Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/872870-Shades-of-the-Sun-Part-One
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #872870
August Prompt Assignment: I tried something new...I hope you like it.

Ryyleci stood upon the highest battlement of the dark castle and stared at the black sky. The sky was always black, something she loathed yet loved at the same time. Her amethyst colored eyes flared green as she thought of the sun. Soon she would lay eyes upon it...soon she would see the world.

It had been so long since her kind had walked the earth. The war between the vampires and the Satyrs and Maenads, her people, had been long and not at all in their favor. Bacchus had his final revenge damning them to the dark center of his fold.

But it was unraveling. The old god was weak, maybe dead, and there was nothing left of his power upon the earth. Well...not nothing.

Ryyleci smiled as she studied the darkness. The day of worship had turned to cursing when Bacchus had decided to give his followers eternal life. A foolish priest had begged to live forever, to be a loyal follower and worshiper of the god eternally. Unholy man.

She believed his name was Ryack but she couldn't be certain and she didn't truly care. Bacchus had smiled down upon his followers and given them eternal life.

They lived in the constant revelry of lust and intoxication, as were their god's guidelines. But soon, lust wore off and intoxication took much longer to achieve. Satyrs would hunt women, seeking them out solely to rape them and kill them. Bacchus grew furious but the Satyrs blamed him for their faults and would not heed his voice any longer.

In anger, Bacchus turned to Zeus and asked the great god to help him destroy his followers. Zeus refused to hear Bacchus' pleas, for, the god of mystery, wine and intoxication had given his followers immortality without asking Zeus' permission. Bacchus was turned away without a second thought.

More furious than ever, Bacchus sought the Fates, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, to see if his followers would grow worse or if they could be left to live out their immortality unscathed. Clotho denied Bacchus the vision but told him that his creations would surely damn the world. Lachesis stated that immortal life was immeasurable but that surely there was a way to shorten an immortals thread. Atropos only laughed when Bacchus asked if she could cut the threads. Bacchus' magic was too strong, even for the Fates.

Bacchus watched the Satyrs and Maenads destroy Zeus' children and he knew that something had to be done before he himself incurred Zeus' wrath.

Wandering to and fro, Bacchus happened upon Ares and Eris, both weaving a great battle, playing with mortals as pawns. Ares was the hated god of all the gods and Bacchus wondered at the intelligence in asking him for help. Eris lifted her eyes and glanced upon Bacchus.

"What do you seek, Dionysus?" she asked, abandoning the war field to focus upon the god.

"I have done a horrible thing," Bacchus responded, not bothering to show his irritation at his god-given name being used once more.

"Indeed?" Eris looked at her twin brother and smiled.

"He gave them immortal life," Ares replied as he raised his golden gaze. "And now he wants to take it away."

"They are evil whore-mongers," Bacchus stated as he thought of Zeus. Surely, talking to Zeus' most hated son wasn't as horrible as giving immortality to foolish mortals.

"They were that before you changed them," Eris stated.

"Zeus will not help me,"

"Would he help any god that did not bow and scrape before him?" Ares asked bitterly.

"Do you have any wisdom for me?"

"Do you, brother?" Eris asked.

"Indeed I do, sister," Ares responded and Bacchus knew that he was damned either way. Joining forces with the most hated god to destroy what he'd done would make all other gods hate him. Leaving his creations free to do as they would with immortality would make the gods hate him as well.

"Tell me,"

"I will show you, Dionysus." Ares said.

:: :: ::

Bacchus stood amid the worst of the gods and thought of the path he had strode that brought him to such a falling. Ares and Eris sat upon golden thrones, lesser blood red thrones to the left and right of them, two on either side. On Ares' right was Erida, the Goddess Hate, loyal sister and companion to the god of war. Bacchus did not look upon her, knowing what evil seed she planted in mortals hearts with her scream. Next to Erida was Prometheus, the rebel god, and Bacchus knew that he was truly damned to be in such company. Zeus surely knew they were meeting.

Seated to Eris' left was Circe, the Dread Goddess. Bacchus was certain she never left her seaside palace and her sailor dinners but there she sat in all her horrid splendor. Beside Circe sat Hypnos, the twin of Thanatos, staring at Bacchus as though he could see his very soul. Bacchus had no doubt that Hypnos knew every thought in his head. Standing beside Hypnos was Thanatos, god of Death, robed in black and staring through Bacchus with dark red eyes. So much death surrounding him, the god of mystery thought again of his followers. Did they truly deserve to die? Maybe he should reason with them.

"Reason with them?" Hades repeated as he materialized beside Prometheus and moved forward. "That time has passed Dionysus."

"Please," Bacchus stated. "Not here."

"Very well," Hades glared with his hour-glass eyes and then smiled. "Bacchus then."

Ares snorted as Eris smiled coldly. "Isn't that the name the mortals gave you?" she asked.


"The very mortals we are planning to destroy?"

"They are no longer mortals,"

"Ah, yes. I had forgotten." Eris stated, showing that she had not forgotten and that she knew which thorn was most painful.

"Why do we wait?" Bacchus asked.

"Anxious to destroy them are you?" Ares questioned.

"Zeus will surely be aware of this meeting,"

"I think not," came the deeply sensual voice all recognized immediately. Hera brushed past Bacchus and Ares stood quickly, handing over his golden throne to the queen of all immortals. Her beauty was breathtaking and Bacchus knew that all would be well. The wife of Zeus would help him and none would be the wiser. "My husband is otherwise occupied."

"Ah, another one, then?" Circe questioned with a wry smile.

"Is there anything else that would occupy the god of all other than a comely maiden?"

"How marvelous of you to plan such a thing," Hades stated.

"How marvelous of you to allow us to meet in your domain, god of the Underworld."

"Anything for you, Hera,"

"Anything as long as it infuriates Zeus,"


"Enough of this!" Thanatos bellowed and silence fell as Hera sat upon the golden throne beside Eris. "Time to discuss our plan for the Satyrs and Maenads."

"Yes," Bacchus sighed with relief.

"They cannot be killed," Hera stated instantly.

"You are Hera,"

"Zeus is god of all, Dionysus,"

"Of course,"

"We will create a greater, more powerful being that will destroy these creations of yours." Eris stated.

"Creation belongs to Zeus," Bacchus argued.

"Dionysus, I would prefer it if you would not speak unless we ask you to. We are the ones that will deliver you from your folly. We cannot stop every minute to explain things to you." Ares snapped.

"So, you have a plan?" Hades asked.

"Indeed we do," Hera replied. "Yes, Dionysus, my husband is the only one that can create living."

"So, we intend to create dead," Ares said.

"Impossible!" Thanatos shouted.

"Improbable, maybe, but not impossible," Hypnos mused.

"The walking dead," Erida whispered, her voice bringing silence and hate to the group for mere moments.

"Yes," Eris replied.

"I cannot allow it," Hades glared.

"They shan't be immortal. They will be yours soon enough." Hera replied.

"How will they kill Dionysus' loyal followers?" Prometheus asked.

"They will drink their blood," Hypnos stated and Ares glared at him. "I have no time to sit and waste here."

"Yes, they will drink their blood. They will be more powerful, able to do great things that your Satyrs and Maenads cannot even imagine. What do you think, Dionysus?" Ares asked.

"Do whatever it takes," Bacchus stated.

"It is not that simple," Eris said.

"We need something from you," Hera added.

"Anything," Bacchus replied.

"Beware," Hypnos whispered.

"Yes, Bacchus, beware your words," Hades warned.

"It is too late for warnings," Hera snarled.

"Anything," Bacchus repeated.

"There is a Maenad, newly born, just an infant really, named Ryyleci." Eris stated.

"Yes, I know of her,"

"She is to belong to Ares and Eris," Hera replied.


Hypnos glanced at his brother before returning his gaze to Bacchus. "Dionysus..."

"It is sealed, Hypnos," Hera stated.

Hypnos leaned back and shut his eyes, seeing what others didn't dare think of.

There was silence as Bacchus doubted his rash actions yet again. But, at last, he decided that giving away a Maenad babe was a small price to pay.

"Why am I here?" Thanatos questioned.

"We need someone to give them death since Zeus is the only one who can give life." Eris answered.

"Let it be so," Thanatos stated. "Only for Hera."

"For Hera!" all the gods but Bacchus shouted and all but Thanatos, Ares, Eris and Erida vanished.

"Now, Dionysus, we give you your deliverance," Ares stated.

"Or your damnation." Eris replied and their evil laughter struck a deep chord in Bacchus.

:: :: ::

She bowed her head, allowing her long flame-red braids to fall over her shoulders and hang to the ground upon which she kneeled. They coiled before her eyes yet she remained humble, despite the power twirling within her. Let them see the weak one, the youngest of the eldest beings alive. Let them see her cower, bow and scrape, let them think her truly broken.

For, she knew, that their time would soon come. She knew that the walls to their prison were crumbling, that the day of freedom was terribly near. Smiling down at her coiled hair upon burnt rock, Ryyleci fooled them all.

:: :: ::

"Once more and I will have no choice but to destroy you," Crow whispered as his fangs pressed against the woman's flesh.

"Please don't do this," she whimpered and Crow allowed his fangs to enter her veins, aroused by her cry of shock changing quickly into a moan of pleasure.

"Hurry!" Sharra whispered into his ear and Crow shut his eyes. His mentor would not tell him how quickly he was to feed. This was his prey and he wasn't going to let anyone rush him, even if she was the daughter of the elder.

Crow debated letting the woman live but his thirst answered for him. He pulled his fangs from her an instant before she died. He gently laid her upon the stone floor and stood to his full height, towering over the beauty at his side by more than a few inches.

"Well?" he asked, glancing sideways at Sharra.

"I do not care for the shows you produce, Crow," Sharra hissed, her amber eyes flaring in anger. "We need to return to the coven. There has been a call."

Crow tilted his head and looked down at the woman now drained of blood. She had been so lively, pressing close to him as they danced, tempting him to take her to new sexual heights. He would have done so, he knew, if his babysitter hadn't followed him out.


"Come now, Crow," Sharra said with such a human tone of impatience that Crow was forced to look at her again. She didn't want to follow him around, she was forced to. That gave Crow a little bit of satisfaction, but not enough to make her controlling attitude any easier to take.

"Fine," he complied as he took to the air. He could hear her curse as she followed. Yes, he was a little wild, he knew, but he was the youngest after all, the newest made. What did they truly expect?

:: :: ::

Ares rose up and grabbed Ryyleci by the arm. "You bow before them!"

"It is the only way," she replied.

"There are other ways," Ares stated as he shoved her away. Ryyleci had been sent to her quarters and Ares had been waiting. It always brought a tremor of fear when Ares looked upon her.

Years upon years she had been with Ares, Eris and Erida, living as a goddess and being fed intense powers. The evil within her was a gift of Erida, unknown to Ares and Eris. Now, before Ares, Ryyleci couldn't help but wonder why she had knelt before the Satyrs and Maenads. What was she trying to prove?

"So, you appear weak in order to surprise the strong?" Eris asked as she materialized from nowhere.

"Yes," Ryyleci replied.

"Don't plant ideas in her head, Eris," Ares said angrily.

"There is much to be done, brother," Eris stated.

"I know! And the strongest being on earth is kneeling before the weakest!"

"Only once," Ryyleci said and Ares turned his golden eyes upon her, smouldering in anger. "Father." she added.

"What of Dionysus?" Eris asked.

That brought Ryyleci full circle. Yes, what of the god that had trapped them, that had brought hellfire and damnation upon them all?

"He is in exile," Ares replied. "Hades told me."

Ryyleci perked at the name of the god of the Underworld. Hades had taught her a thing or two as well. She owed him a great deal.

"Then it is time," Eris said.

"Yes," Ares looked at Ryyleci. "Time to unravel the magic Dionysus weaved. Time to set his followers free."

The earth shook as the old allegiance of gods and goddesses moved to undo all that had been done.

:: :: ::

Crow felt the earth shake as the other vampires gathered in the halls of the manor. They all knew that the Satyrs and Maenads were about to be freed, Thanatos had told them so. The war would begin again and this time the vampires had to win.

Thanatos grew to love the abomination he created. None had foreseen that drinking the blood of Satyrs and Maenads would give vampires eternal life as well. Only Hypnos had seen the fate awaiting the world of mortals and he had revealed it to Thanatos after the first Satyr had died at the hands of his creations.

Hera was furious and Bacchus was appalled. Together, they locked the Satyrs and Maenads away in a cell in the center of the earth. Eternal darkness and silence were all they had for centuries.

Meanwhile, the vampires discovered that although they could not bring new life into the world by birth, they could transfer their half-life existence to others through the exchange of blood. The vampires grew in number and now they were so large they were nearly untouchable.

Thanatos asked Hypnos why Ares and Eris wanted a Maenad. Hypnos explained that Ryyleci wasn't a normal Maenad. She was born to a mortal woman whom a Satyr had raped but not killed. She was the exception to the rule. She was powerful but not immortal. Ares and Eris would change that by taking her in. They would impart in her godlike powers.

She would destroy the vampires.

Crow watched as the god of Death materialized before them, his twin brother Sleep at his side.

"They are being freed now," Thanatos stated. "And there is one among them that can kill you all for she is a goddess."

The vampires shifted nervously as Hypnos looked at his brother in shock. Hypnos saw what the others did not. He saw what Thanatos intended to do.

"Do not fear for I will create a god among you," Thanatos said as he shrugged Hypnos' hand away from his arm.

"It is forbidden," Hypnos whispered in Greek.

"They are forbidden," Thanatos stated.

"Do what you will," Hypnos said. "But it will not save your creations."

"It will save one," Thanatos replied.

The Greek words were lost on all the vampires for they had lived too long in the comforts of America and England, too long enjoying blood and lust. Too many of the elders had perished in sunlight and to the hand of mortal hunters and so the language of their heritage was gone.

But Crow understood. He was half Greek and he could speak the language fluently. These words made him begin to back away, fully intending on being anywhere but where he was.

Hypnos turned his red eyes upon Crow and he froze. His curly black hair hung to his shoulders with clumps of dried blood, his square face pale, his lips stained red from constant feedings. He had been thirty-three when he had been changed five years ago. His broad shoulders and muscular chest were easily seen despite the thick clothes he wore. Crow had been a desirable man when he was alive and he was now an even more desirable vampire. His looks had brought a female vampire to his door and his lust for immortality had brought him to the coven.

"He is Greek," Hypnos stated and Thanatos glared over the group at the man nearly to the door.

"You!" he pointed and Crow was obliged to move forward. The vampires parted as he moved closer. Deep within him, a part struggled against Thanatos' pull. Being Greek gave Thanatos a stronger hold on Crow than the god of Death had on any other vampire in the room. "Who are you?"


"Your real name,"

"Crow is all I know now,"

"Beware, brother," Hypnos whispered.

"I have heard your warnings and I have ignored them," Thanatos stated.

"As did Dionysus,"


"Let go!" Crow shouted and the other vampires moved back a step. Their creator was standing before them and the young man dared shout at him. They expected vengeance but instead Thanatos smiled.

"You will do nicely,"

"I don't want to do anything nicely!" Crow struggled against the pull but Thanatos just tightened his grip.

"This will hurt...a little." Thanatos whispered in Greek as a bolt of light left his hand and slammed Crow in the chest. Crow fell to the ground writhing, his whole body on fire. This was not what he asked for. He wanted to be immortal, to feast on beautiful woman and never worry about illness. Instead, he was suffering intense pain.

Too intense.

Crow screamed before he blacked out.

:: :: ::

Ares and Eris pulled the head off of the Satyr nearest to Ryyleci as the black cell parted and the sun shone through. The followers of Bacchus squinted and cried out in joy and pain as they laid eyes upon the sun once again.

Ryyleci stared down at the body of the Satyr. He had been Troth, the king of the Satyrs, the one that had made Ryyleci bow. She looked at Ares and saw his smouldering anger as he sought out Berla, queen of the Maenads. Eris looked at Ryyleci and she pointed at the black haired woman shoving a young girl aside.

"That is her," she said and Ares was gone. Ryyleci watched as Berla was lifted high into the air and then broken in half. Her screams brought everyone to a halt.

"I am Ares, god of war," he said as he appeared before them. "My sister Eris and I have raised a goddess in your midst. She is to be obeyed or you shall all perish." Ares pointed at Ryyleci, who was standing at the very back of the horde.

All turned to look at the copper-haired beauty they had refused to look upon all the years she had been with them. She had gone unnoticed until recently, when she had climbed upon the battlements and shouted a familiar war cry. Then she had been punished.

Now, one by one, all Satyrs and Maenads knelt before her. Ares and Eris looked upon the crowd as Erida appeared beside Ryyleci.



"You remember your oath to Hades, don't you?"


"All of the vampires must die, then all of the Satyrs and Maenads must die. Only you shall remain."

"I remember,"

"Hades will see you after all the others reach the surface. Wait here for him."

"I will,"

Erida let out a scream as she faded and Ares spun around.

"Erida was here?" he asked Ryyleci.

"Yes, Father," she replied as she watched the hate fill the people and they ran up the god-created steps to the world above.

"What did she say?"

"She wished me a speedy victory,"

"Eris, let us stop the blood rage in them,"

"Yes, it is too soon," Eris agreed and she and Ares left Ryyleci alone.

Ryyleci sat upon the ground, her long braids coiling beside her, as she waited for Hades to arrive.

:: :: ::

Crow woke to darkness and red eyes. He sat up quickly and stared into the face of Hypnos. Crow felt like he could do anything and never pay the price. He smiled.

"You are a god now," Hypnos said.

"So you say,"

"It is only a matter of time before they attack,"


"You must protect as many of your kind as you can,"




"To repay Thanatos for your godhood,"

"No other reason?"



Hypnos glared at Crow for a moment. "You are Greek,"


"You have a loyalty to your gods,"


"You would do well not to forget that,"


"Behold, Crow, your kingdom." Hypnos said and he faded as the darkness left. Crow flinched then smiled as he turned his face up to the sun. It had been a long five years since he had felt the sun's warm embrace.

"I am a god," Crow murmured. "And I like the power it gives me."

:: :: ::

Hades strode toward Ryyleci as she stood. He was truly a handsome god, she knew, and he had shown her his passion often enough. Now was not the time to dwell on past loves, though. Now was the time for war.

"You understand, child, all that has begun this day?" Hades asked.

"The vampires must die," she replied.

"They were promised to me long ago, a false promise."

"Hera did not know that their bites would render them immortal."

"But Ares and Eris knew,"

"I guess," Ryyleci shrugged.

"I shall have what is owed to me,"

"I shall do all within my power to see you repaid,"

Hades smiled. "You are a true goddess,"

"No," Ryyleci replied as he faded away. "I am a true Maenad."

:: :: ::

Crow leaned against the pillar in the back of the great hall and watched as the vampires discussed the coming war. He felt that they were weak, these creations of Thanatos, and that he should let them all die. It would be easier to dominate the world if he was the only remaining vampire.

Crow shook his head and straightened off the pillar. He had no idea where that thought had come from but it definitely wasn't his. There was great disdain for Thanatos and Hypnos in those thoughts, intense hate for Ares and Eris, Hera and Erida.

Crow's brow wrinkled in confusion. "How did I know their names?"

"You're a god, aren't you?" came a deep voice to his left.

Crow turned about and saw a handsome man standing in the shadows.

"I take it those thoughts were yours,"

"Is it any small wonder they picked you? You're mighty bright for a vampire." the man said.

"Who are you?"

"Surely you know Hades, god of the Underworld?"

"I didn't think you'd be so handsome, though." Crow replied with a shrug. "Thought you were Apollo or something."

"Apollo?" Hades laughed, a truly awful sound. "Indeed, vampire."

"Name's Crow,"

"Sure," Hades moved closer. "It is truly a mercy to kill them all, you know. They were promised to me, long ago. They were never meant to be immortal."

"If they are meant to join you, Hades, let the banshee kill them," Crow replied.

"Her name is Ryyleci," Hades said.


"You can't kill her and she can't kill you," Hades smiled. "A true disappointment for Ares, truth be told. Thanatos truly has taken sides."

"Yes," Crow moved away.

"Stop," Hades commanded and Crow cursed. The Greek blood in him made it impossible to disobey, even as a god.


"You're Greek,"


"That is enough," Hades moved closer. "Ares can kill you, Eris can control you. Ryyleci will win."

Crow shrugged. "Maybe,"

"Here," Hades said. "To make things more interesting. A gift."

"I don't want it," Crow moved back as Hades lifted his hand but the god was too close and the pale flesh touched Crow's head. Light flared and darkness come, catching Crow as he fell into unconsciousness once more.

:: :: ::

"What have you done?" Hypnos asked as he and Hades stared down at Crow's unconscious form.

"Set him free,"

"That bond was the only thing keeping him under control,"

"I know,"

"Thanatos will not like this,"

"I care not," Hades faded and Hypnos lingered only a moment before fading himself. He had to tell Thanatos that they no longer had control over the vampire god. But, he also had to assure his brother that no other god did either.

:: :: ::

Ryyleci screamed but no one paid her any mind. She cursed and turned away. The Satyrs had mounted the Maenads and they were busy having sex under the sun. They switched partners constantly, not bothering to focus on the task at hand. The sunlight had made them giddy and foolish. Ryyleci cursed again.

"If you didn't need them, you could kill them," Erida said as she appeared before them.

"I know,"

"This might help," Erida screamed then, a much louder scream than before. Ryyleci didn't flinch.

"Did it help?"

"No," Erida said and Ryyleci turned around. Their sexual joining had turned to violent rapes and mutilations. Ryyleci turned around again but Erida was gone.

"Typical," Ryyleci said and she started when Ares appeared before her. "Kill them."

"Do you really think that would solve anything?"

"I can't stand it," Ryyleci replied. "They are so weak."

"They are mortals damned to live forever,"

"Yes," Ryyleci said.

"Pick two Maenads and five Satyrs and Eris will separate them from the horde."


"I will have them killed," Ares shrugged.


"Trust, daughter, is a very fragile thing," Ares replied and then he was gone.

"Fine," she muttered as Eris appeared.

"Well?" Eris asked.

"The three Satyrs standing in the center, the Maenad by the tree, the one underneath Brutus and the two Satyrs raping the dead Maenad."

"Odd choices," Eris replied as she snapped her fingers and those named vanished. Suddenly, a bolt of lightening fell from the sky and struck the most concentrated area of the group.

"No!" Ryyleci shouted as many bolts followed until only ash remained.

"Zeus..." Ryyleci murmured.

"Who else?" Eris asked as she snapped her fingers again and the five Satyrs and two Maenads appeared, the hate having left them and levelheadedness having returned. "You are now an army of seven, led by a goddess of one."

Eris laughed as she faded and only then did Ryyleci realize her error. The vampires would outnumber them by thousands. Truly she could have stomached a little lust for victory.

Now she was royally outnumbered and completely pissed off for Ares had tricked her...and she had allowed him to do so.

:: :: ::

"Thank you,"

"Shut up, Hades," Ryyleci said.

"Thousands upon thousands of Maenads and Satyrs sent to me,"

"It was supposed to be seven,"

"A gift?" Hades touched one of her copper braids and Ryyleci pulled away even as the hair coiled about his arm affectionately.

"A trick,"

"Ares is a mighty warlord, child,"

"He is a liar,"

"He made you into a goddess,"

"I promise you, Hades, that I shall send you seven vampires,"

Hades pulled the arm that had the hair coiled about it and brought Ryyleci to her knees. "Do you dare toy with the god of the Underworld?"

"Leave me be, Hades. Seven only. If more fall so be it. Seven I have promised and seven I will repay."

"You promised me thousands!"

"That was before you and Ares decided to take my army. Now, you shall have to settle for the seven I promised you."

Hades stepped back, pulling his arm harshly toward himself. But Ryyleci's hair had uncoiled and the braid fell away, coiling at her side once more.

"Seven of my army, I said to you," Ryyleci said, trying not to allow tears to enter her eyes. Hades would never forgive her, she knew, but she also knew that she could never forgive herself. "But you got selfish and now my army is gone."

"Your own fault!"

"Yes," Ryyleci agreed. "Seven vampires I offer you now."

Hades flared in anger then vanished. Ryyleci stood slowly, feeling as though the war was already lost. In truth, she could kill all the vampires but she would lose her seven. She would not allow the vampires to kill her seven. Therefore, she had to protect her small army and fight the vampires at the same time.

Ares and Eris wanted to play war games with her, she would definitely play. And just like them, she wouldn't play fair.

:: :: ::

Thanatos stared at the beautiful Ryyleci in adoration. "Seven?"

"That is all I ask," she said.

"Why?" Hypnos asked.

"Ares lied to me,"

"Yes, he does that," Thanatos said. "Seven, then."

"This war has to look like a true war," Ryyleci said.

"Yes," Thanatos agreed then he looked upon his twin. "Bring Crow to me."

Hypnos faded and Ryyleci looked around her. They were in a dark shield of solitude overlooking the Dead Sea. Ryyleci had had a hard time finding Death and Sleep but Erida had told her that they were her only hope in cheating Ares.

Erida wasn't pleased that Ryyleci was going to change her strategy against Hades but Erida was furious about the death of the Satyrs and Maenads.

Hypnos appeared with a handsome man at his side. Ryyleci felt a tremor course through her as the tall dark haired man turned his hazel eyes upon her.

Crow felt a hunger rise up in him unlike any other. The woman before him was truly beautiful. She had long braids colored copper-red that coiled down and hung just above her ankles. He knew instantly that the coils were part of her godhood just as he knew instantly that the woman before him was the goddess Ryyleci, the goddess he would battle.



"Good," Thanatos murmured. "Now we discuss war."

:: :: ::

The vampires gathered on the darkened hill while the seven gathered opposite, Ryyleci appearing before them at last. It was dusk and the vampires would run before dawn.

If Ryyleci had still possessed a great army, she would have blocked the vampires in, kept their escape prevented and let the sun destroy all that remained alive.

She looked at her five Satyrs, Shirr, Dirkke, Brayl, Abertros, and Darthe and her two Maenads, Blea and Ruth and knew that Hades would have her seven, for she could not forsake the god of the Underworld. But, he would also have to settle for seven vampires, for she would not forsake Death either.

The vampires moved forward and her small force moved forward as well. The Satyrs tails flicked as they neared the horde of vampires and Ryyleci turned away as Shirr fell beneath twelve vampires. She didn't watch her army die but she felt Hades' caress upon her cheek.

She swooped down and killed seven vampires nearest to her. Crow appeared at her side, attempting to turn the vampires aside.

"The war is over," Crow shouted but the vampires rushed on, intent on the red haired woman that had killed their kind.

"They have the rage," Ryyleci said. "Only Erida or her siblings can remove it."

Side by side, Crow and Ryyleci fought off the vampires, tossing them aside easily, not killing a single one. But still they kept coming. Ryyleci glanced at Crow. Neither would kill a single vampire more than the agreed upon seven.

Ares appeared, Eris at his side as always. "Take the lives offered to you, daughter!" Ares cried.

"Never!" Ryyleci said.

"They will just keep coming since neither you nor Crow can die. They will just keep coming until the sun rises and they burn to ash, so much is the hate within them." Eris said.

"Remove the hate, then!" Ryyleci shouted as she tossed two more aside.

"No," Erida said as she appeared beside her siblings. "Daughter, you owe Hades these vampires."

"You tricked me!" Ryyleci shouted up to the gods above her, gods that raised and changed her, gods that made her who she was.

"You allowed us to do so," Ares said.

"I shall not fail Thanatos," Crow whispered.

"Neither shall I," Ryyleci replied.

"You already have," Eris said. "The sun will kill those you won't."

Ryyleci saw the truth but refused to acknowledge it. "There must be a way," she whispered.

"Kill them, beloved," Hades said. "They are mine. Kill them, Crow. Set them free."

"No," Crow shouted.

Ryyleci felt a tender touch on her shoulder and she looked into the red eyes of Thanatos. "I break my bond upon you. Hades is right. They are his."

Crow looked at the vampires in silent horror. "I can't,"

"Ryyleci can," Ares said with a cruel smile. "Can't you?"

"No," Ryyleci shook her head.

Suddenly, Erida was at her side. "Wrryth enos err." she whispered into Ryyleci's ear. Suddenly, the evil welled up inside her and Ryyleci knew, without a doubt, that she could kill the vampires.

She could kill all of them.

And nothing could stop her.

:: :: ::

The sun rose and all the bodies of the dead vampires turned to ash. The wind came and all the ash blew away. Ryyleci thanked Erida for holding the evil rage until Ryyleci wouldn't break any bonds. She thanked her mother for the kindness none knew the goddess Erida possessed.

Ares and Eris faded away, Hades gathered his dead and left. Only Crow, Ryyleci and Thanatos remained on the battlefield. The seven had been devoured by the thousands. There was nothing left of the Satyr and Maenad race, nothing left of the vampires. Nothing but a goddess and a god.

Crow wondered what was left for him, now that the vampires of the world were dead. Then he felt it. The familiar hunger for blood. He looked over at Ryyleci and smiled.

"I thirst,"

"We will be sworn enemies, you realize," she said.

"Only until something better comes along," Crow took to the sky with a hearty shout.

"Your race will continue but mine will not," Ryyleci stated.

"There will always be vampires...that was the true goal I had for making a vampire god." Thanatos stated as Ryyleci faced him. "I must confess that I had selfish intentions from the start."

"I must confess that I knew that," Ryyleci replied.

"Satyrs and Maenads were never meant to live forever,"

"Neither were vampires,"

"Weren't they?" Thanatos asked as he bowed and faded away. Ryyleci stood under the sun she longed to see for so long and thought of the true revenge of the gods of old. They had all gotten what they wanted at the cost of thousands of immortals.

And despite it all, the vampires would live on. The vampires would continue to exist no matter what was done.

Ryyleci looked up into the blinding orb with her goddess eyes and saw, for the first time, that there were many shades of the sun...it just took immortal eyes to see them.
© Copyright 2004 DragonWrites~The Fire Faerie~ (mystdancer50 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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