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Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #858273
It was my first day at the new school and I felt like a lonely owl peeping at everybody around. When I entered my classroom I saw many different faces wandering about and chatting loudly. My eyes searched for an empty seat and found one. It was the last bench.

As I emptied my bag ,I tried studying everyone .A very pretty girl was walking about arranging the desks and benches, setting them in the right order. She had long hair and green eyes. Three boys and two girls were discussing something in a corner. Few were alone, sitting and writing something. Nobody seemed to notice me, a new girl.

The bell finally rang and everybody scrambled to their seats at lightening speed.
My class teacher, Mr. Jacobs entered. I had met him yesterday. After the attendance ,he rose to his feet.
“So, dear children,” he began,” you must have already seen a new student today.” As he completed the sentence, all eyes turned towards me.
I felt awkward, even more so when I heard his next sentence. “Now she will come here and introduce herself” There was an awkward silence as everybody waited and I came in front of the class.
I opened my mouth but there was something wrong with my mouth. The words were jammed somewhere .My class teacher must have sensed my nervousness as he told me.
“Look, child, they are your friends and I am like your father.” I tried once again and those words came out.
“I am Nimisha Singhal. I have come here from Rajasthan .My father has been transferred, so here I am.” I heard myself saying .Though I suppose I had to say more I came back. .“That was good, and now why are you sitting on the last bench? We sit here according to roll numbers, so your seat will be here.” Said my teacher as he pointed towards the second bench in the first row. My new bench mate was Sameer Mittal.
And then my teacher said to that pretty girl ,“Candy, I want you to get Nimisha introduced to everybody, and now we proceed towards our lessons.”
I was hardly listening a word of his geography.
In the middle of the class I heard Sameer say, “From Rajasthan, huh?”
I turned and smiled .“Yeah” .That was all we talked in the first period.
As the class broke down for five minutes before the second class would start, he said “Sameer Mittal, ,Nimisha,” and offered his hand. I shook his hand, though I already knew his name from the name plate on his book.
“You know, this school is lovely and I am sure you wont regret coming here.” He continued, “The next teacher who will come here to teach French in five minutes ,is awfully nice. Everyone in this class admires her, especially me, I am an ardent admirer, You will like her too.”
Sameer loved to talk, I gathered and it was fortunate of him to get me as his seat partner as I was a good listener, I took time in talking to somebody.
The bell rang and the class was at once silent.

The woman who entered was beautiful and had a very friendly appearance. I ,at once felt ,at ease.
Everyone stood up.
“Asseyez -vous” She said. Everyone obeyed and sat down.
“New girl? What is your name?”
“Nimisha .”I answered unsteadily.
“Very well ,Nimisha. Do you know what I will teach? It will be French. You’ve learnt it before?”
“Y-yes.” I managed.
“Tres bien, asseyez -vous”
I sat down with a sigh of relief and got an approving grin from Sameer.
After that class, Sameer eagerly asked me if I liked her.
“Oh. she is pretty good. A gentle lady.”
Sameer seemed satisfied. Then he started again, “We have a variety of students in this class. See that boy there with short cropped hair? He is the quietest one, Abhishek Gupta. You will seldom hear him talk, Always seems he is thinking hard. Awfully good in history.”
I looked at Abhishek .He certainly seemed lonely and thoughtful. Then Sameer pointed towards Candy Lewis ,our class leader.
He was about to start on her when the bell rang for the third period, and entered our history teacher, Mrs. Nina. It seemed that she did not notice me as she started without commenting.
“I hope you all have completed your assignments. ”She said sternly and everybody nodded.
And then she lingered on for forty-five minutes I was glad when the lunch-break bell rang. But as Mrs. Nina stepped out something unexpected happened. The whole class streamed towards me .Everybody surrounded me .greeting and throwing questions at the same time. It was a chaos and I was afraid of the shouting ,grinning and murmuring. Then a commanding voice rose above them and drowned every other voice. It was Candy’s.
“Hey guys leave Nimisha alone, will you? I promise there will be a formal introduction sometime today.”
Slowly the crowd scattered and went for the school cafetaria.

I sighed and Sameer said, “Well, as you have not made any friends till now, I assume you would like to eat with me?”
“Yes ,certainly.” I answered as we headed for the café.
The school café was huge. It was done in blue and white and the walls were adorned with colorful and witty handmade posters. There, while I sat at a corner table, Sameer brought the lunch tray for m e.He saw me eying the tray and added jokingly, “We are fed nicely here.” I agreed. This school was better than that of my city in Rajasthan.I also noticed that I was getting free with Sameer.
“Tell me about Candy Lewis.” I asked.
“Candy? ”A fondness came in his eyes .“She is our class leader. A very witty and humorous girl. She is always trying to cheer everyone up .But when she has that controlling look in her eyes, we all know that she is the leader again. Everyone admires her very much. The teachers too. She is an all rounder. One of the best in studies, best in sports, sweet singer, prettiest girl as you can see.
to the table at the far right corner.

“Candy, come here.” He shouted to her.
A few moments later, there she was, sitting right in front of me.
“Hi there. So how are you getting on ,Nimisha?”
Before I could answer, she spoke again,” It is foolish of me to ask when I know Sameer is your company. He is such a bore.”
“No I am not.”He said faking indignation.
“No absolutely not.He is very nice and interesting .”I found myself putting in.
“Really?” She made a face at Sameer pretending disbelief. Sameer made one back at her.
“Hey, you know why I called you? Nimisha wanted to meet you, Quite eager to meet her. weren’t you?” He added to me.
“She would be. After all intelligent people like to meet intelligent people.
They wouldn’t like to get stuck with idiots like you.”
She grinned at him .She liked teasing him.
Sameer didn’t mind it ,I saw. He was pretending to be annoyed.
“He told me a lot about you.” I told her.

She opened her eyes wide in fear. “you already filled her ears about me?What did you tell her?”
“Heaps of things about how bad you are.”
“Okay. okay ,let my turn come.” She said and turned to me. “I guess I will leave now, Nimisha. ”
She stood up to leave and as she left she slapped Sameer’s head and ran away laughing.
“I will teach you before the term ends.” He shouted at her

The next period was free as our English teacher couldn’t make it to school ,as per Candy’s information. This announcement was greeted by a loud cheer, but it lasted for a very brief duration ,as the class soon saw Candy’s annoyed eyes.
“And ,as promised earlier ,you all can now introduce yourself to Nimisha ,in a systematic way.”
The class cheered again. I felt like a queen .The first to come in front was a very short girl with good features and a chirpy voice. She didn’t stand still, she was almost dancing.

“I am Leena Dixit, Nimisha. You can be a friend of mine, you know.”
“No,Nimisha,” Sameer put in as she went back to her seat, “If you want a long lasting friend, don’t go to her. She will quarrel with you as soon as you are a little old here. Always running after new students.” Leena turned and stuck a tongue out to him, to which Sameer generously replied in the same fashion.
Then came a very good looking boy .Unlike Leena ,he stood still but his eyes danced. He had that mischievous look and he smiled charmingly.
“Hello,I am Saurav .Join my long fun loving group.”
Sameer grinned approvingly and said, “Yes,that’s a very good group.”But I thought I wouldn’t leave Sameer.
Then came Abhishek, the philosopher. He had a very grave face.
“I am Abhishek Gupta.” That was all and he was gone. Sameer laughed and told me, “He cant invite you to his group as he has none.”

At this point Candy’s smooth voice interrupted him, “I would like to remind you, Sameer Mittal that your regular running commentary is neither needed nor appreciated.”
I expected that he would reply but he gave a sheepish smile and shut up.I guessed he sensed it was the leader talking.
The next girl to come was tall and plump.She had a very unfriendly face,and her speech was artificial.
“I am Mamta Sharma,Nimisha and we have a rather big and popular group.You too are invited.”
I did not like that girl.She was too made up and seemed proud.Sameer shared my views.

He whispered to me,“Don’t make her a friend.Too artificial.Out to impress everyone.” Candy glared.

Then it was Sameer’s turn.He stood up and came to the front. He cleared his voice very ostentatiously.“Hello,Nimisha.I am Sameer Mittal,a very, very nice guy.A very disciplined one,and a very good looking one.Join my group.”
Candy coughed and Sameer added saucily,
“A friendly suggestion-don’t ever join Candy’s .”
When he returned beside me,I asked him, “What do you say about this one, Sameer?”
“He is the best friend you can get.”
We both laughed through the other twenty five who came risking Candy’s bashings. I liked everyone except Mamta Sharma..
On the way home Sameer accompanied me. He chirped all through the way. On the serious note he told me,“Mamta isn’t good ,Nimisha.I don’t like her. Which group will you go to?”

I was half afraid that he was eager to get rid of me, so I stated to him nervously,” I like most of them but if you don’t mind Sameer,I would like to remain with you.”
He smiled winningly and spoke out cheerily, “I knew it! Great .I have five more friends, Nimisha, they will be with us from tomorrow..”
“I am looking forward to meet them.”
We exchanged phone numbers and parted at my home.

It was lunch time at home and everybody was at the kitchen table. My mother was hovering around with the dishes. Dad was sitting patiently and my brother,Mickey ,who was in college ,was tapping his plate.
“Hi,Mom,”I said and freshened up for lunch.As I sat down,Dad asked me,“How was the day,Nimisha?”
“Fine.’I answered.I was a little scared of him.
“Befriended anyone?”Mickey asked.
“One guy.Sameer.He is nice.”
“How do they teach?”My mother put in.
“Good.There is a Mrs Sharma,French teacher.Sameer likes her very much.Everybody likes her.”
“Yes, yes. I met her.”My father said.It was impossible for me to understand how he met everyone I talked about.
In the evening I wrote a letter to my childhood friend in Rajasthan, Priya. I wrote her about the new city ,the new school, about Sameer and Mamta Sharma too. I don’t know why but the more I thought of her the more I detested her. And to my uttermost disappointment ,when I was returning from the post office, I met her on the way.
“Hi there, Nimisha. ”She yelled.I pretended not to hear but she caught up with me.
“I greeted you.”She repeated.
“Oh,did you?Hi”I replied but I kept walking.
“So you went to the post office?”
“So why don’t you come to my house.It is over there.come on.”
“No .Thank you.I am already late.”
“Oh please,just for a few moments.“I didn’t know how to refuse without sounding rude,so I went.
She was very rich.She had a grand house,and she was glad to show it off.
“This is my room.”She showed me into her room.
“Very beautiful.”I managed.
“Yes,I know.”She replied immodestly, and continued,“Hey,you are joining my group of friends?”
So this was the reason for this hospitality.”It was nice of you to invite me,but no,thanks.”
The same unfriendly look came back on her face.“Your wish. Then which group are you in?”
“I have decided to remain with Sameer and his group.”
“Your wish.“She said again.”But if I were you, I wouldn’t because he isn’t nice. He will talk to you very nicely but when you are not there,he will be very mean about you,and so are his friends.”
Such malice.“Really?”I managed.
“Hey,I would like to go now.”I said.
“Your wish.”

Next morning when I reached school ,Candy was cleaning the blackboard.
“Good morning, Candy.”
“Good morning, Nimisha.”
I emptied my bag into my desk .Sameer hadn’t come yet.I decided to talk to Candy some more.
“How long have you been the head girl?”
She replied laughingly as if she knew that her reply was going to startle me.
“Six months ,I think we don’t change leaders in time, we see who has managed well.”
“Have you?”
“Well,I am lucky to have a class which listens to me.They aren’t very bad, you know.”
Sameer entered the classroom at this time. Giving Candy a cheeky grin he went to our seat. I went to tell him about yesterday’s incident when the bell rang. Mr. Jacobs announced after the prayers,
“Candy ,I have a news for you. Today is the class leaders meeting. Go ahead and bring this month’s best class trophy.”
He was confident that Candy would get the trophy. Sameer told me later that every month there is a class leader’s meeting in which the judges decide on prizes. He told me Candy gets the Cup every month.

In the lunch break I met my new friends. Saurav was one of them. We sat on a table for seven this time .So I came to know that my group consisted of seven people. Me, Sameer, Saurav Bhansal, Anshu Sawhney, Nisha Jha ,Sneha Mishra, Kushal Walia and Jhilmil Arora.

I found my group very interesting and active. To my pleasant surprise everybody detested Mamta Sharma., In the days that followed I realized that our most interesting subject in conversation was Mamta Sharma. When I had told them of the post office incident ,they laughed.

“Yes, I have been to her house once and it is beautiful.” Kushal said. “But the real beauty of the house are the people who live there .But her house is very ugly in that respect Even her mother believes in show off.”
My school days were passing enjoyably.

Saurav called me at home one day.
“Hey, Nimisha. What about visiting Mamta’s house tomorrow? I have a great plan in mind. We will do something to have fun.”
“That is great. What is the plan?”
“We will discuss it tomorrow in the lunch break. See ya, bye.”
I started to get excited. What had Saurav got in his mind? Anything .but Mamta should realize that she is a fool.
Next day, Sameer told me that Saurav had called him too. We eagerly waited for lunch .When me finally gathered around our table in the café ,I asked him eagerly,“ So what is the plan, Saurav?”
Jhilmil already knew it since she was his seat partner.
“Listen, As we know Candy is a little upset because of some recent thefts in class. So what we will do is make it very known in class ,specially to Mamta that we are on an active mission to find out who is the thief. Today evening, we all visit her house and tell her about our plan as if we don’t care. We will even throw false hints in her ears. And I am telling you for sure ,tomorrow we will hear that Mamta is out to catch the thief .Then all we have to do is throw a name in her ear .She will announce it to Candy in class and when this student will be checked…”
Sameer interrupted him .“Won’t the student feel humiliated?’
“No. The only one to be humiliated will be Mamta when Candy thrashes her publicly. We will throw off Jhilmil’s name in her ear ,so that she will know what’s going on.”
He looked expectantly at us after the narrative.
“Right! Sounds perfect to me. ”Sameer said thoughtfully. “What do you all think?”
We all agreed with enthusiasm.
“Okay, ”Said Sameer,” Let us name this Operation…”
“Operation Fool, ”Anshu shouted who was good at supplying names.
“Yes, a good one.”
“So now,” Sameer outlined the plan.” We meet at four at Nimisha’s house and go to Mamta’s. But of course we will tell her that we just stopped by.”
“Yes, and then we pretend that we are seriously involved in in this detective work.” Sneha pointed out.
“Okay, so Secret Agents ,Be ready for Operation Fool.” Sameer shouted and we all joined him.

Sameer was the first one to arrive in the evening .I showed him into my room and we both waited for the others. I was so eager ,I jumped at every door bell ring. First time ,it was Mickey’s friend,
Second time it was Kushal and Saurav. Then one by one they all came. We all left for the “your wish” girl’s home. Her mother came to the door.
“Hello, you all here to see Mamta? Come in.”
Mamta was surely surprised to see us .but she feigned gladness.
“Hi, such a nice surprise.”
“Yeah, We were all just passing by and thought to pay a visit. ”Sameer said with one of his sweetest and phoniest smile.
“That was nice of you all.”
We sat in her room and I was already feeling strangulated. I wished we could go When I could not bear anymore of her bore and cheap gossips I thought of coming to the subject.
“Hey ,Sameer, We had our detective meeting today.”
“Oh,yes.I completely forgot about that.”
Anshu put in next, “Mamta ,we will have to leave.”
Her ears were already pricked up. “Why? and what is this bit about a detective meeting?”
Saurav had been silent for long .He was glad to inform ,“We have decided to catch the thief of our class,M amta, and we have a proper detective group ,like we have in novels.”
“Really?” She was already brightening up and I could almost imagine what was going on in her mind. “Well, thank you very much for the visit.”
She was no longer interested in making us stay. We all came out and had a hearty laugh at the success of our plan till now.
I waited whole night for the morning, and at last the sun rose beautifully.

When I reached my school the next day ,all others were waiting .After the first two periods, Varun, Mamta’s seat partner was shouting everywhere.
“I don’t know what Mamta has got in her mind .She is imagining herself a big detective and telling me her group is gonna catch the thief in our class.” He was laughing his head off.
Sameer and I looked at each other with gleaming eyes and I am sure Saurav and Jhilmil must have done the same.
So in the lunch break we decided to embarrass her a bit. We cornered her in the café when she was waiting for her tray.
“Hi Mamta. ”Sameer gave his sweet smile.
She looked here and there, anywhere but at us, “Hi” She managed.
Saurav spoke next, “So what do we hear about this new detective group? You should have told us yesterday when we were telling you about ours.”
“Well. .uh. ,I thought ,you know, .it would be better if there are two groups, we will find out sooner.”
“NO ,No…,Now that you have jumped into it, we don’t have a luck. You are so good at these things…..We are sure you will find out before us ”.Kushal said and we all came to our table leaving her red. We laughed and laughed for two minutes.
“Well, we are getting on rather nicely with this operation fool.” Sameer said.
Saurav then outlined our next move.
“Tomorrow, we sit at a table next to Mamta and her group and discuss loudly that Jhilmil is the thief as I saw her slipping my pen in her bag, Of course we will leave Jhilmil with someone else in the break tomorrow.”
“Well, I won’t like to be left out tomorrow, but I will do it.” Jhilmil said.

The bell rang and we went for History class. Mrs. Nina seemed in a very bad mood.
“Good Morning.” She said coldly. That was the longest period because she seemed to yell at everybody. She decided to give us a reading from the history book, instead of teaching.
You stammer once and would feel your ears burning from the harsh words fired at you. When my turn came, I was nervous, and I wasn’t a very good reader. My fear overwhelmed me and I stuttered and stuttered. The moment I finished, Mrs Nina started, “Girl.. What’s your name-yeah, Nimisha ,Better improve your reading ,or you wont cope in my class.” She warned me rather than advising me. She lingered on for five minutes and I fixed my stare at the floor and tried in vain to count the tile boxes. But those irritable tears came to my eyes but I was determined not to let them escape. I closed my eyes but two drops rolled down my hot cheeks.
I had to stand up through the whole period and I did not dare to look up. Mrs. Nina went when the bell rang and I burst into tears. I wasn’t thrashed up like that in my life.
Sameer was at once concerned. “My God, are you crying ,Nimisha? Why?” His voice was surprised.
I did not say anything. It was easy for him to because he managed his reading.
“Look, if you are crying for Mrs. Nina, don’t bother. It is a matter of everyday .She is very hot tempered and gets rid of her temper in class. Will you look at me, please?” He put in exasperatedly.
I looked at him ,sobbing .He was trying earnestly to explain, “Everybody knows her. Look ,you don’t have to cry for these small matters. If you get hurt by such small things ,you will spend all your life in misery.”
His words worked and so did his earnestness and concern. I stopped crying and was strangely comforted.
I did not tell anybody about my outburst at home .But I told Mickey. All he said was that I shouldn’t have done that as people would get to know how weak I was.

The next day in school was terrific, we all waited for the lunch break and at last the bell rang.
Sameer went with Jhilmil to Candy.
“Hi, idiot.”
Candy turned,
“Oh ,my dear Sameer .I guess you are here to request me that I take you in my group .But, sorry ,no ,I wont.”
“I am very sorry to tell you, Candy, I a m not here to request you that ,your dream will remain dream for a while ,but Jhilmil wants to spend a day with you.”
“Well ,okay, I will take her ,she is a good girl. But you back off.”
“Thanks, idiot.”
He yelled returning.
“How can he talk to her like that? They never talk seriously.” I thought.

Six pairs of eyes searched for Mamta and found her on the second table with her group. We took the next table. She smiled at us and Sameer waved cheerfully.

And then Saurav began his part rather loudly, “Well,I have to tell you something . I have found out who the thief is.” I dared not look Mamta’s way.
“You are kidding?” said Sneha.
“I am very disappointed to tell you but she is one of our own. Jhilmil. I sent her to Candy’s group as I wanted to tell you all.”
But how do you know for sure?” Kushal asked.
“I saw her slipping my pen in her bag.”
“That is pretty final, then,” Sameer concluded grimly. “Iam afraid we will have to report it to Candy in the next period itself.”
I risked a glance at the next table .Delighted surprise was all over Mamta’s face.

So in the next period we all waited with bated breath.
“Candy, I know who the thief is.” Mamta announced with great drama.” And she is one of your beloved group.” I knew she was jealous of Candy’s liking of our group.
“What?” Candy was astonished. She just stared at her. We all enjoyed the moment thoroughly.
I turned to Sameer suddenly and was surprised to see his worried expression.
“Why. Sameer! in the happiest of moments…?”
“Nimisha, We shouldn’t have done this. Candy will find out. We sent Jhilmil to her group too. She is too clever.”
“Don’t worry, She won’t find out.” I said because I had to. But He had made me nervous.
Mamta continued, “Jhilmil Arora. Someone saw her slipping a pen in her bag. You will find it if you search.”
“Look Mamta .This is a serious allegation .And by any chance it is false you will have to repay. ”Candy’s voice was stern.
“It is not false.” This was Mamta’s confident reply.
“Give me your bag, Jhilmil.” Candy ordered.
Jhilmil gave the bag with a cool smile .“This is all so false. I don’t care.”
The class was very silent until Salil stood up. “Candy ,I - I would like to tell you something .I am the thief. I cant bear to watch Jhilmil’s insult .I will return everything right now ,I am sorry .and I am very ashamed.”
He emptied his bag on his desk and stacked all the things.
We were stunned. We should have looked down on him but we looked up on him .It took a lot of guts to own up like that.
Candy was visibly relieved. “I will see you tomorrow in the lunch break ,Salil. “She said to him and turned to Mamta who had suddenly gone pale.

“Do you realise what you have done?” Candy asked Mamta. I suddenly remembered yesterday’s history period. Hot cheeks, Burning ears!
“I wont say much ,you will have to pay Rs 50 as fine to administration and I ought to report it to Mr. Jacobs,but I wouldn’t.”
Mamta nodded still studying the floor as she gathered no courage to defend herself .We found a certain satisfaction, though we knew it was mean of us. She hadn’t really harmed us.
The bell rang and suddenly Candy turned towards us.

“Sameer, I want to see you after class.” She said gravely.
He squeezed my hand gave me a sad look.
“I told you.” He whispered. I stared at him dolefully.

I waited outside the classroom after class. He came out of it after fifteen minutes, so pale I was scared. His face was blank, still so sad that I didn’t know what to do. We shouldn’t have done this.
“What did she say?”
He threw his bag on the bench in the corridor and sat down.
“She didn’t expect this from me, Nimisha.” He buried his head in his hands.
“I disappointed her. I disappointed her.”
It was my turn .I sat beside him Sameer, you don’t have to take these small matters to heart .Will you look at me, please? “I was exasperated. He raised his head and looked at me with moist eyes.
“If you get hurt like this, you will spend all your life in misery.”
He broke into his charming smile reluctantly, recognizing his words.
We went home in a better mood.
At my home also, my brother wasn’t amused.“ It was a mean trick.”
I went to my room and a pleasant surprise awaited me. Priya’s letter.

Dear Nimisha,
Received your letter just now. I miss you a lot.
It is nice to know that you have made new friends ,and according to your discription Sameer seems a pretty nice guy. It would be great to meet him. Mamta seems interesting too.
Here ,since you are gone ,I don’t have any good friends {kind of best}
Keep writing. They are the only source of joy to me.
Your friend
I felt very happy. Flashes of past came to me. I wanted it to share it with someone. Mickey wasn’t there.
Mum and Dad were out. I decided to tell Sameer .I called him.
“Hello, Nimisha. Seems like you are not as miser as I thought.”
“Shut up and listen. I got a letter from Priya today.”
“Priya? You mean Priya, your friend in Rajasthan?
Am I eager to read it ,tell me what has she written.” That was one of the reason why I called him. He always seemed to share my happiness enthusiastically.
“A lot of things .I will bring it tomorrow, then you can read it.”
“No. that will be way too late. Hey, anything written about me?” He was too eager.
I smiled to myself, “Yes. But all for tomorrow.” I hung up. I could imagine his angry face.
The next day it rained. The school was closed. I was disappointed. I went to my room and wrote a reply to Priya.
Dear Priya,
I was so glad to receive your letter .Thank you so much.
Though I have made six good friends here ,nobody can take your place. I told Sameer about your letter and he was quite eager to know what you had written. But it rained today and I couldn’t go to school and I cant show him. But he will ring me.
Everything great on your side, I guess. Make good friends but don’t forget me .I wish to see your face again.
I will call you on Sunday. Reply soon.
Sameer called after lunch.
“Hi, Sameer.”
“Hey, how did you know it was me?”
“You are talking to Nimisha Singhal, Sameer.”
“Oh, please! Anyways ,read me Priya’s letter.”
“What’s the hurry? We will get around to it.”
“Then I am hanging up,, go to hell.”
“Okay, okay, Here is the letter. Tell me ,has Saurav called?”
“Nimisha ,good bye.”

“Alright, alright. Won’t you think it will be better if you come and read it yourself? Come, We will have a great time.”
He agreed and arrived an hour later. I was surprised to see him in a jolly good mood, I expected to see him angry. When we entered my room, he threw his shoes and jumped on my bed.
“Gosh, Sameer, Where are your manners? I thought you were so disciplined.”

“Sorry. But whenever I see this pretty room of yours I cant resist making a mess out of it. Maybe I envy this
always arranged room.”
I pardoned the act.
“So, Where is the letter?” He came directly to the point.
“Here. Read it aloud.”
He read and when he came to the line which talked about him, he repeated it and gleamed at me.
“Read the next one, and you will laugh out loud.”
“Mamta seems an interesting girl….”He looked at me in total shock and then laughed.
“You wrote to her about Mamta too?”
He finished the letter and turned to me.
“She is very beautiful, right?”
“Cant help liking her .I wanna meet her so much.”
“Even I would like you two to meet, but ce n’est pas possible.”I tried my French.
“Why don’t you call her in the vacations?”
“Hey, I am calling her on Sunday, come to my house then and talk to her”
That is great. I will come. ”He said as he climbed down the bed ,and prepared to leave.

Saturday came and went uneventfully. Sunday night Sameer came as planned and we placed the call .I laughed at Sameer’s uneasy look.
“She is no star, Sameer.”
“Hello, Nimisha. Its so nice to hear your voice again. ”Priya spoke and I forgot Sameer for a moment.
“Hi,Priya. How are you? Did you get my letter?”
“Yes, it was great. How are your friends ?Did you talk to Sameer after writing that letter?”
“Yes,I spent the whole evening with him. He was eager to talk to you. ”I grinned at him.
“So am I.” She said.
“Well, here he is.”
“You are kidding, arent you?” She didn’t believe me.
I handed the receiver to Sameer,
“ Hello, Priya.” He chirped into the phone. He listened into it for two minutes.
“Yes, you are right. You are coming for the vacations?” He asked and again listened to her.
“Okay. .yes…bye.” He said and handed me the receiver.
“Great. How do you manage to get nice friends everywhere?”
“My luck. You will come to my place?’
“ I will let you know once I talk to my parents .”
“Okay, bye”
Sameer was smiling eagerly.
“Wow, Nimisha, She sounds so mature.”
“And she has such a great voice.”
“Hold it, Sameer.” I was amused.

Candy behaved very mysteriously next morning. She kept on grinning. We came to know when, Mr. Jacobs told us,
“Candy has once again won the best class Cup for us.”
The whole class cheered. I was proud to be the member of the best class ,SEVENTH ‘A’.
“So seeing the progress of our class ,let’s extend Candy’s reign. ANY OBJECTION?”
No hand went up. Not even Mamta’s. Not even Salil’s. Everybody respected her.

The most terrifying period for me was history. Since that day ,I worked hard. But just looking at Mrs. Nina terrified me. It was a wonder that she was very nice to Abhishek, whereas he didn’t seem to care about his history teacher very much.I went to him one day, just after the history period.
“Hi Abhishek.” I said .As far as I could remember I was talking to him for the first time.
He seemed to be in his own world. “Hi.” He replied abruptly.
“Sorry if I disturbed you.”
“No, you didn’t.” He said nodding politely though it was evident I did.
“How is Mrs. Nina? I mean do you like her?” I wanted the answer in negative as I hated her.
“I cant say .I am quite interested in the history but I never get to know if I like someone or not. I am rather feeling less ,you know.”

The bell rang and I returned to my seat. So much for my anti Mrs. Nina campaign. I concluded that Abishek Gupta was a confused boy.
I told Sameer and he gave me one of his I-told-you-so look.
Sameer was quite sincere in his studies. He talked a lot but rarely during classes, and he was especially sincere in French. Ms .Sharma fascinated him very much .He was good in French. He often teased me as I knew little more than ‘asseyez-vous’, the French version of ‘sit down’, which Mrs. Sharma used a lot.

Our final exams were about to start in two weeks. After that we had a long break of a month .Candy announced it in the last period.
That day when I reached home I found Priya’s letter waiting. The news she gave me ,made me dance with joy. She was coming in the following vacation. I rushed off to Sameer and he was overjoyed.
“I am going to meet her after all.”

The painful exams commenced .It was a rigorous week.
All my papers went well but I found French a little hard. Everyone was very happy on the last day.
“Say ,isn’t Priya coming tomorrow?” He said as we all left the examination hall .
“Yes, She is. ”I said happily as I imagined the time we would spend together .The rest five were indignant.
“Why didn’t you tell us.
“Sorry, I forgot.” I gave the feeblest excuse.
“What time is she coming? Will she meet me?” Saurav asked. I said I would call everybody up.

I went with my brother to fetch her. When the train arrived, a big crowd flowed out. I soon spotted Priya, with her blue sky bag.
“Hi Priya.” I shouted. She seemed to fall off the stairs at my voice but she soon spotted me and waved at me.
“Hi,”She came running towards us. “Hi, Mickey It is so nice to see you all., I didn’t think I would ever.”
“Hi,” Mickey replied embarrassed as usual.
“Come along now. It is getting dark.”
When we reached home ,we all talked for a good while. Mum was eager to catch on the old town gossip. Dad asked her about his colleagues. Mickey sat through speaking when necessary. We went to our room after quite a while.
“Hey, It is so pretty.” She said looking around.
“Yes ,it is.”
“It is so great to be here. I hope I am not dreaming.” She said for the hundredth time and I laughed at her.
“No, you are not.”
We talked late into the night. I told her my friends were dying to meet her and she laughed. I told her how Sameer came all the way just to read her letter and she laughed harder.
I called Saurav first thing in the morning. He said he would come right over. Then I called Jhilmil ,followed by Kushal and Anshu who promised to come together. Lastly I called Sameer and Sneha.
“Well,they are coming, be ready. They are all awfully nice.”
When the doorbell rang ,I went to answer leaving Priya in my room. Though I had called Sameer after everybody ,he was the first to arrive with Sneha.
“Where is She?” He asked as if he had expected her to answer the door.
“Let everyone come ,Sameer.” I said enjoying my moment. When we all gathered in my living room I took them to my room.
Priya was rummaging through my desk when we entered. “Hello,a troop of friends ,you have!”
“I told you I had a big group. Now let me introduce them to you.”
We all sat on my bed. Sameer who was being specially mannered today, took to the bedside chair.
“This here is Saurav .”
“Hi,Priya. How do you do?” He said with one of his most appealing smile. I had a feeling that he was competing with Sameer. The thought made me smile.
“And this is Sneha.”
“Hi,you are very pretty. ”Sneha said. She never had a problem starting a conversation.
“Thank you.”
“I am Kushal,Kushal Walia.” Kushal took the initiative himself.
“And this is Anshu.”
“Hello Anshu.” Priya greeted her.
“This one, Jhilmil .”
“And Lastly he is……..” I turned to Sameer .
“Sameer. ”Priya completed for me. “We talked on the phone, right?”
“Right. ”Sameer said shaking hands with her.
We all chatted and chatted after the introduction .Everybody talked at once. They asked many questions to Priya. She answered everyone. She was talking like a grown up.
Sameer was surprisingly silent. He wasn’t taking much of a part in the conversation.
“Nimisha, she is so pretty and so mature too. I am too conscious of myself.” He whispered to me.
I laughed.

“You have got a crush on her, Sameer.” I whispered .back. He looked at me indignantly as if the thought had never crossed his mind and it was outrageous of me to suggest it.
Priya suddenly turned towards us.
“Sameer ,you can talk to her whenever you want but I am here only for a month.”
Sameer smiled. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, How were your papers?”
“Quite good .How did you do?”
“Comme-ci, Comme-ça .”She laughed.
Saurav interrupted, “Priya, you like going out?”
“Yes, I love it.”
“Then lets all go out to a movie someday.” Sneha suggested enthusiastically.
“No, lets go to a park for a picnic.” Jhilmil said who was quiet by nature.
“No.” The guys groaned at once.
“Lets go to a mall.” Anshu liked to roam around malls.
“Kushal ,What about you?” I asked.

“I would go anywhere you guys go.” He seldom had a choice .
“But I would like us to have dinner at a restaurant and then go for a movie.” Sameer said.
Then everybody turned to Priya as hers was the final decision.
“Well ,as I am much of an eater, I would say the restaurant is a good idea.

“They are great.” Priya told me later. I was proud of my friends at that moment.

The restaurant we went off to Monday was unfortunately for two only. We would not be able to eat together after all. Everybody was disappointed. We were deciding what to do when Salil and Varun entered .
“Hello!” Varun said seeing us all.
“Hi, what are you both doing here?” Sameer asked.
“Just enjoying holidays pal. One day here, another day there.” Varun answered .He spoke a lot ,jumped a lot, laughed a lot but was simplest at heart.
And he was the only one who could tolerate Mamta.
Salil spoke very little, even more so since the day he owned up to the thefts.
“So lets eat now.” I said.
It was then Varun whispered to me, “Who is she?”
“An old friend.”
“Well, introduce me, butt head.”
“Okay, okay. ”I said.
“Priya, meet Varun. Mamta Sharma’s seat partner.”
“Hi Varun.’
“Hi Priya. But Nimisha, why this Mamta Sharma tag?
“She is familiar with Mamta’s name.” I smiled
“Oh, I see.” He said knowingly.
Then we thought of having dinner. Priya wanted to eat with Sameer. I and Saurav decided to each with each other. Jhilmil wanted to talk to Salil after he owned up to theft when she was being accused ,so they went together.
Varun took Sneha and Kushal and Anshu took to the corner table.

The whole evening Saurav kept on passing comments on the guests in the restaurant as this was his favorite hobby.
“Look at Salil and Jhilmil. They are eating so quietly ,no talking.”
“They both are quiet people.” I observed . Sneha and Varun were laughing their heads off at something. .Priya and Sameer were all sweet and smiles. Sameer seemed to be telling her something funny .Anshu and Kushal were looking bored.
Salil and Varun accompanied us to the movie and then to my home We all said goodbyes at my home.
Mum was cleaning the table and Mickey was reading in the living room.
“How was the dinner?” Mum asked both of us.
“Very enjoyable.” Priya replied .Soon we were preparing for bed.

Everybody came almost every day.One day Priya expressed her wish to meet Mamta.I ,Sameer and Jhilmil took her to her home.
“Mamta, She is my friend, Priya from my hometown .She wanted to meet you.
“Hi, Priya. I am glad that you wanted to meet me. You are very beautiful, by the way.” She said with enough malice.

“You know Mamta, why she wanted to meet you?” Sameer smiled sweetly at her.
“Because we told her how pretty you are.”
Mata didn’t get the sarcasm and lit up at the praise.
“Thank you Sameer. I…”
Priya could tolerate her for ten minutes exactly and then we left.
“Did you like her?” Sameer asked
“Are you kidding? Worse than I imagined.”

That night Priya received a call .Her parents told her she had to come urgently for some reason. I was so sad. Sameer called and I informed him.
“Give the reciever to Priya.” He ordered and I complied.
She listened for five minutes.
“Yes, but I have to go. It is urgent.”
“Bye,. ”She kept the receiver back sadly.
We played some games in the evening but the environment was very morose .They all came in the evening .Everybody was sad and had bought little gifts.sammeer was not smiling as he handed her the gift.
“Keep this in remembrance of me. I will miss you.” He told her. She returned the day after.

On our results day ,we all went to school. Paul had an A in every subject except math. I had a B in French and history. Candy had an A in every subject. She had her back turned towards us.
“Be ready for a good run.” Sameer suddenly told me He caught my hand and slapped Candy on her head before we ran.
“I told you to wait till the term ends. He yelled at her Candy was laughing.
© Copyright 2004 monalisa carey (monalisacy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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