Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/872776-Lost-Chapter-2--Coup
Rated: XGC · Serial · Adult · #872776
General Djiu's evening of pleasure is most rudely interrupted...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).
Underage character(s) involved.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here is the fabled Lost Chapter 2 (AKA Part 16.5B, AKA...read on to find out) of the Ameni Chronicles! Again, as with Lost Chapter 1 (AKA Part 16.5, AKA "T'uris/Simit"--yeah, I label them with the sexual parties' names on my hard drive, for when I'm itching to read about a particular pairing and can't remember the chapter number ^_^ ), this chapter details an incident which did take place in the scope of the Chronicles, yet somehow was never actually described--the ousting of General Djiu of the Red Tribe. In the original series both this and the coup of the East Tribe were completely overlooked in favor of the erotica part of the story, but now these scenes have become necessary in the plot-heavy rewrite. Rather than renumber all the parts and thus make any past references to specific chapters outdated and useless, I have decided to call these entirely new chapters the Lost Chapters. Has a nice ring, doesn't it? :)

Again, as before, this chapter features entirely new content for the story and is being written up as I go along. It shall be interesting to see exactly how Djiu goes out...will it be with a bang or a whimper? Knowing the way of the Chronicles, there'll at least be a bang in there somewhere. :P Let us continue with the Ameni saga...

THE GUARDS ATOP the great wall of the Red Tribe dozed in the glaring sun. The most movement to be had out of them was whenever a fly attempted to land upon one, when he would exert himself trying to swat it away before dozing off again. The sun had never felt quite so hot in the past month or so, and there was nothing to be seen out in the desert as far as the eye could see. One of the guards leaned dangerously forward, almost enough to plummet from the wall, but one of his fellows had enough sense of mind to reach out and tug him back before he could. The first guard yawned obliviously.

THWOP. Something landed hard atop the wall and the guards jumped up and squawked, clumsily brandishing their weapons. The guard at the far east corner yelped and pinwheeled a bit before regaining his balance; their eyes focused on the Kana who did not belong there, who still crouched exactly where he had landed right amongst them all. He blinked a few times and glanced around at them, then offered a cheery smile, before a dozen spear points aimed at his face and made his smile dim just a bit.

"Eh...sorry about that," he apologized, standing slowly and looking over the edge of the wall. "I think I miscalculated just a bit...it's been a long while since I've flown anywhere."

"N-name, rank, and tribe!" one of the guards stammered.

The strange Kana made a sour face and dusted himself. He pointed at his lappets. "Hello, you are colorblind? Lieutenant Elite Nehef of the East Tribe, come to speak to your General Djiu."

The guards' brows furrowed in confusion, then their eyes darkened. "East Tribe?" one grumbled. "YOU are the ones who have caused us no end of trouble, more than once in the past! And now look, but one of you lands atop our very wall! For what purposes, one can only guess!"

"I just told you," Lieutenant Nehef said, ear twitching. "I've come to speak with General Djiu."

"For what purpose?"

"For a purpose best left for General Djiu's ears. But since you are so nosy," he added when the guards raised their spears just a little more, "I have come on behalf of General T'uris, as a representative of the East Tribe, to bring a brotherly offering to Lord Djiu."

"'Brotherly' offering?" the first guard echoed. "Our tribes are hardly brothers!"

"Our tribes have always been brothers. Now if you do not lead me to your general, I will simply return and tell my general that yours has refused such a generous offering--and then, well, perhaps then we will not be so brotherly..."

"Oh, for gods' sakes!" one of the other guards exclaimed in exasperation. "Let him in already! And let Lord Djiu deal with this headache."

Nehef's ear flicked. "He is right," another guard called, and a few more started nodding as the first's resolve wavered. "We have better things to do than deal with this!"

Nehef looked from one to another when the first guard jerked his hand at him and scowled. "Very well. Come down the ladder--rather than flying your way past like some giant buzzard!" he snapped. "And follow me and do not even think of wandering off. It is bad enough we did not sound an alarm. YOU will have to deal with the general yourself!"

"This is acceptable," Nehef said, pretending not to notice the guard's dark look before following him. They reached the ladder and descended the other side of the wall while the rest of the guards stood above, watching them go.

* * * * *

The guard tried his very best to keep Nehef from being overly noticed, yet with as nosy as the Red Tribe was, more than a few passersby paused to glance at him as they went. They recognized the East Tribe symbols upon his lappets and whispers began spreading from ear to ear; the guard's scowl looked as if it would stay permanently on his face. Nehef ignored the whispering and stretched his wings.

"What is your purpose here again?" the guard grumbled.

"I have told you already. Do your ears not work?"

"My ears work just fine, you dungball! Yet I need a coherent explanation to give to the general as to why an East Tribe lieutenant has just suddenly dropped out of the sky! He is likely to be stupid about hearing your tale from you yourself!"

"I take it you do not care for your general overmuch--?" Nehef queried with a curious look. He jumped when the Kana snarled at him.

"Keep your nose to yourself, Moru! I have no desire to converse with you."

"Well, if this is so, just lead the way, and I will bother him with my prattling since you are such sour company. I know full well of how stupid generals can be."

The guard glanced at him curiously, then snorted and turned away. "Of course you would. You are that first lieutenant, after all. I thought I recognized your smug face."

Nehef furrowed his brow. "Do we know each other--?"

"No, we do not. Thank the gods. I merely saw you when we paid your tribe a visit. I heard about you, too. You are very prickish for a first lieutenant, and your attitude would hardly go over well here."

Nehef blinked. "You are one of Lord Nehekhi's men! You mean you were one of those who accompanied him to the East Tribe--?"

"I am his first lieutenant!" the guard snapped, giving Nehef a cross look. "Lieutenant Elite Taka! So do not throw your rank around with me! I have drunk with sergeants who have more honor than you."

"Yet if you are a first lieutenant what are you doing guarding the wall? This is rather a lowly thing for a first lieutenant to be doing."

"Yes, well, consider it punishment for acting much like you seem to act most of the time. In this tribe, the most honorable Kana all seem to eventually guard the wall. At least I am not in bad company." He scowled again to himself and Nehef's mouth twitched.

"Well, my comrade and I were once set to guard our general's wall..."

"Oh, stuff it up your ass! You will not even compare yourself to me!"

Nehef smirked but ignored Taka's glowering. The other lieutenant turned and started up the steps to the largest building in the tribe, and Nehef followed. The busyness of the place surprised him, in contrast to the languishing state of the East Tribe; once they had gotten inside, they were constantly passed by various other Kana and even Moru jogging about, pacing in pairs, or dashing to and fro as if occupied with something. A few other lieutenants spotted Taka and Nehef and frowned in puzzlement, but Taka ignored them before pausing in front of a door and knocking at it. He opened it without waiting for an answer, then gestured Nehef forward with mock civility.

"He is within. Go in and speak with him!--and remind him how generous and brotherly the East Tribe is, when they do not even bother standing up for old allies."

Nehef paused slightly before stepping past him and through the door. As he did, he pulled something from his belt and pressed it surreptitiously into Taka's hand, noting the way the other Kana's features flickered just barely before settling into the same scowl as before...yet the look in his eyes was just vaguely different. After the briefest hesitation, Nehef felt his fingers curl around the scroll, and a second later it was gone from sight and Taka was strolling back up the hall, both hands empty, his sandals clacking almost angrily. As he disappeared from sight Nehef at last entered the room and closed the door behind himself.

He had to pause again when he saw a Kana with a too-sugary smile apparently attempting to convince General Djiu to purchase a new Moru, except that the Moru in question was a young human. Djiu sat at a small table absently eating a fig and looking her up and down as the other Kana--he must have been a seasoned Moru trader, with the way he spoke--gesticulated and exclaimed aloud.

"...it was most fortunate luck that we even found her, Lord; most fortunate luck! With the way things have been going lately, there are just so few humans left to be found in these parts...yet we spotted her just after we had completed our raid upon the Desert Trail Tribe...looking to be seeking an escape somewhere...we can only guess she escaped one of our illustrious general's previous raids upon her people and had taken up residence somewhere along the river. Certainly, she is a bit scrawny, yes...yet if My Lord wishes, he may feed her and fatten her right up...or, if you wish, you may keep her skinny, whichever you prefer...and while I am not certain whether she has been touched yet or not, well, she looks to be a nice tight fit, even if she is not iat'ah..."

"Hmm," Djiu muttered, eating another fig. He glanced at Nehef, who saluted, and waved at the human girl. "What do you think she should cost?" he queried.

Nehef blinked. He looked the girl up and down, seeing the way she lowered her head with an embarrassed look on her face. "Hm," he said in a neutral voice. "My guess would be five silver rings."

The Moru trader sputtered in disbelief. "F-five silver rings--! What sort of Kana are you? This is an atrocious disgrace of a price to ask for such a--"

"Scrawny, scrappy little thing," Djiu filled in, the Moru trader's mouth clamping shut immediately. Djiu frowned. "You yourself proclaimed her skinniness! How is such a pathetic little scrap expected to hold up to what I put her to? Have you no sense at all? The last time I tried a female of this sort, I ended up coupling with a corpse!--it was most unpleasant!"

Nehef tried to keep from wrinkling his muzzle. "But, Lord," the trader protested. "Surely this one MUST be stronger!--she did live on her own, in the wild, for such a long time--!"

"I do not know this for sure. I will give you five silver rings. You take this, or you can attempt to sell her in the market; and good luck I wish to you on that, considering that you brought her to me knowing full well I am the only one much interested in such things."

The Moru trader scowled--mostly at Nehef--but bobbed his head and put his hand to his breast. "Very well...five silvers it is..." Djiu leaned over his table to reach into a box and pull out a few rings, tossing them to the Moru trader, who bowed a bit sulkily. "She is yours, Lord. May she bring you much happiness! Until we should chance upon another one even prettier than this one!"

"Yes, yes, whichever," Djiu said disinterestedly, waving him to begone. The other Kana bowed the entire time he retreated, except for when he shot Nehef a withering glare before disappearing and shutting the door behind him. Nehef started to salute, but Djiu merely rose, took the girl's arm, and led her back to his chair, promptly nuzzling in her ear as soon as he sat down. The girl made a horrid face and pulled away a little bit, though not far as his fingers dug into her wrist. Nehef made a face himself, but quickly forced it away as soon as Djiu's eyes flicked in his direction.

"You're wearing East Tribe lappets," he murmured as he stroked the girl's arm. "Yet I did not hear any sort of alert...?"

"This is my own fault, Lord. I landed atop the wall somewhat awkwardly and startled your men--and I did not wish to create a huge fuss, and so asked that they escort me here without fanfare. Please do not seek their punishment for my own misstep."

"Hm," Djiu said, making the girl sit on his knee so he could better nuzzle at her neck. She didn't bother hiding the cringe of disgust from her face, yet he didn't seem to care. "Some of them are not even my own men...just doing mandatory guard duty upon the wall...your purpose for this visit, Lieutenant--?"

"Nehef, Lord; and I have come on behalf of General T'uris of the East Tribe, to bring you an offering of brotherhood between our tribes. You see, when Lord Nehekhi visited with us, he spoke with an old comrade of his, who then passed word on to General T'uris of My Lord's recent excursions against the Kemeti. Seeing as General T'uris has ordered some recent raids of his own, he decided it would be fit to present to you some of the more interesting spoils of these raids."

"Spoils?" Djiu frowned a bit. He held the girl around the waist and worked one hand up beneath the slit in her dress and between her legs; Nehef saw her face flinch and a look of mixed panic and abhorrence enter her eyes, yet she sat and tolerated it. "What sort of spoils of his would I possibly be interested in--? You may return and tell Lord T'uris his gesture is appreciated, yet I have little need of Kemeti spoils..."

He trailed off, his gaze flicking down to look at the scrolls Nehef removed from his belt and placed carefully upon the little table beside him. He looked up at the lieutenant again, still moving his hand between the girl's legs as he reached out to take one of the papyri and bring it toward him. He used his teeth to pull it open as the girl squirmed uncomfortably, and peered it over. His brow furrowed.

"What exactly is this, Lieutenant...?"

Nehef bowed slightly and pointed at some scribbles on the papyrus. "Surely My Lord recognizes the writing of the Kemeti--?"

"I recognize this!" Djiu snapped, thrusting his hand hard enough to make the girl gasp and jerk. "Do not be so pissy explaining to me why you are wasting my time with such things!"

"But, Lord, if you will just take a closer look...you have truly never before seen Kemeti cartography?"

"Cartography...?" Djiu squinted at the scroll again, turning it about. "This is a map?" he asked uncertainly.

Nehef bowed again. "One of many, obtained by General T'uris during his raids against the Kemeti. He had not known..." he trailed off for a moment when Djiu pulled his hand out from the girl's dress and took her own hand, guiding it toward his lap and beneath his own kilt, then resumed speaking "...of My Lord's interest in...human subjects at the time, so it was merely fortuitous that he obtained something you would find of use. These scrolls contain the directions to human settlements just a week's travel away, or slightly more. Including a few which are likely not to have been disturbed by the Kana just yet. Lord T'uris was informed of your own interest in these settlements, and has refrained from attacking them so that you may move in and select whichever spoils you may desire."

"He has...truly...done this?" Djiu asked in some surprise, moving the girl's hand up and down. He looked at the scroll again with renewed interest. "These settlements...are not touched...so far...?"

Nehef shook his head. "No, Lord. They are filled to the brim with Kemeti, all just awaiting your own arrival."

"And what is...T'uris's reason for...doing this, again?"

"Nothing more than to present a gesture of brotherhood between our two tribes, Lord. He knows times have been difficult for both our peoples, and wished to send My Lord something to ease the tedium."

"This is...a most generous...gift indeed!" Djiu panted. He let the scroll snap shut and nodded curtly. "Very well then! I will...have a reply message penned...for you to return to him. And if...there is anything at all...he would be interested in...obtaining from these Kemeti, do but...have him ask, and I will...be certain to...obtain it for him...to return this gesture of brotherhood."

Nehef bowed. "Lord T'uris asked for nothing in return, Lord; though he did hope this would usher in a new age of fraternity between our tribes. Our relations have been strained far too long."

"Unh!" the general grunted aloud, gritting his teeth and jerking. Nehef's ear flicked and the girl pulled her hand loose, grimacing at the thick white fluid which dripped from her fingers. She tried somewhat unsuccessfully to shake it off without drawing Djiu's attention as he sat up, still keeping hold of her and rubbing her breast with a pleasant smile on his face. "They shall suffer no longer, I suppose," he said breathlessly. "It looks as if some good came of Lord Nehekhi's visit, after all! I had had my thoughts that he had other purposes in mind there...yet it looks as if I were wrong yet again. Very well! Thank you much for this visit, Lieutenant! Just wait but a moment and I will fetch the scribe and have him write up something for you; or better yet, you may take your leave to fetch a drink in one of our fine taverns, and the message will be awaiting you upon your return. You are a brother here as long as you may be visiting."

Nehef saluted. "Thank you graciously, Lord."

Djiu stood, easing the girl from his lap yet still keeping hold of her arm. He scooped the scrolls together in the middle of the desk and Nehef noticed the gleam he got in his eye on looking at them. He started in surprise when the general abruptly turned and pressed the girl's hand into his own, beaming at him; Nehef started to stammer.

"Er...Lord...? I..."

"Oh, go on now," Djiu said cheerily. "I know you cannot refuse such a pretty little face! You flew all the way to get here, and that is no small feat. And then had to deal with those dogs on the wall, and then put up with me when I was such unpleasant company. This is the least I can do to tide you over till I get that scroll made up! Go ahead, let her keep you company for the day. You can always bring her back when you are done."

Nehef's ears went bright red. The girl's hand felt tiny and smooth in his own, far too smooth. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and saw the anxious look she gave him. "But...well, Lord, it is a gracious offer, it's just that I am not..." The look on Djiu's face started to slowly change as he stammered, looking for an excuse to flee the room. The general's eyes grew dangerously dark and his nostrils flared.

"You what, Lieutenant...? You are not interested in my own offer? I suppose I may take her back, and make use of her, though I am sorely indisposed, by now..."

Nehef cut himself off. He felt her fingers curl instinctively around his, and remembered overhearing Nehekhi speaking with Mahakhi, during his visit to the East Tribe.

The women and girls, they are brought back well and alive...but they are not well for long, and as for alive, I do not know how long that lasts, either...

Nehef swallowed. He wrapped his own hand around the girl's and forced the most awkward smile he possibly could.

"Er...I'm merely surprised by the depths of your generosity, Lord. If you insist, I must not refuse."

The general stared at him a moment more, then his smile returned as if no wrong had been done. "Good!" he exclaimed, and picked up all of the scrolls, clasping them to his chest. "My men will see you out. There is a decent tavern not that far from here."

Nehef bowed and turned to the door, the girl following since they still held hands. He tried hard to ignore the numerous looks the rest of the Kana in the household gave him as they passed, and once they were out the front entrance and had made their way down to the street he promptly let go of her hand, grimacing. Yet as soon as he peered back over his shoulder he saw that Djiu had followed them at least as far as the entrance itself, perhaps to speak with one of his guards, though he looked right at them and frowned.

Nehef blinked. He quickly seized the girl by the face and pressed his muzzle to her mouth, trying very hard to ignore the way her eyes flew wide open when their tongues met. She actually started fighting him, yet he held onto her wrists to keep her from striking him in the head. The way she murmured loudly into his mouth didn't make it sound as if she were saying anything very pleasant, either.

The rest of the Kana standing in the street below and on the steps above them gawked before quickly turning away. Djiu was the only exception; he smiled, and Nehef dragged the girl away from the house with him, still murmuring and protesting.

As soon as they got around the corner of the house Nehef ducked aside into the alley and finally pulled away from her mouth. He was rewarded with as sharp a slap as he had ever felt in his life; the sound alone of her hand meeting his face was enough to make his ears ring. He rubbed at his sore cheek and winced, sticking out his tongue and making gagging noises as he spat at the ground. The girl did the same and they stood this way for a moment or two, both trying to get rid of the taste of the other. When he finally got up the courage to look at her again she glared at him venomously, wiping her mouth.

Nehef's eye twitched. "The feeling is mutual!" He stepped forward and peered out of the alley, hoping to find a way to set her running, yet the street was crowded and she would have the walls to deal with; he doubted Nehekhi's men guarded the entire perimeter. He looked back into the alley but it was a dead end, its only exit leading back to Djiu's household. He made a face and looked back out at the street, seeing her do the same.

"Well, it looks as if you are stuck with me...at least for now. Just what I needed, a pet of my own. No offense to your kind, but you are hardly my type!"

She gave him the same dark look she had a minute ago and he sighed and rubbed at his neck. "I do not think you even understand what I'm saying," he said wearily. He paused to watch the Kana passing by and his ears pricked when he noticed a familiar face. Lieutenant Taka passed by on the opposite side of the street, his pace nearly a stalk; Nehef seized the girl's arm and pulled her out after him, and they both jogged across the crowded street. When she didn't protest he added, "Yet I am getting the feeling you understand what I'm doing!"

He had to dodge around groups of Kana and Sha heading back and forth with their weapons and Moru, and was insulted more than a few times when he barely avoided collision. Taka was almost out of sight when he finally reached the other side, and he waved wildly even though the other Kana's back was to him by now. "Hey! Taka! Brother!" Taka halted and turned to glare back at him; as soon as he saw Nehef with the girl in tow his eyes widened, then he stormed toward them with fists and teeth clenched. When he reached them he yanked on Nehef's armor, dragging him after him; Nehef barked and stumbled forward, the girl doing the same when he pulled on her arm. They hurried down the street in an odd little train, earning numerous glances as they went.

"What are you doing?" Taka hissed. "Flailing around and calling me BROTHER! Have you any idea how damned long I've been looking around for you? And what in the Duat are you doing with THIS?" He glared at the girl before turning back to face the street. Nehef at last managed to slap his hand loose and flared his nostrils at him, dusting at his armor as if it had been soiled.

"I had to talk with that general of yours, if you don't recall so quickly! And I absolutely could not leave until I brought this along with me."

"You could have left her!"

"Yes, well, unlike some others I prefer not to have human blood on my hands--Apsiu blood is more than enough!"

Taka glanced at him again, tense and wary; Nehef met his eyes, still dusting at himself and straightening his armor before the other lieutenant turned away.

"It is true then...?"

"I assume you could not go without looking--?"

"Shove your tail, you damned ass! I delivered it to Lord Nehekhi! We are not so devious as YOUR sort seems to be!"

"Hey, all who needed to see that letter saw it. And to answer your question--ask Lord Nehekhi!"

"This is what I intend to do, if you'll only shut up. And quit yapping so loudly, or I'll jam your tusks through your palate!"

Nehef made a face. "You are remarkably pissy."

Eventually they slowed near one of the large walled households lining the street and pushed their way inside the gate, jogging toward the main courtyard entrance. The guards there immediately stepped aside as they passed, and barely even bothered looking at the girl; Nehef himself drew more attention.

He looked back at them as they entered the main hall. "Are things in such a state that a visitor will draw more curious stares than a human...?"

"You have never been here before. Lord Djiu seems to have an agreement with certain of his favorite Kana. So far Nehekhi has salvaged two humans, not counting this scrap."

"They are his gifts?" Nehef stuck out his tongue. "I would much prefer a fat Moru. Or at least, a jug of free beer."

"Join the rest of us."

They made their way into a long hallway, passing the typical numerous doors and finally stopping at one where Taka knocked. He waited a moment, then opened it and stepped inside; Nehef briefly stood in the doorway before deciding he was meant to follow, and did so.

He found Taka already within, standing before another Kana who peered around him. His face lit up on seeing Nehef and he stepped around his own lieutenant. He held up a scroll as he came close.

"You are Lieutenant--Nehef, is it?"

Nehef bowed and bobbed his head.

"I recall you are General T'uris's first lieutenant." Nehekhi paused, then said in a more subdued voice, "It is true, then...? All of it?"

Nehef bowed again. "Every word, Lord. I must apologize for the subterfuge we went through the last time, yet we were not certain Lord Mahakhi was ready to grant such assistance at such a time. Yet the time has come, and he and the East Tribe are upon their way as we speak."

"And General T'uris...?"

Nehef paused. "He will no longer be a concern, Lord."

Nehekhi's face clouded slightly. "He is really gone, then." He lowered the scroll. "He was a good general, once...I do not understand what has become of him and Djiu lately. They were both good Kana..." He looked up at Nehef again, his face now tense. "Djiu. You have plans for him--?"

"We were of the mind that according to the description you and your Kana have given of his activities, it would be best if he were ousted. Lord Mahakhi has agreed to assist with this if needed. He is fully willing to instate you as general, if you wish."

Nehekhi's eyes grew. He made a slicing gesture through the air with the scroll. "No! No! I do not wish this position! I have had more than enough of politics! I would become a lieutenant again had I not my own men to look after!"

"You do not mean this, Lord!" Taka objected. He took a step forward. "Think on it--you care most greatly for the Red Tribe out of all the Kana here! Who better to serve--?"

Nehekhi bared his teeth. "I REFUSE! When this is all over, I will gladly retire and never set foot out of this house again if I can help it! When Mahakhi arrives, I will tell him myself that he can seek another for this position!"

Nehef shifted from foot to foot. "Actually, Lord...if there are none other in your tribe who greatly wish the position, Lord Mahakhi suggested that he assume leadership, should you refuse it. I believe he...rather anticipated your response, and asked merely out of courtesy."

Nehekhi blinked, then relaxed. "Oh. Of course. Of course! I am afraid the Red Tribe is not in as great a state of order as the East Tribe is, Lieutenant...there are more than likely a few captains willing to vie for the position. But if Mahakhi is truly bringing his entire army, they should be little difficulty. I have my own men willing to put down any skirmishes that arise." Nehef nodded. "Yet you did not answer my question entirely...what of Djiu? I can only assume T'uris did not meet a fortunate end..."

"This was his own doing, Lord; he foolishly decided to stand up to Lord Mahakhi, when it was clear whose power was greater. There are few who pity him; he was guilty of a few things you need not know of at this moment. Might I ask your own general's popularity with the tribe--?"

"I am guessing it to be about evenly divided, or perhaps a little out of his favor. He has been raiding quite frequently, so we do not want for food or Moru, as your people do. Yet...his raids have drawn much criticism...and his choice of slaves has not gone over very well." He paused. "I feel a bit foolish judging him on this..."

"With respect, Lord, it is known that you treat your own...human...relatively well, and you have but one, whereas Djiu...he goes through them quite quickly, does he not?"

Nehekhi frowned slightly. "How do you know this information...? Did Lord Mahakhi tell you...?"

Nehef saluted again and bobbed his head, dodging the question. "All attempts will be made to spare Lord Djiu, should he allow himself such a fate...yet I am afraid his life cannot be guaranteed, Lord. It all depends upon how he reacts to being ousted from power."

The captain sighed. "I do not think he will take it well. He has always been a poor loser." His ear cocked. "I just thought of this, how do you intend to approach the city--? You will be seen from all around. Surely an alert will be given before Mahakhi is even at the gates."

"This is where I was beginning to think your own resources might assist, Lord; your lieutenant informed me of some of your men being put atop the wall as punishment--"

Taka bristled. "This was totally unwarranted and none of your concern!"

"--I had thought that, perhaps, a few more of your men...or those whom you trust...might commit some minor infractions, and be set upon the wall, at a convenient time..."

Taka looked ready to bite his head off, but Nehekhi nodded thoughtfully to himself. "Load the guards in our favor," he said aloud, defusing Taka's anger. "I see what you are suggesting...and then conveniently forget to sound the alarm when the army should arrive." He turned to Taka. "You think you can handle this--?"

Taka's mouth twitched. "I believe I can arrange something, Lord." He bowed and left the room. Nehekhi turned back to the remaining lieutenant.

"Lord Mahakhi and his men will of course approach from the north. In addition we have sent word to the Palm Tribe to the south. They have already staged a coup against their own general, and Captain K'tasai has assumed temporary command of the military. He has agreed to hand over command to Lord Mahakhi upon his arrival. They will approach from the south, so there will be no holes in our attack."

"Lord K'tasai will assist, as well--?" Nehekhi seemed to relax slightly again. "It has been ages since I have seen him; he was but a lieutenant back then. Captain K'tasai! And General Mahakhi! How things have so quickly changed." He nodded. "Very well then...thank you for conveying this news, Lieutenant. I will go and speak with the rest of my men, and make certain word spreads quickly. I know whom I may and may not trust in this tribe so this plan should remain intact. You may wish to stay here for the time being, however; I do not like to think what Lord Djiu would do if he began to suspect you of such a thing as this."

Nehef peered at the human girl from the corner of his eye. She still stood beside and slightly behind him, staring at the two of them as if they possessed two heads each. "Actually, Lord...I was...rather offered...this, for providing General Djiu with a useful resource...and, ah, well..."

"I see." Nehekhi's face grew dark. "He is expecting her back, yes? Simply go and speak with one of my guards and he will set you up in a room. I will speak with Djiu before I go to my men. He will understand once I tell him how madly overcome I was with desire for this human once I spotted her, and gave you a decent trade in beer. You are going to be busy sleeping it off all night, at my house. And in the morning you will feel so cheated that you will demand her back, and I will not be able to refuse without causing a rift in tribal relations, and so I will give her back upon which moment you will promptly kill her out of rage." Nehef stared at him with eyes as big as platters when Nehekhi's ear twitched. "He will be more upset that you dispatched her before you had a chance to mate with her. But after that, he should like you very much." He turned to the door and took the girl's arm. "In the meantime, she will be nestled in the Moru quarters until I can find a way to safely shuttle her away from here."

Nehef let out his breath. "Yes, Lord." As he followed the captain from the room and made his way for the nearest guard he rubbed at his head and grimaced.

"And I thought we made up some unbelievable stories!" he sighed to himself.

* * * * *

Three days was the time allotted to General Djiu and his men, as, according to Lieutenant Nehef, Captain Mahakhi...General Mahakhi...would arrive within this period of time. He and his men would actually arrive even sooner, had not the Palm Tribe lived so far away, and so an extra day was added to make certain that Captain K'tasai's forces would arrive when needed. For once in their lives, Nehekhi's men were the most inept and ill mannered to be found in the tribe, and thus many of them were set atop the wall for the ignoble task of guarding the perimeter. They were faced with a few snickers from those who were not in on the trick, yet easily ignored them, knowing what the payment would be for their punishment.

Nehef, in the meantime, enjoyed his brief stay in Nehekhi's house. It felt odd to be relaxing among a tribe that was so busy, and on the brink of revolt, yet at least he didn't have any duties to attend to for a change. He thought about Ahai'ikh back with the East Tribe and laughed a little to himself. His comrade would be riding his tail for weeks to come over being left behind. Yet at least once it was over they would be able to share some good stories together, over as many beers as they wished, without having to think about where their next meal might come from. Perhaps he would even purchase himself a Moru, now that he would have the chance.

Lieutenant Taka was not so relaxed. Each evening found him sitting in the most popular tavern, a beer in his hand and a glower on his face as he watched and listened to the other, more oblivious Kana chattering the time away. He could tell those who knew of what was coming by their unusual silence; they did not join in the rowdiness quite as much as they used to. For the most part, the other Kana did not notice this change, or, if they did, did not care about what it might mean. He sensed that even some of those who knew did not worry about it; any change was one for the better, just so long as Djiu was gone. They would all sleep easier then.

Taka's claw scraped the edge of his clay cup. He had not been sleeping very easily as of late.

The tribe he had lived with before the Red Tribe had undergone a coup, similar to what he suspected would happen this time; Kana within the general's own household had been complicit in the act, alerting an outside tribe to the best time to attack. That coup had gone successfully, with the general and several of his top men being the only casualties. The swiftness and thorough success of the takeover had ensured the tribe's survival and safety, as that general had not been apt to lead his tribe, either. As much as Taka disliked any sort of unrest, he had agreed that the general deserved to be ousted.

He hadn't completely agreed when the general of the raiding tribe slew the first lieutenant, and then grasped hold of the second lieutenant and forced him to perform hakh'tua upon him, in front of all his men. He hadn't agreed with it either when that had apparently not been humiliation enough, and so the general had pinned the second lieutenant to the floor, threatening to remove his wings if he fought, and had mounted him from behind as if he were a female, panting and rutting at him while the rest of the Kana laughed in amusement. Considering that, with his comrade dead, the second lieutenant hadn't had anyone left to fight beside him, and considering that he had not been nearly the general's size, and considering that with a dagger aimed at his throat and a crowd of soldiers surrounding him he hadn't been much inclined to run away, the punishment had seemed somewhat harsh, and Taka had not agreed with it.

He hadn't been able to exactly voice his disagreement, however, with that dagger leveled at his neck, and his head being yanked back with each thrust.

Taka lifted his cup and took a drink, still peering around the dim room. He wiped at his muzzle and snorted. He had served that general loyally for three years, before yet another coup took place and ousted him from power. His only regret was he had not been the one to stick the sword in his chest, yet at least he did not have to serve him anymore as if nothing had ever happened. He had never felt such hatred for a single Kana in his entire life, nor felt such satisfaction at one's death, until the robber dogs had appeared. Seeing the humiliated faces of Nehekhi's Moru brought back that entire episode spent spreadeagled on the ground with a laughing Kana jamming his cock inside him, and he had wanted nothing more than to slice their wings from their backs. As slowly as he could, of course.

And Djiu, well, he was not much better himself, judging by the state he left his humans in. Taka did not care for humans, but they still did not deserve to be treated like that. Especially such young females as Djiu's. He did not like Lieutenant Nehef much, but when he heard of how the other Kana had brought the general's latest victim to safety with Lord Nehekhi, it made him dislike the lieutenant a little less. At least some Apsiu still showed some decency.

He sighed inwardly, downed the rest of his drink, and stood to stretch his wings. He tossed a bronze ring toward the barkeep and left through the back exit, preferring not to deal with whoever might be walking the street at such an hour. Certainly, alleys could be even more troublesome, yet Taka was not so green as he had been back as a second lieutenant. The second and only other time a Kana had tried something with him, he'd ended up missing an ear, and that only because Taka had been drunk at the time. If he had been sober, the other party would have been missing a wing.

His mouth twitched when he though of how his swordsmanship while under the influence of too much drink had impressed Nehekhi so much that he had earned his spot as first lieutenant to the captain. Perhaps if his aim had been right, he would have been made a captain himself. This thought just made him snort loudly. Only a mad Kana would wish to be a captain in times such as these. He would have preferred Nehekhi as general, but he could not blame him for refusing the position.

He kept along the backstreets all the way back to Nehekhi's household, walking not far from the wall and casting glances upwards every so often to make certain he knew each face which watched above. A couple of them waved down at him. He checked the position of the moon low in the sky, and came to a stop. He had intended to return to the household and let the others take care of what was to come--he'd had his fill of coups to last a lifetime--yet something made him change his mind as well as his direction, and he silently made his way to the far end of the city where the south wall stood. He could tell from the relative inactivity atop the walls that nothing had been spotted so far, yet if the Palm Tribe were to arrive on schedule, they should arrive this very night. Taka didn't doubt something would go wrong, yet kept his thoughts to himself.

He reached the south wall to find three or four of the guards all gathered in the same spot, peering outward. He picked up a rock and tossed it at the top of the wall to get their attention; a moment later a rope ladder was dropped, and Taka made his way upwards.

"Anything?" he asked as soon as he reached them.

One of the lieutenants pointed. "We thought we spotted something afar, over there--near that dead tree--yet it has been a while since anything has moved. Perhaps it was just our eyes going funny."

"Perhaps they merely wait for the East Tribe to show up!" someone else protested.

"My eyes have not been strained yet," Taka said, and shielded them from the moonlight. "Let me take a look."

He followed the other lieutenant's pointing and stared at the skeletal tree lying crooked at the edge of the desert. It was a long while, but at last something did move, and he snorted halfheartedly.

"It's a monkey."

Two of the guards burst into laughter, albeit suppressed laughter. Taka's muzzle twitched in annoyance as they nudged at their chagrined companion and started making jokes at his expense.

"Look, perhaps the monkey will come and fight for us! It cannot be any stupider than General Djiu, and it probably has a better personality!"

The fourth guard tugged on Taka's arm and pointed. "Hold a moment! Have you ever seen a monkey run like that--?"

They all stood on tiptoe and craned their necks to see. The shadowy shape loped out from behind the tree, then started scuttling across the ground at an unusual pace. It ambled on all fours much like a monkey, but its speed and size were oddly great for such a creature. It disappeared behind another tree, then reemerged, scrambling again, coming ever closer to the wall.

Taka blinked, then made a face and rubbed at his nose. "Oh. I suppose you will have a good laugh at me for forgetting."

The guards gave him a puzzled look. "Forgetting what, Lord?"

Taka waved vaguely. "The Palm Tribe. Those other tribes who first ran into them called them the 'Monkey Tribe' because of the way their scouts scuttle about while surveying a target. Those other tribes also ended up beaten soundly for that."

The guards started laughing again. They leaned over the wall to watch the solitary shape draw ever closer until it vanished into the shadows of the wall below, then a moment later a lithe Kana was climbing over the parapet, dusting himself off and looking at them curiously.

"You are the guards--?" he asked. "Because if you are, you suck donkey balls."

The guards' jaws dropped. "What--?" the lead one practically barked, hackles rising. Taka stepped forward and nudged him out of the way.

"I believe he is complimenting you on your ineptitude," he said. "If so, you should feel flattered that you failed at your job so well." He saluted the scout, who followed suit. "I assume you are the forerunner for the Palm Tribe--?"

"Yes, and they are taking up stations around the south side of this tribe as we speak." The guards peered over the wall, frowning, yet saw nothing. "We were told to meet the East Tribe here as well--?"

"We do not know if they have arrived yet. Even if they have, there will be no alarm. The East Tribe should gain easy access to the city."

The scout gave him an odd look. "Do you even know Lord Mahakhi...?" When Taka simply stared at him he rolled his eyes. "He does not do ANYTHING stealthily and safely! If you expect the East Tribe to sneak into the city unnoticed, then you have another thing coming--"

Just as these words left his mouth, a great blaring sound came from the north gate. Taka's ears flared and his eyes grew wide in panic as the unmistakable sound of an alarm filled the streets. The guards glanced down, and saw Kana emerging from their houses and from the barracks, chattering and yelling in confusion as they stumbled and rubbed at their eyes.

"What the--?" Taka dashed to the corner, trying to see toward the north. "What are they doing?" he barked. "They were NOT supposed to sound the alarm--!"

"I would not blame it on your brothers," the scout said almost boredly. "Likely it is Mahakhi's men who supplied the trumpet. I told you, he does not skulk about when he can come barging in just as well."

"Damn it!" Taka ground his teeth and launched himself over the wall and toward the ground on the other side, the rest of the guards crying out in protest. He spread his wings to break his fall and managed to land on one knee, lifting his head to see a Sha standing right in front of him. His head jerked up.

The captain sitting astride the Sha gave him a neutral look. "Captain K'tasai, I assume," Taka grated, staggering to his feet and dusting himself off.

The other Kana cocked an ear. "I take it Lord Mahakhi has arrived and spoiled the surprise," he said mildly.

"You could put it this way." Taka took a quick glance at the other Kana soldiers surrounding him, before K'tasai waved his hand at the air and steered his Sha to the right.

"Stations. Watch the south, west, and east walls for stragglers. Mahakhi will be able to take care of the rest on his own."

The rest of the Palm Tribe obeyed and started spreading out around the walls. K'tasai's Sha trotted away toward the west corner and Taka quickly grabbed hold of the ladder which was tossed down at him. The other guards pulled him up and helped him over the wall, their ears pricking.

"So that fuss is the East Tribe--?" one of them asked. "Because I had thought this was to be some sort of silent affair..."

"Well, apparently Lord Mahakhi has other plans," Taka muttered, and waved at them. "Come. We should be at Lord Nehekhi's household. I sense we will be needed, very shortly."

* * * * *

A blaring BRROOONNNNNNNGGGGG made Ameni jerk upright immediately, his eyes wide in the dimness. Nehekhi sat up beside him, but rather than blink groggily as Ameni did, he simply turned about and put his feet on the floor, pushing aside the drapes and reaching down to pull on his kilt. He was tying it and reaching for his armor when Ameni rolled over to look at him, perplexed.


"I must assume that is Lord Mahakhi," Nehekhi murmured, "for nobody was supposed to sound the alarm." He made a face. "The one thing I dislike about him--he can never do something with restraint!"

Ameni's brow furrowed. "I do not understand..." He trailed off, then his eyes widened. "Lord Mahakhi?" he echoed, his voice coming out sharp; Nehekhi cast him a brief glance before continuing putting on his armor. "You mean--he is here? That is him--?"

"I did not wish to make you worry." The Kana parted the drapes again and leaned in to quickly kiss him on the forehead, then reached for his sword--only now did Ameni notice how his clothing had been placed so close to the bed, and how one oil lamp had been left burning all night, to keep the room just barely lit; he also at last understood why his master had insisted on merely mouthing him last night, rather than on nesakh'ai. "But the same day the girl was brought through here--I received a message from the East Tribe. They have done it. They have ousted T'uris. And they have come to assist us with our own difficulty." He paused as he straightened out his lappets, tail flicking. "When I return, hopefully it will be with good news for us, and a good change for the tribe."

Ameni stared at him as he prepared himself to head for the north gate. He'd never seen his master look so tense and yet anticipatory at the same time, as if he were heading off to his first battle. As Nehekhi made certain his sword was secure in its scabbard he crawled across the bed and pushed the drapes aside to reach out for him.

"You will be careful...?" he asked quietly.

Nehekhi blinked at him, at last losing a bit of his composure. His eyes softened. "As careful as I have ever been, Ameni-human," he promised. Ameni pushed himself up onto his knees and grasped the Kana's head, pressing his mouth to his muzzle; Nehekhi's mouth opened and their tongues met, twining around each other. Ameni felt his master snort, then one hand touched his face. He slipped his hand beneath Nehekhi's kilt and worked his fingers through his loincloth to rub at his sheath; the Kana tensed and his tail flicked harder. Ameni stroked him until his shaft began to emerge, then gently grasped its throbbing head, massaging it in his palm. He slid his hand down to lightly cup his sac, rolling it in his fingers, before at last pulling away. Their mouths parted. Nehekhi was practically panting, a confused look on his face.

Ameni trailed his hand down the Kana's cheek. "Come back safely," he murmured, "and you will receive the rest."

Nehekhi blinked at him stupidly a few times, his breath still catching, before the corners of his mouth twitched upwards and his breast swelled. He flared his wings, then turned and stormed from the room, hand on his pommel and his tail whipping back and forth. Ameni smiled slightly to watch him go, anxious over the confrontation ahead yet at least knowing his master had good incentive to return.

* * * * *

The situation at the north gate was chaos. Nehekhi and Taka managed to shove and force their way through a seeming sea of civilians and lesser Kana who had swarmed out to see what was going on. The great double doors already stood open at an odd angle, and the guards atop the wall were pacing back and forth without any obvious purpose. A great deal of shouting had started, and at first they could not tell who was who, nor what was going on, until a great group of Kana turned and fled from the gate, back into the city. Taka pulled Nehekhi aside and they watched them run past, chattering and crying out wildly, a swarm of Sha and their riders taking their place.

Nehef managed to emerge from the crowd. "I have missed anything--?" he cried, standing on tiptoe and craning his neck; when he saw the familiar faces of the East Tribe making their way into the settlement his own face lit up and he immediately made his way toward them, waving frantically. "AHAI'IKH! Brother! HEY, YOU STUPID MORU!"

Taka grimaced. "This is our assistance--?" he had to yell, as the noise had reached almost earshattering proportions. Nehekhi had to agree with the comment yet said nothing. He started pushing more of the lesser Kana out of his way, struggling to reach the East Tribe and making little progress; Taka at last drew his sword and started threatening to cut his way through, which opened up a path effectively enough.

They at last spotted Lord Mahakhi in the middle of a great mess of soldiers, his Sha stomping impatiently and turning this way and that. He snapped out random orders at those around him, and despite the seeming pandemonium, Nehekhi could finally see that there was an order to it; more and more Kana were slowly filtering out to various points in the city, securing it against revolt. Most heartening of all to see was when a group of Red Tribe soldiers appeared, fighting their way toward the invasion rather than away from it, and shaking their swords in the air.

"East Tribe! Brothers! We have come to serve Lord Mahakhi!"

Mahakhi lifted his head to get a better look at them, sitting upright on his Sha. Most of those who had appeared were lieutenants, and Nehekhi felt a surge of pride. He should have expected them to side with the wisest choice for leader. He again began to regret ever becoming a captain himself when a familiar voice called out to him.

"NEHEKHI-KANA! Brother! You won't even bother looking at an old comrade--?"

The captain shook his head to clear it and glanced up again. Mahakhi grinned and raised his sword; Nehekhi pulled his own loose and followed suit, unable to stop the smile that came to his face.

"You took far too long, and you are far too damned loud, stupid ape!"

Mahakhi bellowed with laughter. His purple lappets fluttered. "And you are too sneaking and slow, and make my Moru look like warriors!" He swung his sword forward. "POSITIONS! Front every important house! Bar the exits!"

Mahakhi's lieutenants kicked their Sha's flanks and surged ahead, weaving through the crowd. The Red Tribe soldiers were greeted enthusiastically by their brothers before jogging off after them to take control of the Kana households. The lesser soldiers from the barracks, and their own lieutenants, had arrived by now, and the barracks lieutenants quickly took charge of them, sending them to various points in the city. The crowd thinned enough so that Nehekhi finally found himself near the general, and he hastened to climb atop a loose Sha that was offered. They craned their necks to survey the action.

"Truly, Brother, I had hoped we could do this one thing stealthily," Nehekhi said, still in a raised voice. "I do not know how Djiu will react."

Mahakhi snorted and waved. "He is a weakling compared to T'uris--and T'uris went quite easily, I'm afraid. Besides, you would not believe the womanish lengths I went to just to oust him--my pups' pups will likely be telling silly stories about me for years to come. After that I must do this next one the right way! You cannot fault me for wishing to prove I am still Kana!"

Nehekhi made a face. "Very well, but promise me you will not lose your head! He may not seem much but you do not know what lengths he has gone to before!"

Taka pushed his way toward them and grasped Nehekhi's reins. "Lord!" He pointed down the crowded street. "I ordered the men to seek out Lord Djiu's house. They will be securing it for you. They were commanded not to touch the general--though how long that will last--!"

Nehekhi nodded curtly. Mahakhi snorted and kicked his Sha, and it squealed and galloped away down the street, Kana and other Sha scattering out of its way. Nehekhi followed as quickly as he could, though not nearly as effortlessly, leaving Taka to find a Sha of his own. By the time he got halfway down the street the path had cleared, armed soldiers taking up stations outside the biggest of the Kana houses, though the Red Tribe Kana seemed to be offering no resistance, instead watching with great curiosity as their city was taken over. Nehekhi couldn't believe the ease of the attack--

Furious yelling from ahead made his ears prick, and he glanced up to see that of course there had to be some little resistance. He was not surprised to see that it came from several of the lesser lieutenants who often led Djiu's excursions--Taka had told him all about how they gleefully accepted the duty of slaying and kidnapping humans for their general, even taking such mates as their own. He spotted one who looked familiar, and as his Sha got closer he remembered where he had seen him before.

That is right. The night Thi'usa-mate and I went out into the street...the night Djiu brought back that friend of Ameni's. This one held one of the children with him.

He bared his teeth in a silent snarl. Mahakhi glanced toward him just in time to see the captain draw his sword and lean to the side, swinging it through the air, managing to catch the lieutenant straight across the ribs as he passed; the other Kana's eyes went wide before he toppled to the ground, the rest of the soldiers, friend and foe alike, scattering at the sight of blood. The Sha continued galloping without missing a step and Mahakhi's ear flicked.

"You will have to let me take you out on raids more often, Brother, if that is how you say hello!"

"He had it coming," Nehekhi grated, shaking his sword once yet keeping it aloft. Djiu's household reared up before them, and they reined in their Sha, coming to an unsteady halt before its front gate. Another skirmish had started here, between the guards and the East Tribe Kana; as there were only two guards outside the gate they were easily overpowered. The rest of Nehekhi's and Mahakhi's men began arriving now as the doors were forced open and they made their way through the front courtyard and inside the forecourt, leaping down from their mounts and drawing their weapons. The room was empty, though clattering sounds could be heard coming from the main hall ahead, Djiu's lieutenants racing into the court and lifting their swords in front of them, panting and with nostrils flaring. Mahakhi barely gave them a second glance before waving his own men forward; Nehef and Ahai'ikh ran at them and their swords clanged harshly, the four Kana swinging at each other several times before it became obvious which ones were the better fighters; again Nehekhi was not surprised that Djiu's men had grown soft from fighting humans rather than other Kana. Several more Kana rushed ahead to grab hold of one of the lieutenants after he was wounded, and he hissed and spat and gnashed his teeth as they dragged him away. The second one only dropped his sword and raised his arms with a panicked look as soon as he found himself alone, and was likewise trundled off.

Taka appeared beside Nehekhi again and gave the two older Kana a tense look. "What is going to happen to Lord Djiu's men?" he asked; Nehekhi's ear cocked and Mahakhi frowned as if puzzled by the question, yet snorted.

"If they are smart like that second lieutenant, then we will spare them. If they are stupid like the first one started out to be, then we will just put them out of their misery! I have no patience for unruly Kana."

The younger Kana seemed to be somewhat mollified, and he joined the East Tribe Kana who were busily overtaking the house. Mahakhi gave Nehekhi a look and the captain waved it off.

"He has been through two revolts already--I assume they are beginning to grow tiresome!"

Mahakhi snorted once more. "Yes, well, with luck, this will be the last for quite a while to come! That is, if we do it right!" He held out his hand, fingers crooked. "You are truly ready for this, Nehekhi-Brother?"

Nehekhi paused only briefly before grasping his friend's hand in return. "I am ready," he said, with the slightest quaver to his voice; Mahakhi did not appear to notice it, as he pulled his hand free, grasped his sword, and plunged ahead into the darkened household. Nehekhi took a breath, and followed.

* * * * *

It had been a good week. A very good week.

There was barely anything that could spoil Djiu's good mood. The pathetic human the Moru trader had tried to pawn off on him had made him feel slightly sour, and he had at first not much appreciated receiving the messenger from the East Tribe...yet what was it the Kemeti sometimes said? That blessings sometimes came in disguise?

He pored over his new maps with so much interest that he easily memorized the locations of the settlements upon them. Several of these he had already attacked and razed to the ground, yet a few had somehow escaped his attention, due to their obscure locations. Leave it to General T'uris to provide him with such a wonderful prize! He had not much cared for the old Kana, but he would have to remind himself to raid at least one or two Apsiu settlements and procure some nice pretty Moru to fatten up his stables. Perhaps T'uris had always been in a bad temper because he had not had the proper mates to keep him happy. Djiu knew all about keeping oneself happy with the proper mate. One of the scrolls even mentioned some other Apsiu tribe, "Blue Oasis," which sounded awfully interesting...despite its woeful lack of human inhabitants...perhaps someday he should have to send a party to at least check it out. Once the Kemeti villages had all been taken care of, of course.

The scrolls put him in such a good mood that he decided to seek out one of his Moru and put her to use. He had not sired any pups in a good long while; now was as good a time as any to try again. No point to letting his men grumble too much about his interest in the human females; not that he was trying, but he had yet to get any of them with pups. Perhaps it simply could not be done.

He was in such a good mood that he could not even decide between which Moru he wished to take back to his quarters with him. He eyed his newest acquisition, a young female fresh from the last raid, then let his eyes linger on his other newest prize, an older female who was already fat with child. The two were related; he could tell by their eyes. He was fairly certain the older one was the mother and the younger one was her own pup. He licked his lips at the thought of them; it merely reminded him of his own purpose seeking out Moru for tonight. Aside from his near-chance with the young human girl and her even younger sister, he had never mated with such close relatives before.

He stepped toward the older female and waved his hand impatiently at her. "Come on, up on your feet," he muttered, yet he felt only the slightest bit of irritation at her slowness to comply, the Moru making a face and holding onto her belly with one hand as she carefully pushed herself up. He had never seen one so huge as her before; surely she would bear twins. When she stood before him he allowed his hand to slide over her great swell, caressing it.

"Mmm. I imagine some good strong male planted his seed in you, to make you look like this. Kana? Or Moru?"

"Moru," she said, and Djiu's pleasant look soured just slightly. He'd been entertaining the thought of the pups having a strong Kana as a father--perhaps they would take after him, although the presence of wings was almost always by chance. He could have been happy pretending they were his. The thought of a mere Moru siring them dampened his enthusiasm a little, and he glanced absently at the younger Moru.

"Kana father," the older female said quickly, drawing his attention. She nodded at the younger one with a hopeful look on her face. "Strong Kana father," she repeated herself, and nodded again when Djiu gave the girl a curious look.

"Her sire was Kana...?"

The older female nodded vigorously. Djiu's smile returned and he saw relief flicker across her face, yet it quickly vanished when he took the girl's arm in his hand and turned toward the door.

"Lord--?" she cried. When he gave her a disinterested look she blinked at him, not comprehending.

"Oh," Djiu said in an almost bored voice. "I see...you thought I would be happy to couple with you knowing that some strong Kana has gotten you with pup in the past." When the hopeful look returned to her eyes he waved it off. "I am hardly interested in you if you merely gave him a female. Yet on the other hand..." He paused here to run his hand over the girl's belly, making her flinch and draw in toward herself. "...The thought that some big strong Kana fathered this, I find intriguing...perhaps she takes after him and is strong, as well." He smiled. "You should like to be with a Kana such as your father, would you not, pretty...?" The older female started making whimpering noises which grated on his nerves so he jerked his hand at the air, flicking his ears in annoyance. "Oh, very well! I will bring you both with me--since you are so very bothersome! I hate to split family apart!"

He could tell this was not the solution the older female had desired, yet it didn't matter. He managed to escort them both back to his quarters with minimal resistance, and though he wished to plant his own seed in fertile soil as soon as possible, still, the sight of the older female's giant swell made him salivate. As he quickly pulled off her dress to bare her fat belly and pendulous breasts, the female cringing and crossing her arms over herself futilely, he ran his tongue over his teeth and devoured her numerous curves with his eyes.

"Tell me, the Moru who took you--was he small, or impressive...?"

"Big Moru, Lord," the older female said in a miserable voice, keeping her place as he hastily worked at his belt and armor and loincloth. "Big as Kana. Large and hulking...very impressive."

Djiu tossed his loincloth and kilt aside and began rubbing quickly at his sheath, panting aloud. "And did he have wings by any chance--?"

The pregnant Moru nodded. "Mighty wings, Lord...large and powerful. To look and feel like Kana. To--to have been Kana once, then wounded, and made Moru. Great fighter. Brave."

He knew she was making all of this up, merely to keep him happy...chances were the sire had been a scrawny pathetic plaything of the bigger males. Still, it worked to excite the general and his tail flicked in pleasure. "This is good," he breathed heavily. "Then they may turn out as strong and as brave as he! If your pups come out with wings, pretty, and can fight, I will raise them as my own--as proud as any father! You like the sound of this...?"

She nodded. He stepped close to her and placed his hand on her belly again, rubbing his sheath against its underside and shivering with delight at the feeling. He slipped his hand down between her legs, ignoring her look of distaste at the feeling of him massaging her thick lips; he bent his neck at an uncomfortable angle to mouth one of her breasts and even suckled, attempting to draw out her milk. He made a murmuring noise and moved his hand back to clutch her buttock, pressing them against each other.

"They must surely be strong Kana pups!" he panted. "As strong as any have ever been! No piddling Moru could make you swell so big!" He smiled at her, a ghoulish light in his eyes. "And after you drop them, you may drop one for me! And your pretty girl here, too. Both of you! Won't this be wonderful--?"

He didn't bother waiting for her response, instead taking her by the arms and steering her not toward the bed but toward one of his chairs, pressing her down over it so she had to grasp its seat in her hands as he splayed her buttocks wide. The girl cowered near the door but he knew she would not leave without her mother. The older Moru panted heavily with some distress, her position bent over the short chair obviously uncomfortable--yet she didn't complain, and Djiu appreciated that. He straddled her hips and pushed himself deeply within, burying himself in her warm folds and shuddering at the feel of them wrapping around him; she let out the slightest whine of discomfort, yet gripped the chair seat and kept her feet planted against the floor to accept his weight as he pushed, running his hands up and down over her belly as he moved.

"Oooohhhhhhh," he moaned, tongue lolling. "Yes, this feels very good! You are a very good Moru!" He squeezed the great swelling that was her pups and smiled with rapture. "I can almost feel them...almost feel them near me. But that you were to have them now, pretty; I wonder how this should feel, to mate with one as she is dropping her pups; I should like to discover this feeling sometime! Ooohhhhhh..."

She didn't say anything, and that didn't bother him so much at first, though he did wish she would compliment him. Oh well. Perhaps later. He rubbed over her thik'ahi--he wasn't completely unconcerned about the female's needs--and pressed himself closer over her body, licking her neck. He could see that she grimaced but he was in a good enough mood that it hardly mattered.

"To think," he breathed, "that this very part of you I put myself in now...is the very part of you he used...and the very part of you that you will use, when your pups are born..." He bit her nape gently, then lifted his head, flicking his ears. "I have mated pregnant females before...though none such as yourself! How far along are you, anyway...?" He caressed her belly again as if to judge for himself.

The Moru panted heavily, shaking a little as she answered. "T...ten months, Lord..."

Djiu blinked. "Ten months!" He slid his hands up toward her hips. "You are overdue--? These pups do not WANT to drop--?"

She let go of the chair with one hand, pressing it to her middle, a pinched look on her face. "To...to not be too uncommon, Lord...to take seven, eight, ten months sometimes, not always nine..."

Djiu's nostrils flared. "Yes, well, this is easy enough for a female to say! How you can stand all the waiting, I do not know!" He looked down at her and frowned. "Well...I hardly like the thought of pleasuring myself with you, when you very well might drop your pups at any moment! I had meant it only as lovetalk! I do not think I would appreciate it very much if you were to give birth right atop me, or beneath me!"

He gripped her hips and carefully drew himself out. He felt her shudder and let out her breath, her muscles relaxing; she looked ready to sink over the chair, if he should let her. She managed to lift her head just slightly.

"Th...thank you, Lord..."

Djiu offered her a smile. "If I am to raise them as my pups," he said, "then I wish them to be born right! You should have told me sooner, sweet one; I never would have subjected you to that. And here I thought your discomfort was pleasure. I will not make that mistake again. I will leave that way free and open for your pups to arrive--whenever that may be!"

"To...to be a kind master," the Moru said gratefully. "General a good KanaAAAAAA--!!"

Her shriek was loud enough that it seemed to echo throughout the entire household. Both of her hands suddenly gripped the chair again so hard that one of her claws cracked. The girl sat bolt upright with a cry--"Mama!"--yet Djiu easily ignored her. He still clasped the older female's buttocks, keeping them spread as he pressed himself full and deep into her anus. He shivered and his tail flicked; the feeling was a little tighter, but not so bad, and he could even imagine she was untouched, if he tried. He continued smiling at the wonderful feeling, and bent himself over her again to push harder, though he wasn't quite certain why she screamed the way she did the first few times he thrust. This at last managed to dampen his mood just a little bit, and he squeezed her hip to hint that she should cease.

"Moru! What a terrible racket you are making! Stop that screaming--you'll wake the whole household! I told you I would go easy on you, just in case you should give birth...what is with all this noise?"

The Moru bit her lip hard and managed to still her screaming, though she still whined loudly, in a rather irritating manner. What was more, Djiu noticed she was bleeding on him. He looked at the blood with displeasure, feeling the sudden desire to cuff her in the head, but forced himself to take a breath and let it out in an annoyed sigh. She was with pup, after all; no point in being cruel with her.

"Look at this," he grumbled half to himself, "you've stained my fur! I do not understand you females sometimes...you are not even supposed to bleed from this end." He cast a glance at the girl sniffling beside the wall and his eyes glinted. "Now, on the other hand, blood from her would not be a bad thing..."

The older female suddenly let out a loud moan, drawing his attention; he was ready to cuff her after all, when he noticed how she threw back her head and quivered. He tilted his head to catch the look on her face; her eyes looked ready to cry, yet when she saw he was peering at her she closed them and let her mouth fall open.

"L...Lord!" she cried out. "Oh! Lord!"

Djiu's muzzle twitched. "Yes? What? Speak up! Like I even understand what any of you females think!"

She grimaced but then let her face go slack again. He saw how she inched one hand up her body to grasp her own breast, squeezing it; he saw a trickle of milk at last emerge and his tail pricked out. "General-Kana," she whispered huskily, and rubbed the trickle of milk over herself. "Lord...to feel so good..."

Djiu's tail started whipping anew. "Do that again! Do that again!" he barked; she complied and squeezed her breast, drawing more milk. He leaned over her heavily, making her flinch and grimace, yet he didn't care. "Rub that off! Give it to me!" he commanded; she rubbed the milk from her breast and held up her hand, and he licked the length of each of her fingers, letting out a low groan as he did so. The taste was warm and sweet; he would have loved nuzzling at her forever. The way she moaned and arched herself--or at least attempted to, considering her weight--made him grit his teeth and push at her faster, feeling his seed getting ready to come. It wasn't such a waste; he couldn't get her with pups at the moment anyway. Best to wait until she was able again. Perhaps, if the night ran long, he could suckle at her, and she could rub him in her hands, or better yet, mouth him...it was only appropriate that she taste his juice, after he had tasted hers...

It was barely a moment or so more that he was able to draw himself out, hoping to appease her own moaning, before he jerked at her hard and spurted, letting out his breath as his hardness died. The female shuddered but held her place, her face contorting at the feeling. He tried to catch his breath, snorting with irritation before she remembered to whimper and say his name; with that he carefully pulled himself out. Not the most passionate cry of climax, but there would always be other chances.

She sank over the chair this time, slowly going to her knees. He was tempted to place himself in front of her, to see how good at hakh'tua she might be, yet the quivering shape of the girl at the other side of the room drew his attention again and he licked his tusks. She saw the look he gave her and cowered in on herself.

Djiu turned away from the older female, who now noticed his attention had moved elsewhere. "Hello, little sweet!" he called cheerily to the girl; she covered her head with her arms and he chuckled. "Oh...do not think I cannot still see you! Why do you hide over there in the shadows when your face is so pretty...? A sweet little Moru like you belongs in the general's bed, don't you agree? Your mother may not be ready just yet, but I can tell that you are just ripe for growing some seeds..."

He reached her and bent down, grasping hold of her arm to pull her to her feet. She sniffled and cried to herself the entire time he walked her across the room, yet at least her voice was not so whiny and annoying as her mother's. As for the mother, she pushed herself up, using the chair for balance, a panicked look on her face as the other two passed. There was a moment when the girl paused and tried to reach out for her, yet Djiu got her walking quickly again, giving her a slight frown.

"Now, now; it is rude to make your master wait; and while the thought of both of you is appealing, your mother is not in much shape for nesakh'ai! Perhaps come morning I will let her mouth me, while I mouth you; does this not sound like a wonderful idea...?"

She whimpered the entire time he unclothed her beside his bed, and that grated on his nerves a little, yet she did not resist when he guided her inside the drapes, and she even climbed atop the bed, upon all fours, without needing to be prompted. What a good Moru! He did wish she wouldn't cry so much as he climbed up to join her, nor flinch away when he caressed her firm buttock, but at least she kept her place.

"Sweet little Moru," he murmured with a soft smile, having to lift her tail as it was pressed tightly over her cleft. "You will make a wonderful mother to some wonderful pups! I do so hope that this proves fruitful, the first time around; I suppose I shall just have to mate you until we know for certain! Yes...?"

A muffled thudding sound came from somewhere down the hallway, and the older female's head swiveled around to look at the door. Djiu ignored the noise and leaned over the girl to touch her cheek.

"Likely one of my fool guards. They are only unhappy they do not have a pretty like you to share their beds with. I am right!--yes? Oh, do not weep so much." He wiped the tears that were streaming down her face. "It will hurt but a moment." On a whim he put his damp fingers to his mouth and licked them, then his smile grew. "They taste of salt, yet they are so sweet. So very sweet as you, pretty one--" And he parted her thighs with his hands and mounted her deeply, straining through her resistance until she snapped and bled upon him. The Moru jerked and then bucked, letting out a loud wail of pain, tears pouring from her eyes as her mother likewise let out an anguished sound from nearby. He felt the girl's body shuddering and then starting to go limp beneath him, and her head sank to the pillows, though he made certain to keep hold of her hips, stroking them and ignoring the pitiful sobs she let out.

"Such a sweet little Moru," Djiu whispered huskily, giving a pleased smile. "You will drop me many pups..." And as she continued to weep he gripped her and tightened his buttocks, thrusting with a hard grunt, then another, and another--

A loud cracking noise suddenly came from the door, and then it exploded, sending scraps of wood flying every which way; the older Moru covered her head with one arm, clutching her belly with the other, as she let out a startled squawk and went running. Djiu managed one more grunting push before sitting upright with surprise. He saw several hazy shapes storm into his room, more behind them, and had to squint to try to make them out in the dimness. Fortunately--or perhaps not so fortunately--one of them lit a lamp and held it up, and his surprise grew when he saw that a group of armed Kana had barged into his quarters, and all of them were staring at him.

He recognized Captain Mahakhi first off--though he couldn't think of why he would be wearing purple lappets. The Kana's muzzle wrinkled and he snorted.

"One of his far-too-young playthings, I assume!"

"What--?" Djiu gasped, just as rage at this intrusion finally started seeping up into his chest. When the girl sucked in a breath and then pulled away from him, squirming her way out from underneath him to jump from the bed and stumble over to her mother, he didn't even notice. Instead he pushed himself across the bed and to his feet, yanking the drapes aside and stepping out into the room. Several of the lieutenants with Mahakhi glanced downward at his still-erect shaft, yet he didn't care. His hackles started to prickle and he bared his teeth, then noticed the captain standing beside Mahakhi, and blinked in disbelief.

"Nehekhi--?" he exclaimed, brow furrowing. "What is this--?"

Captain Nehekhi blinked at him as if caught offguard, then his own muzzle wrinkled in obvious disgust. He held his sword upright, and it was already stained red--with whose blood, Djiu had no idea.

He flared his wings. "If this is some sort of prank, then you had best think up a decent excuse...!"

"This is not a prank, Lord," Nehekhi interrupted him, and Djiu fell silent, stunned to be cut off so rudely. Nehekhi managed to lessen the ugly look on his face but he still wielded his sword in a threatening manner. When Djiu met his eyes he stood more upright and took a breath as if trying to summon his courage.

"General Djiu," Mahakhi said aloud, before Nehekhi could speak again, and Djiu's eyes flicked to him. "You are to be removed from power within the Red Tribe. I, Mahakhi, general of the East Tribe, will assume command in your stead. You may surrender yourself, you may try your luck in the desert, or you may attempt to fight back and have your head lopped off--it does not matter to me. Simply make your choice, so more good Kana will not have to suffer under an ignorant Moru such as you!"

Djiu bristled. "How--how DARE you--! You are HARDLY the general--!"

Mahakhi bared his teeth. "I have assumed command of the East Tribe! General T'uris is no more! And I can easily do the same with you!"

Nehekhi took a step forward. "We do not wish there to be more bloodshed, Lord," he said. "Please surrender, and you will not be killed."

Djiu shot him a venomous look, his lip curling back with hate. "You," he hissed. "Lord Nehekhi! You whom I trusted more than anyone! Even more than my own men! I HELPED you--I stood up for you when you brought that thing back with you! I rid this tribe of that dog Siktu--just for you! He who was responsible for what happened to your Moru--including that THING!"

Nehekhi's eyes widened. "You--you knew--?" he cried. "And you did nothing--?"

"I found out afterwards!" Djiu snapped. "And I did EVERYTHING! Everything within my power--" He whirled on Mahakhi. "YOU dogs wouldn't even take care of those robbers properly, and they came back to plague US! And now YOU threaten to kill ME--?"

Mahakhi's teeth looked ready to snap from his jaws. "You will hardly compare us, you pile of dung! You are no better than T'uris--and his end was most ignoble. HE was taken from his bed, as well! It shall be a great joy dragging your naked corpse through the street!"

Djiu snarled. He clutched at the drapes, though there were no weapons to be had--not unless he wished to dash past one of the lieutenants, who surrounded the bed. He glanced toward the females, who cowered just on the other side of it, within easy reach should he dive for them.

Nehekhi's ears flared. "You would NOT do such a cowardly thing!" he hissed, and stepped forward with his sword raised. "I know you better than that! You are a pile of dung, and a murderer of women, but you are not a coward! The moment you even try such a thing I will slice your head off myself!"

Djiu turned back to him and his mouth twitched bitterly. "You really think I am so base?" he growled. "Seek your chance elsewhere! I obviously misjudged you! All of the things I did to protect you from the rest of the tribe, after you let that thing under your roof--and this is how you repay me? You lust after the same thing I do! We are exactly alike!"

Nehekhi let out a bellow that made even Mahakhi and the lieutenants step back in surprise. "WE ARE NOTHING ALIKE! Bastard! My Ameni I treat WELL! YOUR mates--you mangle them and butcher them until they are lifeless wrecks! My Ameni is one alone, AND he is still alive!--how many of YOUR humans can you say that of--?" He jerked his sword at the two females behind the bed. "And they--? What piteous shape were you to leave THEM in had we not entered when we had--!"

The general clenched his fists. "I risked everything for you!"

Nehekhi threw back his head in a rage. "I ASKED NOTHING OF YOU! Nothing but that you would CEASE this madness!!"

"Murder!" Djiu barked, and kicked his foot at the floor. "You judge me with this word--? They were not even Moru--they were HUMANS! ALL of my Kana would stand by me on this one--for I know how they laugh at you behind your back! Human-lover! At least I am not a disgusting fool like you are--I HARDLY love such beasts!"

Nehekhi's breath started snorting from his nostrils and catching in his throat, his face turning a violent shade of red. Mahakhi stared at him a moment, then stepped forward again with sword leveled; the other lieutenants in the room, Red and East Tribe alike, did the same, and Djiu started looking from one to the next, teeth bared hatefully.

"Lieutenant--? You turn upon me? And you, Lieutenant...? Lieutenant Taka? You as well? You whom I allowed into this tribe after your other one left you wanting? Two revolts were not quite enough for you--you wished for a taste of yet another...?"

An ugly look came to Taka's face. Mahakhi stepped in front of him, drawing Djiu's attention again; the two generals glared at each other, everyone else remaining silent.

"I have given you your choices," Mahakhi growled. "You may surrender yourself to whatever fate we choose for you, or you may chance the desert, or you may have your wings flayed and your head lopped off now. It matters little to me--though for some reason your captain speaks up on your behalf. I pause only out of respect for him. So you'd best decide, before I decide for you."

Djiu could only stare at them with rage in his eyes, his fists clenching so tightly that blood seeped from his palms. He did not care that they saw him naked--nor that he hadn't even a weapon on him--but to offer him a choice of what to do? Generals were to defeat, or be defeated! If they had truly respected him, they would have slashed him open as he stood, or offered him a weapon of his own for a fair fight. To allow him the chance to run...this was truly a contemptible end. No general of any great standing would be allowed the choice to run.

They are mocking me! Laughing at me! This is hardly a choice! I am Moru already!

He gritted his teeth, flaring his ears. "Your swords are not good enough for me--?" he growled.

Mahakhi got an odd look, then snorted. "Hardly! General T'uris was a beast, yet he was a high Kana compared to you! His blood I did not mind spilling, but after you, I shall have to clean my sword right lest it stink forever!"

Djiu spat on the floor. "This is what I think of your sword! More like it shrinks away from the bite of a TRUE general!" He glared at Nehekhi as hatefully as he could, and took a tiny bit of satisfaction in the way the captain's own expression wavered. "The desert is a far more noble fate than subjecting myself to you! I shall never let you touch my wings, or my head. If you tried, I would easily kill you. Yet kill you without a weapon--? I would win anyway, yet hardly let you accuse me of doing so unfairly!"

Mahakhi barked with laughter. "Call it whatever you wish! Dog! I was actually itching to dirty my sword just once more, but if you want to slink off with your tail between your legs, then so be it. If it makes you feel better to claim you do so out of concern for my well being--then go right ahead. I will not intrude on your fairytale."

Nehekhi let out his breath and his wings lowered. He flinched a little when Djiu whirled around in an abrupt circle, back toward the bed; the lieutenants all tensed, but Mahakhi waved at them with an unconcerned look.

"Let him grab his kilt," he said. "That is all he will need, anyway." When Djiu turned around again, slipping the kilt around his hips, the general tossed him a dagger. "Go ahead! A piddling little knife for a piddling little Moru. Perhaps you will run yourself down a nice little duck to dress with it."

Djiu accepted the dagger in spiteful silence. The lieutenants started hooting and shaking their swords derisively so that his ears twitched, and he wished more than anything to rip out Nehekhi's throat as he paced past them toward the doorway. Their mockery only grew louder when he exited his own rooms, and lest he get any ideas, Mahakhi followed not too far behind the entire way out of the house. He guessed that word must be spreading the way it always did, as by the time he descended his steps everyone in the street was booing and hissing and making clucking noises, rattling their weapons and scuffing their feet at the earth. They sounded nothing more than like a gaggle of hyenas as Djiu passed them in disgrace, and by the time the great gang of them reached the city gate, he was biting his tongue so hard it bled. Yet he managed to say nothing.

"General," Mahakhi said as he stepped toward the open gate, and Djiu turned back to glare at him balefully. The other Kana's mouth twitched in a hint of a contemptuous smile.

"You should learn not to answer to that title anymore, Djiu-Moru." He gestured at his lappets, then waved his hand at Djiu. "You forget something."

Djiu stared at him a moment, then his muzzle wrinkled, his lip slowly drawing back. He saw the looks on the faces of all the other soldiers, however...many of them formerly his own men, up until barely an hour ago...and fought down the fury welling up inside him. He reached up to tear the lappets from his skullcap, refusing to abandon the cap itself. He tossed the bits of purple cloth at the ground and gave Mahakhi a challenging glare, as if to ask him what else he desired.

Mahakhi just flared his nostrils and waved at the gate. "You may be on your way now, Moru."

Djiu turned away without a word. He stepped outside the city, and as soon as he did, it sounded as if everyone within howled and hooted scornfully. He paced past even the Palm Tribe soldiers who stood watch outside, holding several stray Kana captive; and even more than the mocking, Djiu could barely stand the looks of disbelief these last few holdouts gave him as he passed. He bit the inside of his mouth and refused to meet their eyes, keeping focused on some point far ahead in the desert. Captain K'tasai's Sha moved out of his way, and though the other Kana made no threatening move nor even let out a noise of contempt, it was all Djiu could do to keep himself from lunging at him and dragging him to the ground and beating him to a pulp, just because he had sided with the rest of those dogs.

They are all against me. Their men. My men. I have no men. They are all traitor dogs. I cannot trust a one of them. Ever.

He at last left the shadow of the city wall, the hooting noises beginning to fade the longer he walked; and he walked quickly and with purpose, his fingers clenched around the dagger he'd tucked at his waist, growing used to the feel of it in his hand...he hoped to become very familiar with this feeling, in time.

This is an ignoble end. They choose an ignoble end for me, no matter which choice I make--I am disgraced! Die a Moru, or live a Moru--only MORU offer such a onesided defeat! A true Kana would at least offer the choice to die with honor!

Yet...I may do what even a dead Kana can never do...for I
am still alive...and even a Moru may exact his revenge, when given the chance...

Djiu lifted his head, glancing back over his shoulder at the receding sight of the wall of the Red Tribe. His muzzle twitched, as if to crinkle in a snarl. Yet...the corners of his mouth twisted up bitterly instead, and he spat in the sand, a tiny puff of dust rising behind him as he stalked away.

"This will not be my last gift to you...Red Tribe."

* * * * *

Not long before daybreak, the red pennants atop both the gate and the household of the former general Djiu were removed. The tailors sewed as swiftly as they could as every Kana who had sworn allegiance to the fallen general removed their lappets and replaced them with new ones inscribed with the insignia of the House of Mahakhi. And just as the sun rose, a new name for the three tribes was finally decided upon, and new red pennants were raised, although these ones bore new markings upon them as well, the agreed name stitched upon them for all who might pass to see.

The Great Red Tribe.


"Part 17: Master

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2004 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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