Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/860687-Too-Perfect-Murder
by Brit
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #860687
So perfect she might just get away with it. plz R&R
She felt the cold metal trigger in her hand. She told herself that she wouldn’t let him hurt her anymore. She knew he would be coming home any moment. She remembered the times she had fallen asleep crying or couldn’t sleep because of the pain she was in. She remembered how she had to buy a new wardrobe to cover up all of her bruises and scratches he had made. She remembered the lies he had told her. As she heard the click of the lock she aimed the gun. She was going to pay him back for all the stuff he put her through. She was going over the whole plan in her head. There wouldn’t be any flaws. Yes, she had tried doing this many times before. When she had seen him with the other girl though things had changed. She had more than bruises to compensate with, now he had hurt her most. He had not only lied, but he had broken her heart. She ran through the plan one last time. She knew nobody would hear the shots around here, and even if they did no on would notice. She wasn’t in her rich neighborhood anymore! Gun shots where an everyday thing. Then she would make sure he would never awaken, but pay the ultimate sacrifice. She would carefully carry his “remains” down the hallway to the room no one saw. She had already laid out the “final roasting place” down in the cold, damp room. Nobody knew about, but her. He was too stupid to know! She would then close the door that she knew would never be opened again. She would then make her way back to the room the “incident” happened in being complexly careful not to leave a trace. Wearing gloves on her hands to not leave a fingerprint. She removed her shoes so as not to leave a footprint. She would then pull her hair back as so no DNA would be left. She would then clean all incriminating evidence form the floor and walls. She’d make sure not to bump anything so there was no clue she was there. She wouldn’t miss one thing. She would then dispose of the gloves by fire. Then she would mix the ashes with a liquid and pour them down the sink. After that moment she would grab her shoes and carefully open the door. As she was leaving she’s lock it behind her to make it look like he never came home. Before she left the house, however, she would put the disguise so that if anyone saw her they wouldn’t be able to identify her. She would then go to her car with which was parked a block away so as not to look suspicious and drive home. She wasn’t thought the whole plan when she heard the knob turning and her “boyfriends” familiar voice. He seemed to be alone. It seemed like hours before she heard the door close and the light flicked on. All the shades had been pulled, but she still made sure to stay away as to her shadow might tell the whole scene. As she expected, he was alone. HE was a little surprised to see her, but he smiled till he saw what was in her hands. He then got the most terrified look she had ever seen! She told him all she knew. He didn’t deny it, but he just called her a filthy slut and he had only used her. At this she shot. He now knew how good of a shot she was! He fell at once to the floor. She had shot him right between they eyes. She walked over and made sure he was dead. Everything, so far, was going according to plan! It was now 2 hours after he had gotten his “surprise” before she had carried out everything. She carefully turned out the lights and pulled up the shades. He never used them unless he was “entertaining” a guest and then only one shad was pulled. She made sure to leave no fingerprints. She had thought a little harder about the gloves. She would wait till she got home. Her plan worked out just as she had wanted it to. Before she knew it she was driving the long way back to her house. She stopped to get some food for an alibi. She took off her mask and picked up some McDonald’s. She then drove home. She threw all the “things” in her bag so no one would see them. She then took her food and bag to her room. As soon as she got home she turned on some music and started to carry out the rest of her plan. She emptied her bag into her fireplace. She then took her shoes she had worn over to his place in with her bag and “things”. She knew if any trace was left it would be the end. She burned the gloves, coat, socks, and clothes even her scrunchie! She wasn’t taking any chance! She then took a shower and washed every single trace off her. She then took a shower and washed ever-single trace off her. She even removed her fingernail polish. She then put on some new clothes. She saw that everything had burned. She scooped all the ashes out of her fireplace. She then walked outside and sprinkled them into the midnight wind. She then walked inside and began to work. She cleaned the floors and walls just as she had at his house. She then cleaned the bathroom every last inch. She made sure that she cleaned the bathtub just in case any ounce of his DNA. By the time she was done cleaning up every ounce it was morning. She then called the chimney sweep so he could make sure none of the ashes got stuck up there. She couldn’t believe that her plan had worked out so well. An hour later the chimney sweep came and took care of the last brick in her plan. When the guy finally cleaned up and left she knew everything was over. Her plan had been unfurled. Everything had worked out for the best. She had finally gotten her sweet revenge. 2 months latter there was a call to the police. Jenny and her boyfriend had now been missing for a while now and her friend was getting worried. 2 weeks after the search stated they where looking for a murderer of 2. They where found in the mans locked house in a room no one knew existed. They think they found the murderer but how can a dead man kill a woman?
© Copyright 2004 Brit (blondsocerfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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