Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/858329-Reflections-in-a-Broken-Mirror-III
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Mystery · #858329
[Master Scenes 36 - 50] A man wakes to a harsh world, with no recollection of his past.


Nudaru and Dayton casually walk through corridors, both occasionally peaking into empty rooms.

Distracted, Dayton halts, as Nudaru continues on alone.


Nudaru moves to the center of the room, his feet fall short of the sunlight shinning in through the row of uncovered windows.

Scarred floorboards lay a foot from his position, woodwork damaged in three places where the legs of a 'Baby Grande' stood once upon a time.

Nudaru moves around to where the front end would have been. He stares at the space longingly, before his head drops.

Dayton enters, her boots scrapping along the floor.

                   This was the parlor.

The couple embrace.


                   Here's fifty.

Dayton tucked a crinkled bill into the hand of an Orderly. The Orderly protests.

                   If you need more, then I'll get you
                   more. Just keep my mother off the

                   You know it doesn't work like that,
                   Bird. The patients have to be ready...

                   Make it work like that, this time.
                   Just for a few nights, okay?

The Orderly nods.

Nodding back, Dayton backs away rejoining Nudaru by the entrance.

                   Now are you going to tell me what's
                   going on?

Dayton pushes through the first set of double doors, hair disturbed by the sudden breeze. As she approaches the second set Nudaru grabs hold of her arm.

                   Do you trust me?

Dayton remains forward.


                   Then you don't need to know.

Dayton pulls away, exiting the building. After a seconds delay, Nudaru goes to follow.


Storm clouds ride out across the blue sky. Thunder rumbles in the distance.

The neon arrow posted above a two story complex flashes 'Cable' just below the termite infested wood carving of: 'Cowen Inn'.


Nudaru leans against the front window, forehead pressing against the glass. To his rear Dayton speaks with a receptionist, ID in hand.

Through the window, Nudaru watches lightening part the heavens striking the steeple of a skyscraper off in the distance.

Sparks fly as a result of mother nature's fury, but Nudaru's dead stare remains unaffected.


Nudaru turns in time to watch Dayton wriggle a room key, and head for the front door.

Pushing himself up all the way, Nudaru proceeds, a gust of wind swirling papers as the two exit.


Dayton sweeps thick drapes aside, staring out the window from her perch on the seal.

Rain snakes down the pane, the shadows trickling across the woman's skin.

Nudaru lifts his jacket from the floor to the chair where Dayton's rests, then moves across the room to the woman's side.

Silently he lingers, waiting for Dayton to acknowledge him.

Without looking away from the world outside, Dayton extends her arm.

Nudaru kneels, his head falling to the woman's lap.

Dayton runs her fingers through Nudaru's hair. He shuts his eyes, leaning further into her.

A tear rolls down Dayton's cheek, almost camouflaged. The TEAR falls landing on Nudaru's hand.

He rises.

Dayton wipes away the trail avoiding Nudaru's gaze.

Reaching up Nudaru grasp Dayton's chin turning her to look at him. He climbs off the floor to the stoop, leans forward and then kisses Dayton gently.


A trail of clothing lead to the bed.

The sheets a wrinkled hulk, barely cover's the bed's occupants.

Dayton lies sleep, her head tucked against Nudaru's bare chest.

Nudaru stares down at her. He extends his free arm to caress her face, but never makes contact.

The SCARS on his bare chest lit by what little light creeps in through the window, drawing his attention.

Nudaru stares at them, cringes.

Dayton's hand sweeps across the scars, not the least bit effected by their existence. Her open palm settles on a cluster, a knowing smile forming while she rest.

Nudaru's arm lowers wrapping around her bare shoulders. He squeezes her tight, mouthing: 'I Love You'.


A balled fist pounds on a locked door.


Dayton moves through her apartment, swiftly circling furniture.

The knocks grow more persistent.

Dayton reaches for the lock.


A shoulder slams into the door, wood splintering on impact.


Dayton flys backward. She slides across the floor, landing in a heap by the side of the couch.

A shadow looms over her.

From the girl's fetal position she looks up in horror.


Nudaru blinks awake, casually turning on his side.

The spot beside him is empty, the sheets drawn back carefully.

Nudaru sits up slowly, looking about the room with sleepy curiosity.

The floor holds his crumbled clothing alone.

He shifts toward the chair.

Dayton's jacket is gone.


Dayton crawls across the floor frantically.

Guy's hand latches onto a handful of her hair wrenching the woman up off the ground.

Dayton throws back a fist, crumbled bills tucked between her fingers.

Guy snatches the money, flinging her beside the piano.

Dayton's hands slam against the wall, saving her face from impacting. One hand flops loose smashing down on dirty ivory.

An off key sounds, echoing throughout the apartment.

Dayton swirls around to face her attacker, side stepping toward the back room.

Guy unfolds a few bills, then grabs Dayton again slamming her back against the string instrument.

                             (Pointing at Dayton)
                   Stay put.

Counting the cash with a swift hand, he looks away from the money to scowl at Dayton's frightened face.

                   You're short.

                   That's all I have.


Guy stuffs the bills in his pockets, and then slaps Dayton across the face.

Instinctively Dayton covers up.

                   I swear to God I don't have any


Guy's fist slams into Dayton's gut and she buckles over.

                   What do you think I'm stupid,

Dayton shakes her 'no' head profusely.

                   I don't know. Maybe you think
                   I'm blind.

Guy kneels grabbing a hold of Dayton's chin forcing her to look up at him.

                   Who's your boyfriend, Dayton?


                   The guy you've been prancing around
                   with. You been giving him my money?

Dayton's lip trembles but no response follows.

                   Yeah. I think you have.

Shoving Dayton back on the floor, Guy stands up straight readjusting his coat.

                   He's staying at the motel on 4th,

Dayton shakes her head, the fear in her expression loosing to fury.

Guy snickers, and takes a few steps toward the door.

Out of desperation, Dayton dives toward him, her arm sweeping his leg, tripping him up.

Catching himself. Guy Abruptly swings around to face the girl. As she struggles to get up off the floor he approaches, again grabbing a handful of hair.

Fighting back this time, Dayton's hand rises to her head, FINGERNAILS imbedding in Guy's flesh.

He cries out, throws a fist up to retaliate, but instead flops over at an odd angle.

Dayton's foot planted firmly between Guy's legs, pulls away, and she shoves Guy aside, darting for the door.

Using the same tactic used on him, Guy trips Dayton.

Completely thrown by her own agility, Dayton goes flying face down on the floor.

Swiftly Guy scrambles flipping Dayton over onto her back. He climbs on top of the girl hand rising, fist forming.


Light streams out from the living room.

HEAVY BREATHS and swift FOOTFALLS approach.

Nudaru's SHIRT and JACKET fall to the floor.


Nudaru appears in the door way, eyes locked on Guy tossing Dayton against the far wall.

Nudaru enters.

Guy's fist thrusts into Dayton's gut.

She gasps in pain, blood spat out onto the floor.

Nudaru extends a hand in Guy's direction.

Dayton slumps back sliding down the wall to the floor, vision blurring, and then fading.


Dayton steps halfway inside jarred to a halt by Nudaru's moans.

She struggles to remain forward. Out of the corner of her eye she sees the injured man reaching out in her direction.

Slowly Nudaru's face morphs into that of an older man, his other hand clutching a fresh bullet wound.


Maxwell Bird reaches for his daughter.

Dayton turns around all the way, slinking toward an unconscious Nudaru.


Dayton open's her eyes.

Guy's lifeless body falls to the floor.

Startled Dayton jumps, curling tighter against the wall to escape the dead stare of the dead man.

Nudaru stares blankly ahead. His expression almost euphoric.

Dayton looks up.

Nudaru wanders remorseless to:


Like a zombie Nudaru stands before the mirror staring through his reflection.

Nudaru's PUPILS reflect the living room, Guy's back to the door, Dayton spitting blood from the last attack.


Nudaru's hand clasp around Guy's shoulder spinning him so that the two men are face to face.

Shaken, but not completely thrown off, Guy throws a hand up, ready to defend himself. In mid swing, the punch halts, and a look of recognition flashes on his face.


Nudaru's pupils fully dilate. He head butts Guy, and the later swirls around from the force of the attack, blood spraying from a now broken nose and painting a trail across the wall.

Nudaru repositions himself, his back pressed against Guy's. He reaches around hands coming together around Guy's throat.

Guy removes one hand from his injury in an attempt to peel Nudaru's fingers from his neck.

Sensing the move, Nudaru leans forward, the muscles in his arms tensing.

Guy's FOOT drags along the floor boards slowly rising from the ground.

Panicking, he starts to buck and kick.

Nudaru tightens his grip, feet planting to maintain balance. He leans forward a little further, closing his eyes to concentrate on his task.

The tip of Guy's SHOE scrapes the ground. He coughs violently, spit flying.

Guy violently convulses, but his twitches gradually reduce. His coughs turn to gasps, weak wheezes. The flying spit transforms to drool.

A limb thrust wildly in a final attempt, then falls still.

Guy's hand drops from Nudaru's. As his arm falls lifeless at his side, Nudaru releases him, standing up all the way, eyes fixed on the trail of blood on the wall.


Light glints off the sharp BLADE of an old fashioned razor, inches from Nudaru's hands on the bowl of the sink.

                   Oh My God.

Nudaru reaches for the razor, flipping it open.

                   He's dead.

Dayton thrust her back against the bathroom door frame, her shoulder visible through the entrance.

                   You killed him.

Nudaru brings the blade up, the corner of his mouth twitching. He presses the razor to his chest, penetrating his own flesh with cool calm precision.

A new slash forms among an already existing collection. As blood flows from the fresh wound Nudaru's eyes roll back in his head, back arching in ecstasy.

                   He's dead.

Dayton swirls around stepping into the door way. Swiftly her hand rises to cover her own mouth, gawking at the reflection of Nudaru's satisfied expression.

Noticing the girl, Nudaru cocks his head in the direction of her reflection. His eyebrow rises sensing her fear.

Nudaru smiles wickedly, and stands up straight.

                   What are you doing?

Turning toward Dayton, razor rising in an attack form, Nudaru takes a step.

The HAND holding the razor convulses. Nudaru shifts back, facing the mirror, pupils readjusting as he spots himself.

Tremors suppress, and the razor falls to the sink.

Nudaru snatches up a hand towel, biting his lip as the sensation of pain rages through his figure.

Pressing the rag against the gash, Nudaru turns to look at Dayton hand extending toward her split lip, and bloody mouth.

Dayton jerks backward.

                   You killed him.

Nudaru lowers his arm.

                   I didn't mean to.

                   Yes you did. I saw your face.

                   I... was trying to --

                   I'm dead.

Dayton whirls around out of sight. Nudaru quickly goes after her.



                   I'm dead.

Dayton's hands rise to her hair.

                   Someone will miss him. They'll
                   send somebody else.


                   Whoever he worked for. God I knew
                   You'd turn out to be a psycho.
                   They're going to send someone to
                   Come in here kill me or...

                   Or what?

                   Worse. Benjirou.

Nudaru shot Dayton a look.

                   I wasn't expecting any guest.
                   Regardless, I am your host, Benjirou.


                   A contractor. A fucking sadomasochist.
                   Shit all this time I thought he did
                   that to you. But you did that to
                   yourself, didn't you?

                   Contractor? What does this contractor

                   He works for the law.



                   You said nothing was worse.

                   Well this is worse.

Dayton paced the floor, swiftly looking away from Guy's corpse.

Checking the wound for further bleeding, Nudaru abandons the rag, and tries to gain control of the situation.

                   What exactly does this contractor

                   He collects secretes.


Benjirou raises a scalpel. He waves it tentatively, the twitch at the side of his mouth becoming a sadistic grin.


                   Gathers them by doing shit like that.
                             (indicating Nudaru's chest)
                   When he's done he gives his information
                   to whomever splits the bill. Street
                   thugs, bosses, whoever.

Nudaru touches his chest. Then watches Dayton tremble at the thought of her own words.

                   They'll send someone, and take me
                   to him.

Nudaru stuck his arms out grabbing Dayton's shoulders. Swinging her around to face him he shakes her violently to gain her full attention.

                   We can't stay here.


-- Dayton stumbles into the corner of her bedroom, staring forward at nothing. Nudaru rips open drawers stuffing clothing into a duffle bag, not bothering to gather anything that tumbles beyond his reach.

-- Nudaru drags Dayton down the back staircase. He pushes the door aside stepping out into blinding white light.


A full bath. Droplets of water drip from the faucet rippling the collection.

Dayton hunches forward, eyes darting away from her reflection. Her shoulder's tremble slightly, she cradles herself in an attempt to ward off the tremors.

Nudaru enters, positioning against the wall, a dry towel clinched in the palm of his fist.

                   Is there someplace you can go?
                   Someplace no one knows about?

Dayton lifts her hand rinsing tears with H2O. She sniffles, her head already shaking from side to side.

                   No. For the third time. No.

Nudaru flattens against the wall, eyes falling shut. Sighing he opens them again.

                   I know you don't like cops, but...

                   No. No cops. They'll put you away.

                   I'm not worried about me.

                   They'll kill us both. The systems
                   just as dirty as --

Nudaru pounds his fist against the bathroom wall.

                   So what you're not worried about
                   you. I'm worried about you. I
                   didn't want you involved.

Dayton forces back a whimper, dunking her face in the water.

Nudaru glances in her direction.

Dayton rises with a long gasp.

Nudaru looks away.

                   We could leave? Go someplace where
                   no one will recognize us.

Nudaru nods, and offers Dayton an uncertain smile.

                   Sure. We're running now, right?

                   We could get away. Take a train,
                   or something.

Nudaru stiffens, his smile washed away by reality.

                   With what?

Nudaru pushes himself off the wall, draping the towel on the shower curtain rod.

In that instant Dayton's eyes land on the smooth, track free skin on her ex-junky's arm. For a moment she seems hypnotized, but the trance is quickly broken as Nudaru sits on the edge of the tub beside her.

                   You didn't have the money to keep
                   That guy away, so how do you
                   suppose we go about leaving town?

Dayton breaks down, hand hiding her face as she balls.

                   If these people are as powerful as
                   you say, then they'd find us, no
                   matter where we go.

Dayton thrust a balled fist into the water splashing Nudaru. When he simply flinches, she stands, snatching the towel and treading out to:


Briskly Dayton starts to dry herself.

Nudaru approaches the doorway, leaning against the frame.

                   They don't know about you.
                   Guy did, but not enough.

Nudaru shakes his head.

                   God your so stupid.

Dayton stamps over to one of the beds. She thrusts herself onto the covers, her back to NUDARU.

                   This is your chance to get away.
                   Leave me. I'd leave you.

Nudaru enters walking across to lay down on the other bed. He stares at Dayton.

Dayton refuses to look back.

                   Would you?

Dayton looks up, her eye conflicting with her previous statement.

                   You could --

                   Go to sleep.

Nudaru caresses Dayton's cheek. Upon contact Dayton shuts her eyes.


Lightening flashes across the sky. The dark room brightens.

Nudaru glances toward the open drapes, then back at Dayton sound asleep.

The light fades.

Thunder RUMBLES in the distance, a warning of the coming storm.

Another bolt parts the heavens.

Nudaru's spot is empty. The front door closes slowly.

Thunder CRACKS.

Dayton sits up abruptly staring across at the empty bed. Immediately she looks to the closed door throwing the sheets off and dressing in haste.


Rain pounds the earth, a violent wind whipping it against buildings and passing cars.

A puddle. The distorted REFLECTION of a hooded figure.

A boot crashes down sending water flying all over the place.

Dayton moves briskly down the street, her hood on her head.

She passes several shops glancing in through windows and doors.

She passes Gunny's Music store.

Although the sign in the window says 'closed', Dayton presses her face up close to the glass.

The young woman shakes her head, and then continues down the road. She pauses spotting:


stands before a building, grocery bag in hand.

Drenched, he trembles slightly.

                   What are you doing?

Dayton approaches.

Nudaru glances at her and then grabs hold of Dayton's arm dragging her to a door.

                   What are you doing? The motel's
                   behind us.

DAYTON and NUDARU's legs, pass a partially blacked out window.

The window reflects the alcohol billboard, and is temporarily blocked by a passing car.

The same prostitutes hold up beneath a trash bag on the same corner.



Keys JINGLE out of sight.

Nudaru tears through a sparingly furnished living room, with Dayton following, although somewhat at a distance.

He ignores the front room, moving to a closed door which he flings aside.

Crossing the threshold, Nudaru enters:


Pausing just a step in the entrance Nudaru turns to look at the wall.


A beautiful Woman pins Nudaru to a wall. She grins up at him, and then leans forward to kiss his neck.


Dayton enters sliding passed Nudaru. She posts in the corner, staring at the same wall as her companion.

Nudaru looks back and forth between the wall and the bed.

                   I was here.
                             (pointing to the bed)
                   She kissed me there.
                             (pointing at the wall)


Nudaru shoves the Woman aside moving away.


                   But, I didn't want her... Not


The Woman grabs Nudaru's arm. She swings him around and wrenches open the front of her top.

Fresh claw marks line her flesh, sweat causing them to gleam in the light.

Unable to control himself, Nudaru strokes each scratch, and then plants kisses on the irritated skin.

                   To bed?



Nudaru nods walking over to the bed.

                   We made love.


-- The Woman moaning.

-- A bed squeaking.

-- NUDARU's hand grasps a moving headboard.

-- NUDARU rolls over, both he and the woman covered in sweat.

                   I'm growing tired of you.

                   And what can I do to spark your


                   I attacked her. No. He attacked her.

Stumbling backward, Nudaru turns and spots the bathroom. He nearly runs to it, hand reaching inside to cut on the light.

A bulb flickers to life.

From the bedroom Nudaru stares into the master bath.

Dayton slides along the rear wall to look past into the other room.


The Woman struggles with Benjirou. He brushes her hair aside, and cuts into her check with a razor.

Benjirou's hysterical laughter fills the room.

The door beside him creeks open, and Benjirou releases the Woman.

She falls to the floor, blood running down her face.

She clutches her cheek.

Blood oozes out from between her fingers.

Benjirou turns away from the girl, pushing the bathroom door aside.

Nudaru scrambles through drawers, ransacking the place.


                   He broke in.


Nudaru on the floor, hands wrapped around his bleeding throat.


Nudaru enters:


He swirls around to face the mirror.

The REFLECTION is that of Benjirou, long hair flipped back to reveal a sadistic grin.


                   I wasn't expecting any guest.
                   Regardless, I am your host,

Benjirou grins and turns away from the mirror, facing Nudaru.


                   No. I broke in? And he --
                   and she --


The Woman pulls herself along the floor, moaning weakly.

Benjirou's eyes wander toward her. Mocking hospitality, he bows to Nudaru.
                   Please excuse me one moment. Our
                   lovely hostess has taken ill. I
                   must see she makes it to bed.

Benjirou recovers the razor, and places it on the sink. He moves across the room stepping on the woman's back to keep her still. From the dresser beside the bathroom door Benjirou recovers another weapon.

A scalpel catches the light from the bathroom.

                   Darling, you don't look so good.
                   You need to rest, poor dear.

Pulling the Woman up by her hair, Benjirou guides her to the bed, throwing her face down onto the sheets.


Benjirou's hand rises toward the ceiling, the blade of the scalpel glinting in the light.

Swiftly he brings his hand down, stabbing the Woman in the back over and over again.

The woman kicks, screams, and then falls still.

Leaning forward Benjirou kisses the Woman on the back of her head.

                   Sweet dreams, baby.


Nudaru, his face drenched in his own tears, swerves around to face Dayton.

Dayton shrinks in the corner.

                   He cut me, and killed her.

Nudaru glances back at the open door.


                   Where are my manners?

Benjirou glides back into the bathroom. He grabs hold of Nudaru's boots dragging him through the bedroom to the hall.


NUDARU shifts. He faces forward and swiftly heads to the door, simultaneously signaling for Dayton to follow.



A closed door at the top of a narrow staircase.

Keys JINGLE on the other side, the CLINKING echoes down the passageway.

The door flings aside. The handle slams into the concrete wall at the doors side.

An indentation from past collision embraces the dusty knob.

Nudaru stares down at the dimly lit room. He looks back over his shoulder, shifting to reveal Dayton approaching his rear.


Nudaru's head bounces off each step as Benjirou drags him down.

A large room lays out before the duo, the area furnished with a stretcher, and table located at the center of a curtain of black chains.


Dayton steps down from the last stair eyes locked on Nudaru staring blankly at the veil of chains.


lowers his gaze to the blood smeared floor, his mouth falling open, his hand rising to hold in anything that might attempt to escape him.


A restrained Nudaru stares up at an overhead window, biting on the gag in his mouth.

                   Good news, Nudaru.

Benjirou with predatory grace, makes his way toward his prisoner, hands extending to part the veil of chains.

Sliding up beside the gurney, Benjirou looks down into the helpless eyes of his victim.

                   I have listened to your confessions,
                   accepted them, and sentenced you. We
                   will be parting ways soon.

Gory wounds linger on Nudaru's person. Deep set gashes in his chest and abdomen, some fresh, others scars from tortures past.

                   In the meantime.

The corner of Benjirou's mouth twitches. He reaches toward the tray beside Nudaru recovering his scalpel.

                   I'll be gentle.

The twitch at the corner of Benjirou's mouth slowly and awkwardly becomes a sadistic smile.

Light reflects off the SCALPEL.

The room is enveloped in the Sound of a muffled scream.


A man's MUFFLED SCREAM gradually blends with thumping base.

The partial reflection of an alcohol billboard on a blacked-out basement apartment window.

A passing vehicle blocks the reflection temporarily, music blasting from the car's interior.


Nudaru stands idly, his expression blank.

He parts the veil of chains, and walks through, staring down at the tray of medical utensils.

He spots his reflection in one.

The reflection slowly morphs.

The hair grows long, falling down over dilating eyes. The corner of the mouth twitches and turns up in a creepy confident smile.


-- Nudaru falls to the floor, hand cupping his throat.

-- Benjirou's reflection in the mirror. He runs his fingers through his hair, sweeping the strands back out of his face.

-- Suddenly Nudaru's face morphs. The color fades, jaws growing pale. The hair shortens to Nudaru's current style. His face thins out, taking on the features of a heroin addict.


Nudaru pushes up his sleeve. He stares down at his unblemished skin. Trackless flesh stretched out over muscle.

Slowly his eyes grow wide with fright, pupils fully dilating.


shifts uncomfortably, watching Nudaru fiddle with objects on the tray.

He slides his sleeve down, backing out of the chain veil.


                   You know, I didn't expect him to
                   fight. After being with me for so
                   long, telling me everything about
                   his house, his family, his precious
                   piano, I thought he'd lost hope.


Benjirou pushes Nudaru against a brick wall.

Nudaru stumbles, hands saving his face from collision.


removes a knife from his coat.


                   I took him out to get ride of
                   him. Took him to the dead-end
                   by your apartment.


Nudaru turns swiftly, hands thrusting wildly in Benjirou's direction.

He scrambles passed, running further down the L shape dead-end.

Benjirou follows in hot pursuit.

Discovering no exit, Nudaru turns to fight.

The two men tussle.

Shadows dance on the wall, one grows larger than the other as the owner, Benjirou, is flung against brick and mortar.

Benjirou falls to his knees, the knife still in his hand.

Nudaru steps up. The instant he lashes out, Benjirou thrust the knife up into Nudaru's gut.

The impaled blade does nothing to slow the standing man. He kicks Benjirou, grabs hold of his head slamming it against the concrete.

Metal SCRAPES against concrete.

Nudaru bolts.

FOOTFALLS draw near to Benjirou lying face down on the ground.

An ENGINE revs.

Tires SCREECH tearing away.

Combat boots approach. A trash bag falls to the ground.


                   To my surprise, he fought.
                             (his lip rises)
                   No. I am not Nudaru Kawasaki. But
                   neither is he, anymore. I'm certain
                   my knife gut took care of him.

Benjirou faces Dayton.

She remains frozen in place, one foot back as if begging for her to make an escape.

                   I know.

Benjirou smiles his sadistic smile.

                   Yes, you do, but how?

                   The same way you did.

Dayton slides her sleeve up, and taps her forearm.

                   No tracks.

                   No tracks.
                             (shaking her head)
                   So who are you?

                   Don't you know?

Benjirou takes one step forward, scalpel rising toward the young woman.

                   I am your host, Benjirou.

Dayton shakes her head 'no'. She backs into the wall, tears forming in her eyes. Her hands go up in a defensive position.

Benjirou closes in.

                   I'll be gentle.

Benjirou presses himself against Dayton, eyes staring into hers. He lifts the scalpel to Dayton's cheek gently sliding it back and forth across her skin.

Dayton shuts her eyes, in defeated.

                   That's right, don't fight the

Benjirou presses the blade into Dayton's flesh.

Blood slithers from the wound.


-- Nudaru kneels beside Dayton, laying his head in her lap.

-- Dayton runs her fingers through Nudaru's hair, stroking tenderly.

-- Nudaru jerks backward as paint hits him in the chest.

-- Nudaru dips his brush and then points it at Dayton's exposed stomach.

                   You better not.

-- Chopsticks fall from Nudaru's hand, CLATTERING onto the ground. The instant after they settle he rises to his knees, hands reaching toward Dayton's face.

-- Nudaru climbs off the floor to the stoop, leans forward and then kisses Dayton gently.

-- Nudaru's arm wraps around Dayton's bare shoulders. He squeezes her tight, and mouths 'I Love You'.


Benjirou's hand begins to tremble. He pulls it away, unable to control his actions.

Benjirou's eyes dart toward his hand, then back to Dayton. He jerks the hand with the scalpel forward, the other hand assisting.

Dayton's CHEEK.

Blood mixes with tears.

Benjirou stares at the mixture, his cruel look morphs to freight.


Benjirou's eyes readjust.

He tosses the blade away, arms wrapping around Dayton pulling her head against his chest.

Frantically, Benjirou kisses Dayton's forehead, squeezing her tight.

                   You can run.


Benjirou withdraws from the embrace. He pulls Dayton up the stairs to:


Swiftly he shoves the bed aside, kneeling before a loose floor board.

Tossing the wood to the bathroom he recovers a bulky duffle bag.

Nudaru stands. He grabs Dayton, leading her to apartment door. thrusting the bag against her chest.

                   Take this.
                             (shoving the duffle bag
                              against Dayton's chest)
                   Catch the first train out of town.

Dayton runs out to:


She covers a few feet, before whirling around to see Benjirou still lingering in the doorway of his home.

                   Go on.

                   Not without you?

Benjirou shook his head. He shuts his eyes, teeth piercing his lip.

                   I'll find you.


                   The way you found me.

Dayton shakes her head.

                   Why not now?

Benjirou steps out from the doorway approaching the young woman. He stares down into her eyes, then embraces.

                   I won't leave you. You wouldn't
                   leave me.

                   You must. I have to fix the mess
                   I made.

Benjirou cups Dayton's face and kisses her.

Dayton kisses back, clinging to Benjirou's jacket.

Benjirou pulls away. Shoves Dayton away.

                   Now go. Hurry.

Dayton hesitates, and then runs off down the street.

Benjirou watches until Dayton is out of sight. He forces himself to look away from the spot where he saw her last. His face rises toward the heavens.

The tip of the Alcohol billboard peeks up over the building across the street.

Benjirou stares at the sign, then runs across the street passed the homeless people and their barrels of fire.


-- Benjirou jogs down the staircase to his basement apartment.

-- He drops two canister of gasoline onto the floor amongst a pile of flammables.

-- The medical tray flies against the far wall.

-- Benjirou knocks the stretcher over onto its side.

-- Benjirou splashes gasoline all over the walls, up the stairs, and all throughout the other apartment.

-- A lit match spirals toward the trail.

-- Fire races to the pile of flammables in the basement apartment.

-- Benjirou stares at the surrounding flames.

-- The ceiling overhead crumbles.

-- Benjirou scrambles.

-- A limb falls limply to the ground, engulfed in flame.

© Copyright 2004 Mizarie (cybe_r_iter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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