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an extremely silly story about monsters on vacation! |
(I asked my husband to come up with an assignment for me to write about. He said, "Write a story that includes a monster, a religious book, and some mention of pies." Here's what I came up with.) MONSTER ISLAND It was evening by the time I got off the boat, and I had a slight headache from the trip. Traveling does that to me sometimes. But this is my vacation, so I’m determined to be optimistic! The boat always arrives in the evening, while the passengers are waking from their daytime slumbers. A sign greets me as I step off of the boat, and onto the dock. “Welcome To Monster Island! Enjoy your stay!” A quick look around showed that many guests had already arrived, and as usual, they formed their own little groups. The zombies were meandering into a group, already headed to the cemetery. The vampires shared their stories of conquest, as the ghosts floated about, trying unsuccessfully to scare everyone. I quickly joined a group of my fellow werewolves. We all appeared to be normal humans. Our curse works such that we can turn at will. The ghosts and zombies noticed our group, and quickly made their way over to us, thinking we were humans. Not the brightest of monsters… We all had to turn to our lycan selves, in order for two things: 1. So that we would not be tormented by the other monsters, and 2. We didn’t want to make the others look foolish, by them attacking other monsters. We are a civilized group, a common misconception. The ghosts and zombies, swiftly forgot what they were doing, and went back about their own business. I sighed, and made my way to my room. The buildings were assigned accordingly, one for “beasts” such as werewolves and ‘Re-animated’ creatures, like zombies. Then there was the building for vampires and ghosts, a ghastly building with lots of blood and no reflective surfaces. There was also a separate structure for sea creatures, obviously built into the lagoon. My building was split in half, actually. It amazed me that we refined werewolves were forced to share living quarters with the brainless, filthy, stinking zombies! They had to build extra thick walls, just to keep the smell out! Every once in a while a zombie would venture to our side, muttering to himself, “brains……” We would have to steer him back to his own side. But generally, they kept to themselves and left us alone. I quickly made my way to my own bed, and laid down, trying to get rid of my headache. There was a party to go to later on tonight. There were posters everywhere advertising it. It was being hosted and DJ’d by Frankenstein’s monster, himself! Everyone was invited to attend, and mostly everyone would. It was the same every year, really. I was starting to get a little bored of the same old vacation, to tell the truth. A slight banging at my door woke me from my nap. I jolted out of bed, and morphed into my wolf state. Then I sighed. I’m on vacation, I told myself, in the safety of Monster Island. There was no need to be on the defensive. The banging noise came from my door, and when I opened it, I found a zombie hitting my door with his hand. As I opened the door, he looked at me questioningly. “Brains?” he asked. “No,” I told him, and he lowered his head, sadly. Pitiful creatures, really. I grabbed my things, and led him to the party, where everyone else were starting to gather. There were corpses for the ghosts to possess, as well as for the zombies to feed on. At the bar, they served chilled and warm blood for the vampires, all spiked with liquor of course. One vampire was already falling-over drunk, and was singing “Mary had a little lamb” at the top of his lungs. He had cleverly changed the lines to “Mary had a little lamb, it’s blood oh so red, and everywhere that the little lamb went, I was sure to be fed.” It was quite comical, until he looked incredibly ill all of a sudden and ran into the forest. Inside the main building, which was a giant Gothic castle made of ancient stone, there was a congregation of people listening to Frankenstein’s monster, whom we all lovingly call Frankie. He was playing music for everyone, and quite enjoying himself. I mingled among my fellow werewolves, and noticed that my nephew, Wolfboy had made it this year. I told him once again that he should be using his fame to clear up the misconceptions humans have of all monsters. He had all that fame, and he squandered it, mostly on pies for some reason. He had begun endorsing all sorts of pies, as of late. I agreed with him that pies were amazing things, but his fame could be better spent on much more noble causes. We were all getting along fine, when some disastrous events occurred. First, there was a knock at the door. Wolfboy, who was standing nearby, opened the door, to find Dracula, drunk as usual, in a Colonel’s costume. “Colonel?” Wolfboy asked. “Blah!” Dracula cried, and tried to bite Wolfboy!! This started a minor squabble, as the werewolves tackled Dracula to the floor. Then the vampires joined in the struggle, as it is well known among monsters, that werewolves and vampires don’t get along, and will look for any reason to fight one another. Finally, after much fighting and shouting, Frankie managed to settle the group. Then, we had another vampire come to the door of the castle. It was the vampire who had been singing the drunken “Mary had a little lamb,“ and he introduced himself as Marcus, the Holy Vampire! I saw then that he was carrying a Bible, and he began to preach to all of us, explaining why each type of monster was doomed to Hell, himself included. The vampires quickly escorted Marcus out of the castle, trying to save themselves from further embarrassment from another drunken vampire. That’s when the zombies moved into the castle. They were normally stationed outside. There was no rule against them coming into the house, but it was generally accepted that they should remain outdoors. They preferred it really. Well, somehow they all decided to come inside, and when they did, the putrid, disgusting odor that filled the air just about made everyone sick! They were oozing all sorts of gross liquids, and their flesh was dropping all over the expensive rugs. It got extremely crowded in the main hall, as they all filed in. We were all pressed up against one another, and that’s when it happened. Frankie started playing the most dreaded and hated song for monsters. Yes, the song he played was: Monster Mash. There was a collective groan within the crowd. We all had no choice, but to start dancing. And we danced and danced, we danced the night away! |