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by Brit
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Friendship · #860691
A girl gets more than she bargained for when her b/f's past comes back to haught him.
“Brianna started her morning routine as usual. She got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, did her hair and make-up, and brushed her teeth. She walked back to her brother’s room to wake him up to take her to school. 10 minutes later they pulled out of the driveway. She never saw what was coming. She never knew she wouldn’t see her friends ever again. We now all know her fate that morning. She’s gone forever! We are all destined to never hear her voice again, never have her around, and never hear her laughs, jokes, and advice. I don’t know about you, but she sure is going to be missed!”
Heather’s eyes filled with tears. She shouldn’t have to be reading this! Not now when she needed Brianna’s help so much. How could something so terrible happen to someone who had so much light, and life? Heather sat back down in her chair. Mrs. Bakerstone got up and made her final speech to her daughter. Everyone in the room had tears running down their faces and empty spot in their heart.
After the funeral heather saw a group of Brianna’s friends talking across the room. She walked over to them. Each girl had a tissue in hand and a frown on their face. Each telling a story about Brianna and how she helped them.
Heather saw Lance’s face. She knew he was so hurt by this tragedy. “Lance, how are you holding up?”
“Heather, I think you know the answer to that. I just can’t forget her or talk about the good times we had. I want her back. I need her back!”
“No one wants you to forget her! I know, I miss her to. We can’t just wish her back. It doesn’t happen like that. Oh God I wish it did though.”
Heather saw the tears in Lance’s eyes. She, Brianna, wouldn’t want anyone crying over her, but how could they not? “Lance, it will be okay.” Heather said not believe herself. Silent tears fell from her eyes as she continues. “Bri’s wouldn’t want us crying! She hated it when anyone cried, Especially you! She loved you so much, Lance. She always talked about how good you were to her and your future together.”
“STOP!” Lance yelled at Heather. “Just stop! I don’t care what she said or did! She’s dead, Heather. We will never have a future together. She doesn’t have a future. I don’t want one if she’s not in it.” Lance began crying. “I love her! She can’t be dead, and if she dies I want to die to!”
“I’m sorry Lance. She’s gone, there’s nothing we can do about that. I know you love her, but,” Heather barely got the last part out because the tears were coming so strong. “She’s gone. You have to realize that. She’s never coming back!”
Lance awoke with a start. He was covered in sweat. Tears where streaming down his face. “Oh thank God, it was only a dream.” The phone rang. Lance’s heart was still racing.
“Hello” Lance said into the phone.
“Hey sweetie. Is everything okay? You sound a little upset.” Brianna said worriedly.
“Yeah, I’m fine now. You don’t know how much hearing your voice means to me!” Lance said a little relieved.
“Are you sure your okay?’
“Yeah. I just had a bad dream. Thank God it was just a dream.”
“It sounds pretty bad.”
“It was. If it ever comes true we will both be dead.”
“What? Lance your not making any sense. How can dream make both of us die?”
“Well,” Lance’s voice turned more Waverly and upset. “I had a dream that I was at your funeral.” The line went silent. “Heather and I were talking about you after the funeral. I couldn’t take it. I broke down.”
“So your saying I died and because I died you died to?” Brianna asked a little shook up.
“Well sort of. I didn’t die in the dream, but if you really died I would kill myself. I couldn’t take that much pain. I love you to much to lose you like that.”
“How did I die in your dream?”
“Well I’m guessing you and your brother got in an accident on the way to school. No one really said for sure.” Lance answered her a little confused.
“Lance I did get in an accident this morning!” Lance was dumb struck. “My brother got whip lash and some minor cuts and bruises. I only got a couple scratches. Oh God that’s scary.”
Lance was completely amazed. Had his dream been a warning or just a dream? He told Brianna he would come by later and they said good-bye.
Lance got up and went to the bathroom. He turned on the shower. He had to clear his head of his dream. Brianna was alive and safe. The persistent thought kept forcing into his head. Why did he have this dream?
The scorching hot water rolled down his back. It was hot, but he didn’t have the strength to turn it down. He thought of what Brianna had said about her accident. Had that just been a coincidence or something else?
Thirty minutes later lance turned off the water. He dried off and went to his room. The instant he walked into his room his phone rang. He walked over and picked it up “talk to me.” Was his greeting. Instead of words as a response he heard someone crying. That’s all that was heard for a couple of seconds. Then a soft barely audible voice said. “Lance, she’s gone.” Lance’s heart sank. “Who is?” He barely said. While he tried to hold the tears back. “Heather” Lance then recognized the voice. It was Brianna. “Sweetie, what do you mean she’s gone?” Brianna’s response was different then what Lance thought she would say. “I can’t say the words. Just please come over here. I don’t think I can handle this!”
“Alright sweetie let me get dressed and I’ll be there. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Okay I won’t” <Click>
Lance hung up the phone and hurriedly got dressed. He grabbed his keys and got in his car. He had so many thoughts running through his head. None of them could be true. He finally reached Brianna’s house, 10 minutes after he received Brianna’s call.
He ran to her house and opened the screen door. He went inside and followed the sounds of Brianna’s sobs. He got to her bedroom door and knocked. He heard sounds from within then the door opened. He saw Brianna standing there, her eyes were blood shot and tears streaks on her cheeks. Lance threw his arms around her and held her close. “Baby, it will be okay.” Lance said reassuringly.
“No Lance it won’t. Heather <Pause> Heather is dead.” Brianna said with hesitation. “She died this morning. She was crossing the street and a car hit her.” Lance went white with horror. “Lance why does this have to happen? Not now, not to her. She and I were just like sisters!” Brianna heaved over in tears. Despite Lance’s hold on her, Brianna fell to her knees. “Why God,” She screamed. “Why must you take her? How could you let this happen?’ Lance sat down next to Brianna. He put his arms around her. “Sweetie, don’t be mad at God…”
“I can be mad at whoever I want!” Brianna interrupted. “He’s the only one who can decide to take her.”
“Brianna, don’t think that way! Heather’s time is done. Besides she wasn’t happy with life anymore. You know that better than anymore. If she hadn’t died today, she would have killed herself. I know it’s hard, sweetie, and I know I’m not helping you any, but I don’t know what to say or do. It hurts to think about her life that and seeing you like this!”
“No Lance, you are helping me. I love you Lance! Just you don’t leave me, okay I can’t lose 2 people I love right now.”
“Oh baby that will never happen! I love you and I’ll never leave you! I promise you that.” The shock disappeared and now the stuff that happened and that it was real hit him. Lance couldn’t hold his emotions in. The tears, first fell silently form his eyes. Then he looked down at Brianna’s face. He saw her bloodshot eyes and the sad expression and he lost it at that point. He began crying just as Brianna was.
Lance wiped the tears from his eyes as the preacher continued his spill. Brianna was remotely calm which surprised Lance emencly. He still squeezed her hand as she began to tense up.
Brianna had several thoughts that were running through her head. She could hardly decipher the reality from her dreams. She couldn’t be at Heather’s funeral. She wasn’t in that church. The preacher wasn’t talking about her very best friend.
They drove to the place where Heather would lay forever. Lance looked over and saw the stone cold expression on Brianna’s face. It looked like she had shut all her emotions out.
When they finally got to the spot where Heather would be laid. Brianna and Lance got out of the car and walked over to the group that was congregating.
Brianna watched as Heather’s casket was lowered into the ground. She made a silent vow that she would find some way to get Heather back.
Lance was a little scared for Brianna. She had been acting very strangely. She was reading books that he didn’t recognize the title’s but was sure they were for a purpose, and not a good one. He got another one of Brianna’s weird phone calls. She was saying she almost found the way to do it. Yet she would never tell him what “it” was. He needed to make sure she was all right.
He pulled into her driveway. Her parents’ cars weren’t there. This is really strange. Usually they were home at 6 on a Friday night. Lance thought to himself. With more suspicion than before he walked into her house. It was almost pitch black. All the light he saw was a red glow from the living room. “Hello, Bri are you home?” Lance said walking towards the living room. Brianna’s head popped around the corner.
“Lance, I was about to call you. I have found a way!” Brianna said excited.
“A way for what? <Pause> Brianna your not making any sense!” Lance said a little scared.
“I found a way to bring Heather back.” Brianna said with a hint of joy in her voice.
“Brianna, Heather is dead. How do you plan to bring her back? You can’t just wish her back to life!” Lance said matter of factly.
“Oh can’t I?” Lance was becoming scared as Brianna continued. “That’s what I have been looking for. A “spell” if you will, in which she will come back to life. I finally found it. The on that will bring her back.”
Lance’s heart was rapidly beating. What was she talking about? No one could do something like that. Magic was just an optical illusion and made up by Hollywood. He now knew Brianna was losing it. “Bri, please stop this! I don’t like seeing you act like this. You’re going to hurt yourself. Heather isn’t coming back.”
Brianna flinched at those words. “Maybe now she is, but she won’t be for long. I’ve been looking for weeks for this and I finally found it. She’s coming back and I’m going to do it. You can either help me or get out of my way.”
Lance was overcome with fear. Brianna had never talked to him like that. Something wasn’t right. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. “Brianna, why are you doing this? What has happened to you?”
Brianna’s glance fell to the floor. She had a look of doubt on her face. “Are you going to help me or not? Please Lance.”
“Fine Brianna. I’m only doing this to prove to you that magic isn’t real and that Heather isn’t coming back.”
“Okay good. Think what you will, but she is coming back.”
Brianna started to chant something. She had some type of book in her hand. Lance couldn’t make out the title. Brianna told Lance to bring her the liquid sitting on the table. It smelled like shit. It was so strong Lance gagged at the smell. Lance handed her the vile. He didn’t see what she did with it, but there was a bright light now shinning in the living room. It seemed to burn out in a matter of seconds. Lance’s eyes had to adjust to the dramatic light changes. He saw Brianna. She was holding her hands over her face as she screamed and fell to the floor. Lance tried to run to her side, but something held him to the spot he stood. “Oh God. We’re both going to die!”
Then shortly after Brianna fell someone grabbed her arms and pulled her up. The light flashed again. This time Lance fell to the floor in pain.
When the light subsided he heard Brianna talking. He looked up and he saw Heather. “Oh my fucking God! It actually worked?” Lance said in amazement and horror.
“I told you it would. You just didn’t believe me. Now Heather’s back and she’s not going anywhere.”
Heather was the next person to speak. “Hi Lance. How are you doing?” Heather said innocently.
“Hey Heather.” Lance turned his attention to Brianna. “Brianna please what the hell was the title of that book?”
“Why does it matter what book it was? It worked that’s all that matters. I have my sissy back.”
“But how? I need to know what book it was. I know what can happen if certain books are used.”
“She said it doesn’t matter! Leave it alone Lance!” Heather said with more aggression than she had ever had before. “She doesn’t want to tell isn’t that enough?”
“Please Brianna,” Lance was almost in tears with fear. “I just want to know the title. That’s all I’m asking for. Then I will go and never bother you again, I promise.”
“Okay, Okay. You have a right to know that. The title is, Demons, Devils, and spells.” Lance’s face went ghost white.
“Where did you get that book? Oh God I thought we got rid of it. Bri you don’t know what you just did. Oh God!”
Heather began laughing. “How can something bad happen from doing something out of a book?” Heather was enjoying Lance’s horror.
“Heather’s right. So what the book has an interesting name. It doesn’t mean a thing!”
Lance took Brianna’s hand. He was now shaking in fear. “Brianna listen. You don’t know what you just messed with. I do…” Heather interrupted Lance.
“How would you know Lance?” Heather took time to enjoy Lance’s face. “Oh that’s right. You and who was that? What was his name?”
Lance looked at Heather. He barely got the words out. “Jason, Jason Grimlly.”
“Yeah that’s right. Jason.” Heather said.
“What are you talking about? What’s going on?” Brianna asked.
“Yeah tell her, Lance. Tell her why you and I both know why this book should never have been used.” Brianna looked at Lance.
Lance, who was now overcome with fear, managed to get the story of the past out.
“Okay, okay. The day Heather died would make it exactly 2 years since it happened. All 3 of us, Jason, Heather, and I, found a book. This book to be more precise.” Lance pointed at the book now lying on the floor. “Well, Jason decided it would be cool to mess around a little bit. We did this one spell. It was to bring Jason’s mother back to his family. She had run off a couple years before. The same bright light flashed. Well Jason then fell to the floor and started convulsing. All of us tried to get to him, but we couldn’t move. Finally, the light went away and we could move. The doorbell rang. Jason, now all right, went and answered the door. His mother was standing there. She came in and we all talked. Then,” Lance had tears rolling silently down his cheeks. Brianna could tell this was hard for him so she put her arm around his shoulder and tried to comfort him. Lance continued. “Then, all of us went into the kitchen. Jason’s mother held a knife up to Jason’s throat. We all tried to help him, but his mom,” Lance looked down and put his head in his hands. He was now crying.
“Lance it’s okay. You don’t have to go on. It’s okay.” Brianna said sympathetically.
“No, you need to know.” Lance went silent for a minute and regained his composior. “His mom slight his throat. Then she pointed the knife at both of us. She told us within 4 years we would all join her son. She then disappeared. The wound in Jason’s neck disappeared as well. The doctors said he had a heart attack. After that day I went into my house and started the fireplace. I threw the book into it. Then I took the ashes and buried them in my backyard. I didn’t want anyone else having to go through what I did.” Lance saw the amazement on Brianna’s face.
“That’s right Bristers. Your little baby boy did “this” sort of stuff. That’s what was always wrong with me. Lance knew that and tried to make it easier for me. Then you came along and he stopped doing all the stuff he once had. I was so pissed at both of you. Now Lance you are leaving to “get a new start”. Well you know what? You aren’t doing anything after tonight. Neither of you are! I’m here for revenge.” Brianna had a look of complete fright on her face.
“Heather, what happened to you? You were my best friend. What made you act like this? You never were able to hate anyone or anything!” Brianna said looking into the face of her once truest friend.
“You idiot! You were so gullible. It was so easy to get all your information and to find out all your secrets. I knew once I was gone you would do anything to get me back. You needed me or so you thought. I have been trying to break you and Lance up since you got together. Now I’m going to get my revenge on both of you!” Heather’s eyes glistened with hate. “How do you think you found that book so easily? Did you think it was a coincidence where you found it? I made sure you found it.” Heather was enjoying the look on Jason’s face. “Yes, Lance, you did destroy the only copy.” Heather answered the question that she knew was going through his mind. “You would be surprised how many powers you are able to obtain once your dead.” Heather said with a smirk.
Brianna was completely taken over by fear. How could all this be happening? There was no way out of this. She looked over at Lance to try to figure out what they could do. Lance saw the book out of the corner of his eye. If there was an answer it was in that book. Brianna nodded as she saw the book to. Brianna looked up at Heather. She knew she had to distract her. The thought seemed so simple. “Heather, how did you die?” Brianna saw a spark in Heather’s eyes. She knew that would give Lance a few minutes to look.
“Do you really want to know?” Brianna nodded. “Okay then. I guess I could spare five minutes to tell you. Then I will kill you both.”
Lance saw his opportunity as Heather turned her back to him. He grabbed the book and silently flipped through the pages. At first he could find nothing.
As Heather’s story was coming to a close Lance happened to flip to the last page. There was a counter curse to the one Brianna had done. He knew it would be difficult to do, but he was willing to do whatever it took. He read it quickly.
“What the heck do you think your doing?” Heather yelled as she slapped Lance. The blow was so immense that he fell unconscious to the floor. Heather picked up the book and read the page it was open to. As she finished Heather laughed. “Do you really think you could pull this off without me knowing? Besides, this spell won’t work. I’m not just human. You may have brought me back, but I had other means if you chickened out. Which you often did.” Heather ripped the page out of the book and “disposed” of it.
Lance finally became conscious again. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He knew it probably wouldn’t kill Heather, but it might hurt her enough for them to get away.
He went back in the living room. Heather was now holding Brianna by the neck. He heard the snap as he walked into the room. Heather laughed triumphantly and threw Brianna’s lifeless body to the floor.
Lance stood numb looking at Brianna. He felt the tears coming, but he held them back. As they undoubted hatred filled his soul he ran at Heater. He thrust the knife into her chest. Heather looked at Lance. Her face was completely covered in a painful look as Lance twisted the knife back and forth. Without a word Heather fell to the floor in a heap.
Lance walked over to Brianna’s lifeless body. He held her in his arms and cried.
He felt the cold steel in his back. The pain surged through his body as he heard the crackling laughter coming from behind him. He turned his head around and saw Heather standing behind him.
“Good-bye Lance.” Heather said in false sympathy.
Lance heard the front door get blown open. He had no idea what had caused the door to open, but whatever it had been was now fighting with Heather.
Lance heard Heather as she screamed, “What the hell do you think you are? Oh my God! Jason? What are you doing?” Lance found strength from somewhere and he opened his eyes. Jason, his friend who had died 2 years ago, was holding a knife.
Heather backed away from him slowly and babbled on. Nothing seemed to penetrate in Jason. It seemed he was only here for one thing. Lance saw Jason raise the knife and he closed his eyes. He heard Heather scream in pain, along with a sizzling noise.
When he opened his eyes he no longer saw Heather just ashes where she had once stood.
Lance thought back to his dreams. He wondered if they were a warning for this.
Jason turned and looked at Lance and nodded his head in response to Lance’s silent question. Then Jason disappeared just like he had appeared.
Shortly after that Lance closed his eyes. His thoughts stopped and he drifted off. He had been right that if his dream came true both, he and Brianna, would be dead.

© Copyright 2004 Brit (blondsocerfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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