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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #865870
A time when everyone's watching, but no one is there.
The room was full of noise, and Kate took notice to the chatty men and women at her table. Trailing her eyes in a counter-clockwise fashion, there was a middle aged lady to her left followed by two men, an elderly women conversing to a friend at her side, and another man accompanied by his wife. To Kate’s immediate right was an empty seat, for, at the moment, Angie was off gathering drinks for the group.

Sitting quietly, Kate watched many unfamiliar faces from afar, talking and laughing as they took to the dance floor. The celebration had only just begun and already she could sense the feeling of boredom slowly dispersing through her body. Suddenly deciding she had sat in silence long enough, Kate turned herself around in her chair, searching the hall for her friend. Nothing. Turning back around, she stared nonchalantly at a man almost three tables away. What in God’s name is he talking about? Look at him, throwing his arms up like that. You’d think the man was on the verge of collapse the way he’s thrusting about. And that, what is that thing he keeps doing with his nose? Why in the world is he --

Her train of thought was interrupted by a hand softly resting on her shoulder.

“Miss me?” Angelina said playfully.

A huge smile took shape on Kate’s face and Angelina took seat beside her.

“Apparently so,” Angie carried on.
“What took you so long?” Kate wondered.
“Nothing really. Just got a bit carried in conversation.”

Kate smiled widely as she watched the lines along Angie’s mouth take shape as she spoke.

“What?” Angelina asked with a smirk.
“Nothing,” she let out a small laugh. “Nothing at all.”

A band played on a stage, and the young man hosting announced the opening of the buffet at the front.

“Thank God,” said the women to Kate’s right. “I’m starving.”

Over a hundred people quickly gathered around the tables of food; they just as quickly returned to their seats.

Eating slowly, Kate looked up occasionally to watch the people around her. Through a mouthful of food, the man by his wife managed to spew a few pieces of rice across the table while attempting a short conversation concerning the welfare of some estate. Angelina quietly laughed at his display.

Looking over, Angie watched Kate move her mouth in a smooth motion, slowly chewing her food. Her eyes loved to take notice of such small perfections. She felt herself fill with emotion.

“Sir?” Angelina politely asked, referring to one of the men across the table, “Would you mind passing me a slice of that bread, please?”
“Oh no, of course not,” the man said. “Here you are.”

He barely raised from his seat to hand over the parcel when Angie took the liberty of doing so herself.

“No no. I‘ve got it, thank you,” she said, slowly rising.

Grabbing the bread with her right hand, she took the opportunity to reach over her left to the top of Kate’s right thigh. Kate jumped in surprise and coughed loudly as she choked on her carrots. The elderly women from three seats away gave her an odd look.

“Are you alright, dear,” the women asked.
“Oh yes, fine, thank you. Just…forgot to chew, I guess.”

Angelina turned her head at Kate as she raised an eyebrow and smiled enormously. Kate gave her a smirk and Angie sat down once again.

Once the stares subsided, Kate proceeded to casually pick at her food as she cleverly lowered one of her hands to meet with Angelina’s, intertwining their fingers and holding on tightly. The simple feeling of Angie’s fingers against her own sent small waves of excitement through Kate, but she hid it well through sips of wine and mouthfuls of chicken.
Dinner was soon finished.

As the tables were being cleared, the band began to play loudly once again. The announcer stepped to the microphone: “Well, alright everyone. If you were planning on working off some of that food, now’s not a bad time to start,” he chuckled for his own amusement. “We’re ready for you.” With that, several people rose from their tables and made way to the front. A fast paced song began its tune, and its beat gave it away as something foreign. Kate bobbed her head in rhythm, allowing the music to completely surround her.

“Well,” said the married man, “I’m going to the bar for another drink. Anyone care to join me?” No one replied. He glanced around. “No? Well then, I guess it’s just me.”
“I’ll go with you, sweetie,” said his wife.
“Thank you, dear.”
“I might as well come along for the trip,” said the man from two chairs away. “Who knows, I might just find someone to talk to.”

The three missing bodies left emptiness at the table, serving as perfect peep holes to the dance floor. Kate watched the cheerful people skip around with smiles on their faces. Angie noticed her fascination.

“Care to dance?” Angelina shouted over the music.
“Who? Me? Oh, no. I mean…no, no,” Kate blushed with embarrassment.
“Well, why not?”
“I can’t dance. Really.”
“Sure you can.” A playful pause. “Come on.”
“No, really. You haven’t the slightest idea. I really just can’t.”
“Of course you can. Come on, let’s go.”

Kate lowered her head in attempt to hide her redness.

“Don’t make me have to go all alone,” Angie continued. “Look,” she said, beginning to rise from her seat, “I’m going.” She took a step forward and waited for a response. “I’m walking on up there,” she took another step, “all by myself…”

Kate glanced at the dancers and noticed a few other inexperienced women dancing with friends. How bad could it be?

“Alright,” Kate finally agreed.

Angie grabbed her hand and pulled her up off her seat. Angie cried out a quick “Woo!” and rushed the two of them to the middle of the crowd.

The music roared, and Kate nervously looked at the faces around her. People moved in pairs.

“Don’t worry,” Angie reassured. “Just relax.”
“Sure. Right.”

Angelina grabbed hold of Kate’s hand and spun her in a circle around the floor. She laughed at Kate’s expression and began to move her body from side to side. Grabbing Kate’s body to meet her, Angie grinded her hips softly into Kate’s thigh. Quickly becoming one with the beats, Kate held her hands at Angie’s shoulders. Perspiration began to flow down their backs.

The music subsided; Angie looked down at Kate’s smiling face. “Told you you could dance.”

Kate beamed at the compliment.

“Only because you were here,” she praised.

Another song began to play through the speakers. It was slow and soft; almost comforting.

“One more time?” Angie asked.

Kate was tentative with her decision.

“Angie, I don’t know. I mean…I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Why not? What’s the matter?”
“Well nothing, it’s just…”
“What?” A pause. “What is it?”
Being soft with her words, Kate whispered, “They’ll look at us funny.”

Angelina’s face was puzzled. The statement confused her.

“Who?” she asked. “Who will look at us funny?”
“Them.” Her eyes wandered aimlessly throughout the room, “Everyone.”

Coming to realize Kate’s words, Angie’s eyes read hurt and frustration before glowing with the thought of an idea.

“Close your eyes,” Angie prompted. “Go ahead.”
Without argument, Kate closed her eyes shut. Angie looked at her hard. “Tighter,” she said.
“How’s that?” Kate asked, still speaking softly.
“Perfect.” Angie pulled Kate toward her by grab of her hand. “Now come here,” she said.
“Quiet now,” Angie pressed her face against the soft skin of Kate’s cheek. “Quiet,” she reiterated.

Angie pressed closer to Kate’s face until her lips met her ear. She whispered softly, “Your body fits mine perfectly when I hold you.”

Kate felt the hairs on her arms raise.

“It’s just you and me. No one else. I promise.” Angie kissed her friend’s cheek, leaving a mark of wetness. “I love you,” she said.

Lost in the moment, everything was forgotten but Angie’s breath upon her skin. Her words hung in her mind like the sun does dawn; discovering its light.

“I love you, too,” Kate said in a voice shakier than she had realized. “I love you so much.”

She was on clouds.

The music faded and the silence set in as Kate opened her eyes to see the others returning to their chairs. Enjoying the protection of embrace, Kate waited for Angie to release her. She looked to Angie’s face and smiled at the sight of watery eyes.

“Shh,” she consoled as a tear rolled past Angie’s nose. It was gently wiped away. Angelina sniffled and smiled in embarrassment. Kate smiled to her warmly, realizing the sudden switch as protector. “Come with me,” Kate said quietly.

They grabbed hands, and Kate led down the center hall to a small door on the right. Inside was a long room with stalls and sinks.

“The bathroom?” Angie asked, obviously confused. “What are we doing in the bathroom?”

Kate gave her friend a reassuring glance as she checked for feet under the stalls. Confirming that it was clear, Kate walked to Angie and looked directly into her eyes, memorizing each pigment of color; each line; each glare. She kissed Angelina softly on her mouth. Their lips barely met past a brush before Angelina’s hands were caught in Kate’s hair and the kiss naturally deepened. Their tongues were smooth and soft against each other; fitting perfectly together as they met a rhythm. The feeling was incredible.

Without hesitation, Angie lowered her hands to rest at Kate’s hips. They stumbled into a stall between laughs and kisses and closed the door behind them. The space was tight, and their bodies were pressed close against each other as Kate began to undue the back of her friend’s dress. She brushed her hands over the bare skin and felt Angie arch back slightly as she raised a hand to her breast. Returning the favor, Angie raised Kate’s dress from its bottom, revealing smooth, thin legs. Kate’s knees buckled as a hand was placed to rest on her inner thigh. As Kate threw her head back in anticipation, Angie made love to her exposed neck; kissing and nibbling. Enjoying the current task, a soft moan escaped from the back of either’s throat.

“Make love to me,” Kate pleaded. “Please. I need you to…please.”

Setting forth upon her mission, Angelina reached for Kate’s center and cupped it in her hand. Involuntarily, Kate’s body began to respond to the gentle, tender touches as she thrust her hips in a forward motion. She pulled Angie in tighter, never being able to feel enough of her body against her own. Within a matter of seconds, Kate found herself biting into Angelina’s salty neck as she let out a loud cry of relief that was left echoing in the room. They were suddenly aware of the sound of a door closing shut. Angie jerked her head up quickly.

“Kate? Kate, do you think they heard us?” she asked between jagged breaths.

Hearing the question, Kate realized the concern which usually struck her. Although she knew she could never be embarrassed or ashamed of her love for Angie, she somehow felt different. Different in a sense that others wouldn’t understand. A sense that what she had was beautiful and perfect, and many wouldn’t see beyond their closed minds.

“Kate?” Angie asked again. She pulled away and looked at Kate’s face with concern. Their eyes met again and Angie pushed sweaty bangs away from Kate’s eyes. Nothing else mattered.

“I don’t care,” Kate finally spoke.

Their gaze locked and a small shadow cast itself on Angie’s face. The moment was long.

“Close your eyes,” Kate remembered. Pulling Angie’s face close to her own, she whispered tenderly, “It’s just you and me. I love you.”
© Copyright 2004 One Step Closer (onestepcloser at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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