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Watch out! Please, don't make me angry. You never know what evil lurks. |
Author: Sheree Rabon "Doppelganger Anger" I stumped my toe as I rushed to open the door for Carl. It had been two weeks, two days and nine hours since the last time he would even speak to me. He rushed past me, not saying a word; to grab his things he’d asked me to gather. “Carl, baby, just tell me what’s wrong?” I pled. “You know what the hell is wrong woman! Why are you playing these silly games? Did you have fun with Roy? Or how about my father?” he accused angrily and loud enough in ear shot of my neighbors across the condominium’s courtyard. “Ariah, just let me get my things, please. No need for explanations. It’s over!” “What? I have no idea what you’re talking about. You must be mistaking me for someone else! I would never!” I said through tears as he approached the door. I grabbed his arm trying to make eye contact with him. He pushed me aside and continued to exit. I watched as he walked slowly down the stairs carrying his belongings. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks leaving black streaks from the mascara I’d put on just before he came. I closed my door ignoring the strange stares my neighbors gave me. I reached for my cordless phone to call his cellular. It rang and rang. He would not answer. In a frenzy at this point, I reached for the phone to dial my best friend’s number. “Ring. Ring. Ring.” Oh Demi, where the hell are you? Where the heck have you been lately as a matter of fact? Her answering machine picked the call up. “Demi, I need you. Please answer. Pick up the phone, please,” I started to cry again. I plopped down in Carl’s favorite football chair, laid my head back and let the tears flow. I looked across the room at the bar Carl had just finished building and wanted to scream. What could have gone wrong? I mumbled to myself. I stumbled over to the bar and poured myself a stiff triple shot of Remy Martin, Carl's favorite. I drank half straight down, then refilled the glass. I sat back in Carl’s chair, savoring his scent and gently ran my hand across his Packer's velour throw he used while watching football games. I leaned my head back into the curved head rest and drifted off in a drunken stupor. A cold breeze woke me. I was naked and I was in bed with a cold towel on my face. A strange feeling came over me. I had drunk much more than that in the past but never awakened to such drastic changes. I looked around wondering if Carl had come back. He was the only one with a key. I shut the window then walked into my master bathroom to see if the street clothes I’d had on were in there. They weren’t. I went into my den where I remembered being last to find them. Nothing. “This is just too strange.” I searched a few more places to no avail. I reached for the phone that I placed back into the cradle just after Demi but it too was gone. I ran back to my bedroom where I had put my cellular phone on its charge. It was gone too. I ran to my closet to find something to throw on just to run across the court to my neighbor’s condo to use her phone. I could see her peek out, but she would not come to the door. I tried knocking on another door. No one would answer yet I could hear movement inside. I walked back to my condo to get my car keys. I looked in my kitchen and several other places I could’ve thrown them. They were not there. Not even the spare. I remembered placing a spare beneath my car in case of an emergency. I pulled a sweatshirt Carl had left behind on over my jock bra and ran out to my garage. A car was there but it was not mine. I walked slowly toward the car to peer into it. My cellular charger, cordless phone and a few other personal items were in the passenger’s seat. I attempted to open the door but it was locked. Stunned by the turn of events, I began backing away until I was completely out of the garage. I saw the neighbor poke her head out to see what I was doing. I began to walk toward her pleading, “Please, I just need to use your phone. Please!” She hurried back inside and closed her door. I turned to walk the distance to the strip mall to a pay phone. Just as I exited the long driveway that led to the public sidewalk, I saw my car zoom past me. My eyes had to be playing tricks on me. It looked like Carl was on the passenger side with someone identical to me, driving. I ran to the pay phone to call his cell phone. “Hello,” he answered in a strange voice. I could hear our favorite song playing in the background. “Carl! What’s going on? Where are you?” I asked frantically and out of breath. “Who is this?” he sounded confused. “It’s me! Ariah! Did I just see you pass my house? Carl, just listen, dammit! If that was you and someone that just passed--” “I don’t know what kind of games you are playing, who ever this is---“ “Hello,” I shouted to the dead sound on the phone. “Carl!” Not knowing what to do, I called Demi again. She answered but with a tone that indicated she was not happy. “You bitch! How dare you call me after all you’ve done!” she screamed. “Demi, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please, just listen to me. So many strange things are happening. Listen to me, dammit!” “There’s nothing to listen to. I’m calling the police!” “The police?! Why? I want you to but it sounds more like you’re calling on me instead of for me. Demi, just listen for a minute!” “Okay. You have exactly that! One minute!” “Today Carl came over to get his things this morning. He was irate and would not tell me what happened but instead, accused me of sleeping with his father and several other people. You know I would not think of such a thing. Then, he looked at me like he wanted to spit in my face and just left. I was miserable and decided to pour me a couple of drinks while I sat there and cried my eyes out. Demi, trust me on this! Please! Look at your caller id. I even tried calling you.” I begged. “Yes. I do see where you called. Continue," she said with a cold tone. “That was it! I woke up in bed naked and a cold towel on my face. I swear to you that I don’t know what’s going on. I went to my garage but my car wasn’t there, someone else’s was,” I continued to explain. “Nice try, Ariah. I let you use one of the cars from the dealership and you promised you’d bring it back before anyone knew it was missing!” she said in the same accusing tone Carl had used with me earlier. “I never used a car from your lot! What are you talking about, Demi?” "Oh, how soon we forget! You wanted to spy on your lover boy Carl, remember? I see why he left you alone. You have lost it!" "Demi, please believe me!" “Okay, your minute it up, especially if you’re gonna play games with me. Just bring the fuckin’ car back or I will call the police since we all of a sudden know where it’s parked. It mysteriously drove itself into your garage, huh?” “Yes! No! Demi, I don’t know how it got there but trust me, I didn’t do it. To top things off, I just saw my car and Carl pass by me. I called his cell. He answered and thought I was playing games. Then there was silence. He hung up, I guess. I hope. Demi, I’m scared. Please believe me,” I pled more as tears drenched my face. “Okay, this is just too strange for you to make up. What’s really going on? Better yet, I'm coming over to pick up the car and you tell me then. See you in ten minutes” “That’s exactly what I’m telling you! This is strange. Yes, I do agree. Please help me, Demi. You know we’ve been friends for over ten years and never have I said or done anything to hurt you. You’ve got to believe me now when I tell you that something is very wrong.” I heard a deep sigh, then a scream. “No, Ariah! Stop! Please!” “Hello! Demi! Who’s there? Demi, please answer me! I’m on the phone. Not there. Who ever it is, it is not me! Answer me!" Oh shit! What's going on? I shivered as I listened to yet another dead tone. I knew that I had to do something and very soon. I headed back to my condo but police surrounded it. Several were in my garage and triple that inside of my condo. I continued to jog past my condo to a group of people gathered around watching the scene. I stood amongst them as they pulled something that looked like a body out of the car that was inside of my garage. I looked closer as the policeman pulled the sheet that covered the body’s face back, then recovered it. I noticed my own car parked several doors down from my visitor’s spot. The group of people speculated that someone had been murdered by the strange lady that lived in condo C. My condo. I cringed since these people had obviously seen something to gather this opinion. Many of them chatted among themselves about the strange events they’d witnessed there. I listened to as many as I could at one time trying to understand what was going on. “What kind of things does she do?” I inquired. “That woman has issues. She goes inside and come right back out but in different clothes almost everyday lately. She has lots of male suitors too. Her husband or boyfriend must have caught her sleeping with his father one day when he came home. I had just pulled into the parking lot and heard the screaming and arguing. "When was this?" I asked with a deep frown of shock. "Just a few weeks ago. I haven't seen the man since either. Wonder if that's his body they're pulling out now?" The lady tip-toes upward and veered over toward my condo. "Are you positive it was the lady that lived there?" "Absolutely. The lady has a very distinguished look. Beautiful, might I add, but there is something about her. Anyway, that day was real strange. She just stopped arguing with him, then started laughing and telling him that his father was a much better lay anyway. Imagine that!” The lady continued to speak as she pulled her short dark and curly hair from her face, still staring at the scene. According to the density of the traffic, it must have been near 4 o’clock p. m. I realized that my immediate neighbors would be home soon that could identify me better than the ones in the crowd. I did not have a concrete plan of escape yet, but knew that I’d have to start walking away and soon. Just as I was prepared to head north away from the commotion, I heard the small crowd roar and gasp. I tip-toed to see over a slightly taller man’s head. The Coroner pulled another corpse from my condo. As he pulled the cover back over the face of the body, I caught a glimpse and realized that it was my former boss, Theo. My legs started walked since my mind had temporarily shut down. I walked on the sidewalk until I crossed the street into a subdivision where lots of trees bridged the area. A Weeping Willow tree stood isolated. I took cover there for a while to get my thoughts together. While sitting there, I realized that I was doomed. Everyone had witnessed whom they believed as me arguing with Carl. Most people knew how much I hated Theo for harassing me, then firing me when he realized that he would not get the requested sexual favors his prior staff so willingly gave in to submit to. Not wanting to bring more attention to myself, I took the hot sweatshirt off since the temperature had obviously climbed to a scorching 98 degrees or better like the weatherman had predicted. My black jock bra was suitable. I jogged even further into the subdivision noticing families coming home, children playing and dogs barking at my unfamiliar face. My mouth was dry and thirsty when a man that appeared to be in his early forties flirted. I plastered a fake smile on my face, flirted back and slowed my pace. “How are you today?” he asked as he approached me still wearing a flirtatious smile. “Fine, and you?” “Oh, I’m okay. What’s your name?” “Pamela,” I lied. “Yours?” “My name’s Dave. You live around here?” “Not too far away. I just wanted to take a peek at the beautiful new houses you lucky folk have built. I needed exercise anyway so decided to take a stroll.” “Hmm, pretty hot for that. You want something to drink? Water, soda? How bout a beer?” “Water. Thank you.” I looked into his eyes as I smiled. “Is this your house?” “Well, yes it is. I live here alone if that’s your next question. My wife was murdered about six months ago,” he said with a glimpse of sadness then smiled again. “Not something I care to discuss, but I will tell you; be careful around here. There is some psychopath on the loose and no one has a clue who she is.” “She? Why do you say ‘she’?” “Well, I say that for several reasons. It’s not official police evidence. Just a theory that I came up with. My wife wanted to get out of the house and pursue her dreams a bit. She opened up a flower shop up on Bradly and 67th street not to far away from here." "What a coincidence. I was going to open up there but was out bidded. Guess you two won. Congratulations anyway," I smiled. "Wait til ya hear the rest. You'll be glad you didn't. I was on the phone with Sara, my wife, when a woman came in asking for a strange flower arrangement. My wife told her that she didn’t carry those but could order them. Well, somehow or another we got disconnected suddenly. I figured I’d wait til she was done with her customer. That was the last time I ever heard her voice. We hadn’t placed the surveillance cameras yet.” “You’re kidding, right?” “No, Pamela. I’m not, unfortunately. My wife did have a way with words, but I really couldn't see anyone killing her for mouthing off.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to go into the details. Obviously this is very hard for you. Really, there’s no need for you to continue,” I said as flashes of an argument with his rude wife entered my mind. Little did he know, I was the person that was trying to order flowers for Carl’s mother. But, I did not kill her. We exchanged words and I left. I went home to tell Demi, whom was waiting for me that day, about the rude lady. I recalled, "That new owner is such a bitch! I told her that I needed White Tiger Lillies, right? She didn't have any. I said, "Thank you and congratulations on your new shop." I told her that I was the one bidding against her. The woman flipped on me. I just looked at her, flipped my middle finger at her and left." We laughed and went to another florist that she knew of nearby. “Pam? You okay? You like you saw a ghost there a minute,” Dave said as he offered the bottled water. I took it and drank it straight down until the bottle was empty. “You were pretty thirsty there. Do you want another one?” he offered. “No. I’m fine now.” I wanted to leave but really needed to hide somewhere and think. “Would you like to sit out on the patio with me for a while, rest a bit?” he asked with a sexy inviting smile. “Yes. I’d like that.” “Excuse the mess out here. Hadn’t really decided what to do with all the flowers and shrubs since Sarah was killed. I guess I’d better try harder to get over it since death is final and there’s no chance that she’ll be back to finish what she started back here,” he semi joked. “Oh, Dave. If you’d like, I can help a bit. I don’t have anything planned this evening and I do have a green thumb,” I offered. “That would be great. But, I really just want your company. You’re a beautiful lady and I’d just like to talk. No strings,” he explained as he searched my eyes for the answer. “I’d like that too,” I said as I sat in a comfortable chaise lounger he pulled out for me. “I’m going to have a beer. Can I get you something stronger?” he offered. “Yes! Please!” I said almost desperately. “Come inside and see for ya’self what I’ve got here.” "Nice setup. I’ll take the Remy, straight.” “I used to own a bar. Since Sarah died, I've closed shop. She was the one into the bar. I always hated it." Dave opened the patio door, stuck his head out, then asked, "Wanna stay inside?" “Yes I do. This air sure does feel good too.” “Okay. Wanna hear some music? Got any kind you like. Just follow me,” A strange attraction to Dave came over me as beckoned with his long, husky, thick masculine hand to follow him downstairs to the rec-room. “Ooops, forgot the drinks. We can stay down here if you like. Never put any music upstairs yet.” “That’s fine. It’s beautiful down here. You’re doing the work yourself?” Yep. Just taking my time. My next wife will either fall in love with me or the house. Either one suits me just as long as I get one. I get so lonely.” “Yeah, I would imagine you do Dave. This house is gorgeous. Maybe she'll fall for both. I’m really sorry that someone did that to your wife,” I said empathetically as Dave stared into my eyes. Dave went up the stairs to get our drinks. He was taking quite longer than I expected. I became suspicious and went to investigate. I cautiously peeped around the doorway so not to get a surprise. I did anyway. There stood a woman dressed in my clothes looking identical to me. Dave stood with his mouth wide open in shock. "Dave! Look out! I shouted but too late. The woman charged at him with the meat cleaver. His blood spewed on the look-alike woman and me. I ran over to Dave cautiously. I opened Dave's shirt to see how badly he was injured. The sound of the woman's voice startled me but I instinctly showed no emotion and continued tending to Dave. Her voice was even identical to my own. "Soooo, we finally meet eye to fucking eye, huh? Surprise, surprise!" she said with an echoing maniacal laugh that followed. "Thought you were loosing it, huh?" My mind stayed focused on Dave's wound. He didn't deserve to die at her hands. Everything was clear to me by then. She was the one killing anyone I remotely had a dispute with. She was the one sleeping with Carl’s father and the one that seduced Roy, Carl's best friend. She was the one that had killed Dave’s wife, Theo and Carl as well. The sound of her footsteps nearing freaked me out. I grabbed a heavy statue that sat on a decorated pillar, ran to her and slammed it into her forehead as hard as possible. She dropped the knife but still walked closer. She looked at me with eyes like mine, then Dave. I could see Dave getting up through my periphial view. He was obviously stunned by the sight of now two women identical. He grabbed his chest searching to stop the pouring blood. As she talked, I slowly moved my hand in the direction Dave's eyes hinted at. When I wedged it open slightly, I noticed a pearl handled 45 automatic gun. "You scary little bitch. You need me. Everyone walks over you. You were so blind to Carl. No to worry though. I've been your protector. And now you want to hurt me?" Her baby steps were still heading for me. Just as she launched for me, my hand connected with the pearl handle of the gun. "POW! POW! POW! "That's enough! I heard Dave shouting. "She's dead! She's dead, Pam! Dave said as he pulled the gun from my hand. "Oh, Dave, I'm so sorry. She must've been inside of my mind or something. I really don't know. She's been killing everyone!" I screamed and cried as Dave held me, now close to his bloody body. I didn't care. I needed to be held by some real strong arms. "You know, I've heard of Doppelgangers before but always thought it was just a myth. It's over now. I'll call the police." "No-no, Dave. We will have to prove all of this. I'm not ready for what the media will do with this type of story. I'm hurting. Everyone that I love and hate is dead." "Yeah, my wife included, right? She killed her because she out bidded you, maybe? Well, what do you suggest?" "I suggest we use this bitch as fertilizer. You still have the flower shop, right?" "Right." "By the way, Dave. My name is Ariah. I was running away from all of the commotion this woman caused back at my place is why I lied." "Well, let's finish our drinks then we can get to digging. How's that for a nice romantic start to your new life?" "You read my mind. Thank you." As shocking as all of this was, Dave and I never talked about it again. We made love after we finished the 'fertilizer' that evening as though we were resuming our lives. He impregnated me that evening too. I am six and a half months. I've gained plenty of weight. I've cut my hair and died it. I go right into my same community. No one is the wiser. I heard the chimes over the door so I looked at the monitor in my new office at my flower shop. It is Dave. "Hi, Honey. How's your day been?" he asks with his hand planted on my belly. "Great. I've had so many compliments on the flowers today. I told them that I use a special fertilizer." I smirked then we both engaged in a flirtatiously diabolical smile. Our lips instinctively met in a tender kiss. "Dave, I have a question for you." "Go for it." "Several customers have expressed their dislike for your beloved wife. I do recall how she acted the day-well- ahh, you know." "Yeah, I know. She was quite the bitch. If I'd never met you, I would have just thought that women were naturally like that since I was bambozzled into marrying her. Things happen for a reason. I'm happy. How bout you?" "Very, very, happy. I guess that's why my Doggelganger killed Carl. She saw things in him that I obviously didn't. You wouldn't believe the things I found out about him while incognito." End |