long curly hair curled around the dull stoned face of wonder.
“Gene, you mother fucker. What the fuck is up man!” James screamed at the long curly haired man. Gene just smiled back with a huge grin. “man, I’m too fucked up to deal with that type of fucking greeting dude, fucking mellow man, I’m right here. No need to scream. Hehehe.” Gene giggled at himself as James and Danny laughed at his stoner behavior. “well shit man, I hope you got some of that green shit for me and Danny here man. Were aching for some weed.” Gene smiled and stepped back and outstretched his hand. “c’mon in man, there’s plenty enough of it to go around three times and still have some left over shit.” The two teens smiled at each other and walked into the lions den.
All around the shit hole apartment there was something going on. Either a guy making out with a girl, some guy toking up, or just people relaxing in their meditated state of peace discussing things of the past and future. Instead of just wondering around meeting people the teens followed Gene to his entourage of friends. “Dude, I got somebody you guys would like to see.” Gene said with a smile. Danny and James had a feeling they knew who it already was but they decided to play dumb. “Who is it, man?” Danny asked. “Well come back into the room with me dude, and meet the green one for yourself.” Gene said. Danny and James just looked at each other. “The Green one? What the fuck kind of nick name is that. The mother fucker from mars or something?” James whispered to Danny. Danny just shrug his shoulders and followed Gene back into his bedroom which was serving as Genes own private V.I.P area. Gene opened the door into the tiny room.
Danny looked around the room and saw that There were three men relaxing with pipes in their hand sitting around an on the stained bed. They all had stoned looks on their face, laughing their asses off. Danny looked at them and assessed their positions in life. The one sitting on the left of the bed on the lazy boy recliner that was broken was brad. He was a tall red headed Irish man with a sharp tongue filled with wit, sarcasm and humor. He was a blast to have around at parties with his weed flavored wit and his no-holds-bar style of fun, Danny remembered he always had a good time when Brad was around. On the right was another was a short, skinny, long blond headed teen with glasses, who went by the name Rick. Rick was a cynic but still managed to contradict himself by having as much villainous fun as humanly possible. He sometimes was a pain in the ass to talk to but Danny always had fun around him. And on the bed sat a long haired man, who was donning a green trench coat and a big green felt hat that looked like it was out of some old Mexican desperado’s closet. He had yellow teeth and humid blue eyes that seemed to pierce at you. Danny tried looking at the face seeing if he recognized it but he couldn’t remember who that could be. And then it hit him….it was Patrick. The green wearing, pot smoking, loud talking, foul mouth, fun loving, son of a bitch finally came back after walking across the united states of America on foot.
“No fucking way, don’t tell me this mother fucker has came back to smoke out with the old boys.” James said looking into Patrick’s direction. Patrick smiled and said “Well fucking glad to see you to shit eater,… .mother fucker you guys actually grew up. You guys balls dropped yet?” Patrick said with a smile. “Okay, I get no hello. Well, fuck you guys too!” Brad said sarcastically in his deep voice. “oh, well fuck man…I didn’t even notice your ass was here, shit man. What’s going on Brad.” James said as Danny, James and Gene stepped into the dimly lit room. “What’s going on Rick, still playing with your dick I see.” Danny said. Rick flicked him off with a smile while his hand was clutched on his crotch. “What the fucks up with holding your jimmy like that man, let that mother fucker breathe man, your strangling that shit man.” Danny said. “Shit, you should of seen that mother fucker earlier. We found him slobbering over this porno mag this morning. That mother fucker needs some fucking release from looking at that shit.” Patrick jumped in on the down on Rick bandwagon. Rick was too high to care though, plus he knew they were just messing with him. “Hey, hey, hey….hey…….fuck you guys, my fucking balls itch like all holy hell.” Rick said in his defense. Gene sat down on the bed next to Patrick and the James and Danny just sat down and leaned up against the bedroom wall. “no shit your balls itch man, all those strange fucked up women you’ve been hanging around. My balls would itch too if I had that many S.T.Ds” Gene said towards Rick. “Hey, fuck you man. At least them strange women are better than what you fucking do, jerking off to your fucking Joe Satrani posters.” Rick pointed to the poster of a bald headed guitarist who was Gene’s idol. “yeah man, Genes all like, Satrani, your head looks like a dick. Uhhh.” Patrick said while making masturbation gestures with his hand. They all laughed as Gene gave Patrick a playful push.
“Well fuck man, I can’t believe your back!” Danny exclaimed to Patrick “yeah, I can’t believe I’m back. When I was out there on the road, I didn’t ever think I would see you mother fuckers. Or even if I did see you it wouldn’t be the same since I was out there, but now that I’m back it just feels like I picked up where I left off from. Man, its good to be back. Shit, its just good to have a bed to sleep on at nights.” Patrick said thoughtfully. The whole gang just looked around at each other completely amazed that they were once again complete, well almost. There was a still missing from the party but for the most part they were all one again.
“Damn, I remember when Danny and James were in ninth grade and we all were seniors graduating to bigger and better things. Shit, man. Four years ago we all did this shit every fucking weekend. Man, I missed those days, especially out on the road with nowhere to go.” Patrick said with a deep face. “you fucking nostalgic bastard.” Brad laughed along with the others. “I think we should all take another hit of this fantastic weed!” Rick said, putting emphasis on the word fantastic. Everybody looked at each other with a devious grin on their face. “Pack that shit and pass it to the left mother fucker.” Gene said happily. Rick took out his zip lock bag and started packing his multicolored pipe with the weed. After he was done packing, he put the pipe to his lips and lit it up with his lighter. The lighter’s flame dipped into the pipe and licked the weed causing it to burn and release its signature perfume. Everybody was silent in the room as Rick inhaled. He held the smoke in his lungs for a second after brought down the pipe. Everybody just kept staring at him. He then exhaled the pot from his lungs with a terrible cough. “th-this is….some good shit!” Rick coughed violently. Everybody started shouting for joy. “Oh, man. That shit smells so fucking good! Pass that shit mother fucker!” someone shouted. Rick passed the pipe to the next man, and they all continued to takes huge hits from the noxious drug.

After about 30 minuets of heavy pot smoking the young adults were all relaxing and listing to led zeppelin. Each of them were waiting for someone to break the silence, or better yet to see who regained the ability to use their vocal cords again. It was Patrick who first spoke. “Ya know, being out there on the road…it really changed the way…the way I think…and do…umm…stuff, ya know.” he said very hazily. Danny looked up at him with admiring dilated eyes. “Really, how so?” Danny asked anxious to see how Patrick would answer. “Well, man. Everything comes into perspective,…when you, when you, umm, have to, heh, sleep in the alleys with homeless, when everybody you see thinks you’re a piece of fucking trash not worth spitting on. Everybody thought I was just another bum trying to steal their money to buy booze,. Well you know what, THEIR FUCKING WRONG! I would never buy booze with their money, I would buy pot with it. Hahaha.” Patrick had a laugh at his own joke and then continued. “just kidding, seriously though. Everyone thought they were better than me because they had a fucking house and a godamn job to go to. Shit, I was the one living like a king out there. I saw some of the most beautiful things out there, you don’t know how sweet a raising sun is out there in the west. Or the beauty of seeing a waterfall as the suns rays sliced though, umm, through the…waves, that’s the word I was looking. I was out there on an adventure to find myself and everybody thought different. I’m a lot stronger because of it.” Patrick finished pleased with himself. “Dude, has it occurred to you that you’re a fucking weirdo.” Rick said. Patrick thought about it for a second and answered. “Yeah, I have, but I feel I’m the only sane one out there, if that’s fucking weird than I must be the weirdest fucking person I know. I mean I could of gone to collage and graduated with an expensive piece of paper, do a lot of drugs after I got out, get married with some girl, have kids and become unhappy by the time I’m thirty and then start cheating on my wife and let my life delineated to shit, but I said fuck it. I’m going to do something different.” Patrick finished with a cough. Brad turned to look at him to say “Now your just being melodramatic.” “aw, fuck it. I can’t help it if I’m a whiney beyoatch!” Patrick responded. They all just sat there in silence again when Gene spoke up. “Dude, I was checking out this website right. And I saw this one Japanese dude beat Mario three in under 11 minuets. Dude, I was fucking shock.” Gene said as if he had an epiphany. Everybody just looked at him weirdly like he said something fucking crazy. “Dude,…your fucking stoned off your ass man.” James laughed with everyone. “Shit, were going to need a ladder and a hammer to knock him down from that high.” Danny said. Everyone laughed again.
“Nah, dude. I love the fucking Mario Brothers man. Shit, eleven minuets. Dude, there’s no fucking way anybody could do that shit. It took me like an hour even using the fucking…umm, what the fuck was it,…was it a flute or a whistle.” Patrick said scratching his head. “I’m pretty sure it was a whistle.” Brad answered. “Oh, well shit. Even those fucking whistles only helped a little.” Patrick said. “Nah, dude, he found like a another whistle that I didn’t know of, anyways, he just fucking tore through the levels like nobodies fucking bitch, man. That mother fucker is talented is all I can say.” Gene said. “Dude, that’s kind of sad if you spend that much time playing Mario that you can beat it in under eleven minuets, shit. I bet he would put that shit on his job application. Umm, I’m a good hard worker and I can beat Mario three in under eleven minuets. Shit, what the fuck am I talking about. If I was the manager I would hire his ass in a heartbeat. I would be all like, Dude! You can beat Mario in under eleven minuets, your fucking hired! No questions, I would just hire him right there on the fucking spot.” Patrick said sarcastically in a funny voice. “Dude, all I can say is that, that mother fucker has some serious talent.” Gene said. “Nah, he’s skilled but I wouldn’t say talented. Talent is something your born with, skill is something that is acquired. No fucking body just picks up Mario Three and beats that shit in under eleven minuets. That kid must have no fucking life what-so-fucking-ever to be able to have that kind of skill.” Patrick said while preparing himself another hit from the pipe.
“ya know Sometimes I wonder if were wasting our life away in front of TV screens. We see the world flash before our eyes on there. We see that TV screen when were little kids and there on out are whole lives we live with pre-made thoughts of how are life should be. We see that true romance is out there, when I know its not. We see that war is a noble thing to do, even though I know its not. I mean, fuck, I’m starting to wonder if our minds are really warped from playing all those video games.” Patrick said as his eyes moved all around the room, checking out all the stoned images that was flashing before his eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about man, your not making any sense man.” Brad said huffily. Patrick looked back at brad with a look of confusion on his face. “huh, what was I just talking about?” Patrick said and everybody burst out laughing. “dude, its official. Were all fucking three sheets to the wind.” Gene said with a laugh.
“Okay, okay next subject then.” Patrick said trying to get a grip on what was going on. Danny and James started playing paper, scissors and rock but they kept forgetting the rules of the game. Danny looked up at Patrick and said “what about your writing man, weren’t you going on that trip to write about it.” Patrick shifted incommutably to that question. “Yeah…I wrote some stuff, but nothing really that good. I’ve had trouble writing.” “Like what?” Danny asked “Well, I’ve noticed something…people like my writing if I’m being a sad cynical bastard, but nobody wants to hear about beauty anymore. They don’t want to hear about the shit I’ve noticed and realized when I was walking down the alleys and roads of the lonely and helpless. They don’t want to hear about my how I saw the most beautiful sunsets in the west, they don’t want to hear about how I would do nothing but sing in the rain while I was in Seattle, they don’t want to hear about how I went fishing my first time with complete strangers in the south, no Dan. What they want to hear is how life is shit. Like it’s a fucking excuse for not doing anything with their life but doing what they were programmed to do. Ya know, doing well in school, going to college, finding a wife and a steady job with a house filled with kids isn’t doing anything good in my book. Its just wasting your life. I heard that bullshit in school my whole life about playing it safe and not doing anything risky with life. But fuck that and fuck anybody who lives like that. I’m not going out like that, I’m going out with a life filled with risk.” Patrick lit a cigarette took a breath and continued. “And their being big fucking hypocrites, I mean we read all these novels and watch all these movies where the hero is a risk taker. And everybody praises them and talk about how we should follow their noble example, but when it comes to do something with their lives they don’t follow through. Too risky they’ll say. And I get critized for doing something like that with my life. All I have to say is fuck them, life isn’t shit. Life is beauty, its people who make it shit because their too scared to do anything with their lives.” Patrick said proudly.
Rick decided to try to cut down Patrick to the shins by then commenting. “Yeah, but that’s just an excuse for you not writing anything.” After that comment Patrick looked sour and thought for a second. “I did write, don’t get me wrong…” but before Patrick could finish Rick interrupted again. “There’s that fucking excuse, trying to weasel out of being a lazy fuck.” Rick said. “I wasn’t making excused you dick sucker. Listen, I wrote shit, a lot of it actually, but I’m not sending anything in.” “Why not?” Danny asked. “Because no one wants it, its just for me. I don’t want the cynical fucks reading it.” “What’s your fucking beef with sad bastard writers reading it?” James asked. “Because they don’t want anything happy in their lives. They want just sorrow, they think its something real to be sad. They think its noble to be a sad bastard. Well I’m not like that. There’s just so many bad writers out there now self absorbed with their own misery , ya know. Just because you feel sorrow doesn’t mean you have the right to own a pen.” Patrick said. There was no more conversation for a little while because they could see Patrick was a little pissed off….and they were all too stoned to say anything.

Around 3 o’ clock in the morning the boys were just starting to sober up. Being as all the drugs were consumed and none were left they all just sat around talking, or bullshiting as some of might like to call it. The boys started sharing stories about high school.
It was James who brought up the fact that when Danny and him were freshmen, it was Patrick and Gene who were the most sober young men they knew. But that all changed after Patrick and Gene discovered drugs and booze.
“Yeah, dude. I remember those first days of drunken behavior. Me and Gene would go over to my bro’s house and get drunk off cheap liquor. Gene would be puking on himself and I would burn my hands with my lighter trying to light my cigarette. Ahhh, those were the days. Speaking of which, it’s a shame that john’s not here.” Patrick said in a nostalgic sense of passion. “Yeah, John’s been spending all his time at the vacuum store, man. He’s fucking legit now. Got a wife and everything now.” Gene said clutching his head trying to ease the aching pain of a headache. “yeah, I know. I spent the night at his apartment. His place is fucking nice man. But its to nice for my taste. Me, I like the shit holes that rats wouldn’t even near. Those places have great personalities and stories to tell.” Patrick said. Normally Brad or Rick would of made some asshole comment to Patrick but they were both passed out. “Yeah I wish john was here.” Patrick said sadly.
So the boys continued to make conversation as the drugs wore off. The night’s piercing hold on the deviates society soon lost its gripped as the pure sun came shining through. All through out Genes apartment there were passed out bodies lying about. It looked as if some war had hit and killed everybody. The boys all looked at each other and smiled now. The group was one now. The juveniles were all here but now it was time to make their peace and sleep off the day. So James and Danny just passed out on the floor, Gene fell asleep on his dirty mattress and the writer of this story, Patrick….well, he did what any weirdo fuck would do. He feel asleep smoking cigarettes in the bathtub. Smiling at the beauty of this life he has chosen. Never looking back with regret’s. so Patrick…me….we sleep till the night comes out again.
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