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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #861447
Tyler Brighstar is needed to save the world. Again.
Part 2

13: London
London, England, Heathrow Airport, Near Cromwell Road, 9:15 PM

When they left Paris it was 8:00 PM and in London it was 8:15 when they arrived, the flight had been an hour. Erin spotted a girl with strawberry blond hair, hazel eyes, and horse earrings. Unknown to Tyler, this girl was co-director of MI5. She was holding a sign that said, “Erin Rains, MI6.”
Erin walked over to her and smiled, “It’s been a long time, Molly.”
The girl named Molly smiled, “Very right, so where’s your partner?”
Tyler took the sign from Molly, “Are you insane?”
Molly nodded, “Oh, the Tyler Brightstar, he needs to loosen up.”
Erin smiled, “You’re right.”
Tyler sighed, “Since when did my name have a ‘the’ in front of it? And I do not need to loosen up!”
Molly smiled, “Then use contractions.”
Erin sighed, “Your name had a the in front of it ever since you finished Webber and Vina off, or just Vina, apparently not a good job with Webber.”
Molly joined, “Ever since you took the glory from the rest of us kid agents.”
Tyler sighed and muttered, “I’m surrounded by crazed girls…” he spoke louder, “Molly, and you’re here because?”
Molly smiled, “I had to pay Erin back.”
Erin nodded. Molly spoke once again, “Tyler, your car is in the parking lot, and Erin yours is in the parking lot also along with mine.”
They followed her and Tyler unlocked his car and got in, Molly unlocked her 2004 Mini Cooper. Erin started her motorcycle. Molly said, “Follow me through traffic, Tyler we don’t want any accidents do we, and Erin you don’t know where to go.”
Tyler’s car buzzed to life, “Following 2004 Mini Cooper registration number: 93627931315.”
Erin laughed, “That car has a mind of its own…” she muttered as she put on her helmet.
Tyler strapped in and his car followed Molly’s. Erin followed on the bike trail. Molly parked in front of Big Ben and motioned them to a bolted wooden door. She did a number of knocks in a certain order and loudness and a key card reader became visible. Molly slid a card through and a small voice said, “Molly Awkman, MI5 co-director, please state password.”
Molly said, “HA9631262YM.”
The door opened, “Welcome to the hidden office of MI5. We are the United Kingdom's defensive security intelligence agency.”
Molly smiled, “It does that every time.”
She walked over to a wall and hit a red button, a door slid open vertically; stairs. “So, Erin told me about the elevator incident and I decided it’d be best to take the stairs,” she laughed.
Tyler laughed and smiled. They walked into an office with a desk, plasma TV screen on the wall, papers all over the desk, a computer, and a soft leather chair behind the desk. Tyler was about to sit in the leather chair but Molly pushed him out while he was in midair. Tyler sat in one of the brown leather arm chairs on the other side of the desk. Molly straightened a name plate that read, “Molly Awkman,” on the bottom, “MI5 co-director.”
Tyler smiled, “That is a high position for a young lady like you.”
Molly raised one of her eyebrows, “Well, the field is no place for a two year old like you.”
Tyler smirked. Erin laughed, “What do you have for us on that hard drive of yours?”
Molly sighed, “This is against regulations, but I’m doing it for friends.”
Molly clicked open a folder on her desk called, “PASSCODE NEEDED!!!”
A window with a ring of jangling keys, one gold, one silver. There was a username and password box. At the top of it the band said, “Connecting to importantvideos.admin.MI5”
She typed “kawkman” and Tyler couldn’t make out what she was typing for the password.
A file folder popped up and Molly double clicked on an mpeg named “Egekeze.”
Kemdi Egekeze’s face appeared in the media player window, “Awkman! If you even catch a glimpse of Tyler Brightstar or Erin Rains, report it to me at MI6 immediately!”
Molly shut the player off and said, “MI6 wants your head, the both of you. Now, MI6 assigned me to this case as a rendezvous, I was supposed to teach you two to ride horses - bareback and with a saddle.”
Erin smiled, “She’s great at horseback riding.”
Molly nodded and swiveled in her chair to a file cabinet. She opened the top cabinet and took out two thick folders, “These are both of your lives, from you birth to your eleventh birthdays. MI6 and MI5 keep tracks of their employees, also everyone associated with them, suspects, agents, superiors, and employees.”
Tyler grabbed his folder and opened it, “Wow, my whole life… that is really scary… it says I died yesterday…”
Erin grew interested, “Mine says I died today…”
Molly nodded, “Haven’t you two been watching the news? Or reading the newspaper obituaries? The headline today was: MI6 and FIA operatives killed on duty, you have to finish this case otherwise; you’re doomed. But they haven’t released names yet; the agencies are waiting to witness the two deaths. Since Tyler ran he may be beheaded and the French have something planned for Erin… such a young age to die-11.”
They nodded, “Now, these folders, they’re all encrypted… can you make anything of it?”
Erin butted in, “You never told me… I could’ve decrypted them…” Once again, her trusty cellular phone. She clicked the button on the top right, there was a click as a picture was taken and a few sounds as she sorted through the menus. She clicked AFI (cleverly disguised as the name of a band, it really means FIA) they waited a few seconds and then she yelped, “Yes!”
Molly loaded the files onto the computer and printed out the new decrypted files. She flipped through the files one by one, “It seems that Blanc is planning to be the Queen of England, president of Russia, president of the US and a lot more. You stupid Americans developed that suit and now the entire globe is in the hands of a power hungry twenty year old woman!” She slapped the folder down on her desk.
“You Brits are always saying that to me!” Tyler exclaimed.

14: Agentnapped!
London, England, Big Ben (MI5 secret office), the co-directors office, 9:30 PM

The two operatives sighed. They had practically pointed a gun at the head of the universe. Tyler was the first to speak after the long silence, “So, I thought you were going to teach us how to ride horses…”
Molly said, “Patience is a virtue.”
Tyler tapped his foot, “Well?”
Molly walked to her door, forgetting to turn the computer off. “This way,” she opened the door.

A figure dressed in black flipped into the open window above the London streets into Molly Awkman’s office. The figure ran to the door and locked it.

Molly turned around quickly in the stairwell, “Did you hear something?” She ran up the stairs, and pulled the knob. It didn’t budge. Someone was in there.

The dark figure sat at the desk and accessed Employee Profiles, a window popped up that said, “Name identification.”
He or she was ready for this, they took a tape recorder out and held it up to the microphone and clicked play, “Molly Awkman.” The voice said.
The window went away and the person brought up the co-director’s profile, it gave the address, “On Millbank, London, behind MI5, Penthouse.”
The thief tip toed across the room and unlocked the door. The door was practically knocked off its hinges, but by then the thief had made it out the window.
Molly walked to her computer, “Someone knows where we will be staying tonight… I’ll have to lock up tightly…”
She turned the computer off and walked over to the stairs where Tyler and Erin were waiting, surprisingly, patiently. “Let’s go to Hyde Park so I can teach you two to ride.”

“You have done very well Hiroshi, next time I send an assassin in, I want Brightstar killed and if not possible Rains kidnapped, try to find someone which will do that and I’ll promise not to hurt you,” A masked voice said from the shadows with a Japanese accent, “Ms. Blanc will be very pleased with the information you retrieved.”

Tyler fell off his horse and Erin did a perfect jump over him. Tyler had already fallen off of his horse fifteen times in five minutes. He was bruised in many places. “You’re kicking or squeezing your horse to hard,” Molly said.
Tyler said back, “Or my horse doesn’t like me…”
“Or your kicking or squeezing to hard,” she said making herself clear.
When Tyler had learned how to stay on his horse, next came trotting, then cantering, then jumping. Tyler and Erin had mastered riding horses, bareback and with a saddle.

When they arrived at Molly’s apartment it was on the penthouse across from MI5, and MI5 most likely paid her bills. Molly opened the refrigerator and took a coke out and opened it for herself, “Have a beverage if you’d like,” she said. Tyler took out a Lemon Brisk Ice Tea and Erin took out a Coke. Tyler sipped his drink and listened as the two girls had a pointless conversation, they were catching up. Tyler nodded when he was asked a question and when it was about 11:00 PM they decided to turn in. There were two beds and one sofa. Tyler took the sofa and the girls took the beds.

At around 3:40 AM a boy-17, scrawny, and used to be The Illinois Agent until Tyler Brightstar came along. He was and looked like a rebel. Light blue hair, tattered jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves cut off, coal black eyes with no emotion contained within them. He was… Derek Brightstar, Tyler Brightstar’s big brother. He ran away to England at 14, he enjoyed the attention MI6 was giving him, sending him on missions and not giving a care how hurt he was… his parents would never allow it. Tyler was six when Derek left and 8 when his parent’s were killed in a cliff diving accident. He didn’t remember Derek. Derek was wearing a tan detective overcoat that reached down to his knees and a tan hat with a black belt tightly holding the coat on. It looked like something a spy would wear in the 1960s; unusual for a ninja assassin to wear. At fifteen MI6 had given him a gun to bring on his assignments just in case. It seems that in the spy world, the only way to solve a problem was violence. He was shuffling across the Penthouse window ledge and he leaned on the Union Jack across from one of Molly’s windows. A small vertically divided into two, French designed window. He took out his gun and held it against the window, this must look like his target has run away; his boss had told him. He pulled the trigger and blue fire came out, this was not his pistol - that was tucked safely inside of his jacket - this was his miniature welder. He made a large whole in the glass and threw it down to the earth; 37 floors below. You could only hear the faint beeping coming from the cars on the English streets below. He slowly slid into the penthouse. He tiptoed through the apartment and managed his way to Tyler’s laptop. He had forgotten to log off; the thief slipped a computer disk out of his pocket. He secured it into the CD drive. He had every tiny detail on that hard drive on that disc. MI6 secrets were also on their server; and that password was on that hard drive which was now on the disk. Spies don’t make mistakes. He used to be a spy. He crept into Erin’s room and quickly slid his hand over her mouth. He pulled her out of bed very fast, “Now,” Derek spoke with a thick British accent, “I will take my hand off of your mouth but if you make a peep you’ll no longer have a head, understood?” He held a knife at Erin’s neck and put his welder away.
Erin nodded as he did as he promise. He pulled her within arms reach and pulled a custom made pistol with a wood handle, and a titanium barrel with a silencer on it. He held it to Tyler’s face between his eyes. The steel silencer was cold. It touched Tyler’s skin and he woke up immediately. He twisted onto the floor and the gun fired a hole in the couch where his head used to be. Tyler twisted under the coffee table which was thick wood. Various shots were fired at the table. Tyler spun under and got up. Derek had his hands pointing in opposite directions. The gun at Tyler’s heart and knife at Erin’s head. He was a professional assassin; one that couldn’t be killed by anyone. Could this possibly be the end of Tyler? Tyler made up a plan. It was almost Matrix type but it was .1% possible. The other 99.9% were counting on instant death. He flipped into the air, kicking his mercenary in the head, and momentarily disorientating him. Derek ran, he ushered the girl in ducky pajamas to the window and said, “I do hope we meet again Tyler.”
Tyler wondered, did my assassin just call me Tyler? He saw that he dropped something. He read to himself, “Derek Brightstar has disappeared! Last seen on the day of his mission briefing for MI6! Near the end of his assignment he simply vanished, MI6 says that he must’ve been held prisoner and the parents didn’t want to say anything. Was it the blood from the gun he held or did he just get fed up with MI6? No one may ever know…”
Tyler gasped, since when did he have a brother and for how long had he not known? The newspaper article was dated December 1, 2002. He looked in the last paragraph – born in 1987. His brother was 17 now. How long had his godmother known if she does know? How could she keep a secret like this? Now wasn’t the time. If he didn’t complete the mission with the partner he was assigned to he’d almost certainly be fired. “…so tomorrow we can make a plan.”
Molly’s voice rang through his ears, “Yeah…”
As Tyler slipped back onto the couch (a different side than the one with a whole in it) he had a few more thoughts: How did he find Tyler? Coincidence? Nothing is coincidental in the spy world. Why did Derek run from MI6?

15: The Death Compound
Molly’s apartment, Millbank Road, London, England, 10:30 AM

“Some of the intelligence you collected in France has led me to believe Blanc owns what used to be Auschwitz the German concentration – or death – camp in Poland. She changed the name but it is still frightening – The Death Compound – she has it bolted up pretty tight, but we could probably slip past through security…” Molly said. She took a bite of her toast and jelly – or as the British call it – jam.

Auschwitz (the Death Compound), 11:30 AM

Derek pushed Erin into a small metal room. Erin turned around and spat on Derek’s face. “I hate you,”
Derek wiped his face off; “I’d kill you if it wasn’t going to help lure your little friend here.”
Friend? Clearly it’s a mistake and he means friends… Erin thought. “Well, you think I like you? That is why I spat at you! Because I don’t!”
“None of your allies will help you because you’re fired! You don’t exist! No one will care about your death!” Derek practically spat the words out.
“That hurt…” Erin fake cried.
Derek felt sympathetic. “I’m sorry…” he walked closer to her.
Erin’s foot lashed out into Derek’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him. She ran over him like a doormat, literally, and into the labyrinth hallways of what used to be a concentration camp. What an odd sight. Being a guard and having a girl in ducky pajamas whiz past you. Erin was stuck at a door exiting the holding rooms. The keypad wouldn’t open the code was too complicated. The guards were closing in! A doctor ran up to her and injected a bizarre yellow liquid into her arm and she took a few last drunk looking swings at the doctor and then her legs wouldn’t support her anymore; Hypodermic Syringe. She collapsed onto the floor and had something else injected into her; this blue. A tranquilizer. It was heavy duty but it took a while to kick in so that is where the hypodermic syringe helps. This time they weren’t taking any chances. They carried her further into the building, into the torture chambers. The place reeked of corpses. God only knows how many people died in there. If you walked in you wouldn’t only be disgusted by the smell, but the bugs and rats and light red stains on the walls and beds. Erin was laid on a clean bed with a better mattress than the others. If Blanc wanted information; she’d have to be nice.

A few hours later Blanc walked into the torture chamber. Erin couldn’t move but she was awake. The hypodermic syringe was still in her bloodstream. Plus, she was chained to the bed. Blanc walked in smiling and hour later, “Hello Miss Rains how are you today?”
“I’d be much better without these shackles. I’ll make a deal with you, if you let me go, I won’t hurt you, Tyler or Molly will,” Erin smiled.
Blanc fake smiled, “Sorry, I can’t do that, but if you answer my questions correctly, you won’t slowly be cut in half and have your throat slit.”
“With that attitude why would I answer?” Erin smiled.
“Oh so you are a spy.” Erin had blown her cover from the moment she spoke. “What is it? KGB, MI6, CIA, NSA, or DEA? Well, you can’t work for the DEA because I’m not storing up on drugs am I? Who sent you?”
“No one, I have a bad police record, I sneak into places!” She tried to convince Blanc.
“How do you explain that water bottle you forgot? Erin Rains? It had the FIA agent’s fingerprints, did you murder her? Probably not,” Blanc continued. “Who sent you?! Admit it!” A yellow laser beam shot out from what looked like a security camera.
“Have you ever heard of the Eavesdropper?!?” Erin began to fake cry. Again.
“Yes, I have, why?”
“He has kid eavesdroppers, one in every agency, he needs to know everything!” She lied.
Blanc stopped the laser beam with her cell phone. “If there are any other disturbances, your throat will be slit, a knife will be driven through your skull and if you aren’t dead by then, hopefully, we can slice you into two pieces. If there are none between tonight and the next month you will just be my servant and we will have the Eavesdropper killed. Is this clear? Can you push it through your blond hair and into that thick skull of yours?!”
Blanc had crossed a sacred line. No one calls Erin a dumb blond. Erin tried to get up but the chains bruised her wrists and ankles. It would have to wait for later.

London, England, 11:30 AM

“Tyler, when we get to Poland,” Molly started.
“If you’re going to ask to go to a tour hotspot, no.” Tyler interrupted.
“No, no, no. When we get to Poland you make a diversion and I’ll save Erin, after all, you don’t want to save the girl do you?”
“No I don’t, the plan is great; I’ll also get the suit.”
A large man with a red beard and a blue golfer’s cap with a red fuzzy ball on top wearing a kilt and had blue eyes knocked on Molly’s door and said, “Lassie, open up!”
He spoke with a chunky Scottish accent. Molly looked through the eyehole, “A man wearing a skirt outside, you know him?”
Tyler shook his head, “Probably a kilt, and no, I don’t.”
“It’s Luag Gregor, I’m here to get the Brightstar kid, send him out and no one gets hurt, that agency next door with a six sent me… let’s say 6IM,” he grinned. You could hear it in his voice.
Tyler’s eyes widened. Molly rolled her eyes, “The window!” She whispered.
They got on the floor and army crawled to the open window. “Just wait a minute!” She whispered; gathering up everyone’s toys. She was properly dressed; Tyler wasn’t.
Tyler had his clothes in the car, well more clothes. They crawled out the open window and stumbled onto the fire escape. Hopefully Gregor hadn’t burst into the apartment; finding no one in it, but seeing the open window. They were on the fifth floor’s fire escape platform. You could hear a faint clicking noise; a digital cooking clock on the back of the only way down; the ladder. An ambush! Forget falling, but if you survived the explosion you would break an ankle; if not, both. There was only seconds left of their life; 7 to be exact. Molly had processed their surroundings first, “Jump!”
3 seconds… there was a clothesline between two buildings. 2 seconds… they jumped onto the line and began to shimmy across. 1… almost in the middle… 0. A large cloud of smoke splashed out and a red light was getting brighter and brighter. Their eyes were smarting and they couldn’t move – they would fall. Boom! The building crashed to its demolition and the clothesline snapped. They were sent rocketing through a window, of course not open; nothings that easy. The glass glittered everywhere and who else would be in this room? Manny Illan and Kemdi Egekeze. Egekeze was kicked in the side of the face on arrival, blood trickling onto his gray suit. They were in MI5 HQ. It was located in Thames House. They ran out of the room, closed the door behind them, then took a chair and put it under the doorknob.

* * * *

A fair haired man with gray eyes sat behind his desk at Thames House, London, England. He was having a conference with the MI6 temporary director; Kemdi Egekeze. You had to be pretty special to get a meeting with any of the MI6 people. This man was special. This man was Molly’s boss. This man was the director of MI5; Manny Illan. The air behind the glass turned gray; grayer than his eyes. He heard a boom, “What was tha,” he started but didn’t finish.
Two children burst through his window; glass shattering everywhere. One kicked Egekeze in the head with high heeled boots. The other was in their socks. Boots gave him a bloody nose. Then they recognized them. “Awkman!” Illan yelled.
“Brightstar!” Egekeze roared.

* * * *

“Now MI5 wants my head and yours on a silver platter. To tell you the truth… I used to be an assassin and MI5 stopped me and I joined, they assigned me to the case to kill you, but when I found out Erin was helping you, I decided to help.”
Tyler said open-mouthed, “Why don’t you just kill me now?”
“Because I want to save my friend.”
“Well… we can stand here and babble or get our jobs back and save your friend and my acquaintance. Stand here for a moment… I have to change…”
Tyler came out of the car wearing white camouflage cargo pants and a white long sleeved shirt also, black sneakers. Molly got in and Tyler got into the driver’s seat. Tyler got onto the Interstate and the car suddenly stopped. A blue Ferrari stopped beside them. He got out; he had black hair, brown eyes, and rectangle glasses. “I’m sorry madam and sir; you seem to be speeding, names please?”
A cop. “Ummm… James Imo and she… just got a makeover, she is Jenny Imo…” Tyler said lamely.
“Good, nice to meet you agent Brightstar and Awkman, I’m Scott Elva, the Hawaiian agent, I was looking for you two,” Scott said. “Where are you going?”
“The place you know as Auschwitz in Poland.”
“I’m not going to ask why. Skully is on vacation in Hawaii and he sent me to give you new gadgets; the old ones are dead. MI6 deactivated them.”
Tyler checked the gadgets; they were all dead except for the lock pick. Tyler noticed the Iris Cam was missing. Erin must’ve been wearing it when she was kidnapped! They got out of the car and nodded as the car started up behind them.
Scott handed them two GPS that looked like wrist watches. “A GPS for both of you,” he took a pair of high heeled boots out, “These are magnetic, just click the black button concealed in the back.” He handed them each a quarter, “A stun grenade, it will temporarily blind everyone and possibly knock them out surrounding it. Just pull the magnetic corner off,” he grinned. “Also, take these,” Scott handed them each a bamboo pipe and a leather pouch.
“Thank you,” Tyler smiled.
Scott walked over to his car and drove away. Tyler started auto pilot, “Poland, Auschwitz.” He said clearly.
“Shortcut available…”

16: Assassin Skills
Auschwitz, Poland, 12:00 PM

The car vanished. This was how he lost his wallet last time. Seconds later they were in Poland. Actually, in front of The Death Compound. Tyler started the view screen and locked into the channel of Erin’s Iris Camera. He rewound it to the place where they entered the place. He had to figure out his way through this labyrinth of hallways and corridors. About an hour later, Tyler had it figured out. Molly was napping. “Molly!”
She awoke from her slumber, “What is it?!?”
“Okay, my plan is, we go through the covers of the shadows of the buildings and into main building. Erin and the suit are in there. Got it? The GPS might help through the hallways…”
Molly nodded.
The two spies rolled out of their car and lay in the snow perfectly still. Tyler pressed a button on the key fob and the car vanished. Invisibility. Very useful. They army crawled towards reasonable range. They raised their bamboo pipes and loaded a small dull colored dart. They aimed it at the guards’ stomach and blew. The darts whizzed past each other; going the opposite way. Both guards’ legs buckled beneath them. Perfect shots. They inched forward to the gate, Molly stopped and motioned Tyler on, and he crawled to the guard investigating the unconscious bodies. Tyler gave him a prick on his bottom with a dart. Anesthetic darts; helpful. Tyler got up to a crouch and Molly tried to find another way in beside the guards’ post. Tyler sneaked in through the guard post and with a bit of luck no one saw him. Not to mention a firm whack in the temple to a few. Molly had found a whole in the fence. A small hole. Good luck to her. Molly reminded herself of technology. When MI5 had sent her in for a recon mission it was wits and karate. She put one boot on the metal wall and punched the button. She put her other boot on the wall and did the same. She was in. Tyler needed another way. He was standing in front of a metal door. Then Tyler remembered last year in the R lab: “So anyway, the Gameboy SP, Just insert Super Mario and it is a super high frequency sound device that will jam any listening devices, and cameras. The Spyro game is an acid liquid that I doubt you will need.” R had told him.
He was playing his gameboy in the car! He took out the games and carefully slipped Spyro 2: Season of Flame into the cartridge holder without a sound and clicked. Nothing happened. Oh gee, thanks R, Tyler thought. Out of frustration he slammed the gameboy on the door. Without a sound it burned a finger-sized hole in it. Thanks R! Tyler thought. He made a hole big enough for him to fit through and ran for the cover of a shadow. He ducked down. He gasped. Suddenly an exaggerated tall and plump Russian man was standing in front of him. Tyler did his famous “swing legs around near ground and hope to trip goon” move. Sure enough it worked. A small poke with a dart in the knee. Tyler stole his uniform: a two piece white camouflage shirt and pants with a heavy white coat. No one would notice, there were, surprisingly, other kids working here but those kids looked about thirteen or so. Sad; kids holding guns ready to shoot to kill. Not the problem at the moment, Tyler reminded himself. Tyler still took his spy route, ducking behind equipment, employee bedrooms, and finally came across an employee bedroom connecting to the main building. He took out his Gameboy SP, the acid was probably low, but it should be tried. Tyler put the gameboy up to the glass; wrong surface. The glass shattered. Tyler hid behind the as a two 14-year-old boys looked at the shards of broken glass and unconscious body. They shrugged and turned around to look at the back of the building and search.

Tyler heard the snow crunching below the kid’s boots and dove behind a rack holding up guided missile launchers. The boys were right in front of Tyler. They looked left, right, and even behind them, but it wasn’t a very thorough job. They shrugged again and one said, “Maybe we should report this.”
“We should, the Madame said she’d be expecting guests,” the other said.
Then they walked off.

Tyler crawled out from behind the rack and wiped beads of cold sweat off his face. He smiled as he looked at what he was hiding behind. A way out; possibly his only way out. Rocket launchers.
Tyler ran to the broken window and stopped. He would most likely need an access card to get into the main building; otherwise, Blanc is a moron. He walked over to the guard. If Tyler was going to palm this card, he’d have to do it fast. He found it in the thug’s T-shirt pocket. Tyler slipped it into his pocket and silently crawled into the window. He soundlessly crept over to a thick silver iron door. He slipped the card through the reader and the first thick layer came apart through the middle and steam came out of pipes then the second rusted looking door came apart at the corner and the top of it went up as the corner got tucked away into its slot. Tyler stood there in awe until the doors started to close. He ran into the secured area almost getting chopped in half. He had just bypassed a blast door without a single bead of sweat. Tyler poked his head around a corner. No one. Not even a security camera. He walked across the hallway and put his back up against the wall. He shimmied to the edge and pushed his eye quickly around the corner to see what was there. Four guards standing in front of a small blue door all armed with machine guns. That must be where the Chameleon Suit is… it has to be. Tyler looked at the GPS he had muted earlier. There was a flashing red light; that positively has to be it. Tyler took the quarter out of his pocket and ripped off the side. Then he threw it into the open hallway and backed into the shadows. It clanked against the concrete and Tyler heard someone say, “Look no corn…”
That was all he could say; or had time to say. Tyler closed his eyes tightly and covered them with his hands. I’d hate to be that guy, thought Tyler.
Tyler snuck around the corner and stepped over the four guards lying on the ground with only the whites of their eyes showing and looked more pale than usual. The door didn’t look much reinforced so Tyler kicked it as hard as he could and the door swung around and smashed into the wall. Amusing. 1 key reader, 4 guards, and a weak door to get to what everyone in the world wants. Not needs. Wants. Tyler grinned as he stepped into the square concrete room. He stopped as he noticed the two tubes pointing out from the ceiling. Tyler took his sunglasses out and put them on his face. He pushed a button and there were seven lasers each coming from different directions. Those pipes must release toxic fumes and a different door must close if you cross a laser…Tyler thought.
Tyler did a flip in the air into a large gap between two lasers and landed in a square coming in closer to his feet by the second. When it was a very small square he jumped as high as he could and stayed there for what seemed a while. He planned out what he would do. Tyler landed and skipped over lasers and rolled beneath two. He cart wheeled to a straightaway to the door where the chameleon suit was. Tyler sprinted to the door. The lasers were closing in fast! Uh oh. He crossed a laser and a thick metal door to the rooms on both sides began to close. Tyler ran as quickly as possible and dived for the small clearance beneath the door. His waist and up had made it through the door. He dragged his feet in fast and his shoe was hooked off his toes by the door. He quickly dragged the shoe back into the room at the last second and put it on his foot. He lay back onto the sealed door and sighed of relief. The room he was in now was full of expensive artwork, an original script for some Shakespeare play, and the chameleon suit. Tyler smiled to himself as he looked into the room which was now engulfed in disgusting brown toxin. Tyler walked over to the chameleon suit and tried it on. He didn’t turn it on but he just wore it. He walked over to a flashing red button and hit it. The floor dropped beneath him and he went into a slide. He slid into an elevator and it started to go up. Tyler took the chameleon suit off and got ready to make a run to find Molly and Erin. When he got off the elevator he was in the outer yard. Molly was standing near the rocket launchers waving him over. He ran over to her and grabbed a rocket launcher. “Where is Erin?” He asked.
“Waiting…” Molly grinned.
“Then lets go,” he said as he rose the guided rocket launcher.
Molly sighed, “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” She raised an anesthetic dart and stuck it into Tyler’s throat stopping a centimeter from Tyler’s windpipe. Assassin skills.

© Copyright 2004 Twitchy (twitchytack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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