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Poetic view of the innate temperaments. Can you see yourself? Please, let me know. |
The Choleric is the take charge type Details, small obstacles, what's all the hype? Let's get the job done, let's make a change The big picture is obvious, no facts to arrange The coldness of his words can cut like a knife If he tempers his anger he'll avoid strife Lead, follow, or get out of the way The bigger the goal, the longer his day The more the adversity, the harder he'll try The eternal optimist, no need to cry The Sanguine is filled with high energy Finding true happiness is the key Selling anything with irresistible charm So no one runs from him in alarm Organization isn't worth the headache Where's the party, no plans to make There's an unstable rage seething deep inside Harmful words will cause a dramatic turn of tide Your words will harm, but forget them he will Easy to forgive, don't fret, just chill The Melancholy has the artist's touch Let's analyze the details, is it too much? Seeing the darkness as well as the light Finding gray in between is the heart of the fight Constructive criticism is the name of the game Using facts that convince, no harm, no shame The curiosity of what makes the world turn Reflects desire for perfection always to burn There's always more to learn and soak in In a game of intellect, this temperament will win The Phlegmatic is patient and in no hurry Take the time to live in peace, don't scurry There needs to be a solution, where did I go? I'll find one if pushed, don't tell me no I'm as stubborn as they come, that you will see I don't voice my opinion, just do it, that's me I worry about things that I should not Sarcastic humor in jest is the defense I've got Let's do things later, I've got the time I work best under pressure, give me a deadline When stress beats on each of their doors Either fear indwells or anger pours The Phlegmatic and Melancholy will run When trouble sets in they steer away from fun The Melancholy analyzes everything within Stirring the anguish again and again The Phlegmatic will go deeper into his shell I'd rather not anyone share in my hell Now we have seen what the introverts do Let's take a look at the extroverts too Anger pours as a result of life's stressors The Choleric and Sanguine succumb to pressures The Choleric is in control, that is his lot When his integrity is checked, a war is fought He can't stand when people deny their own worth He knows he's valuable, and has been since birth The Sanguine's heart is beautiful in rest But it will turn on a dime when put to the test He soaks in his surroundings, for better or worse If anxiety is high, his rage he won't nurse Selfishness abides where the weaknesses lie Each temperament faces different knots to untie The Choleric needs no one, he's fine on his own If he stumbles and falls, he'll do it alone The Sanguine knows everyone loves him so He'll go on and on, his life story you'll know The Melancholy delves deep in his own mind, So far indeed that no hope does he find The Phlegmatic goes it alone when times are tough, Giving nothing to no one, I haven't got enough Depression haunts and robs our souls blind You may dig into it deeper, or a better path find The Choleric looks only to the positive things Negativity breeds depression, not leaders or kings The Sanguine is down when things look bleak When the excitement picks up he's back at his peak The Melancholy dwells inside himself day and night Against deep, dark depression he can't often fight The Plegmatic can feel worthless, lost and alone I seek out things to find the funniest thing known Away from negative things, now I will fly The Holy Spirit takes over in the blink of an eye The Choleric is now the caring and loving boss His vision includes others, no victims, no loss The Sanguine is full of love for all others Not high on himself, but his sisters and brothers The Melancholy finds peace within himself and out He conquers self-pity, no more sitting to pout The Phlegmatic doesn't worry about much any longer In God's great power, my faith is made stronger God has a purpose for each strength and weakness Examples in the Bible range from rage to meekness As a Choleric untouched by God, Saul was violent As Paul he led many to Christ, becoming not silent Peter the Sanguine denied Jesus, yet loved Him so His passionate words let the Holy Spirit flow Moses the Melancholy wrote the first five books But He didn't understand why to him God looked Father Abraham the Phlegmatic feared God a ton Denying himself, willing to sacrifice his son Now that you know who I am and who you are Let's complicate the issue, but not go far Each person has two temperaments out of the four There might be room for a tiny bit of one more When I get angry and my patience is in tow, I realize the Choleric in me has stolen the show Mixtures of temperaments balance you out God created a unique view of your world, no doubt If this information leaves you confused Ask friends what you are and you'll be amused Inspired by Dr. LaHaye's book, The Spirit-Controlled Temperament I discuss the temperaments more in-depth in my web blog, which will be updated as I find the time to give it the focus this topic deserves. 18 entries and growing! ![]()
Curious about your temperament?