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Multi-lingual love poem to God. I welcome all languages and translations. 57 and counting. |
I love You With every breath that I take, Each beat of my heart, each morning I wake Washte cilake, Wakan Tanka As You healed the wounds and darkness of the world Your light pierced through them as Your spirit swirled Techihhila As the latter rain falls to Earth All over the lands and in my hearth Nu' umi unangwa'ta As I bow my head in loving prayer I fall to my knees, I know You'll be with me there Konoronhkwa As nature reveals Your awesome glory Never could Man tell a more beautiful story Ayor anosh'ni Though I cannot fathom Your full design A majestic tapestry weaved together, Yours and mine Gzaag'in For all the different seasons of living In each I learn Your precious lessons in giving Nemehotâtse For voices singing Your praise In sorrow and despair, my hope they raise Gv-he-yu-i Though tears overflow with suffering Your peace comes in with a gentle buffering Nemo(h)sara(h) For the wisdom You've poured out There is no other source, that I do not doubt Ich liebe Dich For all that You have done, (Für all diesen du hat gemacht,) Each scar of sacrifice, Your risen Son. (Jede Narbe des Opfers, Ihres auferstandenen Sohnes.) I mog di narrisch gern And I hold Your promise in my heart You want all to be wholly healed, not only in part Ik hou van jou As I read your Word and pray, (Als ik opgevat uw Woord en bid,) No other book can show me the blessed Way (Geen andere boek kan om mij de gelukzalige Weg merken) Ik zie oe geerne Though we are separated by our speech Through Your songs of praise, unity we can reach Jeg elsker dig For the faith You've hidden in me You reveal it again and again, for me to fully see Jag älskar dig For Your grace when I fall into sin, Your mercy abounds, over and over again Eg elskar deg Though I may get attacked on all sides In Your protecting hand, my whole being confides Eg elska þig Though I shiver in the cold, dark world In the end Your heated glory will soon come unfurled Taim i' ngra leat Although many believe in luck Your speed I wish them, to get out of the muck Mé grá tú When storms rage and winds blow You hold me close as I watch the big show Rakastan Sinua As I seek not to understand Your peace, Tension mounts, then I pray, a blessed release Je t'aime For the grace of Your love, (Pour la grâce de ton amour) Unconditional redemption, washed white as a dove (Rédemption inconditionnelle, blanc lavé comme une colombe) Te amo With my words and care for others (Con mis palabras y cuidado para otros) I will not forsake my sisters and brothers (No abandonaré a mis hermanas y hermanos) Eu o amo As I see everything You've given me (Como eu vejo tudo o que Você me deu) I thank You for the price paid to live free (Eu Lhe agradeço o preço pagou para viver livre) Nacatinra As the storm passes by, going forward My hands raised high above, praising my Lord Mi amas vin As Your mystery unwinds in my spirit You whisper my name, a great calling, I hear it Ti voglio bene For all the people who touch my life (Per tutte le persone che toccano la mia vita) All of them blessings, no heartache, no strife (Tutti benedizioni, nessuna angoscia, niente conflitto) S'agapao Through good times until the worst I will deny You never; for Your love I thirst Ya liubliu Tebia (Я люблю вас) For the little children playing about (Для маленьких детей играющих приблизительно) With faithful utterings, lovingly, they shout (С преданным говоря, в любви, они кричат) Sakam te As I look upon all Your beloved creation It's a wonder Your love endures beyond revelation Ljubim te And I find solace in Your Book My tears are dried up, my burden You took Lubim te Though there is fighting at my door I know there is peace through You forever more Lubim ta As a revelation comes to mind Had I not seen it, I'd be left behind Aš myliu tave For You know my every whimper and cry And I know for my sake Your Son did die Miluji te Though I cannot see You with my own eyes No wood or stone could mold Your ears, hearing my cries Ma armastan sind Though my life is but a breath in Your time You love me and guide me, Your mountain to climb Obicham te For the inspiration and knowledge You impart I know it will never end, You live in my heart Szeretlek And I hunger for You day and night Against my own will I often wrestle and fight Te iu besc And I will not be silent about You Your love, grace, and mercy sees me through Kocham çie When the walls around me are crumbling, (Kiedy ściany dokoła mnie kruszeją,) Your hand is upon me, You hear my mumbling (Wasza ręka po mnie, Wy słyszycie mój mamrocząci) Ndinokuda For the living water I drink Satisfying forever, an eternal link Mimi love Ninyi Although my words may be few You look deep into my heart, and make it new Aish'teru For the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, I can feel You touch my mind: You do not hide Chit pa de For the sweet smell of Your flowers Beautiful are their petals due to Your showers Koi muk jao Although I am pushed aside by Man In Your praises do I glory, forever I will stand Wo Ai Ni As I raise my hands high in praise I will dance before You all of my days Ngo oi ney Though things seem dark with gloom You send light to pierce through my arrogant tomb Saranghamnida When You humble me, yet lift me up again I know in my heart that with You I will win Bon sro lanh oon Though I have tired, hurting feet My purpose is to serve others, You later to meet Mahal kita When I'm in the midst of sorrow and trials Because I know You guide me through the miles Saja kasih saudari As storms come with vengeful pride From Your eyes I know they could never hide Kulo tresno As we gather together in prayer one by one When two or more gather in Your name, the battle is done Saya cintamu And I am blind in this world without You You knew my eyes in the beginning, their very hue Ben seni severim And I celebrate in song and dance (Ve ben kutlarım şarkı ve dance) Singing Your praises loudly at every chance (Senin övgülerini her şansda yüksek sesle söylüyor.) Mere priya prabhu You know the prayers deepest in my heart Even when the words are spoken only in part Tora dost daram Though the heavens seem far from me Call them down, You say, and wonders I will see Ahibuka أحبك. In times I feel beaten, but am never ashamed أشعر مضروب, لكن في الأوقات لست خجول ابدا. Knowing that for my sake, Your Son was maimed عرف أن ابنك عطل لأجل قصدي). Ani ohevet otkha (אני אוהבת אותך) Though death may pound on my door (אע"פ מוות יכול לדפוק בדלת שלי) I embrace Your love and grace, I fear no more (אני מחבק את האהבה שלך ומכבד, אני לא פוחד מאף יותר) Ohavkha (אהבך) With trembling fear as I cry (עם לרעוד פחד כ/כפי שאבכה) You're my precious Redeemer, my glorious Adonai (אתה גאלי יקר, אדונאי נאדר) I love You With all the tongues of each nation, You knew us all in the beginning, every formation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Languages used(other than English) are Lakota, Sioux, Hopi, Mohawk, Navaho, Ojibwe, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Catawba, German, Bavarian, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Irish, Irish Gaelic, Finnish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, K'ekchi' (a Mayan language), Esperanto, Italian, Greek, Russian, Macedonian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovak, Lithuanian, Czech, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Shona, Swahili, Japanese, Burmese, Lao, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, Korean, Cambodian, Filipino, Indonesian, Javanese, Malay, Turkish, Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Modern Hebrew, and Biblical Hebrew. This is the order within the poem. "Adonai" or אדונאי is used as the holy name for the Lord--although the letters in Biblical Hebrew are quite different, I have used the correct pronunciation used when reading the Torah, according to Jewish tradition. The Holy Name of God is actually YAHveh or יהוה, but this name is usually used sparingly, as to not use it in vain. Thank you SHERRI GIBSON ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |