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As we go on, a certain thing must be done... |
GRADUATION ~friends forever~ And so, it begins… I thought while stepping into my school building. So we talked all night about the rest of our lives Where we’re gonna be when we turned 25 I keep thinking times will never change Keep on thinking things will always be the same Funny how things went, I always thought that life would go on as usual. You know, the same study, same friends, same routines… It seemed… just yesterday, when I entered High School. I felt like… it was just yesterday when I wore those petty uniforms, entering the High School ground with some nervous and excited feelings… It seemed like our lives at that time were so wild, so free, so… happy… Yep, we were carefree then, still thinking about parties and fun and play… But when we leave this year, we won’t be coming back No more hanging out ‘cause we’re on a different track And if you got something that you need to say You better say it right now cause you don’t have another day Yet, I realized that those times are now mere memories. I realized that there wouldn’t be the same parties, the same fun, the same us… We would all go to reach our own goals, to walk our own path of life… In short, we wouldn’t come back to our normal lives in High School… Sometimes I wish I could have my usual life forever… That’s why I’m here, ‘cause I have something important to tell to a particular somebody, to tell something that I would regret not telling… ‘Cause we’re moving on and we can’t slow down These memories are playing like a film without sound I keep thinking of that night in June I didn’t know much of love but it came too soon I walked silently despite the crowded hall, memories after memories flowed through my head as I strolled to my class—the one I won’t be seeing again next year… As I stepped into the class, a particular memory suddenly struck me, the memory about the party I attended in that cold night in June… That was the first time I met him… Sandy Dwight—the most popular guy in school, the cutest guy around, the talented football player… and also happened to be the guy who stole my heart… And there was me and you when we got real blue We’d stay at home talking on the telephone We’d get so excited and we’d get so scared Laughing at ourselves thinking life’s not fair And this is how it feels… “Hey, Kristen!” a familiar voice called me from behind. “Hey, Ashley…” I replied to my best friend, Ashley. She was wearing a loose, green sweater and baggy jeans—how very typical of her. “So… how’re you doing with Sandy?” she asked teasingly. “Huh…” I sighed. “I really have no idea how to tell him! I mean, he’s popular and all… And besides, Debbie’s after him!” I ranted. Ah, yes… Debbie Flint, our school’s coolest cheerleader—or so she thought… She’s quite annoying to me, and she flirted so much with guys! But of course, nothing is more agonizing than the fact that she actually IS more attractive… “Yeah? Don’t worry about her, she’s just a jerk…” Said Ashley rather roughly. “A jerk.” I said plainly. “Well, if she’s a jerk, than what AM I, Ashley?! Look at me! I’m nobody! At least Debbie is a cheerleader with quite a reputation!” I shouted, both angrily and desperately... I shook my head as I sat down exasperatedly. “Life is so unfair.” “Tell me that!” Ashley said, rolling her eyes. “Look, you should do something rather than ranting about Debbie and how unfair life is, you know…” “Like?” “Ask him out, confess your true feelings.” She said matter-of-factly. “Oh sure, I’ll just pop up in front of him and say: ‘Hey, Sandy! Wanna go out this Saturday? Oh, and you know what? I love you! Be mine!’ … I could just faint…” “You’re being hyperbolic, Kristen...” Ashley said in a taunting sing-song voice. “Trust me, you should tell him! Who knows? He might love you back!” She walked out to her class as the school bell rang, marking yet another boring day at school… “Yeah, right, and I’m the queen of the world…” I sighed and slumped onto my desk, uncaring of Mrs. Sally’s (our Sociology teacher) presence… ~***~ As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives change Come whatever, we’ll still be friends forever… Will all of us still be friends forever later? I don’t know. You see, people grow up; and grownups tend to focus more on work and family. They sometimes won’t even care about friendship. Even if they do, would they still befriend old friends? Heck, would they even STILL remember their old friends? …I do hope our friendship lasts, no matter how busy and how engaged we will be with our family… I do hope we will all be friends… forever… So if we get the big jobs and we get the big money When we look back at now will our jokes still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learn in school? Still be trying to break every single rule? They said that school and work are two different worlds. Well, it’s true. In school, we learn different kind of things. I mean, even though we have, like, Biology and History for instant, we still have what we call extracurricular or clubs. We have sports, arts, and science clubs. Popular, and not-so-popular ones… No matter. We still like doing them, don’t we? Those are things we’re devoted in. Something we do just because we like it, not because it’s financially beneficial (unlike, of course, work). We also have moral studies (I know it’s ‘kinda useless, but still…) that we won’t find when we start working. At work, you’re expected to work—only. No such nonsense as mood taken into account. You could cheat, be a hypocrite, or have an affair, for all they care! Moral, is definitely off topic there… (but of course there’s something… ‘beneficial’ at work, like… getting a lot of money and finding a lover or two? :P) Whatever. One quick tip: find job that you like. Trust me, that’s a waaaaay long term you’ll be having when you start working. Sure there will be the aforementioned things, but at least you'll like doing your job… Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? Will Heather find a job that won’t interfere with her fan? I keep – keep thinking that it’s not goodbye Keep on thinking that it’s our time to fly And this is how it feels… “…ten! KRISTEN JONES!” “Eep!” I jerked from my lazy position as a high-pitched voice entered my head. “What were you doing?! Daydreaming about Sandy?!” yelled Ashley, annoyed. I looked around and realized that the Sociology lesson was over. I didn’t realized that I’ve been dwelling in my thoughts through the whole lesson—without being caught by Mrs. Sally, to boot! “No, I’ve been… thinking…” I admitted shyly. “Ooh~ philosophical, aren’t we?” she said sarcastically. “Cut that out, Ash, I’m not in the mood…” I said harshly. This whole graduation thing had almost driven me mad! Realization struck me. “Ashley? What are you doing here? Doesn’t your class have lessons?” I asked her, puzzled. She gave me a look and sighed… “Don’t you remember? We only have the first lesson today…” Ah~ I remember… Today we’re supposed to have our pictures taken for our Year Book… We could have done it ages ago, but no~ The Head Master just HAD to do it today, with us wearing our graduation uniforms… “Ah, yes…I remember, now…” I said slowly. “Then what are you waiting for?! Let’s go!” Ashley said, irritated. And so, we went to the school hall… ~***~ As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives change Come whatever, we’ll still be friends forever “Okay, class! Move it! One, two! One, two!” That’s our Sports teacher, Mr. Charlie, who is also our football team’s coach. He’s a very (too, actually…) energetic teacher. Unfortunately, he’s never serious… I watched in morbid amusement as he joked around with some students and actually forgot to take photographs… … This will take a looooong time… In my bored state, I suddenly saw a flash of someone familiar… Oh, my… It’s Sandy! THE Sandy Dwight! … With Debbie Flint… What the…? Wait a minute, they aren’t… No. That can’t be! They… ARE A COUPLE?! I suddenly felt very dizzy (must be from my shock)... I mean, I can’t believe it! I LOVE him! And—And why would he choose such a jerk as his girlfriend?! I won’t accept it! … I watched with a broken heart as Debbie clung to Sandy's arm... A drop of tear trickled down my cheek... How foolish I am... to believe that I still have the chance of winning his heart, the chance of being his girlfriend... But I’m only dreaming. Ignoring Ashley’s shouts, I ran out from the hall, away from Debbie... Away from Sandy... I desperately wanted to disappear right then... ~***~ I wiped the rest of my tears with the back of my hand. I was in the girl’s restroom, thinking about how foolish I was… I managed to suppress some of my stifles and took a deep breath to calm myself down… “Kristen?” Suddenly I heard Ashley’s voice. Startled, I turned to face a very worried-looking Ashley. “Kristen, are you all right?” she asked with concern. Yeah, of course I’m all right, I just saw the most obnoxious girl in this school flirting with the boy I love… I thought sarcastically. “Yeah, I’m all right…” I said, contradictive to what I felt. “You’re surely lying… If you’re OK, then why were you crying?” she pressed. “I—Oh, Ash! I don’t know what I'm supposed to do!” I gave up my mask, and before I realized it; I was crying on the shoulder of my best friend, spilling everything to her… “… And I saw Debbie clinging to Sandy’s arm…” I finished meekly. Ashley was silent while she listened to my story… “Kristen,” she called out my name flatly. “I think… you misunderstood…” “Huh?” I looked at her, puzzled. “They are not a couple. A minute after your leaving, I saw Sandy leave a very pissed-off Debbie. It seems like Debbie was the one trying to make a move, but I think Sandy wasn’t interested in her…" “Really…?” I asked hoarsely, my eyes sparkled with hope. “Uh, huh.” Ashley nodded curtly. Could it be that… I have a chance? I thought hopefully. “Ashley!” I shouted suddenly, surprising Ashley. “Thanks a lot!!” And with that, I ran out to find Sandy… Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there, can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end And suddenly it’s like we’re women and men I ran in the corridor, trying to avoid teens that were chattering and laughing their heads off… I ran till I reached the school hall. I desperately looked for Sandy, but I couldn’t find him! I slumped onto an unoccupied chair in despair… Where is he? I thought. Could it be that he went home already?! But we’ll never meet again, then! I wouldn't have the guts... … I dragged myself out heart-brokenly and went to my locker, fetching my books and stuff which would be removed since I would no longer use it... “Kristen Jones?” a soft voice called, a VERY familiar voice! A voice that always haunt my dreams day and night—Sandy’s! Will the past be a shadow that will follow us around? Will these memories fade when I leave this town? I keep – keep thinking that it’s not goodbye Keep on thinking that it’s our time to fly I quickly turned around and saw him standing right in front of me! “Um… H-Hi, Sandy, f-fancy meeting you here…” I said, stuttering. “Yeah…” He replied shortly. “Listen, Sandy… I—I got something to tell you…” “Oh, so… what’s up?” he asked casually. “I’ve been wanting to tell you that—that—” Gosh, I hate myself for being so shy! “Yeah~?” “I’vebeenwantingtotellyouthatIloveyousomuch!!” I blurted out. “Um… pardon?” Sandy asked with a quirked eyebrow — I didn’t blame him! I took a deep breath and repeated. “Sandy… I—I love you…” I finally said—I must have been blushing mad! He looked taken aback by my confession. “Kristen… I—” he paused. I sighed sadly… “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—” “Kristen Jones?” Sandy cut my line. I looked at him questioningly. “I love you too…” He said with a shy smile. Yeah… I knew it, he—wait a minute. HE WHAT?! “P-P-Pardon?!” I asked, again stuttering ‘cause I was so shocked! “I said I love you too. Kristen Jones, will you be my girlfriend?” OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH! “S… Sure! But… this is so shocking! I mean, I never knew you…” “like you?” he finished my line with a grin. “If I don’t, why would I know your name?” teased Sandy. “You know we don’t really know each other.” He pointed out. Whoops, a small unnoticed detail, there… I guess I missed that… I smiled happily at my new boyfriend and hugged him tightly. It seemed like it would be a great day, after all! And so, we ended our High School years with contentment and relief… As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives changes Come whatever, we’ll still be friends forever Original song by: Vitamin C (Graduation/Friends Forever) |