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Prelude to Daughter of Fire. An introduction of the chacter Derian, the Rogue. |
Short Story - prelude to Daughter of Fire History of the Rogue (Love story = Emma & Derian) (Derian - the Rogue.) Chapter One: His mother was a Priestess of Luna. A dream weaver of the highest sect. Her name was Caily and she was only 15yrs old. All of the priestesses had to maintain their virtue or else their dreams would be plagued with horrible and unbearable visions of pain, death and darkness. The temple she served in was on the coast, near the evlin woodland, in Katian. One day when she was walking along the edge of the wooded coastline she unknowingly wandered into evlin territory. She fell victim to the evlin power and was seduced by an evlin lord. Derian was the result. Because his mother had lost her virtue she was plagued with the unbearable visions. And because of his half evlin heritage all those images were passed on to Derian in the form of hoarable nightmares. Another thing he received form his father was a longer life span then normal man. He aged normally for the first 25 yrs of his life but that was over 75yrs ago and he doesn't seem like he has aged more than a few years since. Everyone he knew from his semi-normal life with his mother’s family was now dead with them. So Derian became a lost traveler going from place to place never staying long enough to make any ties. Yet another gift from his father, Derian was always allowed passage through the evlin borderlands without question. The evlin would not take in a half bred but they would not deni him either. So Derian traveled as a mercenary fighting for whoever asked. To all he became the Rogue, most never knowing his real name, only his reputation. He met Emma when she was 16. She was running away from her place as princess in Eria, and all her responsibilities as most teenagers do. She had gotten all the way to Selann, a large shipping and fishing city on the coast between the border of Malair and the evlin isles. She was trying to gain passage on a ship heading down the coast to Katain. She wanted to go somewhere where nobody knew her. Which in her case was extremely hard considering who her parents were. But she never got the chance because Derian had found her. He was working for Emma's grandfather, the King, who wanted her returned before she got to far away. They journeyed together for the 9 days it took to get back to the capital. Emma never tried to get away because since the first moment she had met Derian he had told her if she tried to run from him he would kill her. Of course knowing whom her captor was she never questioned that fact. But over the few days they grew ever fonder of each other. Then came the night of the attack. Mercenaries from Surian had also been searching for Emma. Derian and Emma had been staying at a roadside inn avoiding the large rainstorm that had suddenly overcome them. The inn, not known to have a good reputation, but dry and with a cheep room to spear, is all they needed. They were sitting in the common room eating a small supper when the mercenaries entered. There were 6 of them and as soon as they walked in Derian knew something was wrong. They had looked right at him and Emma and exchanged a few words with the inn keep. They then drew their swords and came towards them. Derian drew his own sword but didn't want to chance Emma getting hurt so they went out the back. They had barely gotten outside when they saw 4 more men waiting there. The ones from inside came out the door behind them trapping them. Derian raised his sword but Emma just stepped in front of him. He started to say something but stopped when he looked at her. She was glowing; it was as if there were a hundred candles burning behind her skin, even her hair, already and a brilliant shade of red, now shone like true fire. The others seemed just as spellbound as Derian did. "Leave us be" She commanded with strength that Derian didn't known she had. As if her words broke the spell the others started to come closer to her. "Now ya come with us quietly lady and we won't have ta hurt ya" their leader said. "I warned you" Derian heard her whisper as she lifted her arms up. Suddenly the night was filled with heat; flames shot forth from Emma and a blinding brightness consumed the dark. When he could see again Derian was utterly speechless. He had seen a lot in his long life, and he still had many a dark dream from his mother. But never anything like this. There was nothing left of the others, but a few ashes blowing in the wind. Emma was looking at him definitely waiting to see his horror at what she had done. To his shame he couldn't change his face in time. "You father gave you your gifts, as my father gave me mine" she said softly. He had heard the talk, but like many others he had assumed that they were just a cover-up for her mother getting pregnant with some peasants child. But now he knew it was true, Emma was the daughter of Cale, Lord of Fire / God of War. His mind was still racing with all of this when she fainted. He rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms. She was as cold as ice. He knew something made of fire should never be this cold. He picked her up and carried her to the barn where there horses were kept. He knew he had to get her away from this place in case there was others looking for her, or if anyone had found out what she had done. They rode hard into the rainy night with Emma in Derians arms the entire time. He found a small hunting cabin on a side trail a few hours away from the inn. He took her inside and stripped her wet closes off; she was even colder then before, so much so that her lips had started to turn blue. He pilled all the dry blankets he could find in her and started a large fire in the hearth. When she still didn't get any better he took off his own wet clothes and crawled into the small bed beside her. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms and legs trying to get the blood to flow. He noticed her breathing slow and he leaned his mouth over hers pressing his lips onto hers. As he blew air softly into her lungs he felt her arm move up his back and her lips move against his. Without thinking he kissed her back and pressed his body harder against hers. It was a small moan that brought him back to what he was doing. He started to pull away from her, but she held him tight. "Please don't leave me,” she whispered hoarsely against his skin. He pulls back enough to look into her eyes. They were full of hurt, she didn't expect anyone to want her after they knew what she could do, but her eyes also held a deep longing. He lowered his head back to hers and just before he kissed her he whispered. "I won't ever leave you" Chapter Two: The next morning when Derian woke up he was alone in bed. He shook himself awake and got up pulling on his now dry pants that were hanging over the fireplace. He went outside to look for Emma. He found her kneeling beside a small brook behind the cabin. Her dress was pulled down to her waist and all her beautiful red hair cascaded down her bare back. She was so beautiful. He silently came up behind her and ran his hand through her hair. She turned her face up to him and smiled so sweetly that he felt compiled to kiss her. "Morning" She said as she stood putting her arms around him. "Hummh" He grunted as he kissed her again. "Are you hungry?" She asked as she started to let go and turn back to the hut. "Yes. Very." He said as he pulled her back to him. She laughed as they parted and turned again back to the hut. He watched her go and for a moment wondered what it would be like. If they were to stay like this. To live as man and wife, in a small cottage by the great lake in Katain. Oh how she would love it there. She would be the first in over 200yrs to cross the borderlands, other than him. It's not like he would be stealing the only heir to the kingdom of Eria. She had a twin brother, didn't she? Well her brother would rule here and they would have a perfect life far away. But they wouldn't have a perfect life. He would stay the same watching her grow old. In another 50 yrs or so when she died he would again grieve for a woman that he loved. As he had for only one other. Meria, but she had died before her time in childbirth with his son. That was so long ago. He never though he would love another. He loved Emma very much and he would not take her away from the life she deserved. She will be the Queen of Eria. Anything she could ever want will be hers. everything except the one thing he knew she wanted. A normal life, where she was not the daughter of a god and she would not become Queen. But that was not meant to be, as this was not meant to be. Tomorrow they would leave for the capital. Tomorrow he would hand her over to her grandfather the King. Tomorrow would be the last time he would ever see the woman he loved. He looked up into the sky. "Why must the fates be so cruel to bring together something that can never be..." Back in the hut Emma watched him through the small window. "Your wrong my love," she whispered as she looked at the vision reflecting in the glass. The two of them lay together in a bed covered with red silk. It was a bed she new well. In stood in the royal chambers at the palace. "We were meant for each other, and our love will bind us for eternity" She turned her back before the image changed. She did not see the man with a dagger hiding in the shadows. She did not see the evil awaiting her, in her brother’s eyes. Chapter Three: They did not sleep that night. After they had made love for what Derian thought of as the last time. They lay together holding tight to each other. When the sky began to turn gray as dawn approached they both got up and dressed in silence. She gathered up all there belongings and packed them into the saddlebags as he went out to get the horse ready. They had only the one now; the other was lost at the inn alone with half of their stuff. She went outside and mounted the horse behind him, wrapping her arms around him. As they rood down the small trail back to the main road she turned back to watch the hut disappear. Many things were created there, she would cherish the memory of this place all of her days. As it started to fade into the woods she laid her head on Derians shoulder inhaling his strong masculine sent. This to she would cherish. It was not long before they came upon the vast rolling hills and could see the city nestled in the center of the valley. Like no other the large city surrounded the great palace, with its three towers raising above all the highest of which bore a green flag with a dark horse in the center and a small red symbol in the corner, the symbol of Cale a flame with a sword bisecting it. Derian felt Emma tense and remove herself from him a little as she pulled her hood up tighter around her head. He turned his head to look at her and was surprised by the expression on her face. It was so different. As if her very beautiful face had been carved out of stone and strait into an emotionless expression. Gone were the light and the easy smiles. His heart almost broke at the sight of it. But then as he turned back he knew that his own face would soon change as well into the slightly bored and dangerous one he wore for countless decades. At the city gates Derian was asked about his sword but once he told them who he was and that he was working for the king they didn't ask any more questions, although they did eye the cloaked figure behind him. Once they got to the city proper they got off and walked leaving the horse at a stables. As they came up to the central castle gates Derian heard Emma sigh. He took her arm stopping her and pulled her back into the dark corner of the building closest to them. "What are you doing?" She asked in a soft tone of voice, instantly slipping back into the woman he knew and not the strange princess. He raised his hand up to her cheek with his thumb gently rubbing across her lips. She smiled and brought her hand up to his holding it tighter against hers. She turned her face into his hand kissing his palm. "You’re leaving" "I can not stay, no matter how much I wish to, it’s not right for me to be here. I am not fit for a future Queen" "But you are fit for me." She wrapped her arms around his waist laying her mouth at the hollow of his neck. "I love you Derian, my heart will belong to you and no other for as long as I live." He tightly closed his eyes and held on to her for just a moment. But he knew he would not have her again. Her love would eventually go to another after some time. He regretted the pain of losing her first love would cause her but there was nothing he could do to help with that for he would also feel the deep pain of losing this love. "A'makka no'ra, vera" (my heart to you, love) She did not know what the words meant but she could hear the despair and the love behind them. "You will return to me Derian, I have seen it,” she said as she pulled away from him. "If ever you need help you have but to call and I will come" he took a small crystal out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Just hold it in you hand and whisper my name. I will come as fast as I can to be at you side." He took her into his arms and kissed her with such force that if he had not been holding her she would have fallen. Then he turned and started towards the castle. She hurried to follow him with his kiss still warm on her lips. Chapter Four: They were escorted from the gates into the castle by a small guard of 4 men and brought into a sitting room to wait upon the king as a runner was sent. They did not talk. Emma took off her cape and sat in a chair by the fireplace while Derian stood by the window. They did not have to wait long for King Erick to come. He was followed in by two of Emma's lady maids. Emma stood when he entered lowering her head and Derian came closer to him bowing. "You were quick finding her,” The king’s husky voice said. "Were there any problems?" "No." Derian answered quickly. They had not talked about what had happened at the inn, and somehow Derian knew that Emma did not want anyone knowing about what she had done. "Good, good. Emma come give me a hug and let me look at you." She went to him as he asked. "I am not going to ask what you were thinking because I'm sure it was the same as what your mother though when she tried to go to Malair when she was 15." He sighed rubbed his hand against his chest. "I'm to old,” he muttered to himself. "Go with your women, I'm sure you want a bath and some fresh clothes. You may join me for dinner." "Yes Grandfather." She started away but stopped and turned back with a strange light in her eyes. "Edmond has returned." "Yes well you would know.” the King said after a pause. "Go to him then and tell him I will speak with him at dinner" He watched her curtsy to him and leave. He then sat in the chair she had been using before he spoke again. "You have my thanks Derian I would not have known who else to ask to do this for me." "What do you mean?" Derian asked as he sat in front of the king. "These are troubled times. Ever since my sister was banished I do not know who to fully trust." "There was no great love for Suria among the peoples Erick you know that." Derian said falling into familiarity with his old friend. "Yes among the people. But among the court she had many greedy friends. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep them safe from all of this." He paused and put his hand against his chest again. "I'm dying Derian, and they’re still so young. Why are they here? Why did Cale take my daughter from me?" He paused looking at Derian. "So you know then, about the twins, who there father is." "I know." Derian said as he looked into the fire remembering that rainy night. "He came to me the night Elianna died. He told me to keep them safe and to love them well. He said when they were older he would train them in what they need to know. I asked him why he was taking my daughter form me and he said that she wanted to go with him and I was keeping his daughter now as he would keep mine in Dirann." He paused again remembering. "Edmond was with him." "What?" Derian asked not sure that he heard right. "Three weeks ago Emma came down for breakfast with me and she said ever so calmly 'Edmond has gone for his training with father'. I did not know what to say. I asked her where, and she said Dirann. It was somehow made worse because of how normal she made it sound. She left that night." "What have you been telling everyone?" "That they went to Malair for the Summer Soilstice celebration. They normally go for Kassi's birthday every year so nobody thought it was strange. Those girls will be turning 13 this year, its time for them to start having more adult fete's and parties and not just children’s games." He shook his head. "That was the formal excuse. Some of those who would not believe that think that both were of on a tangent and that’s why I asked you to find them." Derian didn't say anything. He was thinking about what Erick had said about Malair. Princess Kassandra Malair was rumored also to be the daughter of Cale. That would mean that she was Emma and Edmonds half-sister. "Where will you go now?" Erick said breaking Derians thought. "You’re not going to tell me that I'm welcome to stay?" he said with a half laugh. "I know you better than that." "You know nothing about me." Derian snapped with an almost growl, he immediately regretted. "I'm sorry Erick. You know me better then most. I've been in Eria to long, I should have left after I was first done here." "Why did you stay Derian?" Erick asked softly. "You came and helped me with Suria over 20 yrs ago. When I sent for you I almost didn't expect you to come. But some had talked about you still being in Eria so I took a chance. What have you been doing all this time?" Waiting, Derian thought, waiting for the battle to come... the one that he'd been dreaming about for the last 30 yrs. Since the first time he came here to this place he had had the same dream. A curse form his mother at first when he was younger they were just horrible dreams. But he came to learn latter on that they weren’t just dreams, they were visions. Sometimes of the past, if he stayed at a place that had a history of death or violence he would dream the past. When he came to this place he knew that it was the future he was seeing. So he had been waiting for the time to come so that he could try to help, because if what he was seeing came to pass, there would be nothing left of this kingdom, or any of the people in it. "Maybe I'm getting tired of it all." he told Erick who had been watching him intently. "Or maybe Eira needs you for something." Derian couldn't meet the look in Erick’s eyes. He stood and walked to the door grumbling "Maybe". Erick sat looking into the fire for sometime after Derian had gone. "I think she will need you, after I am gone. Be as good to her as you have to me, old friend." To be continued with Daughter Of Fire Eden Revell July 2004 |