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Bumbling agent Emma's mission takes her to Africa where she is betrayed by her guide. |
Pushing aside shrubs and branches, Emma trekked cautiously down the hill. A few days ago, she had arrived in a remote part of Africa, almost completely covered with jungle, hot on the trail of a notorious drug syndicate. Emma had engaged a guide, an indigenous tribesman named Harim, who was very helpful but unreliable at best: he would disappear for hours, then reappear again at his own liking. Suddenly, Emma stepped on a loose stone, which rolled away. Her foot slid, and she screamed as she tumbled down the hill, buffeted by shrubs which did not break her fall. She landed feet first on some soft squishy ground, and proceeded to check whether she had been inconvenienced, when, to her horror, she found herself sinking into the ground. It was mire, not unlike the quicksand in the desert. "HARIM!" Emma cried out as she sank deeper and deeper into the mire. "HARIM! HELP!" There was no reply. She was up to her knees in the mire when she called out to him for help again. Still there was no reply. When she was up to her thighs, she stopped sinking. Perhaps she had hit some hard ground at the bottom. However, she was unable to extricate herself. She called out again. There was a rustling of leaves, and Harim appeared at her side. "Uh oh... what happened?" he said. "Harim, help me please..." Harim stood awhile, assessing the situation. Noticing overhanging vines running directly above Emma, he pulled one down and instructed her to grab hold of it. "This won't be strong enough, we need another one..." He pulled another one down, but as Emma reached for it, he said, "No, no." He proceeded to tie the second one around her wrists. Emma was starting to have a bad feeling about it when Harim put his arms around her, but instead of pulling her up, he started to grope her breasts. Emma's first instinct was to strike him, but her arms were bound by the vines. Realizing too late that she had been tricked, she struggled to get free, but Harim said in a low, menacing voice, "I'd stay still if I were you, just in case you sink to the bottom." "You bastard! What are you doing? What the hell do you think you're doing?" Emma screamed, as Harim proceeded to unbutton her blouse. As Emma stood bound and helpless in the mire, Harim stripped her to her bra and panties. "You know something, Emily?" he whispered in her ear. "You've such a perfect figure... Perfect for being tied up... I bet you enjoyed being bound to the chair and tortured by the drug lords... didn't you?" Fear struck Emma as she realized that Harim was a traitor, and that he was going to sell her out to the syndicate. As he pulled down her panties, she pleaded with him, "Don't do this, Harim, please..." He ignored her as he started to grope her between the legs, his marauding fingers probing deep inside her... As she let out a moan, Harim said, "It feels good, doesn't it? I know you enjoy being tied up like this..." Emma groaned with mixed pleasure and fear. What Harim said was true: She did enjoy being tied up and penetrated until she came; her opening grew moist as she was stimulated by Harim's fingers... Without warning, Harim stopped touching her, stood up and went off. Emma was left standing in the mire, with mixed feelings of relief that she was not going to be raped; and frustration that her sexual pleasure was interrupted so abruptly. Harim returned after a minute or two, carrying a large broken-off branch. He started to flail the twigged end at Emma, light blows landing on her exposed buttocks. Emma groaned again, enjoying the sensation; she did not even struggle as Harim pulled down her bra, exposing her generous breasts, and started whipping them; as her breasts became redder and stiffened from the whipping, she closed her eyes and moaned even louder. Suddenly she felt something forcing itself roughly into her vagina; she opened her eyes and to her horror saw the twigged end of the branch sticking out beneath her. A moment later, she was in agony as Harim used the branch as a dildo on her, inserting the broken-off end into her. Emma screamed, tears flowing from her eyes as the branch rubbed against her tender inside, breaking the skin, causing the most excruciating pain she'd ever been made to endure... As blood ran down her legs, Harim said, "I've always hated foreigners, Emily. Foreigners like you. Foreigners who enslave my people and force them to work the life out of their bodies. But there are some foreigners who are good to me; they reward me generously if I bring them to you." With that, he laughed maniacally. Harim took Emma to a dark hut without any lighting, where he tied her to a creaking bed, her wrists bound overhead to the head of the bed and her ankles bound to two of the bedposts, exposing her private part to him. He then stretched a piece of duct tape across her mouth. As he stood back to examine his handiwork, the sight of sexy Emma lying bound and naked on his bed aroused him again. Throwing himself on top of her, he put his mouth over her breasts and sucked them gently, teasing them with his tongue. He then unzipped his pants and had sex with her, his semen mixing with her blood. "Now, bitch, stay here until I come back with the men from the syndicate. They will, er, treat you well." Harim zipped his pants back and, laughing evilly, left the hut. "... They will, er, treat you well." The words seemed to echo around the hut, but Emma didn't even think about what kind of sexual torture the syndicate would put her through. The pain in her vagina was killing her right there and then. She writhed around in the bed, smarting from the pain, and felt the ropes binding her wrists to the bed head. They seemed really flimsy, she thought. Maybe I can escape. A stroke of luck, she thought, rubbing the rope against the head, trying to wear it out. After a few minutes, it broke. Throwing the rope off her, she sat up and untied her legs, then lastly pulled the tape off her mouth. She was just about to escape when she saw that Harim had carelessly left a short knife on the floor. Her mind hatched a plan to avenge herself... Resting her ankles against the bed posts, Emma arranged the rope around them so that they looked like they were tied, slapped the duct tape back onto her mouth, and lastly, rested her arms in the position which she was bound, her hands gripping the dagger. Her arms were not bound, but she pretended they were. Presently Harim came back with three men in suits and sunglasses. Emma moaned in pretend fear as they approached. "Well done, Harim," exclaimed one of them. "Bound and naked on the bed, too, just the way we like her." The other man laughed, and so did Harim. He picked up the branch which he had used to torture Emma, and walking up to her, was about to insert the branch into her vagina again when she suddenly sprang up from the bed, and plunged the knife into Harim's chest. The three men let out cries of surprise, but Emma had already jumped off the bed and dispatched another with a quick stab to the heart. A hand then grabbed Emma's wrist, squeezing it so tightly that she dropped the knife. She tried to punch the man holding her, but he grabbed her other wrist. As the last man expertly grabbed hold of her legs, she realized that she was being overpowered. The two men brought her to the floor, and despite her struggles, raped her in turn, each pump of his shaft sending waves of pain through Emma's whole body. After Emma had had two of them inside her, she went limp, having no energy to struggle against them any further. One of the men picked up the branch; Emma looked in horror as he inserted it into her; and then for the second time, the perverted branch destroyed her inside, tearing at her, making her bleed... Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and the man torturing her with the branch fell dead with a bullet hole in his head. His companion looked around, but was also shot in the head and fell. Emma looked weakly around, trying to see who had shot the two men. She saw a young man dressed similarly in a suit, but with no sunglasses. His pistol was still smoking from the two shots he had fired. "Are you all right?" he said as he lifted Emma onto the bed. Her blood ran down her legs, staining the mattress. She had no strength left to ask who he was. "My name is James, dear girl, and I love you. I have been in love with you ever since I saw you, and the sight of those men raping and torturing you just drove me crazy. I had to act..." Even before Emma had time, or could muster the strength, to make sense of what he said, he quickly left, saying, "I must go... but I will always be here to protect you." |