Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/875269-Hidden-Fire---Section-13
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #875269
Not happy with this chapter. I need to quit revising and move on. I'll fix it later.
Misty followed Lani down the hall, no longer bothering to hide her smile. "I can't believe they are sending me to the library!"

"Why are you so happy about working for old Draxus? He's a strong Fire, and has the temper to match. He's supposed to be really hard to work with! The last girl who worked with him, he drove away in tears. Called her dumb as a stump and a lazy flirt!" Lani giggled. "Although, honestly, we all knew she only wanted to work there because Kai was always in there studying. She spent all her work time batting her lashes at him. I don't think she could even read."

"A Fire? So there are Fire talents? They didn't test me for Fire."

"Oh, there hasn't been a fire talent born in hundreds of years. No one is sure why. Draxus is the last of them. Besides, if you had Fire, as well as, Earth, Air, and Water, you would be a Fourfold Mage. And that would make you the Archmage! Although, if you weren't so weak you could be Archmage now." Lani laughed out loud.

"Archmage, me?" Misty laughed along. "You have to be joking!"

"No! It's true. Kaimana was made Archmage over almost everyone's protests because he was a very powerful Threefold mage. He's very powerful in Earth, Air, and Water. By the laws of the Citadel they had to confirm him. Actually according to the laws the Archmage should be a strong Fourfold Mage, but Kai is as close as we've got. Old Aroostook about spit blood over that! He was so sure that he would be confirmed because he is so strong in Air and Water, but lots of mages have Air and Water talents. Kai was the only one able to tap into three sources."

Lani stopped at another tapestry and flipped it aside. She paused and looked at Misty. "Maybe you could light the way this time? It's good practice for you."

Misty tried to reach inside to look for her Air source. It seemed so small next to the huge roaring inferno of Fire. She tapped into it and pulled out a tiny bit of power. Opening her eyes, she smiled to see a flicker of lightning begin to play over her fingers. She tried to force it into a ball shape, and then tried to close the tap on her source. She frowned as it refused to close, and the lightning ball grew bigger and bigger. Her head began to throb in pain.

Lani grabbed her free hand and pulled her into the tunnels behind the tapestry. "The ceiling, throw your hand towards the ceiling!" Then she ducked down and covered her head.

Misty flicked her hand at the ceiling, unconsciously copying the movement Kai had made when he had threatened Gorlick. The lightning hit the ceiling with a loud crack, blackening it and sending dust and pebbles pelting down on them. The hall fell into darkness.

A flickering light appeared in front of Lani's frightened face as she kindled her own mage light. "That was no weak air talent. If I'd known, I would not have had you try anything without training. How--how strong are you?"

"I honestly don't know, Lani. I stayed up studying basic magic all night, but obviously I missed something. But I do know that Air is not my strongest source."

Misty stopped talking as she saw Lani's eyes widen. "You--you did say not to appear too strong to them. I don't want to be a concubine!"

"I won't tell them, Misty. But you have more to worry about than becoming a concubine, I think."

"What could be worse?"

Lani leaned in closer to Misty, her voice urgent, her face a mask of concern. "If you are as strong as I think you are, you must hide it until you are trained. There are whispers that the previous Archmage was helped to his death. And there were some odd... accidents that happened to my brother after he was confirmed. If Aroostook thinks you can challenge him, your life may not be worth two coppers. But I will tell you this--you can count on the help of all us halfies. Many of us would like to see them pay for what they've done to Kai!"

Misty looked measuringly at Lani and made a decision. "If I tell you something in confidence, can you promise me you will not tell a soul?"

Lani nodded, face solemn. Misty told her about her plans for saving Kris from the Scourge.

"So I must find out how to deal with the Scourge first, before I can deal with Aroostook. Kris does not have much time. And Kai... Kai is already lost." Her heart ached as she said that. Somehow saying it aloud made it more real and painful.

Lani hugged her gently. "I know, and remember my promise, we will help however we can. Aroostook may think he holds all the power, but you are my Archmage now. But we'd be on our way right now. Draxus awaits." She led the way through the walls of the Citadel.

Misty followed in silence, feeling the weight of tremendous responsibility like a stone across her shoulders. Kris, Kai, the baron and his lady--all had relied on her and she had let them all down. And now the Halfbloods were going to look to her for leadership? Then her sense of the absurd took over. She laughed out loud and shook her head. "I'll do my best, but it's a very strange new Archmage you'll have in me, Lani. In just a few days ago I've gone from tavern wench to servant to diplomat, and now Archmage? What's next for me I wonder, shall I be Queen of the World?"

Misty gripped Lani's arm halting her to look her in the eye. "In all seriousness, I promise I will do what I can. Although my attempts at helping my friends so far have not been very successful."

"Thank you, milady! And have faith in yourself! I can't wait to see Aroostook's face the day you confront him with your full power!" Lani grinned fiercely. "To lose his position twice to a halfblood--it will kill him, I think!"

"I hope it does. Then that would leave just the Scourge for me to deal with, which is quite enough, I think for one tavern wench turned Archmage! But maybe I better set a smaller goal for now, like learning to find my way around here. How do you do it? It is like a maze!"

"Each exit is marked over the lintel." Lani directed her magelight high over her head, illuminating the top of the door. "See, this one shows a scholar's cap. This is the classroom area."

She paced forward around the corner and about twenty more steps before raising the light again. The door marker showed a swan. "Here's the little breeders quarters." She sniffed disdainfully. "You'll never come here."

They made one more turn, circling inward and down a narrow flight of stairs. The air grew noticeably warmer and drier. "And here is the dragon's den, Draxus' library. Disarrange his precious books at your own peril!" Smiling, Lani pulled aside the tapestry and ushered Misty in. "I will come and get you when it is time for classes, at least until you remember the way yourself. Good luck!"

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