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Rated: 13+ · Monologue · Women's · #864508
Love has nothing to do with it! Does it?
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By: Sugaree


This Black Tie affair was one not to miss if you were so fortunate to even receive an invitation. I’m really glad that I didn’t let my single status dissuade my choice to attend. I met this really cute and even intellectually stimulating guy there. This affair entertained many social, ethnic and sexual orientations. When I arrived to this mansion where it took place, my mouth dropped not only at the beauty of the scene, but the assorted array of people disguised in opposite gender. Some were too incognito.

At first glance, no one could really tell who was what. That is, if one was attempting to disguise. I went in hopes of having a great time and possibly meeting an interesting human of the opposite sex. I gracefully adorned my eveningwear with the most elegant jewelry, hairdo and perfume that I had. Lucky me. By the end of the night nothing could have told me that the man I’d met, been escorted and courted all evening was not my knight and shining armor finally finding his queen. Me.

I floated on a different cloud at the end of the evening when we exchanged numbers and penciled in a date for the following week. It was almost as if I saw no one else at that party. I ignored several other flirtatious chats. He wiped me off of my feet with his gentle charm and humorous, witty conversation.

I only had eyes for him. It became even more apparent that he was really this great person when a few celebrity status folk hunted him down to invite him and his guess to their table. I kept my cool, but inwardly, I blushed as he gestured me toward the table that sat seven of the most influential people of our community, including the person in which the affair honored.

I recall one conversation that left me with great confusion after I replayed the scenes in their entirety after all hit the fan. A lawyer that had been in the press for several weeks with one of the most high profiled cases in Chicago’s history sat next to me and James, my latest conquest, on the other.

At this beautifully garnished round table, exquisite bottles of aged wines and other intoxicants flowed freely. My glass was never empty of the sweet elixirs that I probably would never taste otherwise. Maybe that’s how I missed my cue that Mr. James ‘Right’ was NOT a knight, at least not my type.

The conversation went a bit like so:

Lawyer: So man, how’s it been? Haven’t heard from you in quite sometime. What new projects do you have going on?

James: Well, you all will just have to wait and see. I’ve always got something up the sleeves…shockers.

James turned to look directly into my eyes as he made that comment. He smiled. I got goose bumps accompanied by a bit of infatuation.

Lawyer: Yes, James. That’s what scares me with you sometimes. Your shockers.

The small talk went on and on until the end of the evening when James and I went for a stroll down by the beautiful oceanfront facing the mansion, hand in hand.
Day two through ten when we had our first official date, were just pure bliss. We chatted via Internet and had endless conversations by phone. We even called each other during working hours discussing our plans to meet again. James continued to taunt me with a surprise that he had for me. I begged to know telling him that I didn’t really like surprises, to no avail

On our date, he smiled and continued to tease me with bits of information pertaining to my ‘surprise.’ He started asking me a series of questions that were a bit uncomfortable for a first date, but I decided that we were both adults over 30 and answered.

“So, have you ever dated or had a relationship with a woman?”

“Hmmm, not really. I’ve been curious but never actively acted upon fulfilling that particular curiosity. You know what they say about curiosity. It can kill the cat.”

We shared a sidesplitting laugh. And I attempted to change the subject.

“Why not? Do you have something against lesbians or gay people?”

“Of course not. What do I care what people do in their personal lives?”

“Glad to know you feel that way.”

“Dinner was great. Thank you. Ok, now what is this surprise?”

“You ready to get out of here?”


He handed the waiter the credit card holder, handed him the valet parking ticket, pulled my chair out, assisted me in putting my shawl on and we left. I was still in seventh heaven when we approached the beautiful water fountain at Grant Park in downtown Chicago. We stood before it; casually kissing, holding hands and walking arm and arm.

“James, are you ever going to tell me what this big surprise is?”

“Yes. I just wanted to savor these moments.”

“You make it sound so final.”

“Well, that’s because in the past when I’ve been vibing with someone and I shared this information, things have changed dramatically.”

“I couldn’t think of anything that could change my mind at this point. I’ve never met a man that has made me feel as complete as you have in just ten days. I feel like I’ve known you forever. We’ve already discussed sexually transmitted deceases and other health related issues. We’ve discussed your marital status, which is single, right? We’ve discussed children and even adopting one should things escalate between us since you cant have any. What more could it be?”

James let a huge sigh out, held his thick masculine head down, and then back up to meet my eyes. He just stared for a few seconds then began to talk.

“There is one thing that I really feel bad about not being completely honest with you the day that I met you?”

“Yes…continue. I’m waiting, James,” I forced out of my mouth almost sick that he was going to tell me that he was married or otherwise engaged.

“I wasn’t honest about my real name. My name is Jameshiah Conley instead of James. I was born a girl but with the genes of a man. I decided that once I was grown, I’d make it official. I had the surgery. I have a few more steps to complete and will always have to take medications.”

“James, why would you wait so late in this relationship to tell me something as important as that?” I nearly whimpered the question out.

“I told you it was because I never wanted us to end, at least not so quick.”

“But, James, don’t you think you should have let me make the decision whether or not I wanted to be in a relationship like this?”

“Yes, Nikola. You are so right. I should have,” his strong voice boomed at me.

“Please take me home.”

That evening I sat wondering why I made the choice never to see him again. The feelings were there. The chemistry. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. I picked up the phone to call him. I hung up after the second ring.

After all of my sadness was gone, I thought about the fact that I had been seen with a man that was familiar to many, if not all that attended that party. I wondered what they thought of me for keeping company with James. I wondered what their opinions would do to my career if indeed I should get the opportunity to step up to their ladders one day.
© Copyright 2004 Sugaree-Serial_Writer (sugaree at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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