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Rated: E · Poetry · Community · #861805
Basically, these are poetry notes.
Poetry Notes
Poetry is the expression in words of some experience feeling or emotion. Poems often deal with single events, issues or experience.
A poet will use images or imagery, symbols and figures of speech. In order to enrich the poetry and to make it more attractive to the reader.

1. Image-Imagery
An image is a word or a group of words used by the poet to create a picture in our minds and make it more attractive to the reader.

2. Symbols
A symbol is a word or sign that stands for or represents something else.
e.g The Rose represents England.

3. Figures Of Speech
A figure of speech is a device used by the poet in order to decorate the poem and make it more attractive by the reader.

4. Simile
A simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words'like' or 'as'.

5. Ailiteration
An ailiteration is when words beginning with the same letter comes close together or fairly close together.
e.g. Big bad boy
Bedded bubble winking at the brim (Keats)
The forests ferny floor

6. Assonance
Assonance iswhen vowels (a,e,i,o,u) or a combination of vowels that rhyme together.
e.g book-look

7. Hyberbole
Hyberbole is the deliberate use of exageration in order to create a certain effect in the poem.

8. Onomatopoeia
This is when the sound of words seem to suggest its meaning.
e.g. A murmurous nest of wasps.

9. Metonomy
This is when part of something is substituted for the whole thing.

10. Personification
Personification is when life-like qualities are given to inanimate things.
e.g. The wind whispered
Here you are giving the wind (an inanimate) life-like or human qualities. Humans whisper and so this quality is being given to the wind. Theefore the wind is being personified or personifying the wind.

11. Paradox
Aparadox is an apparent contradiction in terms between different things.

Other Aspects of Poetry

Most poems contain some element of rhyme. Rhyme helps to give a musical flow to a poem.

There are several differnt types of rhyme and sometimes a poet will use one or more of these in the same poem.

Different types of Rhyme

1. Strong-End rhyme
This is when there is a close relationship or connection between words at the end of lines in a poem.

2. Weak-End rhyme
This is when there is not a very strong connection between the sounds of words at the end of lines in a poem.

3. Alternate rhyme
This is when every second line rhymes, in a stanza of poetry.

4. Internal rhyme
This is when words within a line, rhyme.
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