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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #871934
An experiment to write a lemon with my two existing characters.
This was an experiment for me, who's never written a sex scene, and the very thought of doing it gives me the willies, really. Especially with these two characters whom I love dearly. I haven't written in a long time and thought this would be a good challenge, perhaps, for myself to see what I can do, and to try and do something I never thought I could. Hence, I tried to be as graphic as I could, and then I pushed myself to give even more. As it was it was very hard v_v;; I inserted this scene in the middle of an actual scene in the novel I'm writing where she IS being comforted by her ex-enemy/new-quasi-friend, but then ... well in reality there is no sex XP thanks for bearing with me, critiques/criticisms/whatever are appreciated, but try not to flame me ^^;;

"Alex..." Dana began falteringly, suddenly looking up at him for the first time in their whole conversation. Her blue eyes shimmered with tears and the reflection of the myriad pinpricks of starlight filtering through the bridge viewport. The look on her face was triangulated somewhere between shock, uneasiness, and a sort of scared reluctance.

Alex was taken slightly aback, and wondered if he'd gone too far in putting his arms around her. He began to try to think of an excuse or an insult or anything to get him out of this situation quickly and while saving face. Besides, she sat there in his arms for almost four minutes now, by his solar rotation meter, surely if she'd had a problem with physical contact she'd have let him know way before this? He was just trying to comfort his crying friend... friend? Well sure, why not? They'd called a sort of truce anyway, hadn't they? All the better to fight for another thirty years on Terra's safe surface rather than the next thirty hours on this cold, dangerous planet... which is what could happen if they couldn't work together. All this flashed quickly through his mind as he refocused on thinking of something to excuse himself. Loosening his grip around her shoulders, he looked into her wet eyes, slightly puffy from crying but still gorgeous, and suddenly didn't care about saving face. He cocked his head, as if to answer. Surprisingly, Dana didn't pull back after he'd loosened his hold on her. Instead, she actually sunk lower, closer to his chest, as though she didn't want him to stop holding her. Then what the devil was her problem?

"I ..." She was having a hard time speaking through her subsiding sobs, "I just wa-- wanted t-to tell you..." and then she paused. But not to catch her breath, or let another terrified sob out, but rather to think. So it seemed. And then she quickly glanced away. In barely more than a whisper, and without much difficulty -- indeed, with the words escaping in more of a quick sigh -- "thank you."

He smiled and hugged her closer, and checked himself as an almost giddy laugh of delight threatened to burst from his mouth in reaction to the warmth and pressure of her small body. He didn't stop to wonder at the nearly euphoric pleasure of feeling her in his arms or her hair under his chin. "Everything is going to be just fine." Alex said much too warmly.

And Dana noticed. She glanced up, with that odd look on her face again, like she wanted desperately to say something, or for him to say it first. Alex felt like his spine was beginning to melt as he looked back into those searching blue eyes. What was he supposed to say? He said he was sorry, he said everything was going to be fine, he comforted her, he held her in her time of need... what could she possibly be waiting for him to say?

And suddenly not so tearful, or wracked with sobs, Dana pulled slightly away, but only to bring her face up to match Alex's level. "There is ... one other... thing."

Without thinking, without even realizing what he was doing or what it was about, Alex leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. Both parties shocked straight, they moved backward a fraction of an inch... and then fell back toward each other again, passionately exploring each other, as though all their nervous, terrified, frustrated energy toward the zylogigs and the planet now had a focus, and it was on each other. Dana repositioned herself, coming out of her near fetal position and wrapping her legs around Alex's waist. He didn’t move his legs from his original cross-legged position, but he slipped his arms more forcefully around her small frame and reveled in the feel of her back, her neck, her shoulders, her wild red hair.

She had her hands in his hair, ruffling it and pulling it, like desperately searching for a specific point on his head to touch. Dana broke the kiss, gasping for air and turning her head aside, letting Alex continue to kiss her in a continuous, passionate chain of kisses down her neck. She moved her nimble hands under the front of his shirt, stroking his abs and searchingly moving upwards. Then she pulled his shirt up a little, and he cooperated as she lifted it all the way off over his head. She quickly drew her sleep-tank-top off, revealing her pale skin, visibly white even in the overwhelming darkness of the bridge, and the appealing curve of her small breasts. She shook her head and tossed the top hastily aside, her red tousled hair catching starlight reflections. Barely able to contain herself, she pushed Alex backward and he sprawled a little, untangling his legs as she kneeled over him, both hands planted on the floor on either side of his grinning face. “Oh, God,” she half sighed, half whimpered as she bent down and kissed him again.

Alex reached up and cupped her hard, round breasts in his hands as she leant down and kissed him hungrily, now exploring his chest and stomach with her small, hot hands. He massaged them gently for a moment, and moved on to her back, already spotted with sweat, and let his hands wander and stroke. He stopped cold as she laid a slightly trembling hand on his stiff member, jerking achingly in his pants, and then shuddered deliciously.

Dana looked at him mischievously, her eyes narrowed almost to playful little slits, and her mouth curving itself into a devilish grin. Both her hands worked at his belt buckle, and finally the damn thing gave way, and she began to pull down his pants. Dana planted one last kiss on his mouth, then moving down with the effort of getting his pants off, one on his chest, and then one just below his belly button. She used a free hand to stroke his skin as she traveled down his body, making Alex close his eyes as the hair on the back of his neck stood up and his arms erupted in goose bumps. Finally she got the trousers all the way off, and she kicked them aside. Dana let out a laugh at his heart boxers, and she stroked them playfully, lightly.

Underneath his erect penis responded to her strokes, and jumped with pleasure. Alex let a small moan escape from his lips as her small fingers narrowed in on the very tip, rubbing and gently stroking it through the thin silky material to an even higher degree of attention. A small spot of pre-cum appeared on the boxers as Dana decided to pull those off, as well. They came off with no fuss, exposing Alex completely to the air, and he shivered a little as the cool air struck his hot flesh. He moaned again, louder, and she took it as a cue to take the entire thing in her hand, and move up and down the shaft slowly, grazing his skin with her finger tips rather than roughly pressing down.

Much enjoying herself, and starting to feel her own ache and wetness, Dana played with his penis, stroking, rubbing, grazing it; starting at the tip and working down the shaft and then back up. Grinning, she bent down and kissed the tip lightly, and Alex jumped as though her lips were pure electricity and it carried all through is body to his very finger tips, to the very ends of his hair. Experimentally, she reached her tongue out a little ways, and likewise touched his member on the very tip. She worked up courage, extending more of her unsure tongue to wrap around the end of his flesh, and started to work her way down the shaft.

“Oh God, Dana…” he murmured, his eyelids fluttering weakly. Dana smiled almost predatorily, or perhaps cruelly, and took the first few inches completely into her mouth, sucking and stroking him with her tongue. He let out an explosive shuddering gasp, in pleasure, in shock, in pain, all of them at once at the sensation. Dana moved down another inch and then back up slowly, finally releasing even the tip from her mouth, and then kissing it lightly again as before. Gasping for breath and groaning both at the intense feeling of Dana’s warm, knowing mouth and from his effort to hold himself back, Alex relaxed a little as Dana turned her attention upwards. She let him cool down for a moment, moving her face back up his body, kissing his stomach, his chest, and finally his soft, hot mouth.

If he wanted to think about it, Alex could probably taste himself in her mouth as he eagerly explored her mouth with his tongue. He moved his hands more furiously up and down her back, stopping to tease her breasts or caress the sides of her face. Then suddenly, he flipped her over and before she could recover to interlock lips again, he moved down to her own pants with his hands, kissing her stomach with his mouth and his tongue, grazing her with his teeth, lower… lower… He pushed the elastic band of her sleep-pants down and off, flinging those across the bridge; they landed on the captain’s chair and hung there obscenely from the headrest.

Alex, glad that she wasn’t wearing panties after all, moved back to the spot he’d left off, a couple inches below her belly button with his kisses, and let one hand touch the middle of the inside of her thigh. Her legs lolled open as the hand moved upward and his lips moved down. If before Dana’s mouth had been electric, this was pure lightening as he tentatively put his finger between her legs and touched her clit; she nearly shrieked as her whole body spasmed in reaction to his touch. Alex made a low throaty chuckle and moved his mouth even lower, lightly touched his tongue to where his finger had just been, and moved his finger lower still, stroking one side and then the other in ever tightening circles toward her opening. Dana’s whole body jerked upwards at the touch and she let out an almost sobbing moan of pleasure, her hands scrabbling along the slick linoleum floor for some kind of hold. Alex moved the tip of his tongue slowly, with purpose, along the edges of her slit, mirroring in a fashion what his finger was doing slightly lower, then, picking up the pace with his tongue, he slowly entered her winking cavity with his finger. Her muscles closed in around it and he felt her fighting against the overwhelming urge to buck her hips in response, aching to have more than just the tiniest tip of his finger inside her. Oh indeed, Alex thought, closing his lips and sucking her clit, grazing it with his teeth while simultaneously working her with his finger.

She cried out, a kind of guttural, frenzied “Alex!” that came out not-quite recognizably as such. Now she couldn’t stop herself from bucking her hips and thrashing her arms, even her toes curling to the point of cramping from the immense pleasure that started rocketing dangerously toward a climax. Dana was moaning quietly, and murmuring something that sounded to Alex like “Hurry.”

Oh, not yet, Alex thought, suckling her hot, quivering flesh with one long last dreg. He removed his finger, but couldn’t resist and flicked his tongue in once, twice to her aching, wet opening, feeling her spasming muscles try to close in on his hot tongue. Dana bit her lip and fought against a scream; yes, it wouldn’t do to be heard and interrupted, and, panting, she smiled as he started to move his way back up her body. He kissed her stomach and chest in another, sloppier but more passionate chain, and stopped especially to take her nipples into his mouth briefly, for sensuous, slow little kisses. Finally his mouth found her eager lips again, and they exchanged deep, rough kisses while Alex drew himself up. His penis found the opening between her legs easily, and he let the tip linger at the entrance a moment longer while his hands slid up her ribs, all very roughly now, to squeeze her erect breasts, and further still to grab the sides of her face. Alex moved his head back to catch the look on her face, which was one of mixed pleasure and frustrated anticipation. Well she wouldn’t have to wait much longer, as he brutally kissed her mouth again, and at the same instant thrusted himself into her core.

They cried out simultaneously into each other’s hungry, searching mouths. And he stabbed her again and again, sending the both of them pounding to the linoleum floor to a rough, steady beat, like a quickened heart rate, indeed, like either of their fluttering hearts.

Dana couldn’t help it any more, and started letting out strangled screams, both of her hands pressing on the back of Alex’s head, as if to muffle her cries of pain. She soon abandoned her hold and searched along the floor again for something else to hold on to. Dana flattened her palms against the wall just below the view port near her head to steady against Alex’s strong, steady attacks, crying out louder as each one tipped her nearer climax.

Alex put his hands on her shoulders as leverage to his thrusts, bruising her with his frenzied grip. He’d meant to go slower, but the pleasure was such that all plans and rational thoughts and even thoughts of Dana herself were starting to be replaced by a white hot nothingness that was starting to drive him faster and faster, pushing him toward his own imminent explosion of pleasure. Her muscles tightened around his hard flesh, squeezing him, imploring him to release.

Alex and Dana shared one last simultaneous, gasping scream as everything turned white; the bridge, the zylogigs, the deaths, the planet, Winthrop, the bomb, the oooruffians, and even themselves, replaced by an all consuming burst of delight, that subsided after another minute, and left every nerve in their bodies quaking in aftershocks of ecstasy.

Panting desperately for breath, Alex’s mind went cold as he heard footsteps far away in the echoing spaceship, but coming closer, and coming fast. He panicked, and scrambled for his clothes in the dark, still reeling from his -- what the hell WAS that? Had he gone nuts? That didn’t really happen, did it? -- with Dana. He didn’t even worry about where Dana was or how she was feeling about all this; he was a little preoccupied with how the rest of the crew was going to be feeling about all this!

Managing only to find his boxers so far, heart pounding in his chest, and extremities numb with anxiety about being found out, he stumbled to slip them on. The resounding footsteps came closer and closer, but he still just struggled to get his boxers on. He’ll worry about “naked Dana” when he’s fully clothed, thank you. Panicking, he couldn’t get his second leg into the underwear. He finally slid into them, losing his balance and falling with a thud on the linoleum floor again when the lights came on. Alex’s eyes went wide as the huge red sun of the planet and froze as Kamira, Zach, Sean, and Altaire walked onto the bridge in their sleep wear, carrying flamethrowers and looking tired and scared.

Alex began to plead “We were only uh…”

Kamira made a face and looked around the bridge searchingly, “ ‘We’ who?…. There’s nobody here but you my sick… half-naked friend….”

Sean laughed and made to point before Altaire slapped his hand. “Don’t point, it’s rude.”

Sean couldn’t contain his laughter, “Yeah, tell that to HIM!”

Alex, noting that he was in fact, NOT pointing at Sean with any appendage whatsoever, sneered a little but said nothing… he actually couldn’t think of anything to say. No excuse whatsoever would come to mind. It was completely, and frighteningly, blank. He did take the time to notice that Dana’s pants were gone from the Captain’s chair headrest. How had she done that? Then he noticed a stinging in his arm, and looked to see where three scratch marks were starting to puff up, and one was starting to bleed a little.

“Alex… er, what in the hell are you doing up here? And… well in your skippies?” Claire turned the flamethrower downward a little. “If you’re really you… that is.”

“Yes, it’s me,” Alex sighed, shook his head and pressed a finger to his forehead to simulate a headache. “Do you really want blood to make sure? I‘ll save you the trouble of poking me.” He lifted his arm up to show them the scratch.

Kamira made an even funnier face, narrowing her eyes a fraction, “How did you get that? And again, why are you out here in the first place?”

Alex gave her a confused smile, shrugged, and started to get up from where he was half-sprawled. “I don’t know. I went to sleep in bed, and woke up when you turned the lights on right here.” He looked at his scratch, “This I don’t remember either.”

“Sleepwalking?” Altaire asked.

“Or maybe the zylos somehow patched in and were controlling him?” Claire offered.

Alex’s eyes widened even more as he noticed something small and white crumpled on the floor several feet away. Dana’s sleep top! He looked around for his shirt… and saw it, too, on the floor. She ran away without her shirt, that little devil, how risky.

“Whatever, it doesn’t really matter, we’ve got a long day tomorrow. Why don’t we lock ourselves in from now on so we can’t escape in our sleep quite so easily, hm?” Kamira started to leave.

Quickly Alex stepped in and scooped up Dana’s shirt so no one would see it. Or maybe, Alex thought, for something else…
© Copyright 2004 Alayndra (alayndra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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