Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/869730-Branwen-Council-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #869730
An average young woman with an unusual past is called upon by the Branwen Council for aide
This is the 3rd chapter in the novel I am writing, Branwen Council. I am looking for constructive reviews and suggestions. Thanks for viewing!
         Tamia stood from her kitchen table and placed the dishes she used in the sink making a promise to herself to get to them later. She walked into the livingroom once again and over to the table which had the amulet resting upon it. It held a certain curiosity within Tamia as she picked it up. Her fingers traced over the rough silvery curves and the gem that was placed in the center. Her eyes followed where her fingers touched, all the way to the clasp which was indeed broken.
         Carrying it over to her desk in her bedroom, she took out a few tools to work with. A fine file for the scrapes, a small screwdriver for the clasp, and tweezers. She spread out her tools and turned on her desk light.
         “Let’s see what I can do for you.” Speaking her thoughts out loud, as if the amulet was being reassured that all would be alright. She began by picking up the screwdriver in one hand, the tweezers in the other, and working on the clasp.
         After about 30 minutes she had it working again and focused on the actual amulet. She changed her tools to the file and started to gently slide the file across the various scrapes and scratches on the metal until it was gleaming like brand new.
         “Now, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Tamia pulled out a polishing cloth from her desk, she used it for working with her own jewelry and thought it to be appropriate here as well. She didn’t expect to be using it anytime soon since her jewelry box had well been cleaned out.
         Into each crevice and curve she worked her little cloth until she could see her own reflection in the metal. But when she looked into the gemstone she saw something else. A kind gentile face with a welcoming look.
         “What’s this?” Tamia whispered wiping the gem over again. She thought her imagination was getting the best of her.
         “Nae saian luume’ Tamia.” A voice so quiet and pure sounded inside of Tamias head. “You have found us, we didn’t doubt it for a moment. We knew you would come through.”
         “Who are you?” Tamia felt rather silly talking to an object. There was no one around to hear her do it, so she figured why not.
         “It would be difficult to explain who we are and everything else you wonder about, without showing you. We presume one of our people were lost in your plane, as that is how you acquired this amulet.” The face became more clear, that of an elderly woman
         “My friend asked me to fix his amulet, it’s not mine.”
         “What do you mean? No, it can’t be used by anyone there except you, other than the woman who was lost to us. Even that was only half a chance that it would work for you. That’s why precautions were made and a second item was sent.”
         “What are you talking about? A second item? Nick said he only found this.” Tamia pondered. “He said he saw a woman in a strange cloak, he doesn’t think she is alive. He thinks she was the owner of the amulet. He was probably right.”
         “Two items were formed. One for passage of our Council and one for passage of you. Since she is dead, she will no longer require her amulet. We would imagine she lost the ring as well then. It would be in everyone’s best interest if you located the ring and kept it to yourself. If put into the wrong hands ...”
         “What? If put into the wrong hands, what? Are you saying it’s a lethal bomb or something horrible like that?!” Her hands were shaking from the thought.
         “ The amulet and ring provided safe passage from your plane into ours and vice versa. How else would our lady friend be able to get to you?”
         “Oh, I get it now. You don’t want just anyone being able to access your world. That makes perfect sense.” Tamia nodded and grinned as if she had made a new discovery. Anything that made her feel smart made her happy.
         “ We need you to locate the ring as soon as possible. If you get into trouble, speak these words: Elen sila limenn omentilmo.”
         “What exactly does that mean?”
         “A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting.” Her face was beginning to fade away. “If you need to talk with us again, hold the amulet as you are now and speak, Amin merna quen.”
         “Isn’t there an easier way to get in touch and get out of trouble without having to remember these jumbled words?”
         “Asking to speak, in our elven tongue, it’s the only way with this amulet. Unless we contact you first.” She smiled. “You’ll learn, and don’t be so afraid of forgetting these phrases. They are instilled within you now. We must go for now, we hope to hear good tidings from you soon.” The face of the woman faded completely away and the amulet became dark and empty.
         Tamia placed the amulet around her neck and tucked it into her shirt noting she had not yet changed from her work clothes she wore the night before. Time for a shower I think.
         She slipped off her shoes and placed them by her front door then walked into her bathroom. Piece by piece she removed her clothing and undergarments until she was standing barefoot and naked, all except for the amulet around her neck. She didn’t wish to remove it and lose it, it was too valuable to her now.
         Carefully she entered her shower and turned on the water setting it to a comfortable temperature. She soaped up her washcloth and ran it over her slim body, breathing in the fresh flowery aroma the soap gave off. Water trickled over her skin warming her with every touch. Tamia shampooed her shoulder length hair and rinsed off, now clean from head to toe. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.
         A towel that hung nearby would be used to dry off with, she grabbed it and wrapped it around her body then began to brush her teeth for the night. She was glad she didn’t have to work the next day, she could spend her time looking for that ring that was lost.
         She made her way into her bedroom and tucked herself into bed. I hope I find that ring, it will prove I am not going crazy. She thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
         Tamia opened her eyes to see herself flying over a valley. She had wings of white and soared through the open sky. She was not startled to be doing this, she quite enjoyed it. She could see for miles and seemed to fly for days.
         The valley below change into a desert, and again into an ocean. To mountains, to cliffs and crevices. The land was rich and bountiful. For once, Tamia felt free. Nothing could hold her back.
         She looked to the north and saw a light shining, almost like a sunset would be. The sky was afire amidst jagged mountains of black. Her curiosity got the better of her and she headed toward this fiery light.
         The closer she got to it, the more the surroundings became dead or dying. The grass turned from a glorious green to a dried out brown, and eventually to nothing but dirt. The trees lost their leaves and liveliness. The animals were sprawled out ill and lost. Still she continued to fly on toward the light seeming not to notice the death surrounding her.
         Her wings were tired and she decided to take a rest on a nearby rock formation. Tamia landed with grace and pruned her feathers while she rested. All was well, and still she did not see the desolation.
         “Who sits upon my back!?” A cracked and rumbling voice shook the ground. It was deep and masculine in it’s tone.
         Tamia tilted her head to the side a little startled.
         “Who dares to sit upon me!?” The same voice shook the earth again, this time louder. Not far from where Tamia sat, the rock began to crumble and move. An eye formed and opened staring right at her. “I know you!”
         “No, you don’t!” Tamia began to flutter about, thinking her resting spot was not a good one after all.
         “If I don’t know you, then I know one of your siblings. I’ve seen your kind fly through here before.”
         “I have no siblings, and this is the first time I have ever been through here.” Tamia tilted her head to the other side blinking her little eyes at the rock.
         “There is no reason for your kind to ever be this close to Krishna. Go back where you came from.”
         “What is this Krishna you speak of?”
         “A dark place. It’s where the giants live and the goblins have been gathering. Seems a bit fishy to me that the goblins would even dare to get close to Krishna. The giants like to make meals of those scrawny critters. Not to mention that Krishna is the home of the drow. They live in the underground, you won’t run into one of them by chance. If you see one, you’re as good as gone.”
         Tamia tried to keep her balance as the rock spoke, each word made the ground shake and made standing upon him most unpleasant. “Tell me about the fire I see in the sky.”
         “Oh yes, the light in the sky. It’s from the fire giants that roam in the mountains. The land around here cannot survive with those monsters stomping about. It seems they enjoy burning everything they see. I have come to accept their existence. They can do me no harm of course.” The rock gave out a chuckle.
         Tamia fell over onto her side and got back onto her feet. “I think I should stay clear from them then, I don’t want to become a roasted bird.” She paused a moment. “Do you have a name?”
         “A name ... I haven’t been asked for that in centuries.” He began to think back to remember. “Adrastos.”
         “Adrastos, I will remember that. Thank you for your help.” She took flight into the sky and flew from whence she came.
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