Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/869861-Speed-Was-Everything
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Transportation · #869861
A work in progress. Fast cars, Hot chicks, and the perfect girl all in one.
(I started writing this story in the middle so I thought I would give a little background before you read it. Michael has just raced a car he has never seen before and lost. He has not seen the driver yet and pulls up next to the car to meet the guy who just beat him.)

The door of the Nissan opens and before Michael has a chance to see inside a body unfolds from the interior of this smooth black machine. Michael is stunned. All memories of the race lost evaporate with the vision before him. His first coherent thought is,”This body never belonged to any guy!” As his mind races for something to say, something cool, something smooth, something impressive, he takes inventory of this angel who the car gods have seen fit to place before him.

The first feature he notices is her height, five foot seven. She is the exact same height as Michael. She moves her foot, a quick twitch, a nervous habit, and draws Michael's attention down. She is wearing black Vans and leather pants. The pants are so tight they look painted on. Two questions come to mind. Who wears leather pants to race cars and where does she keep her keys? These questions no longer matter as his vision climbs above her pants.

She is wearing a pink baby doll tee-shirt which leaves a wonderful view of her slim waist and belly button. Her skin is very pale. Michael is wondering if this is real. Is it hotter out here than he thought? Is he hallucinating? Stretched across her perfect breasts are three words: Fast Chicks Rock. Michael is staring quite blatantly at these three words. He realizes this and quickly looks up while his face is turning a bright shade of red.

She notices where Michael was previously looking and is thoroughly amused by his reaction. The sudden color in his amazingly cute face brings a smile to hers.

Her face is framed by a purple racing helmet. Michael is looking at her eyes now. They are green shot through with hints of silver. She smiles and her eyes sparkle. They are reflecting the blue from his ride, creating a cascade of colors Michael finds absolutely enchanting. How can one pair of eyes hold so much wonder and at the same time so much mischief? Michael is sure she is amused by something.

She takes off the purple helmet and Michael comes face to face with his third surprise of the day, her hair. Her hair is short, strait, and BLUE! Michael has always found short hair more attractive than long and the fact that the hair is blue is more than Michael’s fragile mind can take.

A fuse blows between his mouth and his brain. The mouth is on its own. Michael is terrified at his sudden loss of control and knows he is about to say something infinitely stupid. He is not disappointed. “You’re not a guy!” Great, real smooth! Michael thought he was embarrassed before but this is nothing compared to what he is feeling now. Way to state the obvious dipshit!

At this statement her face is almost split in two by her grin. She finds his shy fumbling and embarrassment of the situation irresistibly cute. His obvious lack of skills with, “the ladies,” is one of the reasons she is so attracted to Michael. She can see his potential and she wants to be the one to help him, to be there with him when he discovers himself. She has to act fast or she is going to lose him before she even has a chance.

Michael’s mind is horrified by the last ten seconds. His mind wrestles control back from his mouth before things can get any worse. Michael sees her smile grow wider and he knows he has lost again today. He is sure she is going to laugh at him now. Shit, I have to get out of here! Just as Michael turns to leave she says something. “My name is Emily. I have seen you around the track before and I was wondering if you would like to go get a beer?”
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