Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/881119-Hunting-Moore
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #881119
stalking of a young lady
I thought I was normal; thought I was just like my roommate Julianna. I was big on my education; I stayed in most nights studying while Julianna went out partying.

But, one day I found out I wasn’t so normal.

At the beginning of my two hour English class, a guy came up to me. “Hi, I’m Evan Davidson,” he jutted out his hand.

I was reading a book, but I looked up, “Piper Moore.” I shook his hand.

He wasn’t bad looking; he had army length cut brown hair, and brown eyes. “You’re really pretty.”

I didn’t respond, just went back to my reading.

“Do you want to go out sometime?” he asked, putting his hand on my open book.


“We could go out after class?”

“I can’t, I’ve got to help my roommate study for a big test.”

“We could go out tomorrow,” he lifted his hand.

“I have papers to write.”

“How about this weekend?”

“I can’t, I’m going home to my parents house.”

“Where’s that?”

“Far away,” I was trying to get rid of him.

“Which direction.”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I was starting to get irritated.

“Sorry!” he remarked snobily before going back to his seat.

After class I went back to my room and locked my door.

When my roommate came home she asked, “Piper why is the door locked?”

“A creepy guy came up to me in my class, I thought he might have followed me.” I told Julianna more about the creepy guy.

“Was he cute?” she asked.

“Well, he wasn’t ugly, but that’s not the point.”

“Why not go on one date with him? Just one date won’t kill you.”

I shook my head, “Fine.”

So two days later I went to my English class and Evan approached me again. “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee after class.”

“Sure Evan,” I looked up from my book.

So after class we went to the nearby coffee shop and sat on the couch.

“You’re really pretty, did you know that?”

I blushed.

“I mean it; you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen.”

“Don’t say that...it’s not true.”

“But it is.”

“No, look around you Evan, there are girls that are thinner, and ones that are prettier, so your flattery won’t work.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Evan touched my hand. “Beauty is not on the outside, but on the inside.”

“But you don’t know me.”

“I do too, I know all about you.”

I was very confused, “How?”

“I’ve asked around, and I searched on the internet.”

“Fine, what do you know? Indulge me.”

Evan was still rubbing my hand, now he was staring at it. “Well, you were born on august 23, 1984. You are the middle child of three. You played softball in high school, but quit your senior year.”

“You could’ve easily gotten that.”

“You have three cats, two dogs, and recently acquired a turtle.”

“Still easy,” I wasn’t sure if it still was.

Evan looked up from my hand, “You became depressed your senior year because your grandma died. You sang at her funeral, you sang beautifully.”

I pulled my hand away. “Were you there?”

Evan said nothing.

“You're scaring me Evan. Please stay away from me and don’t talk to me.” I walked back to my dorm room as fast as I could.

Julianna was in the room, “Why are you back so soon?”

“I took your advice and I went out with him.”

Julianna jumped off the bed, “And?”

“There’s something wrong with him. I think he’s stalking me, I think he’s been stalking me.”

“Don’t be absurd.”

“Julianna! He knew all about my grandma and my depression and how I sang at her funeral. I
haven’t told anyone about that stuff except you
and Mandy.”

“Okay...maybe you could have told someone?”

“No, he said I sang like an angel, how could he say that if he wasn’t there?”

Now Julianna was confused. “Maybe he talked to your cousin?”

“I don’t think so.” I was racking my brain trying to think.

“Then that’s weird.”

“I think he followed me here,” I looked up at Julianna’s blue eyes.

“To the room?” she was clearly confused.

“No, to the college, but I don’t know him.”

“Ask your family and old friends, maybe someone remembers his name.”

I picked up my cell phone and headed to the lobby. I called everyone I knew, even people I hadn't spoken to in a long time. No one knew an Evan Davidson, or an Evan.

So the weekend passed and I had class again. Evan sat next to me.

“So Piper, do you want to go out after class again?” he whispered.

I didn’t respond, I was paying attention to the teacher.

“I’m sorry I snooped around. I just want a chance to get to know you.”

“You need to leave me alone.”

Evan was quiet again.

After class I put my books in my backpack slowly, making sure Evan had left.

I left, but once I was outside I felt I was being followed; but every time I turned around there was no one.

This went on for two weeks. I always felt I was being followed, but I was never able to see the follower. Then I started getting phone calls, first in the dorm, and then on my cell phone. No one ever spoke in these calls, but I could hear someone breathing.

I took a week of that before I went to the police.

“So let me see if I’ve got this straight, you want me to arrest a guy that you think is following you and you think is calling you but you have no proof?”

“Have you not been listening to me!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry miss, but without proof, I can’t arrest him.”

“How about a restraining order?”

“You can try it in front of the judge...here’s his card.”

So the next day I went in front of the judge, but he said there was not enough proof.

I drove back to school angry. When my phone rang
I picked it up and yelled, “HELLO!”

“So no one will listen to you? I guess you shouldn’t try something that stupid again.” and hung up.

My anger became fear, and once I parked my car,
I ran to my room. There was a note on the door that I opened and read once I was in my room and had locked the door.


I sat on the bed, staring at the note.

I was still sitting there when Julianna came in. By then I had dropped the note and was holding my face in my shaking hands.

“How was the police station?” she asked.

“They couldn’t do a thing for me.”

“What’s wrong Piper?”

“On my way home I got another phone call, but he spoke, and then when I got here there was that note,” I pointed at it.

She picked it up, read it, and then picked up
the phone.

“Can I speak to the chief of police?”

“What are you doing Julianna?

“Yes, my name is Julianna Waters, and my friend came in yesterday complaining she was being stalked. Well you turned her away, and the stalker escaladed. He called her and left a threatening note on the door.

“What do I want you to do?!” Julianna was yelling. “GET DOWN HERE AND PROTECT MY FRIEND, MAYBE EVEN ARREST HER STALKER and make him submit to a handwriting test”

Julianna listened, then calmed down, “Thank you.” and hung up the phone. “They’re going to come get the letter, then arrest him and test his handwriting.”

I took a few deep breaths, “Good.”

So the cops came, took the note, and told us they’d call us later with the results. I stayed up until 1 am, and no call had come in, and I was exhausted, so I went to bed, as did Julianna.

I was fully asleep when I heard the door open, thinking it was just Julianna getting up to go to the bathroom, I just fell back to sleep. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I rolled over and something was placed over my mouth; I fell back asleep.

I awoke in a car, I was in the passenger seat. I tried to turn my head, but I felt too dizzy. I turned my eyes, but could only vaguely make out the figure of a man.

The music on the radio was loud and it was giving me a headache.

“Whe...Where am I?” I said softly.

The music was turned down and the man
spoke, “What was that my dear?”

I recognized the voice, but I couldn’t figure
out who it was, “Where am I?”

“You’re with me my love, you’re mine now,” he touched my thigh.

I managed to turn my head; just as I had suspected, it was Evan. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere safe,” I saw him smile at me.

“Why are you doing this?” I muttered turning my
head back and looked at the floor boards.

Evan watched the road, but didn’t answer my question. I looked out the window, we were in a wooded area. We pulled off the main road and onto a narrow dirt road. We traveled down that road a ways, and finally we stopped where a tree was blocking the roadway.

Evan turned off the car and faced me, “Let me have your hands.”

I didn’t move; Evan grabbed a knife out of somewhere.

“Now you cooperate or I’ll cut you.”

I jutted out my hands, Evan put a set of handcuffs on my wrists. He got out of the car and walked around the car. He opened my door and grabbed me out. He dragged me around the tree and up the road

I was stumbling over my feet because of whatever Evan had given me.


“Don’t talk woman!” Evan yelled, and jerked me quickly.

Finally we stopped, “We’ll make camp here for the night.” he pulled the bag off his back and pulled out a sleeping bag. “Oops, I guess I forgot to pack you one, we’ll have to share.”

“Over my dead body,” I whispered..

“Fine! You’ll sleep on the ground,” Evan pulled me to the ground, “Next to me.”

I couldn’t sleep on the ground, Evan was holding my handcuffs. So I was forced to lay on my side.
Finally as the sun began to rise Evan let the handcuffs go. I waited a minute before I slowly got off my side and stood up.

I slowly walked away, avoiding all branches and twigs. I got ten feet away and then I started running. I heard Evan get up, but I continued on.

“Piper!” Evan yelled behind me. I picked up my pace, letting the branches hit my face, I was just trying to get away.

I ran faster, hearing the branches breaking closer to me. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground, and my face was held there.

“You bitch!” Evan was breathing heavily, “You shouldn’t have done that.” Evan lifted me up and we started walking again. I was limping because my back hurt, but it wasn’t a far walk to see a small wooden cabin.

Evan walked me inside and sat me down on the bed. “You stay here!” he yelled as he laid me down on the bed. He undid one of the handcuffs, pulled it through the headboard and locked it back on my wrist.

I was left lying on the bed. I pulled at the handcuffs. "The headboard is wooden, maybe I could break it," I thought. I pulled harder at the headboard, it didn’t seem to move.

Evan came back in, slamming the door shut. He was carrying pieces of wood, and he set it down near the fireplace.

“Evan, you can let me go, I won’t tell anyone,” I pleaded.

Evan didn’t say anything, he threw a few logs in the fireplace, and lit it on fire.

“Evan, can’t you at least tell me why I am here?” I asked straining my neck to look at him.

Evan stood up and walked over to the bed. He straddled me and grabbed my face, “You know why." Then he got off.

I thought a moment, I had no clue what he was talking about. I thought of something, but I’d tell him later.

Evan was looking through the cupboards, I could hear him opening and closing the doors. Finally the doors stopped, I heard Evan walk over to the other side of the cabin. I wrenched my neck to see Evan putting a pan over the fire. I turned again and stared at the ceiling. They were wooden beams, and they had moss on them; they were rotting.

Minutes passed and I watched as the moss appeared to move. Evan carried a bowl over to me, and sat down on the bed next to me.

He took a spoonful of whatever was in the bowl and held it to my mouth. I took a sip; it burned my mouth. I spit it out onto the floor.

“Too hot?” Evan sneered.

I glared at him through the pain.

“You want some more?” he held out another spoonful. I turned my head away.

“Fine, you won’t eat,” Evan began eating the soup himself, but he too found it was too hot. I smiled.

“My pain is not pain, it’s anger,” he threw the bowl against the far wall, the soup spraying everywhere and the bowl breaking.

I quickly hid my smile, he was very angry, and I didn’t know what he was capable of. Evan was breathing heavily, as he was earlier. He was staring at the spilt soup, glaring at it.

He jumped up and went out the door. Yelling about something I couldn’t hear. I again struggled in the handcuffs, my wrists were beginning to hurt from the rubbing. The wood started cracking but it wouldn’t break...

It was a long time before Evan burst back through the door. His eyes were large, as if he were some animal on the hunt. He looked at me and smiled, it was a scar smile. I looked into his eyes, they were darker now, as if evil was changing their color to a black.

He slowly walked toward me, his hands hiding behind his back.

“Do you know how much you mean to me?”

“Evan you don’t know me.”

He pulled out a knife from behind his back, “I know all about you. We are one and the same, I know all about you. I’ve followed you for years.”

“Why Evan? Why?” I yelled.

“You were my first love, we met in kindergarten, you flirted with me, and then you teased me and I had my older brother hurt you.”

“That was you?”


“Why are you doing this? Because I picked on you over 13 years ago?”

“NO! You’re not seeing my point!” Evan held the knife to my throat. “I loved you, even after my parents moved me away. I found you as soon as I could drive. I’ve adored you from a distance and now you’re mine.” he smiled, lightly rubbing the knife against my neck.

“I’m not an object, you can’t keep me!”

Evan smiled and laughed, “I believe I can because you’re in the middle of nowhere, and you’re handcuffed to a bed,” he put the knife on my cheek. “I can do with you as I please.” He pushed the knife down; the blade cutting open my check.

I screamed in pain, “You’re crazy!” I yelled.

“No! I’m in charge!” he leaned over, his face close to mine, he licked the cut with his tongue, and I turned my head.

“You’re a pig!” I whispered.

Evan grabbed my face and turned it toward him, “You watch what you say or I’ll have to hurt you worse.”

“Do you love me, Evan?”

“More than you’ll ever know.”

“Then let me go, if you love me you’ll stop this nonsense and let me go. You don’t hurt people you love.”

“That’s only in a mutual love, and you don’t love me.”

“Yes I do Evan.”

“Then say it! Look me in the eyes and say it!”
Evan yelled in my face.

I tried to look him in the eye, but they were so dark I stared at the bridge of his nose, “I love you.” I could see him staring at me.

“You’re a terrible liar.” He yelled, standing up and turning my head away.

I knew then that Evan had no intentions of letting me go. I had to figure out a way to get away. “Evan,” I said quietly.

He walked over to the bed. “What?”

“I have to go to the bathroom.”

Evan pulled keys out of his pocket and undid one of the handcuffs, “Why are your wrists so red?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

He put the handcuff back on and pulled me off the bed. He led me outside; there was an outhouse behind the cabin. He stepped me inside and held the door open. I went to the bathroom but was a little creeped out. When I was done Evan grabbed the cuffs and we headed back to the cabin.

We heard a gun shot in the distance.

Evan pulled me inside, “You scream, you die!”

I nodded and Evan got me inside. There was another gun shot, this time closer. Evan threw me to the ground and ran over o the fire place, putting out the fire with the soup.

He ran back to me and said, “Get under the bed,” he whispered, a twinge of fear in his voice.
I wiggled under the small bed, Evan followed behind me.

“You keep quiet.” He whispered.

We heard nothing for awhile, but then we heard footsteps outside. They were by the side of the cabin. The cabin door opened and Evan covered my mouth. I couldn’t see the footsteps, but I heard them walk around, stopping, then walking back out the door.

We stayed under the bed for at least an hour, Evan was covering my mouth the entire time. Finally he pulled me out. He sat me down on the bed while he checked outside for the hunter.
He came back in and laid me on the bed, handcuffing me once again to the headboard. I could se it was dark out, and Evan told me it was time for bed.

I turned on my side, facing the wall. I felt Evan get on the bed and lay down next to me. For a while it was okay, he had his bubble, and I had mine. But then he invaded mine and wrapped his arms around me.

He snuggled his nose into my head, and I got the chills. When morning came, I awoke to find Evan gone. I looked around the room but he was nowhere. I slid the handcuffs over to the section of wood I had been working on yesterday.

I started tugging aging, and the headboard cracked some more. I stopped when I heard footsteps approaching.

Evan came through the door carrying large and small piece of wood; he was mumbling, and he seemed angry.

“Evan,” I whispered.

“WHAT?” he snapped.

“I have to pee.”

He quickly undid the handcuffs, then dragged me outside, tugging my wrists. He threw me into the outhouse and I did my business. Evan dragged me back to the cabin and threw me on the bed, causing me to hit my head against the wall.

He chained me to the head boards, then climbed on top of me. “It’s about time I conquer you.” there was rage in his eyes. He tugged off my sweat pants.

“Don’t do this Evan, you don’t do this to people you love.”

Evan stopped and looked me in the eye, “You should shut up right now bitch, before I kill you.”

He went back to work lifting up my shirt. When he rammed into me I screamed in pain. I thought Evan would have gotten angry, but he didn’t; he smiled in the face of my pain.

In a few minutes it was over, Evan pulled up my sweat pants and down my shirt. He laid next to me; breathing heavily, then he finally got up and went outside.

I started crying; the pain and fear were overwhelming me.

Evan burst back through the door coming straight for me. He hit me hard against the face, “You aren’t crying, stop crying!” he hit me again. “I don’t think people who love each other cry!” he was yelling, and he hit me again.

I tried to quit crying, but it didn’t work. Evan became even angrier, he undid the handcuffs and stood me up. I struggled to stay standing since my legs were weak underneath me.

He pulled me outside , and walked me to the side of the cabin, I saw a shed, and I was fearful about what he was going to do. He stopped me in front of the door and opened it. He pulled out a
shot gun.

“So? You want to get away?” he cocked the gun, “Run.”

I looked at him, confused, “What?”

“You don’t love me, so run away!”

“I do love you,” I reached up and touched his face, “I do.”

Evan put the safety on and lowered the gun, I felt a tear on my hand. Evan shut the door, but was still holding the gun. He held my hand as we walked inside.

Evan sat me on the bed and sat down next to me.

I touched his leg. “I’m sorry I made you angry,” I whispered.

Evan turned my head and I looked into his eyes; I could see a small ring of the bronze color that they used to be.

“You looked tired,” I said.

“I am.”

“Let’s nap,” I scooted back carefully and laid down.

“I have to lock one of your hands to the bed.”

So he did, and he laid down.

Though I didn’t want to, I laid my head on his chest. I heard him sigh; he started running his hand through my hair. Chills flew down my spine. He moved his hand down my back; when he touched my ass I jumped but he held me down. I closed my eyes imagining I was somewhere else, anywhere else.

I was trying to picture myself riding the prettiest horse I’d ever seen. But it wasn’t working. Evan’s hand was now venturing between my thighs. With his other hand, he lifted my chin.

“I’m tired, Evan, let’s not do this,” I lowered my head.

Evan lifted it again,” Oh yes, we are!” he flipped us so I was on bottom, “And you won’t cry or scream, got it?”

I nodded, Evan put his hand between my thighs, “You’re wet, that means you want me.”

He kissed me, but I didn’t move. “Kiss me back,” he ordered.

I did, and his tongue jabbed against mine like a sword. He undid his pants and pulled mine off.

He rammed into me and kissed me almost simultaneously, I didn’t get a chance to scream. As he was on top of me I closed my eyes, picturing myself once again riding the horse. This time it almost worked until Evan yelled at me.

“Open your eyes. You need to look at me.”

I looked at his face, it was the scary face again, with those dark eyes. When he climaxed I saw flames appear in his eyes. He kissed me, then laid on top of me still for a few minutes. It became harder for me to breathe.

Finally he rolled off me, and I took a few deep breaths to regain my composure and my breath.
Evan fell asleep and I tugged at the handcuff, but the bed started shaking and I saw Evan start to move. I started trying to move my hand around. I used my free hand to stop the handcuff from pulling on the bed. My wrist hurt, and I felt something break.

I didn’t scream, I bit my arm instead. I got my hand out of the handcuff and took a moment to make a plan.

I slowly and carefully climbed off the bed, and tiptoed to the door. Peering over my shoulder only to make sure that Evan was asleep.

I quietly opened the door and started running...
I heard the door slam and I tried to run faster. I heard a gun go off behind me, but I continued on.

“Piper!” Evan yelled behind me; the gun cocked again, and another shot was fired.

I was grazed in the arm, the same arm I’d broken something on. I continued running, holding my lame arm close to my body.

Another shot; I was hit in the back of my leg, I fell down the hill, and I tumbled down it. I hit my head several times on rocks and twigs.

When I finally stop it was near a stream and a waterfall. I saw a cave and I dragged my body to it and climbed in.

I heard Evan running down the hill, cocking the gun a fourth time. I watched as he ran through the stream and past me.

I saw the blood forming underneath me and I knew I had to act. I managed to rip off the bottom portion of my shirt and tie around my leg.

I must have passed out because I awake not much later by the sound of footsteps. It was Evan stomping his way back to the cabin. I ducked farther into the cave and only let my eyes watch as Evan hiked up the hill.

I waited until I heard nothing but the running of water before I breathed again.. The water reminded me of my turtle, and my dorm, and my roommate.

I would never see them again, I would never make jokes with Julianna again, or attach another stuffed animal to my turtle’s shell.

I crawled out of the cave and held onto the rocks to pull myself to my feet. I started walking, it was very painful, I couldn’t stand on my bad leg, so I nearly hopped, and even that was painful. I soon found a thick branch which I started using as a crutch.

I saw a car drive by up a head, it was a road. I managed to hobble a little faster toward the road. It was getting dark, so I watched from the side of the road for headlights. Cop cars always had their headlights on.

I saw a car coming from my right, with no headlights. So I hid behind a thick tree and hoped they wouldn’t see me. I peeked my head around enough to see it was Evan. His evil eyes glaring at me, though he didn’t see me.

The car continued down the road and out of my sight.

Another car came from the opposite direction, but it had its headlights on. I limped to the road, and started to wave my arms.

Suddenly the blue and red lights flashed on and I was the happiest I had been in a few months. I stepped into the middle of the road, still waving one arm. The cop car stopped and both doors opened.

“Ma’am, can you hear me?” one asked.

“Yes,” I said, though I was nearly blinded by the lights.

“What happened?” the same one asked, I could no longer see the other one.

“I was kidnapped, beaten, raped and shot, but somehow I managed to escape.”

The second one appeared now, holding a medical bag. Both officers helped me to the ground, and the second one started pulling out supplies. “Where have you been shot?”

“I was grazed on this arm, and shot in the back of this leg. I tied my leg off.”

The first cop radioed for an ambulance, while the second bandaged my arm wound, then put more gauze and tape on my leg wound.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?” he asked looking up at me. His eyes were gentle and green.

“I think I broke my thumb or wrist.” I said.
He gently held my hand and then squeezed my wrist. I screamed in pain.

“I’m sorry,” he said, then pulled out an instant ice pack and smacked it against the ground. The ice felt good against my throbbing wrist, and it was taking my mind off everything else.

“Can you tell me who took you? Or where they took you? How about your name?” the cop asked.

“I’m Piper Moore. My captor was Evan Davidson, and I was taken to a cabin tucked in the woods somewhere. There were no roads leading to it.”

“Okay, my name is Scott Benton, and my partner’s name is Joe Matthews. You’re safe now.” he smiled as the ambulance arrived.

I was rushed to Mercy General Hospital. I was given so many drugs, I didn’t remember much about the surgeries and the next few days.

When I came out of the daze, my parents, cousin and roommate were all in the room.

My father was the first to notice I was awake, “hey sunshine.”

My mother turned and was crying, “Oh my baby.”

I smiled, “I’m fine mom.”

“I was so afraid I’d lost you,” my roommate, Julianna came over and gently hugged me.

“Okay guys, I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”:
Julianna smiled, “You’re supposed to be worrying about me and my psychotic boyfriends, not the other way around.”

It took my family, twenty minutes to say their hellos and then the cop from the other night
came in.

“I’m sorry to break this up, but I need to talk to Piper alone and get her side of the story.”

My family and my roommate looked at me. I smiled and shooed them away. They left and the cop sat in the chair next to the bed.

“I’m Scott Benton.”

“I remember,” I smiled.

“Okay, I first off want to tell you that we have been unable to locate Evan or his vehicle, so we have a police watch outside your door 24 hours a day, while you’re in the hospital, and we have cops at the dorms checking ids at all doorways.”

I nodded.

“Okay, why don’t you tell me what happened?”

I told him my story, and he took notes on his notepad.

“Okay, I’m going to type this up, and it will be your statement which you will have to read and sign.”

“Thank you, you saved my life.”:

Officer Benton stood up and turned around, “No, you saved your own life. Do you want to have your family again?”

“Um...send in my roommate first. Please.”

“Sure,” he said and smiled, and headed out the door.

Julianna came into the room, and I pointed her to the chair.

“They haven’t found Evan.” I told her.

“Yeah, I know.”

“I want you to stay somewhere else tonight, feed the turtle and fish, and then leave. don’t stay there, I don’t’ trust Evan, he’s crazy.”

“I could go stay with my mom...but the cops are at the dorms?”

“Yeah, but Evan could easily find a different way in. How do you think he got into our room?”

“Okay,” she held my hand.

“Have you been here the entire time?” I asked.

“Yeah, I was the first one here.” Her eyes were tired.

“I appreciate that Julianna, I really do. But frankly my dear you look like shit.” I smiled.

“Thanks, I try hard.”

We laughed, “Go get some sleep, I’ll be fine.”

She hugged me and then headed out.

My parents came in again, my mother looked tired too. My father surprisingly didn’t.

“Mom, you need sleep. Go away...I’m fine.”

She came over rand held my hand, “I’m sorry I’ve been so hard on you.”

“Mom stop it, I’m not dead, and I’m fine.”

“But you almost died, and I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

“Mom, you couldn’t have stopped this, you
wouldn’t have been able to. Evan has had this
planned for a long time I think.”

My mother touched my face, “I guess I’ll go back to the hotel, we need to get checked in.”

My family said their goodbyes, then everyone but my father left. He sat in the chair next to my bed, and scooted forward.

“What are you thinking bout?” I asked him.

“When you were little, how much you hated loud noises, like firecrackers. They made you freeze up. I just can’t understand how the shot gun didn’t’ make you freeze up.”

“It was my courage, I knew I had to get away, I had to be able to see you again.”

“I’m glad we do get to see you. I missed you.”

“Dad, can you teach me how to use a gun?”

“What? WHY?”

“So I can protect myself. I’ll get a permit, and
carry it in my purse.”

My father thought a moment, “I’ll think about

I smiled, “you were always my favorite father.”

He smiled too, “You know you’re a tough cookie.”

“I guess I take after my father who taught me to be tough. And how to tell car lights apart.”

“I didn’t teach you much.”

“Whether or not you intended to, you were a great teacher,” I took his hand in mine. I saw a tear fall down his face, “Hey dad?”

He looked up at me, “Yeah?”

“You’re my hero, I’ve always wanted to tell you that.”

My father stood up and hugged me, “I love you so much,” he pulled away. “I should go, and let you rest.”

I smiled, “Okay, I’ll see you in the morning right?”

“Bright and early.”

“I love you,” I smiled.

“Love you too,” and he left.

A few minutes passed and I turned on the TV. Law and order: SVU was on. I loved the show, but today I just couldn’t.

I changed the channel to a cartoon. The cartoon was quiet, so I turned it up. It was an old Looney Toons. I watched for awhile, and somehow fell asleep.

I was running through the woods, I heard Evan behind me. I heard the gun cock. The gun fired and I screamed.

I sat up in my hospital bed. The door flung open, an officer jumped in with his gun pointed.

It was Scott Benton; he looked around eh room for a minute.

“What is?”

I took a few deep breaths, “A bad dream.”

He came into the room and continued looking around. Finally he noticed the TV. “Are you okay?”

“If I say yes, I’m lying. If I say no, I’m lying.”

He came over and sat in the chair, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I’m not quite sure what there is to talk about.”

“Well, what’s been on your mind?”

“How close I came to losing everything I’ve ever had. I almost died in those woods. If you hadn’t shown up I probably would have.”

“That may be true, but you’re the one who got yourself out of that cabin you were in and got away.”

“Did you find the cabin yet?”

“No,” they have men searching the woods as we speak.”

“I might be able to show you… I mean I know I was a little loopy, but I have a good memory.”

“I’ll talk to my boss. I have your statement if you want to read it and sign it. Do you want to do that right now?”

“Sure, why not?”

Officer Benton went outside and came back in with a folder, he reached in and pulled out a piece of paper.

I read it over, “It’s all here.”

Officer Benton handed me a pen and I signed it, “Its’ a good thing you broke your left hand,” he smiled. “Did you want to talk about anything else? The cabin, or just anything that’s on your mind?”

“I’m sick of talking about me, I don’t need pity. Lets talk about you. How old are you?”


“And why did you decide to become a cop?”

“I don’t know, I guess I’ve always wanted to be that. I watched all the cop shows growing up.”

“What shows do you watch now?”

“All of them, Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Criminal intent, C.S.I. NYPD blue.”

“How do you have time to watch all those?”

“I’ve got TiVo, so I record them, and watch them after my shifts.”

“Do you watch C.S.I.Miami?”

“No, I can’t stand it, it’s not cool.”

“Um…where was I found?”

“South Range.”

“How far away is that?” I asked.

“About ten minutes, why?” he asked.

“The cabin was about a mile and a half from the road.”

Officer benton was confused, “How do you know?”

“I ran about a half mile before I was shot and tumbled down the hill. Then I limped for about
what seemed like forever… but was only about a mile before I found you.”

“I’ll have my men check it out.”

There was a moment of awkward silence.

“So what are you going to college for?” he asked.


“You going here at UWS?” At that moment Officer Benton’s cell phone rang, “Hold on a minute.” He answered his phone and stepped outside the door.

He came back in a minute later, “They found his car. I have to go help, he won’t get out.” He was almost giddy. “You’ll be okay right?”

I smiled and nodded. The door shut and I sat for a moment, then I buzzed the nurse.

She came in, “How are you?”

“I’m good, I was wondering if you have a pen and paper, or just something for me to do?”

“We have a library?”

“Oh, do you have any books by James Patterson?”

“Yeah, we have his whole collection?”

“Could you get me The Big Bad Wolf, please?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right back…” and she left.

This is a great hospital, I thought. I looked around my room now, nothing too interesting. The other bed was empty, the only color in the room was from the bouquet of flowers my parents had brought.

I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined I was in a flowery field. But then suddenly the clouds turned dark and I could no longer see the sky.

I opened my eyes, but something was covering my face. I tried to push it away, but I couldn’t.

“Don’t fight it baby. You escaped and you must be punished.” It was Evan clear as day.

But how had he gotten away from the cops. How had he gotten into my room without me noticing.
I thought for a moment of ways to get him off of me. I pushed the burse button, but no one came.
Of course, I had sent her to get a book, and this late at night she’s probably the only one.

I began feeling light headed and I knew I had to act fast to save my life. I knew what I had to do. my good arm searched and finally grabbed my wearpon. I turned it around and lunged it up to the center, since I knew Evan was straddling me.

Evan screamed in pain, and the pillow fell off my face. I saw him now, his neck holding the metsal stand from the flowers. Blood trickled from the point of entry.

I pushed him off of me, and he fell on the left side of my bed, I threw off my blankets and got off the right side. I tried to bear weight on my good side.

I tried to step forward, but I was attached to machines. I ripped off all the cords, and pulled out my IV. I again tried to walk but my bad leg was too weak, and I fell to the cold floor.

I started dragging my self towad the door, with my good arm. I made it out the door, and hooked a left towards the nurses station.

“HELP ME!” I yelled.

Something grabbed my bad leg, and pulled.

“You’re mine!” he yelled.

“HELP ME!” I yelled again trying to crawl away.

Evan pulled on my leg, the pain shot up. That’s when I heard the running coming from behind me.

“FREEZE Evan!” someone yelled cocking a gun.

I turned my head to see Officer Benton coming
down the hall.

Evan pulled out a gun and pointed it at me, “I’d suggest you stop.”

I couldn’t breathe, the barrel of a .9mm was pointed 5 inches from my face, but it seemed so much closer; as if the cold metal were pressed to my skin.

“You don’t want to shoot her Evan,” Officer Benton shouted.

I seemed to be in a dream, but I heard everything going on, and I saw it all happening.

Evan looked at me, “Yes I do!”

“No,” Officer Benton said, “You love her. You kill her you go to hell., and we’ll shoot you.
She’ll be up in heaven.”

Evan cocked the gun, “I’m sorry baby.”

I closed my eyes, and prayed that my death would be quick. The gun fired. But I felt nothing. Was this death?

Evan screamed and I opened my eyes. He was holding his shoulder, and I was covered in blood. The gun he had held had fallen, and I pushed it away with my bad arm.

Cops swarmed Evan and handcuffed him. Officer Benton came directly to me, “I’m sorry I left you alone.”

I couldn’t speak, I was in shock and I started to cry. Officer Benton, sat on the ground and took me into his arms.

Evan was taken away, and I was still in Officer Benton’s arms, but my crying was softer now, almost gone.

“Let’s get you back to your bed,” he helped me stand up, and then he picked me up.

“You don’t have to carry me, Officer Benton.”

“Call me Scott, and I think I do need to carry you as debt. I owe you my life,” he set me on
the bed.

“Thank you,” was all I was able to mutter.

He turned to leave.

“Wait! Don’t go…we can talk.”

He turned and smiled. “What should we talk about?” he sat down.

“Anything, I just want you to stay, I feel safe around you,” I had spoken beore I had thought and I immediately blushed.

Scott blushed too, “You’re safe now, I just wished I hadn’t left.”

“Officer Benton, don’t feel bad, you thought you were needed elsewhere, and look, I'm not hurt." I touched his hand.

The pain has gone, but the scarring hasn't healed. I see them everyday when I look in the mirror. They remind me of the dangers that may come in life. Of how thankful I am to be here today.

I'm so thankful that I lived through that ordeal, and that I found real love; that I've gotten married and started a family.

But I guess life is like that...strange and unpredictable...no matter how safe you think you are...you really aren't...
© Copyright 2004 Rae Sanko (horselova23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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