Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/865204-The-Boxer
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #865204
A man trying to prove something to himself and father.
The Boxer

         This is my first fight, Daemon thought to him self as he looked into a mirror. I never thought I would make it this far. A temp trainer comes into the locker room to help Daemon get ready for the fight. Daemon sits on the bench and the trainer starts to wrap his hands. Daemon looks at the gloves besides him and thinks, after all the sweat and blood I spilled, this better be worth it. When the trainer finishes putting the gloves on Daemon, Daemon gets up and throws a few practice punches. He then punches his gloves together and says, “They feel good.”

         The trainer grunts and starts walking out to the corridor, Daemon follows. As he walks down the long pathway to the ring he remembers the first fight he saw. He was 10 years old, sitting in his living room and watching Rocky with his father. After the movies was over he turned to his dad and said, “Dad, that’s what I want to do when I grow up. I want to be a fighter.”

         “Okay, shut up and change the channel,” remembering what his father said, Daemon smiles a little. My father never believed in me, he never thought I could ever become a fighter. Today, I’m going to prove him wrong.

         Daemon is standing in the middle of the ring thinking, why the hell did I ever think I could fight, as his opponent (the monster) smashes his glove into Daemon’s lower jaw. Daemon stumbles back a little and brings up his glove to block anymore hits to the face. Good thing my face is numb or that would have really hurt. Okay, I don’t think he can reach this far … Daemon gets hit twice in the gut and one more time in the face.

         Daemon falls to the ground. If I stay down he won’t hit me anymore. No, I can’t think like that. I have to get up. I have to win. Daemon gets up to his feet on the 7th count and nods his head to the ref. Daemon throws a couple of light punches towards the monster to keep him at bay. Okay, he’s staying back maybe I can … Daemon gets hit in his chest and then in his nose.

         “Ow!” Daemon yells as his nose breaks.

         “Stop hitting me!” Daemon says as more punches land on him.

         The bell rings and the ref pulls back the monster off of Daemon. Daemon somehow manages to walk to his corner and sits down. His temp trainer starts cleaning off the blood from Daemon’s face when he said, “do you want me to throw in the towel?”
         “Yes, wait no. No, I can’t lose. I have to win,” Daemon says with a slight slur.

         “Listen son this is the first round and you haven’t even hit the guy once,” the trainer says as he re-aligns Daemon’s nose.


         The trainer says, “I think I know how you can beat this guy. You just have too …” before the trainer finished his advice the bell rings. The trainer gets out of the ring and pushes Daemon off the seat, into the ring.

         “What, what do I have to …” Daemon gets slammed in the gut with a left hook, then a right and falls to the ground. Get up, get up I have to win and Daemon gets up at the 8th count. Okay all I have to do … Daemon gets hit in the face and drops to the ground, that didn’t work.

         Daemon gets back up on the 9th count. The monsters approaches and Daemon throws out a wild punch and manages to hit the monster in the face. The monsters just smiles and Daemon says to himself, “I think he liked it. Not there, ow. That hurt”.

         Daemon is up against the ropes as the monster beats on him. Well I tried my best. No one can say I didn’t. Now it’s time for me to die like a man. All of a sudden the monster stops hitting Daemon. The monster walks back a little clutching his left wrist and falls to the ground. The doctors rush in the ring to examine the monster. One of the doctors yells out, “he having a heart attack, start CPR and get a stretcher!”

         Did I win? I think I won. I told you dad I could win a fight. I think I'm going to pass out.
© Copyright 2004 G.M Polish (ra56179n at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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