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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #873233
What happens when to 6 friends when two of their familys combine and one falls apart?
Is this Reality?

Hey y‘all, I’m Katherine Scarlett Tarelton. I know that my name is a little strange but that’s why I love it. The whole time that my mom was pregnant with me she was obsessed with “Gone with the Wind”, I mean she wouldn’t stop watching the movie, she read the book four times, and remodeled our entire house to look exactly like Tara, the house in the movie. So naturally her daughter had to be named after the main character. And just like the movie, everyone calls me Scarlett. I’m just glad that I wasn’t a boy, then my name would’ve been Ashley Rhett.

Anyway when we were all 16 it seemed like everything changed extremely quickly. But before I get into that maybe I should tell you something about my friends (since they’re the main part of this).

First there’s my two best friends Prue and Paris. Prudence Vivien Meade is the wanna be punk girl. She has dark brown hair with purple streaks and purple colored contacts.

Paris Marie LaCost can get annoying at times, but I would never trade her for anyone. She’s got blonde hair and dark blue eyes. I do feel sorry for her though, she has twin four-year-old brothers T.J. and C.J. (or as we call them the twin terrors).

Then there are the guys, Damien, Luke, and Jake. Lucas Andrew Fontaine is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet (but maybe that’s just because he’s my boyfriend). He has dark brown hair and eyes so dark that they’re almost black. He has two of the best sisters anyone could ever ask for too, Kelly and Ashley (Ashley is his twin sister and Kelly is 6).

Damien Michael Turner has liked Prue since… well for a long time but neither one of them have ever done anything about it. I have to admit he is pretty cute, with that light red hair and soft brown eyes. He has two brothers, Randy who’s 15 and Josh who’s 13 and one sister Amy who’s 14.

Really the only reason Jake hangs around us is because he’s Paris’s boyfriend. He puts so much gel in his light brown hair that it looks black. He has three brothers, Austin (8), Spencer (10) and Jackson (13).

One of the reasons that if felt like so much had changed was because Regina (Paris’s mom) and Keith (Damien’s dad) were getting married at the end of the summer. They’re even having the ceremony on the Disney Cruise Line where they bought out the entire boat for a week! Yes they wouldn’t normally be able to pay for it, but Regina just sold her house and got the money from it.

But really, for me at least, that wasn’t the biggest thing. The biggest change was yet to come.

My father was a truck driver and had been since I was three. He’d always been sent all across the country, so obviously he wasn’t home all that often. The little that he was home all that he and Mom would do was fight (not exactly the most fun place to be). And I don’t mean the normal yelling that happens in every other family, my family was different.

Each night when my father came home he would grab a glass from the bar and pour himself a glass of bourbon, I would flinch in fear as he kissed the top of my head. Then he would sit on the couch and light a cigarette, ask me if I had any homework, then tell me to go upstairs and start studying (regardless if I had any homework or not). After that he would just sit down there having drink after drink until Mom came home at about seven at night. By then he would be completely smashed, he would accuse her of being out sleeping with other men. When she would deny it he threw the coffee table across the room. And when she screamed in fear he would get up and start hitting her, normally starting with the face but pretty much anywhere he came in contact with. That was when I would turn my stereo on just loud enough to block out the screams, and I would just curl up in a corner and cry.

Then once he got done with her (meaning that she was either laying on the floor in too much pain to move of knocked out) he would come upstairs and start yelling at me about having my music up too loud.

Normally after that he would just leave, but on some nights he would notice a skirt that I had on that he thought was too short or a shirt I had on that he thought showed too much cleavage. On those nights he would walk over and throw all of the books off of my desk saying things like, “Why are you studying? A little slut like you doesn’t deserve to know anything.” of “You little bitch, why don’t you go fuck someone instead of wasting your time here?”.

Then he would just start swinging, not caring where he hit. He wouldn’t leave until I was lying on the floor with bruises quickly forming around the cuts all over my body.

But the last time he came home was different. Mom never came home that night, so at midnight I heard him climbing the stairs to my room, more drunk then I’d ever heard him in my life. He kept yelling at me, asking me where she was. Every time I told him that I didn’t know he punched me harder.

Within minutes I was laying on the floor with blood oozing out of every part of my body, surprisingly I was still conscious. Suddenly I heard him leave my room slamming the door, and minutes later I heard the front door slam. I made a silent prayer that he wouldn’t find Mom.

I slowly tried to stand up but quickly found that I couldn’t put any weight on my left leg. So I crawled over to my bedside stand and grabbed my cell phone. I laid there and called Prue. I told her to come and get me. She was freaking out, asking me what happened. I just told her again to come and get me, than I hung up. Suddenly the pain became excruciating and everything went black.


Thanks for reading this. Now if you got this far and think that it's ok please review it. I don't care if you absolutly hated it I just would like to know what you think. And if you have any tips for me to make it better I'm always looking for creative criticism. Either way please review. Come on people I'm desperate:).
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