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#850726 by Not Available.

Challenge 1: 16th June

          Corey approached the crowd of people, all were dressed from head to toe in black and they looked like a group of vultures pushing to get to the prize, meat. A hushed silence fell over the crowd as Corey approached, it was as if the sea breeze had swept in suddenly and snatched their once gossiping voices right away. All eyes were now on the diminutive figure that was Corey, she felt her shoe clad feet sinking into the wet sand. The crowd parted like the Red Sea for Jesus and it was as if people were afraid to get too close. Corey subconciously knew what had happened even before she'd swung her navy eyes to the floor.

Corey caught her breath and stumbled over her own feet as she met the glazed almost lavender eyes that resembled hers so much. The waves lapped up against the stationary body that in death was as white as clouds after a downpour. The woman had cascading raven curls that shimmered in the sun that was just breaking through the clouds and they had been fanned out around her delicate looking face.

          Corey fell to her knees in the sand that felt more like mud beneath her and touched the womans cheek that had once been so rosy making her never frowning face look so delighted and youthful. She possesed satin like skin that felt like the side of a freezer to touch and Corey withdrew her hand hurridley. The woman's red silk gown was knotted twice at her tiny waist and clung to every curve and bump rather unattractively. Lying on her almost bare and ashen chest was a necklace, the silver tinted chain hung loosley round her slim neck and dangling off the end was a chinese symbol.
Corey touched the pendant and closed her dark eyes, a tear wormed its way out and splashed on the woman's lips. Corey looked at them, they were now a colour somewhere unusually between pink and ice blue. They now shimmered due to Corey's tear and were ever so slightly parted revealing her famed chipped tooth hidden behind normally charmingly, smiling lips.

          A bony, dirty nailed hand rested on Corey's shoulder and without looking up she shrugged it off irritably. She snatched the pendant from the woman's neck and stood shakily. The pendant was similar to the one worn round her own skinny neck that lay tucked away behind her collar. The only difference was, and the difference she knew only well enough, was her own symbol stood for Daughter and the woman's, stood for mother.

Challenge 2: 19th June

Prompt 1

"We'll find him! Listen to me Lizzy, we will find him, okay?" Jake insisted his voice cracking slightly, he had a hand either side of his wife's face in an attempt to reasurre. Liz nodded as a tear rolled slowly down one of her flushed cheeks.

Prompt 2

"Yes because it's so fucking admirable everything that you do for this family!" Mum screamed her face flushed and her eyes blazing.

Prompt 3

The very first time the knife made contact with his body it felt good, as if all my anger was pouring out the tip of the murderous weapon.

Prompt 4

Katie felt him push his body down onto hers and light kisses were planted all down her neck. She closed her eyes enjoying the rush she felt from the attention but then he began to gain confidence and his hands began to wander. It was then Katie's dark eyes snapped open.

Prompt 5

Chris chewed his last bite of his veggie burger and watched Chloe poke at her salad. She was sat on her own, as usual, the light breeze was moving her titian curls as if by invisible fingers and she looked close to tears. Chris sighed and stood heading across the field intent on talking to her, C'mon Chris, this time....

Challenge 3: June 25th

*Bit rushed but I hope it's okay!*

LLL The world stood still for her as she whisked through the elegant French doors leading to the patio and was instantly invaded by the presence of them both. The love of her present and the obsession of her past … the ultimate angel and devil raging a sensual war on her shoulders in the midst of the most important day of her life....

          Damien was a man created beyond perfection, he was everything Alazia had always dreamed of in a person, in a friend and more so in a lover. Not only was he pleasantly handsome, with his blonde hair and striking baby blue eyes but his body was gorgeously defined, every inch of sun kissed flesh seemed to know no flaw. But he wasn’t just good to look at, as Alazia had found out and grown to admire, he was a wonderful person. There were often moments when Alazia would be surprised by his intelligence, he was always very quiet about speaking in depth and about showing just how shrewd he really was.

This was her angel’s argument, how good and true her life was now, how beautiful and pure their relationship was and Alazia knew her angel was right. She shouldn’t be doing anything to jeopradise her bond with Damien, he was the only person in the world that would ever love her unconditionally.

Wrong..... Sneered her devil who plonked down heavily on her shoulder and picked his feet with his fork of flames. It would have been comical but Alazia was in no state of mind to laugh. Instead she sighed and pictured his face, his dark dangerous but knee buckling looking face. Jared was the first man she’d ever loved and hating to be a cliché but he’d broken her heart, far too many times. He was the typical rouge, he had a head full of wild black hair that resembled raven’s feathers being ruffled in a rough wind. His eyes were what had Alazia entranced, they were a dark brown in colour and appeared black at times, but they seemed to hold answers to every problem on the face of the earth, when times were tough she used to stare deep into his coal like eyes and the problems seemed to be solved in the blink, or wink of an eye. Alazia still secretly pined for the spontaneous edge she used to constantly experience with Jared to magically appear in her new relationship. But a perfect man couldn’t afford to be so impulsive, after all he was heir to millions of pounds.

Alazia slumped somehow gracefully into one of the garden chairs, large and finely crafted from mahogany she sighed once more. Once again Jared had reared his head insisting he needed to see her, needed to hold her and it was so Jared-like to rear it on her wedding day. Her head and heart were now fighting an angry battle as were her angel and devil. Her head and angel were telling her, obviously, she shouldn’t go, she was happy with Damien and Jared had no right to mess that up, no good could come from the meeting. But her heart and devil, of course, were telling her to go deep down she wanted to see him and craved to hold him too yes she loved Damien but it didn’t change things that much did it? She could see Jared and be back in time to get prepared for the wedding, couldn’t she.

          Alazia sat for a long time just looking out round the luxurious garden, the grass had been freshly cut, although Alazia was convinced nobody could cut grass so perfectly and that someone must go round with siccsors and snip the blades to perfection. The trees and flowers seemed to forever look like something you see in magazines, the trees huge, vibrantly green and leafy and the flowers bloomed, never dying always beautiful bright colours. Finally she stood up, moving back through the French doors she hurried upstairs and went straight into her large and charmingly decorated room. The walls were a deep red colour with an elegantly swirled white border running around all four walls.

Alazia changed out of her plain skirt and once fresh shirt then slipped into a simple white dress. It felt silky against her skin as it rippled over he slim body, once it had settled it hugged her body in all the right places. Alazia admired herself in her gold rimmed full length mirror, her light brown curls reached just past her shoulders and bounced when she walked, Alazia was beginning to look at herself in a different light, Jared never failed to do this to her. Make her feel so special, she began to look younger and feel it too, like she was ready to take on the world, just as long as he was there too. She exhaled and checked herself over in the mirror once before going downstairs, leaving the house and not looking back once.

The meadow looked exactly the same as when Alazia had last been there, the long, light green grass was tickling her ankles as she brushed through it hoping there was nothing horrid under foot she’d land in. Her cerulean eyes were flicking around scanning the meadow for signs of her Jared, she was late as usual and surprised herself in hoping he hadn’t left, bored of waiting. A sudden movement caught her eye and she whirled around to see Jared walking, in his over confident loping way, towards her and one of his heart wrenching smiles appeared on his face as their eyes locked. He winked and Alazia knew she’d been right to come, she skipped through to grass towards him and was pulled into his safe arms immediately. She wrapped her slim, golden brown arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, tears pricked her eyes and she bit her lower lip desperate to fight them back.

“Hey beautiful,” Jared whispered into her neck as he kissed it lightly his arms had instantly snaked around her waist and his fingers were stroking her skin through the thin dress.

“Jared I’ve missed you.” She said quietly closing her eyes.

“I’ve missed you too, so very much.” He admitted and broke the embrace his hands kept firmly in hers. “I need you Lazie, I love you so much don’t leave me today.” He insisted his eyes pleading with her, he looked so lost and frightened, she’d seen it so many times before.

Alazia looked at him but all she could think of was Damien. Pure, sweet, kind Damien, Damien who was always there for her, Damien who would never cheat on her, never raise a hand to her drunk or not, Damien who loved her with everything in him.

“No you don’t Jared, you just think you do,” she said softly a tear escaped from the corner of her eye and rolled down her flushed cheek. A tear she realised of joy, the joy of realisation, not of grief.

“Lazie I really do, I need you, I want you I can’t live without you, please!” He cried and sunk to his knees. “Come away with me, leave all this, this isn’t you. I know that, you know that.” He was telling her urgently.

Alazia pulled him up and stroke his cheek with her finger. “Jared, I can’t, however much I’ll always love you, I’m getting married to Damien and I do, I love him.”

          Jared placed his hands either side of her face and shook his head, adamant. “No! No don’t say that Lazie! We’re meant to be together you know that stop trying to deny it!”

She placed her hands on his and looked into his eyes, for the first time they held no answers, no secrets. “That’s what I thought too, I thought by moving on, on to Damien I could convince myself I didn’t love you and the funny thing is it didn’t take long before I saw how kind some men can be, how pure their love can be. Sure we had fun but you love too many other things for the love to be unconditional,” she laughed lightly and leant up to kiss his forehead. “I’m sorry.”

Alazia turned around and walked away, it was her wedding day and she was going to be married to a wonderful man, she didn’t care they didn’t have spontaneity, that didn’t matter. What mattered is that their feelings were true and wonderful and that it was a two way thing. She left the meadow and felt as if a huge weight had been lifted her mind felt clearer and her heart lighter. She didn't look back at Jared once, she didn't feel the urge too, she'd finally stopped caring.

“Well, well, well.” Came a deep, mocking voice. That broke rudely into her thoughts. Alazia turned quickly and was faced with two towering men she recognized faintly, they were stood, their arms folded and smirks on their faces.

“Can I help you?” She asked backing away slightly.

One of the guards opened their mouths to speak but someone interrupted. “No. But you can help me.”

Alazia’s heart stopped, she knew the voice well, too well, it was Damien. She turned slowly dreading what was coming, to face him. “You can help by giving an explination.” He said solmnely.

Alazia forced the lump that had just appeared in her throat down by swallowing hard and attempted to smile but Damien’s face was completely void of all emotion.

“We found him sir.” Came a gruff voice from behind Alazia and she looked round to see Jared being held roughly by two beefy guards.

          Damien’s face was still blank as he moved stiffly towards Jared and in a one swoop struck him round the face. Alazia gasped and moved forward to step in between them, Jared’s nose was beginning to bleed but it was Damien’s face that really cut deep, his eyes were blazing, with hurt, anger, confusion? Alazia opened her mouth to start to explain but Damien cut her off.

“No. No don’t say anything I don’t even want to hear.” He snapped angrily and turned away.

“No! You can’t just do that Damien, you can’t just jump to conclusions, I thought you were better than that, I thought in a situation like this you’d be willing to listen!” Alazia flared.

“In a situation like this! I never expected to be in a situation like this, why did you?” He asked surprised at her response.

“You know what I mean Damien.” She snarled and folded her arms across her chest.

Damien simply shrugged and from behind her Jared sighed loudly. “Get over yourself Rich Boy, she doesn't want me, what more do you want? You're obviously the one she wants are you blind? We wouldn't have walked off in opposite directions if we were going to run off together would we? She loves you not me, alright?" Jared hung his head a little sadley, there was a silence in which Jared took and deep breath and regained his-self. "Can I go then?"

Damien stood in silence for a few minutes before giving a nod to his guards to release Jared. He wiped his bloody nose on his dirty shirt before standing up straight. “Catch you around Lazie, it’s been, fun.” He smiled slightly and loped away.

Alazia swung her eyes back up to meet Damien’s. Somewhere in the distance a clock chimed 12pm, there were only a few hours before they were to be married. She studied him trying to figure out what he was thinking, his eyes were still confused and hurt but the anger was gone.

"Sir, we should be getting you back soon." One of the guards spoke up and Damien simply dismissed them. They slouched off noisily talking in their similar low and gruff voices.

For the first time in the couple of years they’d known each other an awkward silence had aroused in which Damien didn’t move and Alazia shuffled around uncomfortably.

“I’m sorry.”

          Alazia and Damien both looked at each other and laughed softly realising they’d both said it at the same time. Damien moved towards his wife to be and extended his hand towards her, Alazia looked up and met his eyes. Funnily enough once she looked into them she felt not as if her unanswerable questions had indeed been answered but she felt more than that, she felt comforted and above all, loved. He smiled as she slipped her hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She knew then that everything really would be alright.

Challenge 4: 30th June

I used to stare above
And wish to the sky
That when I next saw you
It could have all been a lie

Your ice cold eyes
Chill to the bone
Single me out
Make me feel so alone

No flower can match
Your beautiful face
But it's evil to think
Your heart can disgrace

I'd travel a thousand seas
To hold you near
To feel your warmth
Wipe every tear

It's all in my past
The pain and strife
So stay well away
It's now my life.

Challenge 5: July 4th

“Trust me….” He insisted his gentle voice soft. He intwined his cool fingers
with mine and carefully removed my blindfold.

Blinking a few times my eyes finally adjusted to the dim, dank light of the
forest, the only half decent light was that from the sun, breaking through the
leaf covered branches above. It streamed down and the shadows of various
creatures in the treetops kept appearing on the ground as they jumped past.

“Ready?” He asked as our eyes locked, his sparkled like dark jewels due to the lighting and he grinned as I nodded slowly and unsurely.

With a swift motion he swept back the curtain of hanging ivy vines and pulled
my arm slightly, my feet wouldn’t move. I didn’t trust myself to walk either,
there were a mixutre of things littering the forest floor, tree roots poking
out ready to snatch your feet away, damp, dead leaves that were brushing my
bare ankles, they felt too similar to worms, slimy and disgusting. I shivered
and Ash stepped back through.

“Lil, come on, it’ll be fine. Trust me.” He repeated and I sighed, my feet
moved this time and I followed him through the vine drape.

I wasn't prepared in the slightest for the sight that met my eyes, Ash's village had always sounded so full of life, so joyous. So it took me by suprise when the area was empty. Ash turned to me and grinned then tugged my arm gently. I trotted down a small flight of wooden steps after him and kept my eyes on the floor, checking for tree roots. It was remarkable, I noticed, how much the forest floor had changed, it didn't feel like I was in the heart of the forest anymore. The floor was clear of all debris and beneath my sandal clad feet was hard, worn mud, yet was mud the correct word? It didn't feel slide underneath my feet and I life not even a hint of a footprint.

I glanced up and noticed Ash was leading me slowly towards a man. He was much taller than Ash who was a good five eleven, I guessed he could have been no smaller than six foot five. I smiled to myself as I pictured the crick I'd have in my neck by the time I left. Ash peeked back at me an amused look on his face and I scowled at him knowing excatly what he'd done.

I was surprised at how fast we reached the man, I tilted my head up and he lowered his so our eyes locked immediatly and I closed my mind off like I often did with Ash when I didn't want him prying. His eyes, I noticed, were almost identical to Ash's, a deep blue, almost lavender with flecks of silver and gold dashed wherever, the little flecks seemed to move every few blinks. Except this man, he didn't blink.

"Father," Ash spoke inclining his head a little. "This, is Lil."

So this was his father, I guess sub conciously I knew, they were similar in many ways. "Yes. I know." He responded matter of factly and nodded his head towards me. I did the same and smiled warmly at him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you sir." I told him truthfully.

"Yes." He said slowly. "Yes."

"Ash! Ashlay, darling! You're back!" Came a womans voice, a light, warm voice that seemed to float towards them. As did her scent, a mixture of lavender and woodsmoke.

The next voice that touched my ears came from the tiny, almost diminutive form of a child, a little girl. She had so much hair, it was incredibly thick and rippled as she skipped towards Ash. It flew behind her like a heavy cloak and was whisked around as Ash picked her up with ease.

I could still feel thouse familiar eyes on me and swung my gaze up to meet his but he snapped his eyes away. Instead I made myself content by looking around. Dotted about on the floor were small burnt our campfires, each had a little pile of blackened logs in the middle, surrounded by nine of ten rocks plucked fresh from the river. Most of the makeshift stoves were situated outside what appeared to be a home. A simple wooden hut assembled around the base of a tree or mid-way up, nestled securley on the branches.

The trees here were as tall and leafy as anywhere yet the light still managed to stream in and I found it was no trouble seeing everything. A voice broke into my thoughts.

"Hello dear! Why you must be Lil, am I right?" The woman enquired jollily. She had long, tumbling titian curls that bounced when she moved.

I nodded slowly, I was simply awestruck by the woman's beauty. She seemed un-naturally angelic looking and I was relieved to find my mind wasn't being probed as our eyes met.

"I am incredibly pleased to meet you dear. This unusually shy thing is Arabella, Ashlay's sister." The woman, his mother, introduced happily. The girl stepped gingerly out from behind Ash and smiled unsurely, but politely up at me.

I smiled timdily back and curtsyed down to her height. She giggled and bowed from the waist down, straight back and all.

"Well!" His mother said chirpily clapping her hands together. "We have a feast to prepare for, Lil you are staying, aren't you?"

I looked immediatly to Ash who nodded his head eagerly so I turned back to his mother. "If I'm not to be any trouble!" I concluded beaming.

"Of course not!" She said and waved a hand at me dissmissing my suggestion. I felt small fingers close round my hand and someone tug softly on my arm. I glanced down to meet Arabella's adoring gaze.

"Can I show you something?" She asked, her voice was soft like Ash's and breezy like a summer's wind.

I glanced around for confermation I could go but no one was about so I laughed lightly and shrugged.

"Lead on!"

Keeping a firm hold on my hand we were off, Arabella pulled me through the village, it was very much the same. Huts, trees, campfires. It was plain and simple yet so magically beautiful. We reached whar what I was almost sure were the outskirts of the the village and Arabella ducked away under some low hanging branches of a huge, lean tree. She signalled for me to follw and luckily it wasn't too hard to duck under. Once 'inside' the tree I let my eyes adjust to the murky light and once again Arabella's small, cold fingers were on mine and she pulled me towards the large trunk. Attached to it was a ladder, it was made from a dark, strong looking wood and was screwed in expertly. Arabella's hand was gone and she launched herself up onto the ladder.

"Are you sure it's safe?" I queryed peering up through the thick of the branches and leaves.

"Trust me."

"Hurry Lil!" Arabella coaxed as I pushed up through the top flimsy branches of the oak. She was perched on a platform gazing down below.

Taking a deep breath I settled on the stand beside her and lowered my eyes away from the afternoon sun. What I saw took my breath away. A winding river below was host right now to about fifty boats, the sparkling cerulean water rippled with every movement of a boat. The quickly setting sun was reflecting on the water making parts appear orange or red and even gold in places. The banks of the river weren't thick, oozing mud but lush, thick pea green grass the kind you find in a secret meadow, untouched but ramblers or animals except maybe a doormouse and his family. I found myself sighing with wonder and tucking my feet beneath me to get a better look at the scene below. The trees there were about half as thick and all low hanging, their fresh, spring leaves and buds were brightly coloured and were planning on staying that way for a while. A willow's thin branches were dipping in the water and as the lightest of breezes stroked the willow's limbs it created an ongoing ripple through the waters.

The whole setting was simply magical, I felt like I'd found paradise, everything was so preserved, un-destroyed. No wonder it's where abouts had to be so secretive, why would you want anyone to wreck this place? It was beautiful.

"We should be getting back." Arabella spoke up suddenly her dark eyes studying me.

I nodded ponderously. "Thank you, I mean for showing me this, it's exquisite." I told her in a hushed voice.

When we reached the bottom of the tree I could hear the soft sounds of gentle music, the feast was beginning. And I was to be a part of it, I shivered as I realised I was gradularlly beginning to feel like this, this enchanting place, was where I belonged.

Challenge 6: July 13th

*I've done this a little differntly but it's still pretty much in first person!*

          The trap door creaked eerily and the noise echoed throughout the empty house as Farah pushed it open. The dank, musty smell hit her quickly, it was as if the smell was hurridly trying to escape the place it was being kept. Farah flicked her loose curls from her eyes and heaved herself fully up into the attic.

Dust blanketed the uneven, wooden floor and cobwebs hung from the beams like old lace. Farah tucked the curls behind her ears and rolled the sleeves of her, baggy, jumper up. Her grandmother's death had been too sudden, the attic was full of long untouched boxes. Boxes that were piled high in every corner of the room, full of junk and forgotten items, all claimed by various spider' webs.

          Farah grit her teeth and began with the pile of boxes closest to her. She swept the cobwebs off the pile of boxes and then dusted them from her hands. The first couple of boxes were full of old plates, all covered tightly in bubble wrap. One other box hid a wonderful collection of hardback books, large and heavy. Farah stacked them to one side to take home with her. As she reached round to pull another box towards her she knocked her arm against the pile of books. They thumped down heavily and a splintering crack struck Farah's ears.

Looking down she saw the fallen pile of books had broken through one of the floorboards. Farah groaned and started to pile the books up again, she reached her hand down inside the floorboards to picked up and books that may have fallen through. Farah fumbled around but her hand came into contact with nothing but another layer of flooring. Confused she pulled the torch she'd brought from her back pocket and shone it down. It appeared to be a compartment, Farah smiled to herself, it was so like her gran to have a little hidden place under the floorboards. The light flashed over something in the alcove, Farah stretched her hand down towards it and her fingers closed around the object.

Sitting back she flicked off the torch and peered at it. It was a small book, it's cover was a worn leather like material and inscribed on the front were the initials J.M.

J.M, J.M
Farah thought to herself and chewed her lower lip. Could it be Jennifer Montague? Her gran? Was this her gran's diary? She slowly opened the cover and the front page confirmed her thoughts. There written on the first page in long swirly black pen was written.

The diary of Jennifer A. Montague

Farah paused, the pages were calling her, urging her to read but her mind was reasoning and telling her she shouldn't, it was private. But then again, it did look old, it was most probably from when her gran was younger, it wouldn't mean anything..... Would it? Farah finally gave in and turned the first page slowly.....

Dearest Diary,

          I've been locked away, again. I didn't do anything, I really didn't... Father just likes to punish because he can, because it makes him feel more like a man. But nothing he can do will ever, ever make him a man, not in my eyes anyhow. He is such a bastard, I wish I could just leave, but then I think about mother, how on earth would she cope without me? He'd beat her and God forbid end up killing her, I dread to think....

But enough about my family, school, I'll write about school. For a 'plain Jane' I shine in my school work. My teacher, Miss Williams, wants me to take some exams that may result in me being sent to a college, imagine! Me, at college! I mean, even if I pass which I doubt I will, where on earth would I get the money? Father doesn't allow any kind of school work in the house, he believes we should be out working... that's why I hide you diary, precious diary up here, along with all my school books all pencils and ink I own are kept here under the floorboards. He wouldn't allow it, he wouldn't ever allow it, he'd beat me and lock me here for days for being insolent.

Oh goodness someone's coming!

She didn't sign it, it just ended abruptly, she'd obviously been startled by someone coming. The writings of Farah's great grandfather scared her, imagine having a father who beat you and your mother, didn't allow school work and locked you in an attic! Farah shuddered and lowered her eyes back to the diary's next page of writing....

Dear Diary,

          My deepest apologies for not writing for a little while, I've been so wrapped up in studying for these upcoming exams. I really do have my heart set on getting out of her, mother should stand up to him. As much as I love her she never helps me out when I need her help, she lets him walk all over her and I just want to be free of this whole situation.

I hate how he always puts the blame on me, but then he'd never blame any of the boys, his dearest hard-working sons! And never on Tillie, but then she is only little... he wouldn't lay a finger on his little girl, only his big girl.... His blows hurt, yes but his horrible comments, his little digs hurt even more. I don't even mind being locked up here! At least I get some peace, I'm allowed to work... to study!

Goodness! How angry he makes me feel... I've never purposely hurt anybody in my life but oh how I want to cause him pain. To make him feel as low as he makes me and mother feel.... oh how I wish it....


Farah sighed and rubbed her forehead, she wondered if her mother knew about how her grandfather was?

My Diary,

          Yes! Yes I am aware of all the time I take to write and for that I apologise once more but life just got hectic! Firstly my exams are over and done with and I'm simply awaiting the results!

Secondly, I am for the first time in my life in father's good books! I can hardly believe it! Shall I tell you why? It's because I have a job.... he's okay that I'm not helping on the farm, he has four sturdy sons to tend to that! But yes, I am waitressing at the local diner, it's money to hopefully fund my college dream, I am more confident than I was before, I believe I can do it diary, keep me lucky!

I am no longer being locked in the attic and I'm so busy with school work and my job that I hardly find time anymore, I'm thinking of asking father to help me convert this to my bedroom, that way I can keep all my books hidden with you. There is no possible place in my bedroom right now to keep you safely hidden.... but I intend to find a way to keep writing regularly...

I must go now dearest.


There were so many entries afterwards but Farah didn't trust herself to read on, she was so hoping her gran got good exam results, made it to college and did well. But part of her was scared it would turn out she didn't get to college, that her father took her out of his good books and things got worse.... Farah sighed and rubbed her forehead, finally after debating she snapped the diary closed and replaced it in the floorboards. She'd find a plank from somewhere and fix it, that way she wouldn't be able to get back to the diary, and no one else would either.

Challenge 7: July 17th

          "Scream and I'll kill you." He hissed in her ear. His mouth was touching her left ear, his warm lips brushing the top of it and his unsteady breathing tickling the inside of it.

Sadie's heart began to race as he tugged her roughly along. It was banging against her chest, almost desperate to be heard. If she couldn't scream to get help she prayed, stupidly, someone would hear either the racket her heart was making or the blood pumping noisly in her ears.

It was only when the low hanging branches and brambles began to rip at her skin that she realised he was dragging her through the forest. The damp, earth smell hit her nostrils, it mixed with his sweat and pub stench and caused her to gag. It wasn't long before he was satisfyed with the location and he threw Sadie onto the hard, littered forest floor. Tears sprung to her eyes as she heard a sickening crack and felt pain shoot through her head. There was no time to feel any kind of real pain or self pity as he was already half naked and pushing his weight down upon her. Sadie struggled to pull in a shakey breath as he was bearing down on her chest.

          He began to harshly tear at her underwear beneath her skirt and a loud rip pierced the air. Sadie closed her eyes and tears seeped out from under her eyelids. He was fouly getting himself prepared and Sadie slipped her hand away and felt round by where she was lying. For anything, a stone, a stick, something. Her hand finally touched a bulky stick and she gripped it tightly. As he turned around to continue Sadie swung the branch up and with a crunch it made contact with his skill. Her cursed loudly and Sadie took her chance, she jumped to her feet and started to move. But the ground was pulled from beneath her as his icy fingers locked round her ankle and yanked. A scream escaped Sadie's dry throat, yet it was quickly silenced.

Challenge 8: July 24th

*I know... it's similar to The Hole but it was something I had to base it upon... I was at a loss!*

"Sammie," I sobbed staring down at the lifeless body in my arms. "Sammie, please just open your eyes. Then it'll all be okay, just fine." The distant piercing sound of sirens hit my ears. "Sammie, come on! They're coming, stop being so selfish." My tears were subsiding and she was beginning to annoy me. I was covered in her dark, thick blood. "Stand up, dammit Sammie!" I screamed throwing her rag doll body away from me. It bounced a couple of times before stopping, twisted in a disgusting position on the hard gravelled floor. Then I simply sat and waited for the flashes of red and blue lights to warm me, voices began to hit my ears from all directions. Then I fell back onto the floor and closed my eyes.

"How are we today then Lottie?" Mrs Jenkins enquired in her soft, coaxing voice. She had a hint of an Irish accent, it was light enough to be unnoticeable, unless you'd been hearing it everyday for the last two weeks for around three hours of every single day.

I shrugged as I took my seat on the cracked, beige, leather sofa. The interview room was plain, no sharp objects, no pointy corners, just the old, worn sofa and a plastic chair, both screwed to the floor. Mrs Jenkins was a round woman yet she gave the impression she wasn't. It was something to do with the way she carried herself, the way she appeared confident yet so shy at the same time. Everything about her confused me, how her face was youthful, free of wrinkles and a sparkle still remained in her clear blue eyes. Yet how she seemed so wise, wise beyond her appearance years, and how she wasn't hiding the growing amount of grey hairs that stood out against her head of lush, thick chesnut locks.

"Do you feel like talking today? You realise we have no case and the trail is on Wednesday," Mrs Jenkins informed me softly, it could have been sarcastic and patronising but she was so gentle in her manner of telling me, it wasn't.

I nodded my head slowly then stopped as the smell of my unwashed hair reached my nostrils. I sighed heavily to get rid of it and instead a sicklier smell grabbed me. How she'd smelt that night, the smell of the river, the rain on the tarmac, her perfume and the blood. Thick and sticky and coating my hands, entangled in my hair, smeared on my cheeks.

"Lottie. Lottie, don't keep it bottled up any more, it's not fair, tell me. I'm not going to judge or punish, I'm just going to listen. I promise."

After a pause of around three minutes I gave in.

"Sammie had it all, she was beautiful, she was clever and everyone loved Sammie....."

          "Charlotte you can't be serious? This essay is appalling!" Mr Winters told me bluntly and I was hurt. I'd stayed up into the early hours of the morning to finish it, how he could he possibly say that?

"W-what?" I insisted.

"I'm sorry Charlotte it's just not good enough, take it away and re do it. I want it back on Friday. Or else." He added and stalked off his old fashioned black coat billowing out behind him.

I glared at the back of him and hoped he could feel my pure hatred. I snatched the essay from his pristine desk and marched out of school. Sammie was waiting at the gates, she was leant back casually against the wall, her soft blonde curls framing her exquisite face. She was chatting animatedly to the group of boys around her, all fawning for her attention.

I strode towards her and she immediatley looked up. A smile drew on her lips as she saw me, then it turned to concern when she saw the clear anger on my face.

"Lott! Slow down!" She cried as she hurried after me and grabbed my arm to make me face her. "What's wrong?" She asked looking into my eyes, I hated it when she did that. She always looked so sincere that I found myself spilling my soul.

I shook her off roughly. "Nuffin'"

We walked in silence for a little while, me stomping on full speed ahead and Sammie gracefully keeping up with me. "It was the essay, wasn't it?" She said finally, it wasn't even a question, she knew she was right.

We carried on towards home in our same, stony silence. I was resentful, resentful towards Mr Winter, how dare he say what he said? The essay was perfectly acceptable. He just didn't like that for once I was doing well, I was on top of things. And I was resentful to Sammie, that kind of thing would never happen to her, Sammie never had to re do essays, Sammie probably never had to do essays. One of her devoted brainbox followers would probably have done it for her.

I stormed straight up to my room and banged the door closed, I tossed the essay at the wall and it hit it with a slap then fluttered to the floor. I turned on my music and blared it up loud to push all thoughts out of my head, it seemed to help, but then Sammie tapped on my door. I yanked it open and she beamed at me and extended her gifts forward. Cans of coke and cookies.

          "Okay, so I have a plan. It's poetry, right? Nature poems if I remember correctly?" Sammie pondered aloud nibbling her cookie.

I nodded and watched her, wondering where excatly it was all leading.

"Well, I know this great spot, it's really relaxing, soothing and kind of feeds the brain. How about we take all your information up there and re do this essay?" Sammie suggested smiling hopefully at me. It was times like that, that I loved Sammie with all my heart, she was so thoughtful and wonderful. Yet then there were times when she pissed me off majorly....

"Lottie, what happened when you went up to Highman's Point?" Mrs Jenkins asked, she was coaxing me. This was so close to the answer and she knew it.

"She fell. I didn't kill her.... She tripped on a boulder and hit her head. Then she died, I didn't know what to do...."

          I could feel Mrs Jenkins' ice blue eyes on me, studying me, analyzing, scruitinizing. I raised my eyes to meet hers, but not once did her gaze sway. "Lottie, please tell me the truth."

"I-I did." I stammered, confused.

Mrs Jenkins shook her head. "No... no you didn't darling." She said softly. "Come. We're going somewhere, I think it'll help."

          "We're going to Highman's Point, aren't we?" I muttered.

Mrs Jenkins nodded her head as we parked. I didn't recognize the clearing in the daylight. It didn't look so eerie, so dead, in the sun. I opened my door and my bare feet touched the soft, springy grass. It had crunched underfoot when we'd come up. By torchlight the grass had looked brown and dying.

"When you were found Lottie, you had a bag with you. It was full of clothing, money and a fake passport as well as fake ID's. Your sister had bruises and cuts all over her face, she died eventually by head injuries. She did not fall and hit her head." Mrs Jenkins told me, all the details made no sense, I'd told her what happened why was she making all this other things up? "I think you've told yourself lies Lottie, and because you've insisted upon them being true. In your mind they have become real, or as real as they can be. I want you to look around and remember, try and remember Lottie."

Girl Beats Sister To Death After She Finds Of Student-Teacher Affair

Sixteen-year-old Charlotte Mason always felt overpowered by her sister, seventeen-year-old Samantha, widely known as Sammie, she was everything Lottie wasn't. Intelligent, beautiful and loved by all. That is until Lottie's English teacher, who must remain nameless for legal reasons, took an unhealthy interest in her, and the feelings were quickly returned. On the day in question Sammie had walked in on Lottie and Mr X in his classroom after school. What she saw sent her shocked and running from the classroom, Lottie broke off her indecent doings to chase her sister. Sammie was sworn to secrecy and assured that Mr X was a 'good man.'

          That night Sammie happened to over-hear a phone conversation berween her sister and Mr X. According to Lottie they were planning to run away together, they were to meet at Highman's Point later that evening. Lottie, unknowing her sister was aware of her plans, made a quick exit after dinner and walked the short distance to the clearing. Sammie followed her sister and once finding the two about to leave desperately tried to persuade Lottie to stay with the family. Lottie instructed Mr X to drive to the local mini market and wait for her there. Then began a heated arguement between the sisters in which Lottie confessed her true feelings about Sammie and she remember's clearing stating such phrases as;

'I hate you, you bitch.' 'You have everything, just let me have this.' 'Tell anyone and you die.'

In the end poor Sammie died anyway, when she refused to keep the night a secret Lottie lost her temper and beat her to death. Then she herself collapsed.

It has been a long struggle for everyone involved in the case as who they thought to be the key witness was infact the cold blooded killer, a sixteen year old girl by the name of Charlotte Mason.
© Copyright 2004 Dominique (smilejayuk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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