Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/867162-Truth-Behind-The-Veil
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #867162
My Harry Potter Story, Just something to get me writing again.
The room in the Department of Mysteries was filled with sounds of angry sceams,pained cries. and shattering glass. Sparks of green and red shot from several wands. Witches and Wizards in battle.
Harry Potter searched frantically on his hands and knees for his own wand narrowly dodging the spells cast past him. His left hand grasped the leg of his fellow student Neville Longbottom; who had collapsed to the ground in front of him. Neville held up his wand and called out "Eshpelyamus" to a group of Dark wizards, whom Harry knew to be DeathEaters. The spell having no effect as, Neville's now broken nose was seriously impairing his speech.
Harry eyes now fell upon a wizard who had burst through the door wand on the ready. Rage exuding of the thin, yet fierce man. His long black hair flying as he too began battling the Death Eaters. Sirius, Harry thought. Harry's right hand closed around his wand finally.
Scrambling, suddenly towards the rows of shelves with small glass balls, just as a rush of air and sparks of green shot past his right ear.
Searching the room again, Harrys' eyes fell on Siruis Black, and then suddenly on the witch behind Sirius Black whose wand was aimed at Siruis' back. Harry ofcourse recognized the witch as Beatrix Lestrange, she had stood trial with Barty Crouch for the performance of the Cruciatos curse on Frank and Alice Longbottom. Most recently, however in the media again for escaping Azkaban the wizarding prison. His mind was racing, when time both flew and froze at that one moment. Beatrix, shouted "Avada Kedavra". Finally finding his voice Harry yelled a warning. "SIRIUS!!" Sirius looked up at Harry and stumbled falling forward from the curse and disapperaing behind the transparent veil in the room.
Harry froze and swore someone had turned out the lights, the room grew very cold. Harry could hear his heartbeat as though it were amplified for the world to hear, raising his wand he began to call out "Lumo..." but befofre he could finish the word his wand began shaking violently and gold sparks were making their way towards him. On the other end of the gold trail was Voldemort, who's wand had suddenly flown from his hand after the emergence of his parents James and Lilly Potter, fellow student Cedic Diggory, missing ministry official Bertha Jorkins, and one older gentlemen, Frank Bryce's ghostlike figures from the tip of his wand.
Harry couldn't understand, and was backing away when he backed up against a large cement headstone, tripping over a now human Peter Pettigrew who was entranced with his newly reattached silver hand*. Harry fell backwards and was backing up against the air when his hands came across a step. He looked down and found a series of stone steps. When he looked back up however he saw one Proferssor Quierel, his stuttering Defense against the Dark arts teacher from his first year. Professor Quierel who had been host to a parasitic Voldemort. Just past him, Harry saw the Mirror of Erised. In the mirror Harry saw Professor Quierel come chanrging at him. When Harry looked up holding his hands up to him, Professor Quierel began fading as though his image was being fanned away by something.
Harry stood brushing himself off, and looked around the room no longer was the Mirror of Erised present nor his parents, or even the department of mysteries. Unless HArry was much misaken he was now standing in the kitchen of # 12 Grimauld Place, headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Harry looked around for anyone familiar, "...Mrs. Weasley...err Ron?" Just as he was about to reach the sink, Harrys foot bumped the shoe of someone lying on the floor. Of all the wizards to be in this house, Harry could not understand why he saw Percy Weasley, third eldest and estranged son of the Weasleys. "Perc.." Harry's voice trailed off as he saw a dried trickle of blood leading from Percy eyes down to his neck.What Harry didn't see was the rise and fall of a chest from breathing, Percy was dead. Harry searched the room for any clue as to what could have happened when he turned and looked upon the Grandfather clock.
The clock struck once indicating that it was indeed one in the morning. Not that anyone would or could notice, as all of the homes on Privet Drive were quiet all of their occupants asleep for the night. All ofcourse except for #4. Harry Potter layed now awake in bed covered in a combination of sweat and tears.
How many times, had he dreamt with this vison of Sirius dying again. How many times would he relive his parents and Cedrics ghost like forms urging him to grab the portkey when he got the chance. One aspect of the dream greatly bothered Harry. True he had been in those scenarios over the last six years, and they were indeed recollections; all except one. Percy Weasley was still alive and unless Ron was keeping something from him, would have absolutely no knowledge of the order, or grimauld place.******
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