Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/876303-Order-Of-Whistlers
Rated: E · Novel · Sci-fi · #876303
This is a story about the true purpose of the Order of Whistlers.

My name is Xexcae Moses. I am not certain as to the exact reason I am writing this. I think that maybe I don’t want fellow members to be ashamed of us, maybe it is simply because I need to lift a burden from my conscience, or maybe, I believe others should know the truth. The truth about Alecsandrya, about the ganlics, and who the Whistlers really are.

The Beginnings
Chapter One

Earth as we know it is overrun by a species of Homo sapiens that we call ganlics. They have a lifespan covering up to two hundred years.
From far away, ganlics look a lot like humans. When you look closer though, you realize some things are wrong.
The men are completely bald. The women have short hair. It is considered uncouth to have long hair. Their skin is thick and very tough. Like a hide. The entire species has the same pure white eyes. Which appear the same as a human eye, but, instead of being decorated with the usual two lashes and two brows, there is nothing but skin over bone. They all have small anime like noses. There but not there. Each ganlic has honed the ability of lightening speed and an apathy to the most emotional situations.
At first, they were quite peaceful and they were permitted to stay on our planet after much discussion among world leaders. Whom thought they would serve to benefit more from their stay. The Order of Whistlers knew the truth about the seemingly timid Ganlics. For this reason, they had awaited, trained and pursued the creatures that had long ago- thousands of years- infiltrated the very system of the human race.
As Whistler legend goes, a millennia ago, a man called Haloquin discovered the ganlic secret and what and who they truly were, he wanted to expose them, but he didn’t, because of ties between him and his friend who was a ganlic. His hesitation to do something allowed for the only exposed ganlics to disappear into new identities. It has been widely assumed that either they moved into newer identities or they were murdered to prevent any further possibility of identification. There was an attempt on Haloquin’s life but he survived and went underground with the help of the few friends he had that believed his claims of possible alien invasion.
The ganlics could not naturally appear in human form even though they had the ability to change into any humanoid species. However, with practice they became able to do so. They were easily detectable and highly vulnerable to discovery because they had to change back to natural form every three hours. When they perfected the art of appearing human, they were virtually impossible to find. Until, Haloquin discovered they needed a special kind of food for when they were in assumed states. This food they brought from their home planet Nir. Their name for it was lalis.
Though the task was difficult, Haloquin never gave up and pledged his life to killing the Ganlics at all costs to protect the human race. He started the Order of Whistlers to help train the most knowledgeable of his time to seek, find and kill the Ganlics. He targeted their major weakness. Lalis.
In my age, the Ganlics came out of hiding, no longer masking themselves as humans but portraying themselves as a timid species. This was because of a drop in the supply of lalis. The Order had won a battle but not the war.
It was on my fifteenth birthday that the Order of Whistlers was called upon - the Ganlics had staged their take over.

Chapter Two

My father is a Haloquin 01. This means he is given direct orders to infiltrate Ganlic governments and kill.
There are sections within the Order.
They are the Haloquin eighth which is the lowest strata, I’m in that. The Whispers, which infiltrate lesser sections of the Ganlic society and collect information and the last but not least the Chrylids, they stay within these Ganlic societies waiting until their action is called upon sometimes this could be years or never. The Haloquin 01’s are never dicussed. They are known to exist but for security reasons this topic is not allowed or even included in common conversation.
Our main headquarter is called Alecsandrya situated in a small town on the little island of Kathos.
The Haloquin Eighths are trainees, we can choose from Weapons and Machine programs, Infiltration and Information Spy programs, Ganlic Science, Interrogation or Securities. Everyone has to learn basic combat.
I chose all because I want to be like my father. The only way to be a Haloquin is to pass all the programs. This is why there are only three Haloquins out of the thirty- four that have passed through Alecsandrya’s doors this year. An entire course takes three years. This is my final year.
When training is completed, most of the students are shipped to either their parent’s bases or other HQs world wide.
Alecsandrya guises as a schoolhouse, the locals don’t know our secret and they never venture any where near our facilities. There are some of our own spies who pretend to be locals. They do this to keep getting information about the movements on Kathos. Non- locals are easily noticed and gossip can spread very quickly.
I now enter you into the story on the day before my birthday. The same day the Whistlers first received information that ganlic world leaders were on the move. The same day whole Ganlic cells that were under surveillance began disappearing into thin air.

Chapter 3
“Maria, when are you going to stop primping,” shaking my head with disapproval.
“Well I’m only doing this because today is such a special day,” she turned around and eyed me with a wary eye,” for you.”
“Oh, right, your doing this for me you never do anything graciously,” I gave an equal eye back at her,” What is your real purpose of primping on my day before b. day.”
“Well,” she said with a dramatic pause, “I’m seriously just doing this for you. I really don’t get why you don’t believe me. I’m happy that you have finally reached fifteen.”
“Well I do, I just don’t believe your motive,” I knew she was just gloating with the knowledge that she, sixteen, was a year older than me.
Maria gave one last toss to her hair and laughed then, giving me the evil eye for one more second disappeared into the bathroom.
Maria was my best friend in this place. She looked very Guyanese there was inter mixing so her hair was long and straggly and jet- black. She was dark skinned with perfect eyebrows to go with her deep brown eyes and an oval face. Maria was near five feet seven inches. She wore contacts though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone.
I, on the other hand, had kinky hard to handle hair. It had turned ginger brown from the sun though, which was the only thing going for it. My eyes were a miracle, I have hazel grayish eyes. No one could figure out from whom in my family I got them. I am five feet eight and a half with a dark brown complexion and there is a little beauty spot on my cheek that everyone thinks makes me look cute.
Meanwhile when Maria was gone, I took the opportunity to use the vacant space at the mirror. I did my hair in simple fro with a pale yellow polka dot scarf fashionably tied around it this was my trademark hairstyle and I loved it because I found that it really accentuated my face.
I then put on a little gloss and that was it. I didn’t fancy make up as much as Maria did and I liked to keep it simple. Besides that, it was way easier to train without having the hassle of reapplying make up. Maria disapproved of course because she thought that make up was a way of accentuating a woman’s features.
A knock sounded at the door and I quickly straightened my pale yellow suit, which comprised of a leather pants, black vest, and a leather jacket along with black heeled boots. Customary ‘day off training’ wear.
I opened the door and to my surprise Hasley appeared. “Happy day before birthday, Xexcae.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek and a bear hug.
He was slightly taller than me pushing five feet eleven easy. He was well tanned with lank auburn hair and a growing goatee beard. He has these perfectly shaped eyebrows I would die for and long eyelashes to kill for.
“Hi Has, Maria’s was just preparing TO leave,” I yelled loudly to get her attention. I gave Has a wink. He winked his brown eyes back at me.
“Trying to look better than she already does right.” He whispered.
“Yup, a second attempt even after the first attempt was perfect.”
“Not to her I suppose?”
“Damn right.”
“Well I’m here,” she swept out of the bathroom door and pass Hasley giving him a slight smile,” was she talking about me.” She paused but Has gave no answer,” yes of course you were.”
“Anyhoo,” I said loudly,” where are we off too?”
“Sec- eight in the school house.” Maria said as we struggled to catch up to the brisk pace that she set.
“Why?” I asked
“Training’s been suspended and I want to know why,” Maria said.
“Well don’t you think they’d tell us if we were supposed to know?” Hasley commented, probably trying to sound like a smart ass.
“Actually no I don’t.”
“Well I-“
Maria cut him off,” think that we shouldn’t be asking around.”
All that was left for us was to nod.
“Think Has, has this ever happened before?” she didn’t even wait for an answer.” No it never has.”
“That’s true,” I said nodding.
“I guess you’re right,” Has said finally.
Maria dead stopped, she eyed both of us but she eyed me the longest,” You want to know why I think this is so important. I think this is so important because yesterday, I saw your father, Xexcae. He wasn’t walking he was running. Every important body in this house, including the Haloquins, were hurrying towards sec- eight.”
I stood there astonished. Sec-eight is the base for all top personnel. Specific passes are needed to enter that section of the house. This is the first time in my life that all top personnel were in the same place at the same time add that to the fact that they were in sec- eight. This had to be something extremely important.

“Well,” Has said impatiently, “what can you see.”
Before answering, I leaned out of the vent just a bit further. I was upside down and all the blood was rushing to my brain but I still continued to ease myself further down fully aware that if I eased too much I could risk falling into the hallway and I might not be able to get back up into the vent.
“I see three officers, no wait, four but I can’t tell what they are doing.”
“You have got to have something way more interesting than that, Maria said.
“This might be interesting. They all have on Alecsandrya uniforms though I’ve never seen this type on the campus before,” I heaved myself into the vent and said,” go take a look and see if you can identify it.”
Seconds later, Maria, the braver of the two swung down, but she couldn’t identify the uniforms either.
“We definitely need to go in for a closer look, Xex with me, Has you stay here and make sure no one else comes. Whistle if someone does.”
We both landed into the way noiselessly and crept to the farthermost corner and stayed there, waiting for the officers to leave. It appeared that they were waiting for clearance in to the adjoining quarter. We didn’t know what it was because we had never ventured this far into the private facility before. We could both hazard a guess where it led to. We were certain that it led to Sec-eight.
We figured we had all the information that we could possibly have. So we decided to leave more exploring to another day.
“Let’s go,” Maria told me in a hushed whisper.
I turned around and I was stunned to see someone behind me. I bumped into the figure and fell with a clatter too the ground. I looked up all six feet two of the shadow until I finally reached the face.
I recognized the face as my dad instantly, “Shit,” I said under my breath. I scrambled to my feet and made a play for innocence that I knew wouldn’t work but still had too try.
“What are you three doing in here,” he held Has by his clothes high above the ground and he dangled uncomfortably. He gave us an apologetic smile.
“We, um. I was coming to you dad.”
“Yeah and we just came along for company,” Maria said trying to back me up in what I already knew to be a lost cause.
“Didn’t you ever hear three’s a crowd?”
“Well yeh but-” I trailed off because I didn’t know what to say.

“I’m taking you three out of here, don’t you dare come back because if you do I’ll be taking you to the Disciplinary Tribunal for trespassing.”
Well that was my dad a hard nut to crack. He was really strict and a cop to the rules of Alecsandrya.
“Sure, I’ll go,” Maria said. I rolled my eyes I could see she was going to do something. “If, you tell us what’s going on.”
“Well I guess you’ll be staying here for a while then.”
“Father, we’ll just be going now. See you at lunch. Bye.” I tugged Maria and Has along and together we snuck out of Sec- 8.
I was quite surprised at how my father had dealt with the us. I would have thought that he would have been stricter about the matter.
I guess we had caught him in one of his better moods.
“That was interesting. Don’t you think?” Maria said.
“Why would you think that? We learned nothing at all.” Has replied.
“On the contrary Has,” I said, “We learned that something was definitely happening.”
“True,” Has said thoughtfully,” but what is the strangest thing, is how your father reacted Xex, I would have thought he would be angry at the least.”
“You noticed too.” I answered.
“I wasn’t going too say anything until one of you did, but Xex do you think that your dad will have a mission now.”
“I hope not. He promised that he would be here for my birthday.”
“Xex,” Has noted, “I think that they are more important things happening here than your fifteenth birthday tomorrow.”
“I know ,I know, but he was never here for the last few ones remember.”
“Well that’s what happens when you’re a member of the Order of Whistlers.”
“I know Has.”
“Well speaking of your birthday, what is it that you want to do?” Maria asked.
“I don’t know. I was thinking maybe we could use our passes to go into town and watch a movie or something.”
“Good idea, I’ve been craving a normality.” Maria said.
“I second that idea,” Has piped.
“Well I guess it’s settled. To town we go tomorrow.”
“Yup, and I promise Xex this is going to be the best birthday that you ever had.”

Chapter 4

“Xex, Xex,” a voice said urgently,”Xex get up now.”
“We have to carry her sir.” A foreign voice advised.
That’s when I popped up, fully awake. “What’s happening?”
“It’s started.”
That’s all I needed to hear. My brain went into motion. I grabbed my carry kit and followed my father out the room. I was already fully dressed according to protocol. I could hear hissing. That meant that the building would implode in at least forty- five minutes tops. We had to get to the emergency access elevator. After that we were to slide down a narrow chute to the real Alecsandrya.
The real Alecsandrya was beneath the surface several hundreds of feet. Once secure word was given that a ganlic attack had begun the School House was to be imploded immediately. It was equipped with everything. Maria, Has and I had reason too believe that Sec- eight was part of Alecsandrya Underground. Though we were not quite sure how, we suspected that sec- eight ran beneath the surface. Somehow all the floors of sec- eight would rejoin the A. U. (Alecsandrya Underground). We never figured out how they could possibly do it, but we knew for a fact that they would never allow all that information to be destroyed. We also knew that they would not have enough time with in the 45-minute period to swiftly transport the information to A. U. Most of it just wasn’t portable. This of course was based on our knowledge of the rest of the S.H. (School House). We could just as well be completely wrong.
Outside in the hallways there was an orderly procession to a nearby E.A.E. but the line was incredibly long. We dashed into another hallway leading to an E.A.E. for the south wing.
My brain was in a flurry of information.
“Dad, why don’t we just wait at that eyayee?” I said. Eyayee is a faster way of pronouncing the acronym.
“Because we need to get to sec- 8 a.s.a.p.”
“Why, am I to come with you?”
“Why do you think?”
“I don’t know we are never allowed to go to Sec- eight.”
“Everything has its time Xex.”
“I guess.” I gave up trying to find out anything.
“Then who is that man.” I looked at him for a few fleeting seconds. He acknowledged my glance with a nod. I had seen him before but I couldn’t seem to remember where.
“He,” my father said switching the hand he was holding me with to take out his gun.
He pointed it at me. My eyes widened with shock I had no idea what he was going to do.
With a swift movement my father shot me and as I collapsed in his arms into oblivion I heard him say something strange. It sounded like, “is your operative.”

Chapter Five

“Xex wake up.”

I awoke to the sound of Maria breathing over my face. I shoved her off with a chuckle. “Move you smell like an old dog.”

It took me a few seconds before I remembered what had happened. “My father shot me,” I said in disbelief.


“My father, he came into my room. Then, I remember running along the corridors. We didn’t take the first exit instead we ran along south. I asked him why and he said that we were going to sec- eight.”

“Haven’t you realized yet.”

Puzzled, I shook my head.

“You should pay more attention because we are certainly as hell, not in the pre-described secured bunkers.”

“That maybe true, but it still doesn’t explain why my father said what he did.”

“Okay, and what did he say Xex.”

With a deep breath, I told her what I thought I heard.
Maria came over and hugged me.
“Everything has a reason around here. “
“I swear Maria, I swear I heard him say that this man. This man that was with us was my operative.”
“That means they have something planned for us.”
“I wonder, what it is.”
“Where’s Has!” Maria exclaimed.
I looked around suddenly aware Has wasn’t here.
“Oh god I could never do this without Has.” Maria wailed.
“Maria, there’s a corridor.”
I pointed towards the end of my room.
I looked around for the first time. My room was all white including the floors. I put my foot cautiously on the ground. The ground was bare and with no tiles on it whatsoever and very cold. It took a while to get use too. The bed that I had been sleeping on folded up as soon as I got off. It folded seamlessly into the white wall. It made me wonder what else was capable of hiding away in the wall. There were no doors as far as I could see and the only thing that looked anything like an exit was a narrow corridor at the left side of the room.
“What are we wearing?” I asked Maria. Referring to the black pyjamas we were wearing.
Even without saying it, we both crept on tiptoes.
“I don’t know but it has the same crest as the newer suit we saw in Sec- eight.”
“Shhh,” Maria hissed at me putting her fingers too her lips.
This she didn’t have to tell me. I was already too shocked for words. The corridor lead to a door. The door was made of what looked like solid titanium. A thick glass pane was in the centre of the door, protected by steel bars. There was a swipe lock on it for people with security clearance. Two security cameras were placed strategically on either side of the corridor. I figured that meant there were other cameras in the room though I had not seen them before. Had it not been for my training I would have definitely missed it the second time. I should have noticed it the first. Outside the door, there was a flurry of activity, people dressed in similar suits of either black, brown or white. The crests were exactly the same.
We began to bang on the door. But in vain, no one could hear us. We stopped when we both realized that the room was probably soundproofed. We sank to the ground defeated.
“Let’s look around the room carefully.”
“Perhaps there is more of that stuff that slides into walls and shit.”
“Maybe this is a test.”
We retreated to our room. Aware, that the cameras followed our every move.
Slowly we worked our way around, tapping on all the panels. Running our hands over them to make sure that they were no disparities. Then my hand caught something, a feint very feint tremor, like a machine at work. I called to Maria and together we both pushed and prodded away at the panel in question.
I pushed at the very tip of the panel and was quite surprised when the panel turned inward until it was horizontal and slid out. A computer program appeared asking for our finger- prints and eye scans. We both did this in turn. Then noiselessly the panel folded and refolded until it lead way to a great room.
We stepped into it wary. We jumped when the female voice informed us, ”Authorization accepted.”
“Welcome Maria Farrell security clearance 344-289. Welcome Xexcae Moses security clearance 399-289. Please enter your passwords.”
A machine opened out of the wall. We were getting slightly used to these surprises.

“What.” Maria looked around at me. “We have passwords. I don’t have a password. How can we have passwords?”
I smiled, “Didn’t you hear our security clearances, it’s what they made us do for training. Don’t you remember when they made us come up with passwords and stuff, when they made us remember them? That is the same security clearance they gave me. I don’t know about you.”
“You have fifteen seconds, to enter your password or you will be neutralized as an intruder.” The female voice interrupted me.
“I hope you’re right.”
We quickly entered our passwords into the machine and breathed a sigh of relief when the countdown stopped.
“What now?” I asked.
“Let’s keep walking.”
“Maria Farrell you are to report to area 71. Xexcae Moses you are to report to area 68 immediately. You must first attire yourself in these.”
An metal arm appeared and brought us two suits one black, one white.
My name was on the tag of the black suit so we had to switch sides. My suit said Head officer. Maria’s suit had on it technician.
“O MY GOD. They gave me technician,” Maria squealed.
“I’m a head officer. That’s still good, right.”
“That my friend is super.”
“But that doesn’t make sense. Why would they give trainees positions already?”
“Graduating trainees.”
“I guess we should change, although I don’t see anywhere to change.”
“Like anyone can see us,” Maria slid out of her pajama suit.
I did the same when I took the suit of the rack I realized that they were boots to go with it as well as a cap and boxer shorts. It fit me just right. I wondered just for a moment who gave them my size. We kept on our vests and put on the boxer shorts that were provided for us. When we were finished fixing our selves we stood up and took a look.
“Très chic,” I said.
“You look mighty crisp yourself too. I wish we had mirror.”
“No, it’s you that wishes you had a mirror.”
Maria rolled her eyes in response.
“When you have finished changing someone will come to take you to your designated areas. Please take these swipes with you so that there are no complications.”
We took them from the hand. It had our pictures, names, and information on it along with a magnetic strip. We put them in our top pockets.
We waited a while before two men came through a door and ushered us to follow them. They said nothing even though we asked many questions. They ignored us completely.
We walked stiffly following them for what seemed like eternity. Turning corners, going through doors nothing changed colour everything was stark white. Even the cameras. We hurried constantly to catch up with them.
At all times taking in the surroundings.

Chapter Six

Somewhere within Alecsandrya Underground, Dr. Samuel Moses looked at the file containing everything that was known about his daughter and her best friend. He sighed he had hoped that somehow he would have been able to informally tell her what was going to happen to her. The doctor was very much concerned about the welfare of his daughter, but he was also well aware that the matter at hand had to be handled carefully. If anything at all went wrong even the slightest bit it meant the notification of Ganlics everywhere about their present position. He wondered if the cell they had carefully considered would be ready for their task. They were all the top of their class in everyway, well studied in theory and in practice.
He settled into his well used armchair, well used even though he was rarely able to relax in it.
The ganlics had suddenly disappeared from positions world wide. The event was unexplained. This folder contained the contingency plan.
If the ganlics were indeed able to disappear so quickly then the initial surmise must be correct. The ganlics had identified who they were it was a matter of time before they came to Alecsandrya. The locals knew nothing so that would not be a problem. The problem was that every member of the Order of Whistlers was in danger of identification. This meant that recruits would have to be used and the more experienced members would have to take a place behind the scenes. This could present a serious problem in the infrastructure of the Order. This new cell would have a great number of obstacles to deal with.
The door slid open. He looked up.
“Daddy!” two arms went around him in iron like embrace.

I sat up on my father and stared at him for a while. He looked back at me with similar interest. It took a second or two for me to realize that my arm was still around him. I dropped them uncomfortably. My father and I shared a bond but we didn’t really show much of it in affection. I slid off the chair also noting how inappropriate it seemed at the present moment.
“What’s happening? They separated us. Maria and me.”
With an almost imperceptible nod my father dismissed the two men who said nothing. “My child, you have always craved a purpose here as a member of this order. Your time has come.”
“Maria figured that, we figured that. My suit gives me position as head officer,” I said in more ways as a question than a statement.
“Yes,” he answered giving no more than was necessary.
“Well Maria and I think...” And I continued on to give him a brief of what me and Maria had figured out. I carefully outlined my stay in the white room. When I had finished I posed a question.
“Why did you stun me?”
“You ask too much questions.”
He raised his hand to halt my words. “You are the head of a cell. Identification 000-289. There are thirteen members.
Latoya Jackson, Cara Corbin, Maria Farrell and Adrian Mason, these will be your Weapons and Machinery Technicians. Clayton Wyatt and Kyiv Aviv will be your Interrogates. Hasley Pinder, Henry Korsakov and Paloma Garcia will be your Infiltration and Information Spy ware technicians. Francesca Carlos and Michael Thermes are your Scientist. Joshua Williams and Anthony Angelopoulos are your securities consultants. Six females and seven males excluding you and your senior. You will be provided a Senior who will watch over operations his name is Dr. Kurt Willis.”
The doctor took a look at his daughter to see if she was paying attention. As soon as he was sure that she was he continued. “You have a probation period of two months. You are the Head. You have one month cell training before you begin operating. There are four other cells in operation. Two cells which are to be started and six a work in progress. Any questions?”
“Yes. Two questions actually. When do we start? Where are we situated?”
“Today. Area two eight nine. You will be directed by someone, there, everything will be answered by Dr. Willis.”
With that he returned to his desk. I could tell this conversation was over. I knew I could no longer cling to my father like I did before. Things were going to change between us. I was no longer his little girl and I could no longer be that little girl.
On my fifteenth birthday I made the choice to grow up and become the person that I needed to be to help in this fight against the Ganlics. I felt as though all strings had been cut and I was on my own. That didn’t matter none. Not now at least. I had Maria and Has and eleven people to help me. The responsibility would be shared.
I was a big girl now.
As I left the room I heard my father say tentatively happy birthday Xex. I gave him a look of acknowledgement and strode out of the room with renewed confidence.
I am a big girl now.

Jacob Haye
Chapter Seven

Jacob Haye was a military man. He had once lived with the Order of Whistlers but he had made the choice to move. When he had made his choice men came during the same night and took him away. That was all he could remember about Alecsandrya. How he knew the name he didn’t even know. He was uncertain of where he was going. Even why. He unexpectedly had this urge to find this place he didn’t even know if it existed.
Jacob had been brainwashed, a chip inserted into his brain to take away his memory of Kathos. But this chip had a second purpose. Like the many others, who took the choice of leaving, a tag was placed, a locator of sorts. When the headquarters had serious reason to believe that the Order of Whistlers were called upon, the tag was activated and the person had a sudden incredible urge to go to Macedonia.
Macedonia was a major artery in the network of the Whistlers. Other headquarter were set up all around the world. But Macedonia was the most important HQ and it was also nearest to Kathos allowing for easy communication and transport.
Jacob opened his eyes suddenly. Every fibre in his body prepared for an attack. His eyes swiveled from corner to corner of the musty room. An instant smell of mold and unclean carpet crept into his nostrils. He held back an urge to cough. He put his hand on his weapon a Mig 7. Below was a concealed dagger. There was at least four other weapons concealed within his person.
Uncurling from his fetal position. He kept alert. Making sure he heard everything, saw everything. After he was certain there was no one in the room he turn his attention on the only entrance to the square room. The door swung loosely on his hinges. Most definitely not how he had left it.
It must have been at least two in the morning. Creak. He turned around, coat following with urgency finally flapping to a stop behind him.
Nothing there. With the reassurance of this he couldn’t help but wonder why his sixth senses still tingled. He stood up to stretch his legs. His toes and fingers were cramped from the cold.
His only baggage was weapons, a phone and a couple hundred dach. This was all he had escaped with when the ganlics had come. A year ago his mother and father had been found dead in a river five kliks away from their home. There had been a police cover up he was sure. A perp was never found.
Moving deftly through the rubble of a dilapidated room. He made his way to the door. With a series of hasty moves he made sure no one was waiting for him and that there were no surprises.
On the outside nothing moved. Not a bird not a thing, almost as if they knew what was happening or what was going to happen.
He was in an old neighbourhood. Houses actually made with wood or brick. Above him some kilometers away a suburban skyscraper loomed. One of the few undamaged structures that remained.
The civil war had spread slowly. Taking its time eating up resources. Killing hundreds of people in its path. Finally, World President Hugh Gooding was forced to give up his seat. He gave it to Reltih Floda. Who turned out to be a ganlic. He enforced strict rules within forty- eight hours. With quick precise movement he had maneuvered himself into absolute power.
When people realized what was happening it was too late. They were already being rounded up for concentration camps. No one was spared. People were dragged screaming to security vehicles. Half the police force had been ganlics. The entire continent of America had been cut off from the world. Communications were down. The outside world had no idea what was happening.
Entire ships filled with tourists leaving America were downed. Without mission control even knowing a thing.
Jacob managed a wry smile. Even he, as a former military officer knew this was a superb plan. He didn’t know what it was for. And that worried him.
He strode down the desolate street. Eyes flitting from side to side. Just this morning the ganlics had taken this part of town. He could still hear the screams in his mind. This sleepy coastal town had been the first to be rounded up. He had had a stroke of luck. He’d been out for a night of fun, when they came. No covert operation. No use of skill. He had had a stroke of luck.
The door still worried him. How on earth had the door managed to open? He had no explanations.
His brown worn boots made an echoing sound when they hit the sailway. This road for hovercrafts was only able to work because the ganlics needed it. Gingerly he crossed it because there was no telling what was charged and what wasn’t.
Crossing the sailway brought him to another and another. There was no way he could walk all 14 miles that was between him and his destination without being picked up. The risk would be increased if he was to acquire a vehicle. Traveling on sailways couldn’t be safe at a time like this. But if he didn’t the longer he took the more likely he would be found.
He weighed the odds carefully. He came to the same conclusion anyone in his position would. He couldn’t be found but neither could he waste time. He couldn’t use sailways with out definitely meeting road blocks. Roadblocks was a new realization that hit him. He needed a wheel craft. But the nearest auto dealer was at least another mile from here. He would for now have to walk.

Chapter Eight

He found the dealer over an hour later and entered through a service access door. He loved old neighbourhoods like this because of their lack of security.
It took him a while to locate the floor. A motorcycle was the means of transportation he needed, fast, noiseless and dexterous. He wheeled it to the service elevator. Then the lights started to flicker. Flicker once. Flicker twice. Hand to gun. Then it stopped. False alarm. Hand off gun.
Shwift. He suddenly felt a puff of air.
Jacob was waiting for the elevator now with one hand on the bike and one hand on his weapon. Instinct set in and he decided against the elevator. He didn’t like what was happening here. He wheeled the motor bike to a nearby stairway just as he heard the ping of an elevator about to open. For some reason he hastened down the steps a bit faster.
He heard a series of clicks. Then he heard the dreaded tongue.
He waited no longer for confirmation of his worst fears. In one movement the motor was on, he was on and he bumped down the step at over forty kilometers per hour.
He looked up at a sign. Level three. Level Two. Level One. Ground floor! Making a dangerous turn for the reinforced glass door his tires squealed in response. He revved up. His eyes searching. With despair, he saw there was no way out.
Think Jacob. Think.
He heard a shwift. Some clicking. Then Jacob Haye heard no more.

© Copyright 2004 Nic Moses (nkenge at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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