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by Brit
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Teen · #860690
This is my 1st story I ever wrote! A girl finally gets her wish.
It was a late summers day. Mika had just gotten out of school and was on her way to the children’s hospital like she did every Tuesday. She watched some cars drive by her. She recognized some of the cars from her school. Mostly the jocks and cheerleaders. She was dreaming about Aric the guy she had liked for years now. She didn’t notice someone was following her till it was too late. She felt an arm wrap around her waist. As she began to scream a hand covered her mouth. All the traffic had stopped coming. No one saw what had happened. No matter how hard she fought her attacker wouldn’t let go. He picked her up and dragged her and handcuffed her arms and legs. She could no longer move or make a sound. Mika got a good look at her attacker and she thought she recognized him, but couldn’t quite remember. Whoever he was, picked Mika up and threw her in the back of hiss minivan. Even though she could barely move she could tell there where others around her. She was so confused and scared at this point. She was thinking if she would ever see her family and friends again when they stopped again. This time it didn’t take anytime before the door opened and another person was thrown in. The man was doing something to everyone in the van she could tell by his grunts that whatever it was he was messing with was heavy and wasn’t giving him much help. She felt the hat go over her head and eyes. She knew that no one else would get thrown into the back of the van and for that she was happy. She was still scared though. She began to hyperventilate. She couldn’t breath. She was about to give up on everything when the van pulled over. The man jumped out of the door and took the gag off so she could breath easier. She was grateful for that and even as bad as she felt towards this man she thanked him. She could tell this stunned him, but still he said no problem. She instantly gasped she knew that voice. She’d know it anywhere. It was Jase. Why was he doing this? He was the quiet one. This made her more confused. She tried to get out of the van, but somehow she smacked her head in the process. She fell to the floor in a heap.
When she finally woke up she was not in the van anymore. She was lying on a bed. She could tell that she had been untied and was not someplace she recognized. Her head began to pound as she remember the kidnapping. She flung herself from the bed. She flung open the door. She then gasped at what she saw. At least six people where sitting on the floor. One was gagged, some handcuffed, and somewhere all three. She noticed she knew most of them, or rather knew of them. She looked upon all their faces. There was Khrstyna, Steven, Jerom, Andrew, Shara, and Aric. She was glad to know that she wasn’t alone, but also made her scared to see Aric still gagged and all tied up. He must have put up some fight she though to herself. Mika looked at Shara. She was also free, but she looked so scared all huddled in the corner. Mika walked over to comfort her. She made it halfway across the room when the door was kicked open and a huge gust of wind made her fall over. Jase looked down at all of them and smiled. Another man walked in behind him and closed the door. Jase walked over to Aric and pointed a gun at his head. Mika screamed at seeing what was unfolding before her. This made them all jump even Jase. Jase then pointed the gun at her and told her if she ever did that again he would blow her freaking head off. Then he turned back to Aric. He started yelling and cussing. He yelled something about getting revenge, sweet revenge. At this Mika jumped to her feet and stood between the gun and Aric. She looked Jase straight in the eyes like she had so many times before. Jase put the gun away. He shoved her out of the way and got right in Aric’s face. Mika could tell Jase’s plans had been dramatically changed by what she did and he was apparently very mad. Through clenched teeth and with short aggravated breaths Jase said. “You got lucky this time jock, but your little girlfriend wont always be there to save you. This is just the beginning don’t be fooled your in mine and Benny’s hands now.” Then he turned to Mika she now was even more scared than she had ever been. Jase looked straight at her and stood over the top of her. He pointed his shaking finger at her and very tenderly, but still aggravated he spoke to her. “After all that I have done for you here. I brought Aric here for you. All these people hurt you. I’m not only getting revenge for me, but you also. You weren’t going to get hurt, but if you ever do that again the plans will change. I’m just trying to help you.” With that he called Benny over and began to leave. Before Benny walked out of the room he looked down at her and spit on her. He then full out kicked her in her stomach. She cried out in pain and agony. He just laughed at her and walked away and followed Jase. Even though in complete pain Mika got up off the floor and started letting everyone free. She first took the gag off of Khrstyna and uncuffed her feet. Then she went to Steven and uncuffed his hands. At this point Steven stood up and hugged Mika. He thanked her and asked if she was okay. Even though she hardly knew Steven he seemed to really be genially sorry for what had just happened. She asked Steven to help her to untie everyone else. Shara was still sitting in the corner, but now she was rocking back and forth and crying. Khrstyna realized this and walked over to comfort Shara. Andrew was worse off than any of them emotionally wise He wasn’t tied up, but he was crying and couldn’t sit down for very long. Mika walked over to Andrew and put her hand on his shoulder and reassured him that everything was going to be just fine. Andrew calmed down enough to say thank you to Mika. Then Mika realized that Aric was still all tied up sitting on the floor. She walked over and first took the gag from his mouth. She knew he was trying to say something, but couldn’t find the right words. Then as she was halfway done uncuffing his feet he said the words that she knew she would NEVER forget. He thanked her from the bottom of his heart and that he was glad, that as long as he was stuck here. That she was there. She then uncuffed his hands. He grabbed her hand and said he would owe her for the rest of his life and that no harmful thing would happen to her as long as he had something to say about it. Now that everybody was free and most calmed down she realized how very painful that kick had been. At that very moment she heard voices coming. Shara went back into her corner and looked just as scared, but now Khrstyna was sitting next to her trying to keep her somewhat calm. All 3 guys walked over and sat by Mika. They all told her that they wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Even in complete and udder pain, she stayed calm. She was about to give into her emotions when Aric wrapped his, well worked out, arms around her. Even though no matter how much she was scared she felt safe in his arms. That’s when Benny walked through the door. This time he was alone. He also had the gun. Mika smelled a very familiar odor coming from him and he was acting very strange. He started walking towards Mika. The closer he got the stronger Aric’s grip got. Finally all 3 guys stepped in front of Mika. Their vow to protect her must have been the absolute truth. It was then that she realized that Benny was most likely high on Marijuana. She was scared not only for her, but for all of them. Benny started cussing and waving the gun around. He saw Khrstyna and Shara cuddling in the corner and he pointed the black shiny gun right at them. This made both girls start to cry. Aric reached his hand back and grabbed Mika’s hand. It was just like him saying everything would be okay and that he would protect her. At that very moment Jase walked in and yelled something at Benny. This made Benny jump and he accidentally squeezed the cold black trigger of the gun. As Mika saw the flash and smoke she heard a blood curdling scream coming from both girls and the wailing bang. She heard soft crying and she didn’t realize till Steven and Aric wrapped their arms around her shaking and chattering frail body that it was coming from her. She heard another scream this time it wasn’t from the girls it was deeper and more masculine. It was coming from Benny. The initial shock had cleared and they all looked up to see Khrstyna holding something that was limp and covered in something. It looked like… Mika dropped to her knees despite Steven and Aric’s grasp. She began to cry very loudly and she screamed at Jase. He then walked over to her and was about to slap her for screaming when Aric stepped in and took the hit for Mika. That’s when Jase regained his composer. He was less angry now. He knew that his plans had just rapidly changed. He hadn’t expected someone to get shot this fast. The more he thought about what was happening the more he began to panic. He must have control. He couldn’t lose the only thing he had and that was control. Benny took the control from him. Jase took the gun from Benny. He told him if he ever did something like that without him knowing about it first he would be the next to go. At this Benny started cussing again and threatening Jase. That’s when Jase shoved the gun right between Benny’s eyes. He told him to leave and if he came back that he would kill him. Benny took this as a promise. He then decided that he would leave. Benny stormed loudly out the door and left. He didn’t look back once. Jase then turned back to Mika. He stood 2 inches from her face. All 3 guys had gone over to see what was wrong with Shara. Even though Mika was trembling with fear she stared straight into Jase’s eyes. After what seemed like a couple of hours, but only less than a minute, Jase got the strength from somewhere deep down and said with tension, aggravation, and anger. “I told you if you ever did that I would blow your head off! I said I was doing this just for you. You just made the biggest mistake of your life babe. I can’t promise you now that all your little ‘friends’ aren’t going to turn out just like Shara.” Then he put the gun on her temple and kissed her cheek. He then walked off with complete control. Mika walked over to where everyone else was standing. She didn’t know were the strength came from for her to do that, but somehow she did. When she saw all the blood and heard Khrstyna’s shoulder sobbing cries. She hadn’t known Shara very long or even very well, but still she began to feel the tears filling in her eyes. She looked up and saw that even Aric was crying. Even though hardly any of them knew her that well they still couldn’t believe she had died like this. Mika knelt down next to Khrstyna who was still holding Shara. She couldn’t think of anything she could do to help comfort everyone. At that very moment she gave in to all the fright she had been facing these last couple hours. She began to cry harder than she ever had before. She heard someone say her name, but wasn’t sure who’s voice it was. She looked up and saw Aric standing right behind her. He reassured her that everything would be just fine and that nothing would happen to her. Even though Mika knew that Shara was somewhere she couldn’t be hurt of scared anymore it still didn’t make her feel any better. Mika couldn’t stand being in that place another second. She stood up to run, but Aric somehow read her mind and stepped right in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her while he told her everything would be okay. Mika tried to get out of Aric’s grip, but he was to strong and she knew it wouldn’t do any good fighting. She finally gave up and she let Aric’s shoulder soak up her tears. She didn’t know what to do or even think. She looked up into Aric’s eyes. Calmness fell upon her and she stopped crying. She closed her eyes as she felt him kiss her. She was no longer scared or even wondered what would happen. At that very moment the door blew open again. This time Mika didn’t fall down because of the wind. Rather she fell into Aric’s arms as she felt a piercing pain rush through her body. She looked up and saw Aric ghost white and crying. Then she reached her hand back and felt something warm and wet. She almost instantly knew what it was. She looked at her hand and sure enough it had a dark maroon substance running down her fingers. Blood! She now realized that the “door” opening was in reality a gunshot. She knew by the look in Aric’s eyes that she was most likely going to die. She guessed that Jase’s threat to her had been carried out. She knew she had to be strong. She didn’t want everyone to worry about her. She looked up at Aric. She could tell that he was holding her the same way Khrstyna had held the lifeless Shara. She looked up into his eyes. She told him how much he had meant to her and how glad she was he was here at this time for her. He apologized for breaking his promise to her. He had never meant to keep a promise more than this one. He reached down and kissed Mika. She told him to tell her parents she loved them. He said he would do what he could to make everyone of her wishes come true. Then out of nowhere he told her how long he had admired her and how much he had grown to love her. She was completely surprised by him saying that. The last words that Mika would ever speak were “I love you to Aric.” Then with her last breath and last ounce of strength she really and passionate kissed Aric. Her final wish came to late, but late is better than never. Mika was finally happy even though she was dead.
© Copyright 2004 Brit (blondsocerfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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