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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #880581
I've combined the stories
(this part of the story is no where near the begining and no where near the end it somewhere betwee the beggining and middle. so far whats been happeneing is that a group of people have been chosen from birth to protect a child from all opposition so he can claim his birth right as king but the story starts out with the people finding each other first, all the while being pursude by evil forces, this section is maybe 4 or 5 pages but the book would in all actuality be more around 400 when im finished so dont jump to conclusions on this little section.)

When they neared the cabin, they viewed the soroundings. The cabin lay resting inside an indentation in the cliff, grass trailed about 20 feet from the steps of the cabin outward then it was snow till a hundred yards or so away the grass would re-imerge from under it's icy blanket.

They found someone sitting on a chair.He was a young man with long blonde hair.He noticed them and he stood.He was wearing a trench coat, he stepped of the porch and into the grass, there he waited for Terra and Xain.

“He’s the man that villager spoke of.”

“Ya but where's the other one?”

“well we're just going to have to ask aren't we.”
they approached the man and stopped a yard from him.

“Hello welcome to my home, I am Richard Stetson is there something I can help you with?” Stetson stood there twisting his weapon turning grass to dirt as if to say, ‘you should leave now’.

“Yes Mr. Stetson-” Terra was politely interrupted.

“Please call me Richard.” Stetson put on a fake smile.
“ alright, Richard, we are looking for a child actually, we were told that a man running in this direction had one with him.”

“I’m sorry but I haven’t seen anyone come in this direction, in fact I haven’t seen anyone around here since I’ve lived here.” He turned and walked to the house . When Xain pushed himself into the conversation
“we know you have a child with you.” He said, and Richard stopped, “And we will be taking it, now.” after hearing this, Richard turned around.

“over my dead body! I have sworn to protect him and I will be damned if I let the likes of you lay a finger on him!” Terra and Xain were surprised at what was said but had no chance to recover, Richard had attacked them in a rage. they barely had time to pull out their weapons Xain tried as best he could to protect Terra and himself.

“Wait!” Xain tried to talk but Stetson’s anger had taken over.

“Xain, were not going to be able to reason with him.” Terra did not equip her weapons but instead chose hand to hand combat. She dealt him multiple blows in the stomach before he began to attack with his twin blades, but he was blocked by the giant handle of Xain’s hammer. Xain pushed him back and swung his hammer it was dodged and flying from his hands, it lodged itself into the ground. Richard ran and punched Xain squarely in the face, Terra returned with a kick to the stomach, Xain left his weapon in the ground and attacked Richard. He caught him off guard after Terra’s kick and gave him a one, two, three, punch Richard stumbled backwards his nose bled and he would definitely have a swollen eye. He recovered and ran at Xain dropping his left weapon he tackled Xain to the ground and violently sent rushed blows to his face, Terra pulled him off, And with recently equipping her weapons she swung at Stetson who instinctively rolled backwards, but he was not unscathed. His arm was bloodied and sleeve ripped.With his right weapon still in his hand he lunged towards Terra. he lifted his sword to attack. To deceive her, when she put the defense of her upper body down to her body he punched her in the face. She twisted around with her back facing him, he immediately kicked her behind the knees dropping her. He again raised his sword for a swift kill, but suddenly halted. He could feel the cold steel of his own blade pressed against his neck. He didn’t think of the possibility of dying, all he could think about is how refreshing the cold metal was on his neck. Xain had picked up his weapon and now threatened to kill him. Richard dropped his sword and Terra rose from the ground and grabbed Richard’s arm, she pushed back the torn cloth and revealed the mark that had barely avoided the cut of her blade. She then pulled back her sleeve showing him her mark. With tension released, Xain, took the blade off Stetson’s neck and gave it back, then as Terra did, he showed Richard his mark.

“We’ve been waiting for the other guardians for some time, come.” Stetson walked to the cabin, up the stairs and opened the door, “after you,” he waved Xain and terra into the entry way, and closed the door he walked to the back of the room and pulled back the rug. He then tapped on the door One knock then a pause then three, follow by two knocks. After a few seconds a latch was heard.Richard pulled open the hatch and walked down into the darkness. In the hallway it was pitch black and the only thing that could be seen was the lit room at the end of the hallway. They walked into the room and looked around. Xain felt something behind him. He turned, startled to see a cloaked figure, The man reached back and hurled a punch directly into Xain’s face.

“Now James, that was not a very nice introduction.” Richard had a small smirk on his face.

“You are the only one bleeding, had to make it even.” James stared down Xain as he touched his nose and felt the warm blood drip.
As soon as Donagan opened the creaking door with its split wood and rusted handle a man in a red cloak rushed through the door.

“It’s escaped! run for your lives!” Donagan grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back.

“what are you talking about?" Donagan asked curiously.

“the skeleton it’s broken it’s chains, it’s tearing up anyone and anything in it’s path!” Cera looked worried as she glanced back between the man Donagan and her brother.

Donagan tilted his head to the side as if to say, lets go. they opened the door and looked around before entering. The ceiling had bloody stains on it. The blood was also on the right and left wall, that were perfectly aligned with the blood on the ceiling, Someone had been dragged along the wall. A set of five stairs led down further into the catacombs. Daniel had already used and was now looking at something covered in cobwebs against the wall.

“Donagan, Cera come look at this.” They approached and followed the guidance of Daniels finger. It was what looked like a human organ covered in dry blood and gnawed on by the rats that inhabiting these walls.

A scream echoed in the distance. They followed the screams down the halls keeping there hand on the wall where there was no torches in the area. The screams grew louder and louder as they approached. More horrid scenes emerged as they traveled past. Bodies lined the wall and grounds. blood pooled around them. It separated as they were forced to step in it, then, it refilled the foot shaped gaps. bloody handprints cried out in pain from the walls, blade slices could be seen in the wall as the three travelers played out the horrid scene in there minds. They stopped, a foot step sounded around the corner, they drew there weapons prepared for battle. They dropped there guard as a man drug himself into view.

“H-help.. me..” Donagan dropped his blade as the man collapsed in his arms. The man wasn’t a follower of Ocul. He was a kingdom guard shown by the shield pierced emblem on his gauntlets, a note poked from a pocket. Daniel pulled it out and read.

Dear Sir Irea,
Please respond to a disturbance at the Ocul temple.
We found a wounded man at a village at the bottom
of the mount, he was talking rapidly and bleeding
profusely speaking of a demon, murdering his
brothers. We couldn’t turn him away his story
was unbelievable but because of the wounds
actions must be taken.
thank you.
Captain Orvae.
P.S. use extreme caution, and can't afford to loose such an experienced and excellent Soldier.

Something indeed has gone wrong here, and Donagan was hell bent on finding out. He laid the man down, and checked his pulse, he could barely feel the faint heart beat.

“This man needs a doctor, if he gets there in time, he will survive. but we must hurry.” Donagan was knelt beside the unconscious man, Cera stared, at him as if any minute he would awaken, Daniel was leaning against the wall, as if nothing was happening, as if he was taking a break. “Who will take him?”

“I will.” Cera quickly volunteered to aid the knight.

“very well, Cera drop him off at the aid at the village and meet back with Terra and Xain, we’ll stay here, see if we can’t do anything about this ‘demon’.” Cera attempted to throw the man over her back but found help from her brother.
“Be careful Daniel, don’t get yourself hurt.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, you know me.” He smiled and began to walk off.

“Daniel!” She said worried. Daniel turned. “I’m serious.” he wink at her and turned. walking around the corner to catch up with Donagan. Cera walked towards the door, away from danger.

Daniel continued to walk looking at the pool of blood at his feet when he suddenly ran into Donagan’s back, he looked up.

“What's going on, why did you stop” Donagan did not answer but gazed towards the ceiling, so did Daniel. A man hung from the corner where the ceiling and wall met, a short sword pierced his chest pinning him to the wall he dangled there. Blood dripping from his bare feet. Daniel then noticed the area around. Bodies covered the ground, they were Irae’s company, slaughtered. Each one seemed to have a different piece of armor missing. Gauntlets, grieves, pauldrons, Cuirass, every one had a piece missing. Donagan and Daniel stepped over and maneuvered around the bodies slumped against the wall, laying on the ground and hanging from the ceiling. Blood continued to be found on walls and doors, it would lead them straight to the culprit. Stray bodies continued to be found, and now the sound of steel could be heard. Clashing against one another and cutting into the ancient stone in the walls.

“I can hear it, come on!” Daniel exclaimed running down the hall and turning the corner.

“Daniel wait, we must think of an idea!” but Daniel was not paying attention he was to busy looking at the current horror. a man clad in Kingdom guard armor was lifting a guard by his throat high into the air. The guard kicked while he tried to pull the hand off his neck. Daniel couldn’t speak but one word escaped from his mouth as a whisper.
“Death...” As he spoke the word the guard spotted Daniel.

“Help!“ When the culprit noticed the guards gaze had changed his did to. He turned to see Daniel and Donagan staring back, more horrified then ever. The man was not a man at all, but a skeleton his eyes glowed red as a horrid growl rang threw the halls. Before confronting the two, it took the guards sword and pierced his chest pinning him to the ceiling.

It walked towards them while they pulled out there weapons, immediately Daniel was knocked back, slammed against the wall.
Donagan immediately launched his attack swinging and thrusting his flameberge, he hit the skeleton many times but failed to injure him. He exhausted himself. The skeleton picked him up by the throat and tossed him aside, soon he made his way to Daniel who barely had time to rise to his feet. He picked up his weapon and did his best to block the un-ending blows.
But it was in vaine, the beast did not tire he un-relentlessly assaulted Daniel. Waiting for Daniel to weaken and drop his guard. A blow to the chest was all Daniel could take and he was thrown up against the wall. The skeleton attempted to attack, but stopped, feeling a jolt to his back. He turned around to face the assailant, Donagan had regained consciousness and took the offensive, but he had slowed. Soon the skeleton had lifted him from his feet grasping under his arms, he flung Donagan down the hall his armor scraped against the stone as he slid across the floor, the skeleton chased after him slowly picking up speed he picked up Donagan’s blade and prepared for a death blow. when footsteps clattered down the hall, Donagan covered his eyes not yet prepared for the road to death. He heard his blade cut through the air, then, ‘clank!’, he opened his eyes, There David stood, struggling to hold his and the beasts blade.

“Go!” David did not breath, he gritted his teeth as sweat dripped from his hair and slid down his black armor. "I’ll take care of Seth you go. NOW!” Donagan didn’t argue he was up and running when Daniel called to him.

“Donagan! over here!” when Donagan looked over, Daniel was crawling down a ladder into a drainage sewer. Donagan didn’t hesitate to follow. He watched the beast and David struggle while he descended into the sewer.

The descent was long, but they could soon see light, they hopped down into the sewage.

“God. it stinks!” Daniel was staring at the filth he stepped in.

“We haven’t time to talk about what we’re standing in. We have to leave.” there were two directions a lit and unlit path, instinctively they took the lit path sloshing threw the sewage. the sewers were just as hard to navigate through as the catacombs above, but the torches helped tremendously. soon they found an exit, but they stopped.

“Wait.” Daniel said, “did you here that.” faint splashes came from behind, when suddenly a rat scurried by. He blew a sigh of relief.

“ the rats not big enough to make that big of a splash.” suddenly, the skeleton sloshed around the corner and stopped at the sight of Daniel and Donagan. it held Donagan’s blade high, blood flowed from the hilt and dripped off the handle. he chased after them, and they ran as as fast as humanly possible, towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Terra, Xain, Richard, and James chatted about recent life, how Richard escaped from the prison, how James was revived, how Xain escaped his executions and Terra’s previous life as a killer for higher. All the while wondering... Where was everybody else?
Suddenly James stood and looked to the door.

"Whats wrong my friend?" Richard stood and walked behind him placing his hand on his shoulder. James ran out the door followed by Richard, an soon after Richard, the rest.

James was fast, Richard and the rest were unable to keep up. It was a long while and James hadn't began to slow.The same couldn't be said for the rest. James slowly put ground between them. The snow that sorounded the cabin soon gave way to grass.
Trees were dominant in this area and animals scurried past them to avoid unrelenting boot steps. James dissapeared around the corner of the cliff face Richard was perplexed about the situation, this has never happened before and Richard was concerned for James. But he kept running, until he himself turned that corner.He noticed James had stopped and he himself noticed what had awakened the sleeping giant.

The skeleton was catching up to Daniel and Donagan. They had miraculously made it to the exit. Upon exiting Donagan slipped on a algea covered rock. Daniel tried his best to lift him up but by then the creature had caught up to them. It grabbed Daniel by the neck and threw him against the rock wall. He fell uncontious, blood flowing from the back of his head, meanwhile Donagan was still trying to rise from the ground. The skeleton had the sword at the hilt and flipped it around, blade facing down, he grasped it with two hands and thrusted it down. But instantly James had appeared, and tackled the beast to the ground, he had dropped the sword. Donagan moved as quickly as possible and picked it up. The skeleton rose to get up but was put back down by a blow to the head from James. James jumped off him and stepped a few feet back.The creature rose and dusted himself off, laughing.

Donagan noticed that there where now two of them but instead of running, for his life, he ran to Daniel's aid. He felt the back of Daniels head, warm with blood.He quickly took of his own cuiris and tore off his shirt. Tying it around Daniels head to try to stop the bleeding.

"James!" it said with an excited tone," I knew I would run into you sooner or later."

"Why are you alive again Seth!"

"I could ask you the same thing, but, you know don't you." It knew he did by James' manurisms and the way he stiffened up at the remark. Just then Richard ran around the mountain followed by xain and Terra. James looked at Richard and back at Seth.

"Oh... I see." Richard caught site of Seth, and Seth bowed to him, "I owe you my life Mr.?"

"Stetson, Richard Stetson." He said, not knowing if this was a new friend or even a new foe.

"Very well Mr. stetson."

"James whats going on?" Richard turned to James, but before James could speak Seth interrupted him.
"I am Seth Sycero, Lord of the order of grace, or, so I was. James was a mercenary for the order of the peace two rival nations in the war of the four kingdoms. In the heat of battle the lord of the order of the grace and the greatest warrior of the order of the peace found each other in the anarchy. It was morning when the had found each other, and it wasn't till long past the battle was over at night fall that they were finished The war became soly based on the outcome of there fight. Which ever man was the victor, won the battle." The image of these two warriors replayed in James' mind bringing out feeling of pain and fear. The others lisened intently curious of the relationship of these two. "But, when the smoke cleared neither was alive, they lay atop one another there swords peirced through each others hearts. Who died first could not be determined, and, as customery there was most likely a year of peace and grace to mourn the loss of there warriors.

But James," He said with a tone of excitement," We have another chance to settle our war, and settle a score." Seth lunged at James, and gave him a left hook. James head jerked sideways, but quickly recovered, James tackled Seth to the ground and began to throw punches directly into Seth's face.

Terra, Xain and Richard immidiatly rushed to James' Aid, there weapons threatening death. Seth rose to his feet.
" I see there's no way out for me if I continue," he turned to James," I will see you again and when the time comes you wont have your friends to fight for you." He bowed. Seth ran with a speed never before witnessed, jumped fifteen feet, and attached himself to the cliff face. Then scaled it like a spider, dissapearing behind it.

The group ran to Donagan and Daniel to help in any way possible, except James who stood starring up, up to Seth James somehow could still see him, feel him... They were linked for some reason, until again, they are destroyed in another senless fight.

James walked towards where Daniel sat recovering, Donagan noticed James and immediatly lept to his feet. Sword pointed.

"stay back demon, I will not run from you again."
Donagan had his sword raised ready to attack Richard stood and raised his sword against Donagan.

"He saved your life, do you think it would be wise to kill such a valuable member of our group?"

"Group?" Donagan didn't realize until then that, Xain and Terra had found the missing members,"If this is true where is the child?" Richards eyes widened, he had completely forgotten about the baby!

"James! We left the baby alone unprotected, your the fastest.... Go now! We'll meet you there." James did not need to say a word, He ran off as fast as possible, back to the cabin.
Terra, Xain, you two take Daniel. Donagan, you and I will go together James will need our help if anythings wrong we'll meet up at the cabin." Donagan grew angry.

"Who put you in charge!?"

"Donagan, just shutup and listen to him. This is no time for bickering. If the childs in trouble, you wanting to be in charge will be the least of our problems." Terra said.

"Come Donagan we must hurry." they ran as fast as they could back to the cabin.

"Get his arm, put it around your shoulder." Xain said, Terra grabbed his arm and held it tight around her shoulder,"you got him?"He asked, she nodded," ok lets go, quickly."

Daniel was propped between them. Each arm around each neck, he was still uncontious and he was still bleeding. Even so, it had slowed down dramatically.
© Copyright 2004 Jon Scarfo (scarfo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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