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Some common questions answered |
This is for my campfire, Ragnarok. I've been asked many times how somethings work, like the races, allies, enemies. What kind of creatures belong in each race. Like a werewolf for night, or a metior for fire. These I will be explaining and over time I will add questions and answers to the list. How do the races work? There are two different types of races though there are many catagories of each. There are elemental races and The Twelve. I shall explain both. THE TWELVE There are Twelve Races one to contain all the Elemental races of the Twelth it belongs to. However, the final race has not been discovered yet so many people have started to call it the Eleven. Each Race has two allies which will come to their aid even in the midst of battle. They also have a sworn enemy that they loath and that hate them back. the only one that differs to this is Time which is no enemy nor ally to anyone, prefering to be as neutral as possible. However, in it's past Time has had strong friendships with Earth and though they have never forged a proper alliance the two are as close as even Water and Ice. Fire - My Element Allies: Life and Day Enemy: Water Stats: Although Fire's worst enemy is Water the reason is not as simple as it may seem because it dates back to the original Fire race and the Ice race. Fire killed the Leader of Ice and because Ice and Water are the greatest of friends Water swore to get revenge although Ice still tries to persuade the two not to fight as that Race documented the battle that killed their leader and believe that their leader was the one with less skill in the end. Day Allies: Fire and Life Enemy: Night Stats: The reason for their enmity is simple enough, Night and Day have always fought even back at he dawn of Time. Night belived that it came first but Day belived that its own Race came before Night because it was the reason for the Dawn. They have fueded through out the centuries and it has simply become a battle for the best. Wind Allies: Water and Night Enemy: Stone Stats: Wind hates Stone as it is the only thing that can escape its touch without harm. It has to form alliences with other elements to do the Stone Race any harm and Wind hates to be beaten back and in the anciant fights that were once simple competition wind was bested by Stone as it could not be harmed by Wind magic. Stone Allies: Earth and Death Enemy: Wind Stats: Stone sees Winds as a whining bunch of morons and they hate them because they seem so damn arrogant and to high and mighty to except defeat. Water Allies: Ice and Wind Enemy: Fire Stats: Sworn to avenge the death of its friend's leader Water has always hated Fire, over the years it has simply become less vengeful and more hateful assalts. Ice - Withy Windle Allies: Water and Night Enemy: Earth Stats: Ice has always disliked Earth since the Seventh century due to the fact that the earth was taken over by a greedy king who decided to take over much of the Lands of Water and take the people as slaves, concubines and prisoners. This drove Ice to the offensive and they still belive that Earth is cruel, evil and greedy. Life - Flex Allies: Death and Fire Enemy: None Stats: Life and Death. Considered the great opposites are actually Sister's. When they were made they were always arguing, always fighting but it all stopped when they passed places in Time. They should have acquired many enemies as they will always help their allies but they have not as no one wants to really pick a fight with the Children of Life and Death. Death - Tombraider Allies: Life and Night Enemy: None Stats: Life and Death. Considered the great opposites are actually Sister's. When they were made they were always arguing, always fighting but it all stopped when they passed places in Time. They should have acquired many enemies as they will always help their allies but they have not as no one wants to really pick a fight with the Children of Life and Death. Earth Allies: Wind and Day Enemies: Ice Stats: To Earth they think that Ice attacked them for no reason as they are to stubborn to admit they were wrong for this reason they persistantly argue with Ice and have become sworn enemies. Night - Matt the Knife Allies: Death and Ice Enemy: Day Stats: Exactly like Day. Night believes that it came before Day as it was the Night before the dawn therefore making it more important. As the Twilight approaches Night is becoming ever more powerful. THE TWELTH THRONE The Twelth Throne is empty and has been ever since the beginning. It is said that the race meant to fill it was stolen by Evil at the very beginning and locked away where only its minions can tread. ***************************** THE ELEMENTAL RACES Each of the twelve has many different races within them though they may all be blended together in groups or seperated into their elemental groups and still be apart of their twelth. These are the sort of elemental races within each twelth. Some are new or made up, some are well known, some are based of anciant myth. You may use one of these races but you do not have to. *Fire: Metior, Phoenix Lords, Salamander, Fire Djinii. Day: Sol People, Day Djinii, Draconions, Seers. Wind: Wind Djinii, Thorax, Galeites, Angel. Stone: Onyx, Dwarves, Masons, Stone Djinii Water: Healers, Elves, Thetians, Water Djinii. *Ice: Alaskians, Tundarians, Mages, Ice Djinii. *Life: Empaths, Scryers, Phraedrae (Nympths) Life Djinii. *Death: Necromancers, Ligars (death walkers), Death Djinii, Scryers. Earth: Wood Elves, Rangers, Switchers, Earth Djinii. Time: Illusionists, Magicians, Warpers, Time Djinii. *Night: Werewolf, Vampire, Sorcerers, Night Djinii * Indicates that the twelth is taken and therefore the elemental explination is there to read not to use. |