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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #861444
Tyler Brightstar is needed by MI6 again
The Illinois Agent 2

Tyler Brightstar was a normal kid until a year ago when the world called on him for help. That had changed his life. Most kids dream about being a spy; but they would have thought differently while being almost killed by a mad man or mad woman; killed being defined slow and painful, lifting their little legs off the floor with their hand wringing your neck until your lungs collapse from no air.
A stranger walked onto a stage in a night club. The floor was shaking, the beat was swaying, and everyone was dancing and having a good time; meanwhile in the American military base in Russia everyone in the building was unconscious. A strongly-built man with short cut white dyed hair and blue eyes walked into a room with plastic walls and no holes to breathe through, if someone was caught in here the doors would slam closed and poisonous gas would come in through the vents, poisonous gas that could kill an elephant. There was a suit hanging on the wall that had scales on it and kept changing colors, the man took it and got in his white Ford van and drove away, leaving the military base in flames. Back in Hamburg, Germany a girl tackled the stranger on the stage and was arrested. Ten seconds after the girl was gone Big Ben in England struck 12:00 midnight. At exactly 12:00 midnight a bomb detonated in the club. Everyone died. Except for the stranger.

1: School
Hannah Martin Elementary School, 7:40 AM

Tyler Brightstar rushed off the bus and raced into his classroom at Hannah Martin Elementary school, him and his friend’s game. First one to the classroom wins. His brown eyes watered from the smelly bus exhaust fumes and his red hair wasn’t combed. He walked into the classroom and walked over to his teacher, Mrs. Hassels, “Good morning, Mrs. Hassels.”
Mrs. Hassels smiled, “Good morning Tyler, please take your seat.”
Tyler walked to his desk and unpacked, he worked on the math worksheet on his desk. When everyone sat down it was time for math, “Today we will learn Ang…”
Mrs. Hassels was interrupted by the intercom, “Mrs. Hassels send Tyler Brightstar to the office.”
“Okay! Tyler,” Mrs. Hassels said, by then he was practically out of the door. The whole class went, “OOOHHH, your in trouble!”
Tyler walked down the long hallway and walked through a doorway. A square of carpet that he stepped on fell and he was falling through a tunnel, screaming like a little girl he landed on a sofa, face first. “Nice that you could drop in.”
Tyler immediately said, “Why do you need me? I don’t want the job, I want a normal life.”
Skully responded, “You’re our only operative available to us at the moment, and this is urgent.”
Tyler said, “I suppose you’ll send Angela to jail and send me to some boarding school if I don’t say yes.”
Skully sighed, “That is how the spy business works Tyler. We suspect Elena Blanc,” he started without waiting for a response, “of stealing the military’s chameleon suit. She could own the world with that suit. The Soviets are also part of this, Blanc has been doing business with them and I don’t think that they need fashionable clothes, we are currently interrogating a double agent that works for the Soviets and he has told us that Blanc has been selling the software for the suit to them. We are sending you and a partner to investigate.”
Tyler said, “Who is my partner? A beautiful Bond girl?”
A girl with shoulder length gold blonde hair, blue eyes, and about eleven years old, “Rains, Erin Rains.” She spoke with a solid French accent. This answered Tyler’s question.
Tyler said, “Brightstar, Tyler Brightstar.”
She sat on the armrest of the couch and said, “What a pleasure.”
Tyler rolled his eyes, “Skully, I don’t need a partner. I work solo.”
Skully said, “No Tyler, you think you work solo but you don’t. What about last year?”
Tyler raised an eyebrow, “What about last year?”
Erin decided to join in, “Yeah, what about last year?”
Skully sighed, “Connie?! She helped you!”
“Oh yeah…”
“Cut it out!” Skully boomed.
“Cool it… we just like to mess with you…”
Skully said through gritted teeth, “Here are your gadgets, A lock pick barrette for Erin, grapple belt for Tyler, cell phone time bomb for Erin, PDA decrypter for Tyler, an Iris cam for Erin. An Iris cam is a tiny contact that has a camera in it, Erin’s Iris cam is customized for her eyes, blue. And Tyler gets the new batwings; batwings are a sort of cape that will make you glide. Both of you will receive a Chewy bar. It is a special edition though, perfect for shutting off ventilation current. Just press in the corner and a spinning blade will pop out. You both will be sharing a Alienware laptop, and your transportation is an upgraded Mustang called ART.”
Tyler smiled, “Cool gadgets… but I never heard of a Mustang ART…”
Erin agreed. Skully said, “Our technical experts are tricky, ART stands for Air Road Transportation; it can fly, drive, and hide with its added optic camouflage.”
Courtney, an 18-year-old-girl with black hair and brown eyes, she was the director of MI6’s secretary walked into the room. She didn’t work in the field; she filed important top secret mission logs, “Sir, I need to talk to you,” she frowned.
Skully said, “The two agents won’t mind, will you?”
They shook their heads. Courtney took out a thick yellow-orange file from behind her back and slapped it onto Skully’s desk, “Agent Gullip was just killed in the Core case…”
“Tell the family the whole company sends their deepest sympathy.”

2: Elena Blanc
Paris, France, Blanc house, living room, 2:40 PM

Elena Blanc strode through her multi-million dollar mansion in Paris, France. Right now she could have been in another of her twenty mansions in various countries, “Blunt, be a dear and tell the cook to start dinner… now!”
The strongly-built man with short cut dyed white hair and blue eyes called Bull Blunt nodded. No one knew Blunt’s real first name so everyone called him Bull for some reason. Blunt was a Polish bodyguard for Richest (not to mention snottiest) woman on Earth, Elena Blanc. He doesn’t have the best record with the police; he has killed quite a few people in cold blood in the past. So, anyway, back to Blanc she had hazel eyes, light ear length blonde hair, was twenty, and was wearing a light blue and dark red designer dress. She sat on her rare eighty-nine thousand, nine-hundred-ninety-nine and ninety-nine dollar Siberian tiger sofa. The TV came to life as she hit the power button on the remote; The Style Network flashed across the screen and it said in the corner, “Blanc Enterprises fashion show”. Elena Blanc owned Blanc Enterprises, it was a fashion industry. She snorted, “I could be a better model than these fashion bozos!” and clicked off her television.

3: Erin Rains
Above Paris, France, 8:00 PM

Erin Rains had been on countless missions for the French Intelligence Agency (FIA) but this was her first for Military Intelligence 6 (MI6.) She had been on the Blanc case for quite a while now; she started on it when Tyler had started his first mission: The Vina case; which in now closed. She punched Tyler in the arm and the airborne car swerved. Tyler put the car in auto pilot and looked at Erin, “You look so familiar… hey! You’re the girl that tackled that person in Hamburg!”
Erin blushed, “Yes, I am. We were tracking Blanc with a dart; it told us she was right there! That stupid chameleon suit was working correctly…”
Tyler sighed, “That is what the spy business is all about… mistakes…”
There was a high pitched bark in the back and Connie’s head popped up, “Bark!”
Erin turned around and yelled, “What a cute dog!”
Tyler turned around, “Hey Connie,” Connie is a Chihuahua. Tyler’s leg accidentally hit the auto pilot and the car went back into manual, the car started to point towards the ground and then it fell, Erin screamed, “Tyler, you moron, what’ve you done now?!”
The car plummeted towards the French road; Tyler pulled the steering wheel towards him as hard as he could, the car was being leveled more and more by the second, they both thought this would be the end. The car was hovering one half of a centimeter off the ground, Tyler and Erin both let out a sigh of relief as Tyler hit the button that stated, “Road.” The wheels appeared out of the wheel wells and the brakes were now useful because of the friction between the wheels and the road. Erin closed her eyes for a second, “What a terrible driver.”

4: Checking In
Paris, France, Place Vendome, the Ritz Hotel

Tyler parked in front of the elegant French hotel Ritz. It has four stars; Skully recommended it, he told them to buy the best room they could, it’s on MI6. Erin followed Tyler to the front door and they walked in very casually, Tyler wearing an over shirt over a blue short sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. Erin was wearing a green skirt and an orange blouse. They were both very casually dressed. The two kids walked up to the front desk and Tyler was first to speak, “Monsieur, have you any deluxe suites available?”
The man groaned and muttered, “Americans… Bonjour young monsieur and Madame welcome to the Ritz we do have one deluxe suite available, but surely it is too much money for you?”
Erin’s hand crept towards the bomb; Tyler nudged her and whispered, “I can see why you were arrested…” Tyler looked back at the receptionist, “How much Franks is it?”
The man nodded and said, “9,905 Franks.”
The agent smiled, “Do you take Discover?”

5: L’Espadon
Paris, France, In the Ritz, 8:12 PM

Erin and Tyler walked to their room and put their suitcases down, they’d unpack later. The walked through a big hall with marble floor and entered the in-hotel restaurant: L’Espadon. They were seated in a booth and they both sat down. Tyler ordered Dr. Pepper and Erin ordered Pepsi. They both ordered the most expensive thing on the menu along with soup and salad for both of them, just to irritate Skully. When dinner was over, desert came, once again they both ordered the most expensive thing and it was wonderful! After dinner they went to their room. Their luggage was unpacked and there was a tuxedo and a green shoulder to shin dress with blue tulips and velvet green scarf. Tyler searched the bottom of his suitcase and lifted up what looked like the bottom but wasn’t. His gadgets lay in the secret spot and a yellow post it said, “In the bottom of Erin’s suitcase there are her gadgets and a jumpsuit modified so no one will be able to see or hear her, Tyler’s tux is modified the same, good luck to the both of you!”
Tyler passed the note to Erin and crammed the gadgets into the tux’s pockets for tomorrow. Tyler grabbed the Alienware laptop out of the pile on the nightstand and activated voicemail; he needed to talk to the director. The man that answered the call was not Skully; the man said, “Hello? Tyler, Erin, are you there?”
Tyler answered unsurely, “Yes, who is this?”
The stranger answered, “Egekeze, Kemdi Egekeze. Skully is on holiday, I’m the replacement boss.”
“When should we spy around Blanc manor?”
“11:30 PM sharp tonight.”
They nodded and turned off the computer.

6: Night Flight
Paris, France, Ritz Hotel, Parking lot, 11:30 PM

The French Agent was wearing a black jumpsuit that stopped at her knees and black boots that stopped right below her jumpsuit. The Illinois Agent was wearing black cargo shorts and a black T-Shirt. They walked to the Mustang, Erin pushed Tyler to the ground before he got into the driver seat and locked the door, she pointed to the other door; the passenger side. Tyler smirked; he got into the passenger seat and said, “And how good can you drive?”
Erin turned the car on and hit the air mode button, car immediately hovering. She drove above Paris and everything looked like dots of light and ants, “That good.”
Tyler smiled. They landed on top of Blanc manor and turned on Optic Camouflage. Tyler jumped off the building and pulled the string for bat wings. He glided into an open window and walked up to the helipad door opening it to let his colleague in. They walked along a corridor that seemed to be a half mile long. Then they came upon a picture. This picture was an impression of the Mona Lisa. It wasn’t just that that caught Tyler’s eye; this one was crooked; the rest were straight. Tyler removed the painting from the wall leaning it on the wall quietly and lo-and-behold, a passage way. The two secret agents climbed through the ancient looking tube and came out of it. On the other side sat a room with tiny holes in the walls and a pillar with the chameleon suit sitting on it. They both thought, “Mission accomplished!”
Tyler picked up the suit as Erin observed the walls, “Tyler, don’t!”
Too late! Tyler’s arm went through the suit and an alarm went off. The suit was a hologram; a combination of light and color. The hologram disappeared and spikes popped out of the walls, they had themselves a granted death wish. The walls started to close in; a claustrophobic nightmare. Erin noticed something and started to crawl towards the wall. Tyler said open-mouthed, “Erin, are you trying to get yourself killed?!”
“No, but I’ll save us both!”
There was one part on the wall with no spikes. She kicked the gigantic brick in and it slid to the other side, Erin crawled through and Tyler almost got crushed. Erin grinned evilly, “That is why real spies are intelligent.”
Tyler glared and said playfully, “Shut up.”
They ran to the elevator and got in. The secret agents rode to the roof level and the alarms went off while they exited the cube; they had tripped a wire, or more exact, Tyler had, he was a klutz. The elevator doors slammed close with a thud; the elevator plummeted towards the bottom of the shaft. Tiny computer like letters and numbers were flashing across a green screen. Tyler started this problem and he’d have to prevent it from killing MI6’s and the FIA’s second best operatives. He searched through his pocket for his PDA, nothing; he had left his entire supply of gadgets in his pockets of his tuxedo and all Erin had with her was the time bomb. He then noticed the screws on the electronic window; they were sticking up; all 4 of them. He started to twist all of them saying, “Lefty loosey there, righty tighty…”
He took off the panel and was a mass of tangled wires present. He decided after about two seconds, what the heck, I’ll pull ‘em all! He ripped all wires out except the one in the back; which was a thick orange wire.
The elevator stopped to a halt abruptly and the thick steel doors slid open with a slight, “Ding.” They stumbled out of the small elevator and Tyler glanced at the female intelligence agent, “Let’s take the stairs next time.”

7: “Boom, you’re dead.”
Paris, France, Ritz Hotel, Lobby, 12:00 PM

The MI6 operative and the FIA field agent got out of their car and walked into the lobby, exhausted and sweaty. A woman this time with a French accent stopped them before going to their room, “Madame, monsieur! There were two men here looking for ‘James Imo’ and ‘Jenny Imo’ that is you two. They said they’d wait outside your room.”
Erin nodded, “Thank you madam.”
The two children walked into their room very cautiously. They put their fists up and Erin immediately noticed no action, “Oh, gee that woman helped us…” She said sarcastically.
A man with a gun jumped down from the roof, ready to pull the trigger and have one target finished until Tyler jumped at him shoving his leg into his spine. Oh, that’s got to hurt. He quickly grabbed the pistol and whipped around; getting a perfect aim for the second mercenary; between her eyes. Erin sighed, “You left none for me.”
Tyler rolled his eyes. She took a Cell-phone out of her purse; a Motorola v120e she said, “Director 2.”
The phone dialed and she told Tyler quickly, “Director 2 is head of MI6; Director one is head of FIA; Director 3 Director of CIA; Director 4 head of KGB.”
Tyler nodded and Erin said, “Egekeze? 10 and I were just attacked by assassins.” She kicked the man in the stomach hard, “One has a whole in their forehead and the other is spurting out blood.”
“I’m glad you’re not hurt, but… was Tyler with you all today? It seems that he killed a civilian; it looked just like him… tell him he’s fired and to report to MI6 ASAP. You’re now back in charge of the case.”
Erin turned her phone off and turned to face Tyler, “You’re fired. It seems that you killed an innocent bystander… I’ll help you though, oh, and when they fire you… boom, you’re dead.”
They lifted the dead carcasses and Erin took a perfume bottle out of her bag. She sprayed it on the dead bodies and they vanished into thin air. That night they changed into pajamas: flannel pants, a T-shirt with a large black Nike logo, and a black robe he hung on his bed pole. Erin: a silk blouse and silk bottoms. Tyler slept in one room and Erin the other. Before Tyler drifted off to sleep he said to himself, “A lot can happen in one day…” and even more can happen in two… a lot more.

8: The Second Phase
Paris, France, Ritz Hotel, Top floor Suite, 10:00 AM

Tyler was the first of the two secret agents to wake up. Tyler walked to the table and the laptop was flashing with the words “Urgent! Urgent!” On it. He walked over to it and hit the power button bringing it out of stand by. He yawned and it opened Microsoft Word. A profile downloaded itself; most likely for Erin, he was not supposed to be here.

Full Name: Jenny Greg Imo
Age: 11
Wealthy: Yes
Famous For: The Imo Talk show in England
Famous family: Jean Imo, Greg Imo, and James Imo
Gender: Female
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Team: Scotland
Acts: Impatient
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Ear length blond (dyed)
Cover for: Erin Rains

Full Name: James Greg Imo
Age: 11
Wealthy: Yes
Famous For: The Imo Talk show in England
Famous Family: Jenny Imo, Greg Imo, and Jean Imo
Gender: Male
Acts: Can be patient
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short red
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Team: Chelsea
Cover for: Tyler Brightstar (Fired)

Tyler Brightstar and Erin Rains’ cover for this mission was in front of him; he was no longer part of MI6. He was a civilian again staring at something he shouldn’t, once a spy; always a spy. He printed it and sat at a table studying it as if it had something to hide. It didn’t but the computer did. When Tyler finished researching the paper he checked the E-mail. Egekeze had sent a link to a news site. The flashing headline was, “TWO UNIDENTIFIED CHILDREN SET OFF AN ALARM AT ELENA BLANC’S HOUSE. BLANC HAS FEELING MI6… Read on…”
Headline Today:
Elena Blanc the richest woman in Europe, this hemisphere, and actually this whole world. Two unidentified children were caught snooping around Elena Blanc’s home in the heart of Paris, France. The alarm was sounded and Blanc has a feeling that MI6 sent them. “They might have thought I was so rich I wanted to do something bad with all of it…”
That was what Blanc had said in an interview with us this morning. She is continuing with the fashion show she is having tonight and might be a little suspicious of the Imos and the children guests.

Tyler gasped, “Oh no… that was almost our cover…”
Erin tapped him on the back, “What?”
“Read this,” he said to her.
When she finished she said, “… that was close…”
Tyler nodded, “Here is your cover.” He passed her the sheet with Jenny Imo’s profile on it.
“Thank you,” she took it out of Tyler’s hands. “Who is your cover?”
“James Imo.”
She sighed, “I have to go to this party with you? Why couldn’t I have gotten a smarter nicer dude as a partner…” she muttered.
Tyler raised an eyebrow, “Whatever.”
Erin grabbed a donut and sat at the table.

“Who can we send in that Tyler Brightstar can’t kill?” Kemdi Egekeze paced his emotionless office in MI6 HQ, South London, England hoping Miss Tan would came up with something, “Sir, I have an idea… he used to be an enemy of the world… until we straightened him out… his name is Luag Gregor. The Scottish man that got extremely mad that he his sports team lost and was chasing civilians through the streets. It just may take a while to get him into MI6, brief him, train him, and send him to Paris, France. Although he may stick out like a sore thumb, it’s our only choice…”
“Brilliant Miss. Tan! Wonderfully brilliant!”
Miss Tan smiled with triumph.

Paris, France, Ritz Hotel, Top Floor Suite, 7:00 PM

Tyler Brightstar sat on his bed in his bedroom dressed in his jam-packed tuxedo; which was full of his gadgets. Erin walked out of the bathroom wearing the green dress that stopped at her shins, her hair in a bun with one strand hanging over her forehead, and green high heels. Tyler said, “I give you a perfect 10 tonight.”
“Well, I give you perfect 20,” the one moment they had been nice to each other.
He walked out the door making sure he had the key and the door was locked. Then they walked out to the car and Erin reached under the car and ripped out a chip, “This is the MI6 chip. They could track us with it. But if I smash it with my heel,” she dropped it and smashed it with her heel. “They can’t. This will disable the gadgets on the car though…”
“Who cares?”
Tyler got into the car and Erin followed him, “Where to?” Tyler said.
“Where else dumbo?”
Tyler rolled his eyes and wrenched the gear into reverse. The car slowly pulled backwards and then Tyler drove to Blanc manor. When they arrived Tyler said, “Remember, act rich and act like you’re Jenny Imo.”
“I can do that.”
“Sure you can.”
They both climbed up the brick outer wall and Tyler stood on it while Erin jumped in. He took a camera lens out of his pocket and stuck it on top of the currently being used lens. Standard spy equipment: A camera disabler. He gave Erin a thumb up and she jumped into Elena Blanc’s huge yard. She went into the backyard; jumping and flipping most of the way. She pulled the barrette out of her hair when she came upon a gray box. Her silky blonde hair fell down and she moved nothing but her hands; she was picking the lock on the box. It opened and she ripped a wire out. No more motion sensors or security cameras outside; phase 2 complete.

9: Phase 3
Paris, France, Blanc Manor, courtyard, 7:15 PM

Tyler (James) stood in front of the gates pushing the doorbell button and Erin (Jenny) was behind him tapping her foot on the ground. A big voice came through the speaker, “Who are you two? We can’t see you through our security cameras… they don’t go that far I guess…”
Tyler pushed down a red button and spoke into the speaker, “I’m James Imo and she’s…”
“Jenny Imo.”
“Now, either you don’t let us in and we put bad comments on our show about Blanc Enterprises or you let us in and we tell everyone what a wonderful fashion show it was. Choice one or two?”
You could hear the voice sigh, “Welcome to the Blanc Enterprises fashion show.” He was talking in one of those “Oh joy…” voices.
The gates opened and the two kids posing to be Jenny Imo and James Imo they were smiling since they knew nothing could go wrong… or could it? The real Imo kids were sitting in a hut in their backyard tranquilized and gagged. But did they tie them up? They felt like they were going on vacation and didn’t know if they closed the garage door. They both waited for two colossal doors to open up. They strode into the house with a cool walk; one large step after another. Blanc saw them and walked over. She smiled; her plastic surgery making her phony smile look absolutely real. “It is a pleasure to have both of your presence.”
Tyler raised both of his eyebrows since she was looking at Erin. Erin smiled, “Really, we just love parties.”
Tyler nodded. Blanc saw more arriving guests and went to greet them. “Sucker…” Erin whispered.
Tyler laughed, “Come on.” He whispered, “Follow me; there is a woman’s and men’s single bathroom. We also got schematics to the mansion this morning and I looked them over; there should be a ventilation shaft above the bathrooms…”
Erin laughed, trying not to look odd among the crowd of people, “Already you have to go to the bathroom?” She whispered, “Let’s go.”
Tyler walked into the men’s bathroom; an expensive bathroom; sparkling sink and toilet with some kind of shining tile. The woman’s bathroom had marble floors, sinks, and another shining toilet. But the wallpaper was what Erin hated most; pink. Erin climbed on the toilet and unscrewed the screws on the vent cover. It slithered out of her fingers and landed on the floor with a clatter. She pulled herself up and Tyler was already waiting, “Ready?”
She smirked. They crawled through the narrow tunnel and they spotted light. Tyler twisted around and kicked the middle out. He jumped down and felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. It was Erin; jumping down. She might have done it on purpose or an accident; you could never predict what she would do next; one minute studying for a test; the other tee-peeing Buckingham Palace.

10: Espionage
Paris, France, Blanc Manor, 7:20 PM

Tyler got up rubbing the back of his neck, “Ow, that felt like you were wearing combat boots, not high heels, oh, that’s why it hurt that much.”
The room that they were in had turquoise walls, an antique dresser, a huge bed, and a fake closet; Blanc’s bedroom, there were no doors. Tyler saw a few folders sitting on Blanc’s nightstand and tucked them into the top of his tuxedo. Tyler glanced at Erin and shifted his eyes towards the wall of the closet. He leaned back on the wall; not knowing he was leaning on the panel to get into it. The false piece of wall slid back and then right; being hidden behind the real wall. Here was a black panel with a green line going back and forth through it; it looked like radar, except it was going up and down. The elevator doors opened and a lady walked out casually, although not as casual as a normal person because she had a knife in her knife holder and a rifle in her left hand. “Hiya!” Erin bellowed; knocking the lady down.
Tyler assumed, “She is a guard, the hand scanner will accept the print.”
Erin nodded her head and they hauled the body close to the scanner, “Her arm won’t reach the scanner…” Tyler sighed. “I have an idea, it’s unpleasant but it’s our only choice…” Tyler slipped a switchblade out of his pocket and said, “MI6 didn’t train me for this… but actually… they didn’t train me for anything…”
Erin turned away from the gruesome sight and Tyler looked the other way while putting the bloody hand on the scanner for the prints. The elevator doors slid open and Tyler quickly whispered, “Sorry,” to the guard and hurried onto the elevator, which was very small. When Erin squeezed in she said, “Ow!”
“Well, I’m sorry that this elevator is so small.”
Tyler managed to get his thumb on the top floor button and the elevator slowly moved up, then it stopped. Elena Blanc’s private elevator just stopped - thought to be completely safe. The fluorescent light turned off and a voice came through the intercom. Emergency power. “Attention to all guests, the power is shut off for the reason that one of my security guards is not answering their walkie-talkie. Thank you for your valuable time.”
Tyler and Erin smiled at each other and then frowned, “That means security is down…”
Erin raised an eyebrow, “Well, if you haven’t notice were stuck in this bloody elevator!”
Tyler smiled and knocked a thin tile off the roof off the elevator, “What was that?” He said sarcastically.
Tyler got on top of the elevator and Erin climbed up behind him, “Two choices, number one; you grab onto my arm and we get safely lifted into the ventilation duct; or two; I leave you here. Besides, it’s my turn to save both of our skins.” Tyler pointed at a larger elevator with no space around the sides like Blanc’s elevator did. Their elevator leisurely moved down into a space with no space but it would fit in. Either they would be crushed, pushed down the elevator shaft…, or both. Erin sighed, “Choice one.”
Tyler detached the belt buckle from his belt and aimed for the wall near the duct. 5… 4… the seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like hours; the hours feeling like days… 3… 2… at three Tyler was being lifted up and Erin was dangling behind. He whipped into the duct and felt a cold blast of air. He turned and grabbed Erin, 2 seconds until her legs got clipped off, and he got her in at 1 second and 63 milliseconds. 1… 0… “Thank you,” Erin breathed heavily.
“Your welcome,” he had 1 quarter of a smirk, 2 quarters of a smile, and 1 quarter of concern which was quickly fading and adding to the smile.
Tyler turned and went towards the cold air. Great. A fan. Tyler felt his stomach rumble. That’s it! A snack! Tyler took the Chewy bar out of his pocket and pushed in a corner. You could hear a light buzzing noise but otherwise, quiet. Tyler stood on a girder slicing through the metal blades and was finished; satisfied with his work. Erin jumped down and Tyler got in front of her, the tunnel was getting narrower by the second. Then they reached the source of the cold air. Tyler swung around and kicked out the vent. It fell down; getting chopped up by invisible lasers. Tyler was about to jump down but Erin grabbed his collar. “What?” Tyler practically yelled. Erin pulled a pair of sunglasses out of her purse, “Put these on, they’re boy’s sunglasses; I’ve got no use for them. They’re not MI6 or FIA technology. Press the bumps on the top to make it do different things.”
Tyler smiled, “Thanks.” He pressed the first bump.
He could see red lines shooting out from sensors. Erin took her Motorola phone out of her purse it featured voice dialing, infra red sensor, GPS, and much more. She took a picture of every bit of the room and jumped down. Her phone was detecting lasers for her. The room was completely made of stone with no glass or screens on the immense windows. It was like a castle. They walked down a corridor that was cold and came out into a room; “Eri,” Erin covered his mouth, “Shut up,” she whispered. “I know - the chameleon suit.”
Erin took a picture of the security system surrounding the suit. There was none. Or was there? You couldn’t see it; invisible lasers that would cut your arm off and set the alarm off, not to mention the Dobermans flying after you on your escape. “Come on,” she whispered and they walked through another doorway.
When Tyler pressed another button on his cool sunglasses everything around him turned invisible. “Good thing it only works on walls…” Erin muttered.
Tyler said, “There is no guards beyond the door, we are free to move out.”
Tyler took the glasses off and put them in his pocket. The two kids walked out of the door with mischievous grins on their faces. Tyler walked towards the center of the room and Erin was chatting with other celebrities. “Where have you been Tyler - I mean James.”
“It’s a general mistake…”
Erin heard what Blanc was saying and walked over to Tyler and nodded.
Then, trouble came. Two young figures burst in through the doors yelling, “They are not us! We are us!”
They looked like Erin and Tyler and Erin and Tyler looked like… the Imos. Erin sighed, “Shoot.”
Tyler cussed under his breath and grabbed Erin’s arm and yanked her through a doorway leading to the upper floor. This was bad, their cover was blown, and these people were Jenny and James Imo. They ended up on the top floor. At the end of the hallway there was a floor to ceiling stained glass window. Tyler pushed Erin out of the window so fast she didn’t have time to cry out. She grabbed onto a window ledge below the one covered with shards of stained glass, “Are you insane?” She yelled.
Tyler jumped out and grappled onto the wall, “Yes I am.”
Erin smirked, “Wait, we have to destroy the schematics for the chameleon suit and destroy the surveillance room so they can’t identify us. I’ll destroy the surveillance room; you destroy the schematics.”
Tyler muttered, “Fine, control freak…”
She ignored him and took a hook out of her bag. She connected it to Tyler’s zip line. Erin walked back up the wall and into the building. Tyler pushed a button on his belt and was lugged up the wall to the, now broken window. They went in separate directions and each quickly wished each other good luck.

11: Loaded and Functional
Paris, France, Blanc Manor, 7:40 PM

Tyler had to get rid of schematics while Erin got to blow up a room, oh joy. Tyler walked into the room; fists up, you could never be too careful. And this was good. A strongly-built man with short cut dyed white hair took a swipe at him; risks, risks, risks. Blanc was unprotected, Blunt was busy attacking Tyler. His fist shot out trying to get Tyler beside the head, he ducked and it barely missed his head, if it had hit him, his head would no longer be on his shoulders or he would temporarily be blinded. Tyler put his hands down to support him and swung around on his bottom making his legs whack Blunt’s ankles. He screamed something in Polish, most likely nothing good like: Good kick; most likely swearing or a threat. Tyler got up one second after Blunt, Blunt had an advantage now, and he punched downwards on Tyler’s head when he was getting up. Blunt had his combat boot over Tyler’s neck. Tyler was lying on the floor for two seconds; thoughts running through his head, was his neck broken? He jumped back up barely evading Blunt’s attempt to crush his throat, giving Blunt a roundhouse kick. He was slammed against the wall and didn’t even have time to cry out. “How did I do that?” Tyler said to himself, he’d finish the job; but there had already been too much bloodshed tonight. Tyler found a safe and took out his sunglasses; it wouldn’t X-ray, it was lead based. Well, he’d have to find out somehow. Then he had an idea. He walked over to Blunt, he wasn’t moving, but he was breathing. He searched Blunt and felt a bump in the front pocket of his tuxedo, he pulled it out. Apparently he wanted to face off with Tyler man on man with no weapons involved. It was a gun. Loaded and functional. Tyler picked up the gun, “This will prove useful.”
He shot off the padlock, “Little boys shouldn’t play with guns…” A Polish accent from behind him called.
“Well, big men shouldn’t hurt little boys.” He had an M16 Semiautomatic Rifle being pointed at his back.
He snorted, “I saw what you did to Webber, so I won’t even ask if you have any last words.”
Tyler swung around, he knew he would be shot but it would be better if he could get Blunt unconscious for Erin to finish off. When he twisted around he sighed for relief; he saw his almost-murderer crippling to the floor with Erin standing behind him. If she hadn’t saved him he would have had a round of bullets in his back fired from point-blank range. Her back was scorched and her hair was smoking. She passed him the Cell Phone Time Bomb to Tyler, “Turned out there was a gasoline tank in there…”
The padlock had a rather hefty hole in the middle of it; furthermore it was sitting on the floor. The thick but small door opened only to reveal another door with a keypad sitting in the middle with a red light beeping; almost a warning to stay away. Tyler smiled and stuck the Cell phone to the keypad. He set it for ten seconds and ran out the door as fast as he could; not noticing Blunt crawl out of a window. They ducked in the hallway and a deafening blast of shattering glass and C4 explosives blowing up flew through their ear drums. A long line of 1000 degree fire jumped out of the doorway leaving the spot it hit on the wall completely black; most of the wall gone though. Tyler walked back into the room; his partner following. The whole room was black and the schematics were in flames; no need for that much firepower. Tyler picked up the schematics by the not flaming part and threw it into the now on fire fireplace. Tyler picked up the M16 and Erin said, “What are you doing?”
“Blanc is by herself, we can nail her and the whole thing will end.”
“Amazingly, you’re right… I’ll wait for you.”
Tyler ran down the stairs and spotted Blanc, “Hey, Blanc!” He yelled, he hit the trigger, there should have been a boom or something, but nothing came out. It took him 15 seconds to figure out what happened - Blunt had jammed it before he left. He ran. He found Erin on the top floor, “Run!”
There were Dobermans flying after them, in the house! They found the window and had no time for gadgets. The secret agents jumped out of the window! Tyler could hear the Bond music playing in his head. There was a tree that might break their fall if they could reach it. They screamed. It was like they were watching a movie; they had no control whatsoever of what was happening. Well, the tree hadn’t worked out completely perfect; they fell right through it. If it wasn’t for Tyler accidentally hitting the grapple button and Erin landing in the satellite dish they would have broken something. Tyler’s grapple hook hit a branch, “Crack!” “Thump!”
The branch cracked and Tyler hit the ground with a thump. They ran in front only to see their now being towed Mustang. “Always have an alternative,” Erin muttered.
She dashed around a corner and into an alley, Tyler was closely following behind. They were swallowed up by the darkness from the shadow of the Louvre and there sat a silver Aston Martin V12 Vanquish and a red Kawaski Eliminator 125, “I know boys like fast cars and I just have a thing for motorcycles.”
Tyler smiled, “You’re good,” As he slipped into the leather interior of the Aston Martin.
Erin put her red helmet on and sped off. A computerized voice said, “Champagne sir?”
Tyler said, “No thanks.”
The voice said again, “Dr. Pepper sir?”
Tyler laughed, “Sure.”
The glove box turned around and there was a platform extended out of the back of it then Dr. Pepper poured into a champagne glass. Tyler drank some and put it into the glass holder. He was not a very sophisticated boy, there were fingerprints and lip prints all over the glass by the rim he finished it.

Paris, France, Hotel Ritz, Top Floor Suite, 8:00 PM

At the hotel… “Pack your bags… while you’re packing our bags I need a shiatsu massage… when you’re finished you can have one too.”
Tyler said, “Fine, you owe me, I should be the one getting the massage I…”
“No I should, someone threw me out of a window also known as defenestration!” She said making herself clear.
They walked into the room and Tyler began to pack while Erin called room service, “Hello… yes, send two masseuses up… thanks…”
When Tyler was finished packing two women walked in. They were both wearing white dresses, both looked Japanese. Erin lay on one towel and Tyler laid on another. They kneeled down next to Tyler and Erin and began to push their thumbs in certain pressure points. A shiatsu massage is a pressure-point massage designed to regulate the flow of life energy in the body. Pressure is applied by thumb, fingers, palms or feet to the body's surface to stimulate healing of body and mind. Shiatsu produces deep relaxation, increases energy levels, and brings the body back to balance. There were small grunts and the massage felt pretty nice after jumping out of windows and getting into fist fights. Then something caught Tyler’s eyes. A leather strap around the woman’s ankle. There was something inside of a small pouch… a gleaming silver object. Tyler tried to get up as he noticed the gleaming silver object was a knife with a jagged edge. He knew if he was kept down longer one small touch would make a big difference. He would be killed on duty not off; one small touch could create unconsciousness, which would lead to his blood on that blade. He couldn’t show that he knew because then both masseuses would most likely come after him. He got up; too late, the masseuse slammed him on the ground, suspicious, thought Erin. Then the other masseuse took her blade out, held it to Erin’s neck and the other did the same to Tyler. One spoke to another in Japanese, “I can’t believe this was it!”
Tyler noticed the glass of water in arm’s reach and the outlet. If he could blind her then shove her up against the outlet that ought to do it and perhaps that would distract Erin’s assassin. It was worth a try. There was a splash of water and the crackle of braking glass. Tyler had to move fast. He pushed her to the wall. ZZZT! She shrieked and then sizzled. Erin quickly grabbed the novel she was reading and whacked the mercenary upside the head. She was caring for her bloody nose when Tyler grabbed the bags and Erin shot out the door. They were gone. Soon enough Blanc showed up. “Follow me.”
She led them to a back room where the fake masseuses sat down, “I have a room back there and I will talk to you about your pay for killing the two wretched kids.”
Of course this wasn’t true. The masseuse with a bloody nose went in first, “Um, boss, the kids kind of slipped… if you give us another chance we won’t make the same mistake…”
Blanc smiled, “You’re right, you won’t make the same mistake again,” she produced a silenced pistol and shot her. She walked into the other room and shot the fried masseuse in the head.
Meanwhile on the road…
As Erin slipped through cracks in traffic Tyler had to stop. “Shoot!” Tyler yelled.
The computerized voice spoke again, “Command ‘Shoot!’ recognized, initializing C6 rocket launcher.”
There was a dot of fast moving yellow light that hit the corner a building-destroying the side. “Where is my partner?”
“Tracking Erin Rains…”
The car shot off, oh no, the space was too small! The car shot up on two wheels, just making it through. Tyler stuck his head out of the window when the car was firmly sitting on the ground and yelled, “Get off the sidewalk! I’m driving here!”
He laughed once he stuck his head back into the car. People were jumping out of the way from the crazed driver. When in front of a building with Erin’s motorcycle in front of it a head peaked in through the window, “Are you finished with your road rage? Well?”
“Yes,” Tyler smirked.

12: To London!
Paris, France, Unknown Area classified Coordinates ********, 8:00 PM

Tyler got out of his car, “You could’ve waited.”
Erin rolled her eyes, “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Tyler said, “Why are we here?”
“This is the FIA safe house; no one can intercept a signal of the booking of our flight.”
“Makes sense,” Tyler said.
“Of course it does, nothing makes sense that you say,” she laughed.
“You’re right!” Tyler smiled.
Erin smiled and leaned into the car seizing the laptop, “Follow me,” she walked to a metal door and typed in a code, weird symbols that Tyler could not understand. Alpha code? Maybe Beta?
Erin turned on the light when she entered and Tyler closed the door behind him. The place had a sofa, a wood table, a huge TV, a PC, and a king-sized bed. “The FIA treats me well, welcome to my home.”
Tyler was dazzled, “Whoa, can I have that laptop, we have to book a flight to London, and I overheard Blanc say something about it.”
Tyler grabbed the laptop, and tapped into his account. “Hmm… how about British Airways? They have a flight leaving for London in an hour…”
“Okay, then book it.”
Tyler booked the flight and said, “Terminal thirteen, I’ll meet you there. We have coach seats.”
Tyler crawled into his Aston Martin and Erin climbed onto her motorcycle, “Chow…” she said speeding off.
“That girl will blow both of our cover if she keeps speeding…” Tyler smiled, letting autopilot drive at the speed limit.
The car passed a black limousine and Erin was whipping through traffic. A race. They were racing. Tyler pulled the car out of autopilot and into manual, he zoomed through traffic and blasted through a safety fence guarding the broken down lane. There was a truck with the ramp down. Into 6th gear, the ramp approached faster and faster. He sped off the end, he felt as if the world was in slow motion, savoring this moment. The airport approached closer by the second, uh oh. He slammed into the ground and the car shook, he got out, perfect parking. The car was exactly in between the two lines. Erin rolled her eyes, “If you’re having your car shipped to London put it in the parking garage, or turn on autopilot, whichever you trust more.”
“I’ll trust autopilot.”
“We’re going to Heathrow airport; it is near Cromwell road where an old friend of mine is…”
Tyler turned to the car and opened the door, “Take me to Heathrow airport,” he closed the door and the car started rolling onto the road, a long ways to London. Tyler kept the bags in his car but grabbed his MP3 player with the CD Meteora by Linkin Park in it. They had two minutes to board. They navigated through crowds and ran into, surprisingly, Jeffery Webber, Tyler’s old boss. Tyler ran into him and the man dropped his bags. When Tyler looked up he saw a man with quite a few scars on him and a sneer. He yelled, “Brightstar!” Through gritted teeth.
Tyler had a few seconds to recover; last time he had thought Jeffery had ended he had Connie, the lovable Chihuahua. This time it would be simple and easy for him to kill Tyler. He slipped a small gun out of his bag and pointed it at Tyler’s back, under a hat. It was silenced, no one would hear it. “You gave me these scars!” He whispered. “You ruined my life, and now it’s my turn to ruin yours. Permanently. You have no one to hear you scream; I have this pointed at your back, a certain spot where you will die instantly, I will get you onto the plane and that jet lag will be catching up with you. Maybe you just pass out in crowds; passing people will look at the limp boy and not think anything terrible. You have no help, goodnight Tyler.”
“Oh really,” he saw Erin approaching out of the corner of his eye.
“Who’s this freak?” Erin was holding an earring. She stuck it in his arm and he sank to the floor. There was toxin in it.
“Maybe he passes out in large crowds…” Tyler smiled.
“Come on, we have, like, seconds to board.” Erin said, dragging Tyler.
They had half a minute to board.

Continued in Part 2
© Copyright 2004 Twitchy (twitchytack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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