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Hikaru and Katsu came along a dieng man and decided to avenge his death |
Two Great Warriors Long ago in ancient Japan there lived two great warriors who would become legends. There names where Hikaru and Katsu. The story takes place under a bridge in the center of Japan where Katsu and Hikaru spend most of there time training to master there weapons Hikarus weapon is the nun chucks and Katsu weapon is a Katana. They were both skilled with there weapons although they haven’t mastered them yet. One day while they were training they heard a scream and wandering what it was they ran out from under the bridge only to find out it was four men picking on two defenseless kids. One had a spear, one had nun chucks, and two had swords. Seeing this Hikaru and Katsu agreed to help the kids they ran up there and said why hey you why not pick on someone your one size. Then the four guys turn there attention on Katsu and Hikaru. Hikaru is going to fight the men with the spear and the nun chucks while Katsu took care of the ones with swords. Hikaru had no problem defeating the guy with the nun chucks for he left his neck unprotected so Hikaru ran up an hit the back of the mans neck with his nun chucks killing the man instantly. Hikaru had difficulty even getting close to the other man though because the man would keep extending the spear out so Hikaru couldn’t get in close to use his nun chucks. Mean while Katsu had already slayed one man by stabbing him in the heart but seemed to have difficulty slaying the other one. When Hikaru yelled out hey Katsu I could use some help over here. Katsu replied give me a minute and in that split second that his opponent dropped his guard Katsu beheaded him. Then he winked at Hikaru and instantly Hikaru knew he had to distract the man with the spear. While Hikaru was distracting the man Katsu came up from behind him and stabbed him in the back. Then after all four men were slayed they turned to the kids and said are you all right they said yes now thanks to you. Well ya’ll need to be more careful go on and head home. Hey Hikaru you ready to get back to training. Let’s get to it. After a few hours of training they decided to head home. They walked to Hikarus house first and then said good bye and Katsu set on the way to his home. While on the way though he sees a sign that said fighting competition all weapons are allowed. There are teams of two and the winners get 200 dollars each. Well Katsu thought about the fight they just had early that day and figured they may be able to win so he signed himself and Hikaru up. Then in the morning he went to Hikarus house and told him told him to grab his nun chucks. When he got down stairs with nun chucks in hands he asked what’s the rush. Katsu then tells Hikaru that he signed them up in a tournament. Hikaru was shocked and then asked well what the tournament is about and what the rules are. Well you can use any weapons you want which means I get to use my katana and you can use your nun chucks. It’s a tag team thing you and me will be on teams. In the battle one member of each team starts fighting first once one member of the team is defeated the other one steps in. Hikaru then asked ok well how you beat your opponent then. You win either by making your opponent give up, knock him out of the ring or kill him. Hikaru said kill him Katsu you never said we might die from this. I didn’t I could have swore I did. Anyway don’t sweat it you saw how easily we beat those four guys we shouldn’t have a problem besides if we win we get 200 dollars each and even if we don’t win we will still get experience in battle so it’s a win-win situation. So I take it that the tournament is today right. Exactly it starts in about 1 hour. Ok well let’s get going then. Do you have everything you need Hikaru yes and you yes. Ok well do you know who are opponents are going to be. Katsu oh I don’t know and we won’t know until we get there. Whoever face I just hope we can beat them. Stop you’re worrying I already told you we shouldn’t have any trouble. I hope your right. Of course I am have I ever been wrong. Yes well only once or twice. Aw where here. Men Katsu there shore are a lot of people here how many people entered this tournament. I think somewhere from 200 to 300. 200 to 300 and were going to have to fight them all. Of course not, there are going to be preliminary matches because only 20 fighters can make it to the finals. Ok see that sign it tells who is going to face who and by the looks of it are first opponents are some guys named Zian and Icebox. It says here Zian favors the staff while Icebox favors the ninja stars. It says here that are match will start in 15 minutes. Well Katsu what are we suppose to do until then. Well I guess we will just wait. Fine hey Katsu do you think we will have a chance at beating these guys. Well personally I don’t think will have any problem with Icebox as long as we keep dodging now as for Zian we may have a bit of trouble because by the looks of it he likes fighting at a distance not close up because of how long is staff is and both are weapons don’t do well if we can’t get up close right. I guess your right but what if we start off before he gets a chance to go on the offensive then we would have the advantage because like you said the staff is so long so it’s best used at a distance instead of close up. That’s not a bad plan Hikaru but what if we can’t get the upper hand right in the beginning then what will we do. Well the way I figure it is that if we can’t get close enough to hit him, then we just keep backing up until he can’t it us. Then we will be in a steel mate until one person decides to make the first move and trust me Katsu he will make the first move then we will strike. So even if we can’t get the upper hand in the begging doesn’t mean we will have trouble it just means that it will take us longer to beat him. I mean for crying out loud you’ve been saying how we shouldn’t have a problem and know I am starting to see what you were saying so don’t say you were wrong because now more that ever I think you were right that we might just be able to win this tournament and leave with some money in are pockets and hopefully with are bodies in tacked. Ok it looks like we figured out are strategy just in time because I think are match is about to began. Oh wait whose gong to fight who Katsu. Well I’ll start off fighting Icebox and when I lose it will be your turn. Then in the next round after we beat them you can start things off does that sound good. I guess that will work. Alright well hopefully this won’t take to long. Good luck buddy, like I’ll need it. Come on Icebox you ready to fight me. Holy crap where did he go, he can’t be that fast. Katsu behind you what holy crap how did he get behind me? Oh no I don’t know if I will be able to dodge his ninja star at such close range. Well if I don’t try something fast it won’t matter. Wait what if right when he throws it I drop to the ground that should work, I hope. Katsu are you ready to die. Here catch this, here goes nothing. Who that was a close one if I hadn’t dropped I’d be dead right now. Well, well, well your faster than I thought most people can’t even survive my ninja stars much less avoid them. Why can’t any survive them they don’t seem as though they would be fatal unless you hit the opponent in his vital parts? Ah but see that’s where your wrong for you see each tip of my ninja stars has highly strong venom on the tips. So the second it stabs into you the poison spreads through your body before you even have time to remove it and after that you have 5 minutes until your body starts shutting down and then you die. Well then I guess it’s a good thing for me that I know how to dodge and unfortunately for, you have left yourself unguarded for my attack. (Guu) how are you so fast you shouldn’t have been able to get to me so quickly and stab me. You have to tell me how. Sorry but I don’t associate with dead people, take this. Well he wasn’t much of a challenge. Hey Zian I shore hope you can do better then your partner here. Oh trust me I will. Hey Hikaru I just thought of something, we can switch after one of the opponents are beaten so do you want to face t his dud or should I finish him off. I will fight him besides you already had some fun now it’s my turn. Finally I get to have some fun. Hey Zian I shore hope you will give me a workout because you see I have just been so board and am really looking forward to a good fight. So what do you say Zian you ready to fight me. I’m just waiting for your attack Hikaru that is unless you’re afraid to attack me which I can totally understand I mean who wouldn’t be afraid of me. Confident well take this hah, o I’m sorry were you trying to hit me. Dam he’s faster than I thought, I just hope my plan will work well here we go. Take this, huh how did he predict my movements no matter. Huh how did you block it you shouldn’t have been able to block my attack at such close range with that staff. Mm what did you think that you could beat me if you got close to me so that I wouldn’t’ be able to use my weapon well I am sorry to disappoint you but I have trained for years figuring out all the flaws this staff has and your attack would have succeeded if I hadn’t already trained to perfect that flaw so many years ago. Well I see one flaw right now, you do well enlighten me what is it mm. The flaw is you talk too much. What, see I told you the flaw was you talked too much because while you were talking I was able to find your weak point and to my surprise it was your left shoulder? Dam you how could you found my weak point. Oh it wasn’t that hard and a bit of advice if I were you I would forfeit because when I hit your shoulder blade I made sure I broke it. So that means you won’t be able to use your staff. So do you give up? It doesn’t seem as though I have a choice I surrender. Good match Hikaru you are the first to beat me in a long time keep practicing and you and your partner could become great warriors one day. Thank you Zian and I would also like to thank you for forfeiting for you see I hate to kill but I will if I must but I am glad that you did not force me to kill you. Hikaru I hope I will get to fight you again sometime. Katsu and Hikaru won match after match until it came down to the final match Katsu and Hikaru against Cyclone and Tsunami. Now it’s time to see who the champions will be. Alright let’s get this match under way will one member from each team please step into the ring. Alright looks like we have are first match it will be Hikaru against Cyclone, ready fight. So Hikaru I see that you have made it to the finals I am impressed but this is where you lose, so just give up. I hate to tell you this Cyclone but I will never give up so the only way you can win is to kill me. Perfect just what I wanted to hear. Well make your move Cyclone you’ll regret saying that, what is your pathetic pick and sickle goanna hurt me woo I am so scared just hurry up and attack so I can finish this match. I’ll do you a favor Cyclone I will beat you with my secret technique no one except for Katsu over there even new I was working on one. So if you would be so kind as to hurry up I will make your death a quick one seeing how I know you won’t give up. Let’s see what your secret technique is take this, bad move gate of the nine hells secret technique haaa. It’s finished, that is some technique you have there Hikaru I didn’t think you would be able to kill me with that technique hh. Well that was easy hey Katsu do you want this next guy or should I deal with him. No way it’s my turn you just got to use your special technique now it’s my turn to use mine. Tsunami unless you want your death to end today I suggest you give up. I would rather die than ever give up. Have it your way. I will never lose to you Katsu take this. Pathetic I shouldn’t even use my special technique on you but I want to test it out so here goes seal of the seven kings. What in the hell was that. That was my finish technique, good job Katsu thanks. I guess I lose uh. The winners of this tournament are Hikaru and Katsu. Here is the prize money. Hey Katsu do you want to go train for a little before the day ends. Sure we can see which technique is stronger your gate of the nine hells or my seal of the seven kings. Of course we would have to use the wooden practice swords we wouldn’t want to kill one another by mistake no would we. That is something I wish to avoid. Oh and by the way Hikaru I was right we did win and we got some more battling experience and we both got to use are finishing techniques against two fairly strong guys. Who didn’t survive the techniques I might add. Alright Katsu you ready to see which technique is stronger go for it, gate of the nine hells, seal of the seven kings. Well, well looks like are techniques are equal well that’s a good thing to know. That way neither one of us can brag about are technique being better. Yes I agree with that Hikaru but we still haven’t mastered these techniques only when we can beat the greatest with these techniques can we truly say that we have mastered them. I guess your right because what can be said about are techniques unless we show people that are techniques can beat the best. True but we still have a long time before we can do that, well how about we call it quits for the day. Ok see you later, I will be over your house bright and early Hikaru so be ready. Hey Hikaru wake up did you forget what I told you already. Hikaru do you even hear me, hey men I’m right here oh so you did remember what I said of course I did. Well you ready to get going I figured we would go walking around see if there was anyone around that would like to fight us not to the death or anything unless it comes to that. Sure I guess so which way should we go North, South, East, or West. I think we should go West sounds good to me. Hey men do you think we will find anyone that will want to fight us. I mean a lot of people saw us at that tournament and saw what we are capable of. I don’t know but you know what I think about Hikaru what, I think about you and me becoming great warriors someday. I mean I believe someday we will be able to beat the best of the best that’s part of the reason I wanted to go walking around to see if there would be any strong opponents for us to fight. I understand where you are coming from, I have thought about the same thing and personally I also believe that someday we will do something great. I hope are dreams come true, me to. Hey Katsu what’s that down there I don’t know let’s check it out. Oh no it looks like it’s a guy and he seems to be badly hurt. Hey men are you alright say something. Who are you my name is Tereo. Tereo tell us who did this to you tell us? It was Tanake, Tanake who is Tanake Katsu do you know anyone by that name. No do you no Tereo who is Tanake he is a. What Tereo what did you say it’s no use Katsu he’s dead. Why would anyone to this to someone like him it doesn’t even look as though he was armed. I don’t know about you Hikaru but I am going to find out who this Tanake character is and make him pay for kill this man are you with me of course I am. I hate the ideal of someone killing an unarmed man just as much as you do. Where should we start looking for him at well first things first we must give Tereo a proper burial just as we would want someone to do for us. Well know that that’s done we can move on finding out who this Tanake character let’s go ask some people in town. So Katsu and Hikaru went from person to person but when ever they mentioned Tanake’s name ever one just looked frightened an ran away until they came upon an old man who told them what they wanted but first he asked them why they wanted to know who Tanake was and they told him because he killed an unarmed men and they were going to make him pay. Well after hearing that the old man told them who Tanake was and also told them about the things he was known for. Then they realized why everyone was so afraid when they heard Tanake’s, for who wouldn’t be Tanake was known to be one of the greatest fighters to ever live. He also had killed many men some who deserved and some just for his own pleasure. Well after hearing this Katsu and Hikaru were set on defeating Tanake to make him pay for all of his deeds. Well after hearing that Katsu do you think we should go pay one of Tanake’s employees a visit although the old men was helpful he didn’t tell us where we would be able to find him but he did tell us where some people who work for him hang out at. Well what do you think Katsu should we go or not. Let’s go but once we start on this path we must be willing to go all the way because we don’t know how many people Tanake will have following him an if we kill some of his men you can bet he will want us dead. Well here we are this is the last chance to back down. I don’t think so let’s go say hello just what I expected from you Hikaru. Hey have you guys seen a men named Tanake maybe what’s it to you punks he killed a man who was defenseless and we are just looking to settle the score. Oh you do well you’ll have to get through us first no problem. Hikaru ready yes then let’s do this. Ha holy shits there fast quick kill them. Sorry but your just to slow I’ll show you who are to call me slow take this you punk. Hikaru take care of the rest of these weaklings this asshole is mine. Ok boys whose first come on now I’m waiting. You chickens take this kid woo so close here try this hu. Well whose next screw this that man’s to strong I’m out of here me too. Well that was no fun. So I take it you’re the person in charge here that’s right here I will make a deal with you tell me where I can find Tanake I’ll die before I betray my master that can be arranged. Here taste my cold hard steel, see now you could have stayed alive if you would have just answered my question. Ah well at least I had fun how about you Hikaru oh yeah only one problem where do we go now don’t worry when we came in I heard them talking about someplace called the talon somewhere in China Town I think. Men that’s quit far but we’ve come this far so I guess we don’t have a chose so here we come China get ready. Let’s get out of here. So how long do you think it will take us to reach china around 4 days maybe 3 if we don’t stop that much. Do you think we will run in to anyone else who works for Tanake? Only time will tell but if we do we shouldn’t have much trouble with them I mean just look at how easily we took care of the other people who worked for him yeah but it’s just too bad we couldn’t get anything out of them and besides he probably has better fighters than those fools guess your right. Well I guess next time we can’t finish them off as quick as we did the others at least not before we get them to talk but who knows like you said they might be strong enough not to die right away. Hey Katsu yes do you think we are doing the right thing. Yes I do Hikaru and the reason for that is Tanake murdered an unarmed man and I don’t care what that man did no one should killed without even a chance to protect themselves. I see your pint now I know that we are doing the right thing and even if we weren’t it would be too late to turn back now. Why because we already killed some of his followers and he probably wants us out of the way good point. Well we should reach China in about 2 more days. That’s good why did you say that well I just have this felling that someone is following us I know I feel it to. They are probably waiting till we get far enough away from anyone so that now one will be able to help us so what ever you do keep up your guard because there just waiting for us to relax and that’s when they will kill us. I don’t think we should worry about them though because when they attack we will be ready for them and that is a good advantage to have. Yes I know but we don’t even know who they are or what they look like Katsu how will we know it’s them just trust your instincts and you will know after all haven’t your instincts served you well already. Of course they have without your instincts you wouldn’t have gotten this far right. Shh do you hear that yes what is it, I think its are friends that have been fallowing us be quite and stay on your guard remember we don’t know who they are. I see them over there in the bushes no now there in the trees. Damn I don’t know where they are there moving to fast for my eyes to follow them. Katsu look out behind you what in the hell how did he get behind me shit my arm. Katsu are you alright I’ll be fine he only got me in the arm. Wait I have an idea Hikaru remember when we fought those four guys picking on those two kids yeah remember how you distracted him and then I finished him off yes. Well let’s see if we can’t do the same to this person ok but Katsu you better be quick about it because I don’t know if I will be able to hold him off. Get ready for it here he comes now Katsu your all mine punk. Nice idea now who is he and why did he try to kill us my best bet is he works for Tanake and was ordered to kill us. Well then that must mean Tanake knows we killed some of his men and that were heading to China it looks that way. From now one of us will stand guard to make sure no one else has the opportunity to sneak up on us. I’ll take the first watch Katsu you rest and bandage up your arm thanks Hikaru that’s what friends are for. Ah Hikaru why didn’t u wake me up last night so that you could get some sleep I wasn’t tried last nigh so I figured there was no point in waking you. Alright now that your up we can get a moving Katsu is your arm felling any better it still hurts but ill be fine. We should reach China in about a few hours if we hurry and to be honest the faster we take care of Tanake the better I’m becoming irritated at having to fight with this many people for no apparent reason although it doesn’t bother me as much as it should. |