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Rated: 18+ · Appendix · Other · #869937
This is a journal entry in my no journal...more like a brief book actually (long entry)

Sometimes I get really bored and feel the need to write diary entries that I will subsequently delete the next day. I like to be purged of my emotions; but only for so long. PLUS, I am way too cheap to actually get an upgrade to get a journal.

Not that I really have any emotions right now besides boredom. It's 2:15am on a Tuesday (not exactly a 'going out night' where I'm from). And most of my friends have 9-5 jobs. So they are asleep. What's a girl to DO at 2?

If I lived in the city instead of the subs I could go see my current flavour, or he'd get a taxi to come see me? (not entirely out of the question, one day I went to meet him downtown, about a fifteen minute walk from his house and he took a taxi to meet me so I wouldn't have to wait. It was almost too sweet for me).

I'm not a girl that's into romance. I'd MUCH rather have a guy that can make me piss laughing than a guy who would bring me flowers. I hate moosh. I have to change the channel if it's getting too mushy on tv. And women who cry over that stuff? PLEASE! If I ever get proposed too, I'll be expecting it or I won't want it to happen. If I don't want it to happen I'll say no, and if I knew it was going to happen then I'll say yes. No tears. I knew it was coming.

I get uncomfortable when a guy insists on picking up the tab a time too many. I am perfectly happy taking turns or going splits. And I HAVE to be the instigator in most aspects of 'the chase'. It is no fun for me for a guy to trot around after me telling me how great I am. I know how great I am. You don't have to tell me, you have to make me laugh! Or maybe have a lip ring. That's who I'm considering now, lip ring boy. I met him at a club one night. We were both pretty trashed but I was more so (this happened less then three weeks ago on my 19th birthday WOOOOOOOOOT to being Canadian and being legal at 19!!!)

Anyways...I'm staggering drunk at this big dirty club (dirty as in boys (men?) MAUL all the ladies). And guys at clubs are especially attracted to obviously drunk girls. I was DROWNING in them (them being raunchy guys trying to do SOMETHING). And then someone walked by with a lip ring and I started to stroke it...I have a fetish leave me alone! But it turned out well because he's sweet. And I danced with him the next night and he didn't touch me inappropriately!! His hands didn't slide to my ass, or breasts, didn't try to go IN the underwear, or UP the skirt, and I was impressed.

I realize anyone reading this who DOESN'T go to that kind of place isn't so amazed that he can keep his hands to himself. But the guys there are so horny! Just walking across the dance floor I generally get my bum pinched and grabbed at least five times. It's pretty gross, and only enjoyable in an inebriated state. I realize I'm sick to like it even then. And it's not so much that I like being mauled but I do enjoy outrageous unlimited male attention from time to time.

HOWEVER, the last time I went there, I was completely sober and I didn't want to dance with anyone. (Usually I just grab a good looking boy and dance with him until he gets too gross or another boy grabs my interest). But that night I didn't feel like it....and oh my but the idiots followed me around. I had an oriental person trying to kung fu robot grind me, a rugby team trying to get me to dance and a very small person who came to perhaps my armpit all FOLLOWING me. Which simply reinforces my earlier behavior in picking out guys myself!

Well I'm done. And if I had a journal this wouldn't be so pointless eh?
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