Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/859994-Lives-of-Teenage-Spys
by Renèe
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Comedy · #859994
3 spies get a mission to guard 3 princes. They are sexist and the spies are girls.

Lives of Teenage Spies

Chapter 1


"How does this work?" asked a little girl who was about 5 yrs. old. She was short with red hair.

"Do you really want to learn, dear?" The little girl's father asked carefully.

"Yes Daddy!! Teach me!"

The man considered it for a moment, while tugging on his mustache. "Okay, but you can't tell anyone. Not even your mother; she'll kill me if she found I was teaching you how to be a spy."

"Yay!! Mel will learn hard. Mel tell no one!!" the girl replied jumping up and down.

The man smiled and started teaching her all he knew about being a spy.....

~*Now it begins...*~

11 yrs later, Melanie Hennasey, Mel, is a perfect junior spy, maybe even better. She's knows everything from how to pick a lock and figure out a code to disabling bombs. She also knows how to fight hand-to-hand combat and with almost every weapon but prefers to use mind over matter.

Mel is 5' 8", with a nice figure, hazel eyes which have a bit of green in it and medium length wavy red hair. At the moment, Mel was sitting on a bench in her huge backyard working on particularly complex code.

"Mel!! Mel!!" shouted a girl on the other side of the fence in her backyard. The girl jumped over the fence and ran over to Mel. The girl stopped about two feet in front of Mel.

The girl was 5' 8" and had long brown hair tied up in a ponytail with two strands hanging in front of her face and constantly in front of her blue eyes full of excitement, curiosity, and intelligence.

"Hi, Sammy." Mel said, without looking up. Sammy, Samantha Yerlof, nodded and sat down next to her. Sammy peered over Mel's shoulder to see what she was working on.

"We don't get paid for working overtime, you know." Sammy said.

"We don't get paid at all right now." Mel retorted and passed Sam a bottle of water. Sam took the bottle and drank a little water. "This bottle wasn't here before, was it?"

Mel gave her a look that said 'Why do ask when you know the answer?' Sammy sighed. "I know, I know. But I like asking questions to which I already know the answer."

Both Mel and Sam knew that Melanie's house was not what it seems. In fact there are more hidden doors and traps in it than in any spooky mansion. This was what Mel’s house was, a mansion, not spooky. Though Mel and Sam were both rich, neither acted like it much. "So, why did you come?" Mel asked. "And don't say you came to say hello because you could've called for that."

Sam grinned; she was going to say that. "Well, I came to ask if you would want to catch the last show for the new movie with me but..." Sammy looked at the sky which was darkening.

"You mean the movie that you downloaded from the internet last week?"

"Yes, but it's more fun to see it with social interaction!" Sammy said defensively. The truth was that Sammy was a whiz with a computer. When Mel and she go on a mission,

Sam always handles the technical stuff. She also creates some gadgets, here and there.

Suddenly, the bench under them caved in dropping them down a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel the girls landed with a soft bump on a huge cushion in the lab.

“Hey girls!!” A voice boomed in front of them. The source of the voice was a man in his forties, with brown hair with a few gray hairs and a mustache.

“Hey, dad. Mind giving us a warning next time?” Mel said without much enthusiasm.

“Hey, Mr. Hennasey, got something for us?” Sam said at the same time.

“Life doesn’t come with a warning. And, of course I do, would I bring you girls down here if I didn’t?”

“Yes.” Both girls replied with hesitation.

“It is my fate to be misunderstood.” He replied mock-indignant.

Mel grinned and Sam laughed. “It’s okay. We love you anyway, Dad.” Mel said, while patting him on the back.

“Thanks. Now for the mission,” His tone turning serious. “Three heirs to an important place are about to be given their inheritance, in 4 months. Your job is to protect them until they receive the inheritance and get royal protection. Now there’s a small catch,”

“Of course, there always is.” Mel stated.

“The boys are a year or so older than you. So they won’t like getting orders from someone younger than them.” He continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “Chris will be helping you naturally, but even her attitude won’t get them to listen.”

“What you’re trying to say that won’t like getting orders form younger girls.” Sammy said watching Mr. Hennasey.

“Since when does that stop us?” A voice asked from the doorway. Christina Rodgers, Chris, was a 16-year-old martial artist but didn’t look like it much. She had her black hair cut short, just an inch under her earlobe. Her green eyes were as sharp as her tongue. She was 5’ 10”, with her height being almost all leg. She was tanned a bit from staying outside. She looked attractive but that shouldn’t mean you should let your guard around her, ever.

“I’m not saying that should stop you. But it will make your work harder. Since threatening them will only get you trouble with their government. As a precaution I didn’t tell them you were girls.

“I told them that I’ll be sending Mel, Sam, and Chris to act as bodyguards for the princes. Naturally they’ll assume you’re boys.”

“PRINCES?!” the girls shouted at the same time.

“You said they were heirs to an important place!” Sammy exclaimed.

Well, that ‘important place’ happens to be the small Kingdom of Gallagher. And they’re half brothers who will get equal share of the kingdom.” He sighed. “Let me explain everything. The last king had three wives and they all gave birth to sons days after each other. The king wanted there to be no arguments about the kingdom so he decreed that when the youngest son turns 18 the kingdom will be divided into 3 equal parts. The oldest son will get the first choice and the youngest the last.

“But that’s not the problem. Fortunately, the princes are not spoiled much and are the best of friends. It’s the other relatives that have the problem. Some are complaining that they are too young to get control so soon, while others are complaining that the king should keep on ruling and wait for a little. But a couple relatives threaten to resolve to violence.”

“Why can’t we all get along?” Sam asked. She was the known peacemaker of the group since her temper was slower than Mel’s and Chris’.

Chris smiled. “That’ll be lovely. Then we’ll all join around the campfire, hold hands, and sing songs of peace and joy. Everyone would share their meals so no one will go hungry. Each girl will have her own pony and each boy will—”

“Okay!! Yeesh, it was a rhetorical question.” Sam said and rolled her eyes.

“Are we leaving now?” Mel asked.

“Yes. You girls are supposedly going on a backpacking trip thru Europe. But you’re really going to Ireland. Your gadgets are in your bags which are in your jet.” He said while leading them to the hanger where the jet was. “Have a nice trip and keep me informed. Chris, watch your temper, Mel, don’t challenge them to brain puzzles, and Sam, do not use your tech skills for evil. Alright?” He pushed them in and closed the door.

“Why does he always tell me to watch my temper?” Christy scowled at the door.

“Because,” Sam replied while controlling the jet, “If Mel gets mad all she’ll do is hit them with a book or kick them in the shins. You’ll beat them up till they can’t move a finger without wincing in pain.”

Chris grinned. “Maybe.”

“I resent that comment. I can hurt people if I want to.” Mel said with her nose in the air.

“But you rarely do.” They replied at the same time.

“It’s also my fate to be misunderstood.” Mel said so much like her father that the girls didn’t know whether to groan or laugh. She went to get their bags to check the gadgets.


Palace of Gallagher


“What do you mean you hired spies?!” A guy shouted. He was tall about 6 ft. He had dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. He was 18 years old.

“I mean I hired spies, Prince Aidan.” The chamberlain said, used to the prince’s temper.

“Calm down, Aidan.” Shaun said while putting a hand on his shoulder. He was an inch taller than Aidan. Shaun had coal black hair and wild blue eyes and a straight nose which all the brothers seem to have. “I’m sure Master Bronce has a reason for this.”

“Screw his reasons!! We don’t need spies to protect us we can take care of ourselves!!” Aidan yelled.

“Will you stop screaming like a girl? You’re acting like a spoiled brat.” This remark was from the youngest of the three. He was 6’ with dark red hair and blue eyes. He was leaning against the wall.

“Oh stuff it, Mick. You’re mad too.” Aidan said a little softer.

“Of course I am. We can protect ourselves. Or were those fighting lessons just for amusement?” Mick said his blue eyes burning.

“Master Bronce, what is the reason for this? I think we deserve to know.” Shaun asked quietly. Some people might think he was a wimp but when his temper was just slower to start.

Bronce sighed. “I know you guys can protect yourselves, but that’s not the point. We don’t want the people to things you’re ruffians or something. That’s why we’ve hired spies to stay with you and fight for you. They’ll be your bodyguards, so you have to listen to them. They are about your age.”

“What are they names? And do they have any special talents?” This question was from Mick.

“Their names are Chris, Mel, and Sam. Chris is a great martial artist. Sam is an electronic genius and Mel is a strategist.”

“What kind of a name is Mel?” Aidan asked.

“It’s short for Melanie.” Mel said entering into the room with Chris and Sam behind her.

To be continued…

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© Copyright 2004 Renèe (roserayne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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