Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/873141-THE-X-TRANS-SLAYERS
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #873141
Story of 4 friends who are the members of a secret organisation and their mission.

Name: Cole Whitherly
Call Sign: Cole
Age: 18 yrs
Nationality: American

Name: Abby Lincoln
Call Sign: Abby
Age: 16 yrs
Nationality: American

Name: Jane C.
Call Sign: Jay
Age: 16 yrs
Nationality: Australian

Name: Chow Chang
Call Sign: Chow
Age: 15 yrs
Nationality: Chinese


A secret Organization consisting 432 members.
Its aim is to eliminate all X-TRANS from the surface of this planet.


A deafening siren filled the cabin which made Jay spit out the bite of her sandwich. She got up from her table, grabbed her jacket and left her cabin. On the way to the briefing room she met Abby.

"Man! They don't even let us have our breakfasts," said Abby.

"Exactly…but at least we're getting a mission now, after such a long gap. I was bored spending my days like this, with nothing to do," replied Jay

"Don't be so sure about the mission," said Abby

"What do you mean?" asked Jay, shocked.

"There's no mission. We're having a new member," replied Abby

"What? New member! No way! We'll have to talk to Cole" said Jay, disappointed.

"It's no use. I've already begged him but he says we've got orders," replied Abby

"Oh no! But how come I didn't get to know this. Where was I, when all this happened," asked Jay.

"Sleeping," replied Abby smiling.

In their previous mission Jay had been hit by a stray tranquillizing dart, which caused her to sleep for three days continuously. So, whenever Jay missed any news and inquired why she didn't know about it, Cole and Abby always replied "sleeping" to tease her.

They entered the briefing room and found Cole already waiting for them.

"Hi," greeted Abby and Jay.

"Hi, it's counter number D-12. Let's go!" replied Cole

"Cole is this true what I heard about the new member in our batch?" asked Jay.

"Yeah…I can't do anything about it…besides I'm 18 and two yrs later I have to leave XTS then only you two will be left and I bet you wouldn't want any member from other batch to join ours and having a new member that time…it'll be difficult for you to train him. So…You know… Let's go. There's D-12," said Cole.

Cole, Abby and Jay headed towards counter no D-12.
Cole informed the man at the counter that they were batch number eight. The man told them there was no briefing today and they had to report to Denerle Ralph's cabin.
Cole, Abby and Jay headed towards Denerle Ralph's cabin. Reaching Denerle Ralph's cabin, Cole gave a knock.

"Come in," replied Denerle Ralph

"Reporting sir," said Cole, Abby and Jay.

There was a young boy of 15 standing next to Denerle Ralph.

"Chow, that's your Chief Cole and those are Abby and Jay. You'll be joining them," said Denerle Ralph; then looking towards Cole, Abby and Jay he said, "This is Chow. He is the new member in your batch. He'll be joining you in your next mission and you'll be giving him necessary instructions. He has attended our XTS physical training and has passed the XTS entrance test, of course. Cole, please show him his cabin. It's B-19".

"Yes, sir" replied Cole and left with Chow obediently taking the keys.

"I hope your batch will be getting a mission soon, now you can leave" said Denerle with a smile.

"Thank you, sir" replied Abby and Jay and left the cabin.

Abby and Jay after leaving the cabin got back to their rooms to complete their breakfasts. Cole showed Chow his cabin and spent the rest of the day showing Chow the complete headquarters.

Cole, Abby, Jay and Chow spent the rest of the week doing small work at the headquarters. All three of the old members agreed that having a new member was not as bad as they had expected.
When Jay didn't find Chow that bad she told Abby and Cole that it was good to have a new member and her attitude towards having new members was bad because of the exaggerated stories told by the other batches of XTS when they had had new members.

Abby guessed that the other batches did this because they were jealous of their batch and didn't want them to have more members because they must have thought it would increase their batch's efficiency.

At these remarks Cole gave them a smile and said "you people will never change ".



It was in the last day of the second week at night when all 4 of them were in their cabins and going to bed when their sirens burst into life. All three of them got into their uniforms and met each other on their way to the briefing room. Cole informed them that it was counter number C-15 from where they were to get their briefings and headed towards it. At the counter…

"Batch no. eight," said Cole

"Please take your seats. Denerle Ralph will be here soon," replied the female at the counter.

All four of them got into their places and Denerle Ralph entered the compartment and slid behind the counter, into his chair.

"There is an emergency. The VIOLIN Corp. few years back was experimenting upon robots with artificial intelligence. As a result of the success of this experiment, VIOLIN Corp. got orders from many companies for these robots and they even started supplying them. It was fine and going good until the central processing unit of the computer by which the robots were being programmed got infected by a virus. This virus was not any normal self replicating virus but a specially designed one to cause the computer to programme the robots with orders outside of that of the corporation. These corporation orders included the Asimov's Universal Laws of robotics some of which were ROBOTS CANNOT HARM HUMANS and ROBOTS HAVE TO LISTEN TO ANY ORDERS GIVEN TO THEM BY HUMANS which now obviously have not been given to the robots. The central processing unit of their computer was re-programmed which eliminated the virus. But the robots which were created by the infected computer have not got any of the basic orders and have become a great danger. So slayers, these are your X-TRANS. They are nearly 500 of them and it's your job to eliminate them. Your weapons are already placed in your vehicle; please start your operation as soon as possible," said Denerle

"Yes Sir," replied Cole, Abby, Jay and Chow and left the briefing room immediately.


Cole, Abby, Jay and Chow got into their Hummer. Cole took the driving seat and Jay took the one on his right and Abby and Chow sat on the back seats. Cole played the CD with the detailed mission information in the player. An alert female voice updated them with the location of the VOILIN corporation lab. It took them two and a half hours to reach their destination. When the car was parked all four of them got out of the car. Cole hurried and handed everyone their backpacks and their weapons. Locking the car he said," Be very careful everyone and best of luck"

"Best of luck to you too" replied Abby, Jay and Chow.

All four of them headed towards a large imposing grey statue of a horse which stood where the two roads converged. On reaching the statue Cole hurried towards the stone horse's back and pulled its tail as if it were a lever. On pulling the tail, at first a cool female voice spoke "Welcome to VIOLIN Corporation" and then the statue began to descend. When the statue had fully descended, it revealed a platform. Cole, Abby, Jay and Chow climbed the platform. As soon as all of them had occupied the space, the platform began to descend too. All of them were now engulfed by the dark. None of them could see anything. The darkness pressed upon their eyes like a weightless veil. They could hear the soft rumble of the elevator chains from which they could tell they were still moving. After a few seconds one of the four walls surrounding them opened into a huge space. They stepped out into the space and looked around in amazement.They were standing in the middle of a huge lab. They had stepped out of a pillar on which was mounted a screen which repeatedly displayed "VIOLIN Corporation". It was the secret emergency entrance which they had taken according to their orders. In front of them were three elevator metal doors. On their right and their left were four glass doors. On top of each door was a small camera and a heat detector fixed. All four of the cameras turned to face them. They seemed to be watching their each and every move. Cole slowly walked towards one of the four glass doors.

As soon as Cole was about a feet away from the door a metallic voice spoke, "Security checkpoint, please identify yourself."

Cole replied, "Member of the XTS, Cole Witherly with his batch members"

The voice said "Copy" and the glass door opened.

Cole indicated everyone to follow him and stepped through the door. The door led them into a narrow passage leading into huge hexagon shaped chamber. The chamber had six metal doors. They seemed to have entered the chamber from one of the six doors. From the middle of the chamber rose a tall narrow tower. On top of the tower there was an antenna shaped rod. The antenna shaped rod seemed to be giving out blue colored sparks.

Cole turned to the others and said," Till now we were in the area operated by the computer so we had no problem but the area to which these doors will lead now is controlled by the X-Trans.

To be Continued..
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