Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/858023-Reflections-in-a-Broken-Mirror-II
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Mystery · #858023
[Master Scenes 18 - 35] A man wakes to a harsh world, with no recollection of his past.

Nudaru hunches forward in the tub, head turning to glance at the open door.



DAYTON slides her hand over to rest in the doorway.

                   Just checking.

Nudaru turns and lowers his head. His hair, drenched, flops forward as he does, water tumbling to rejoin with itself.

The water ripples, the effect distorts Nudaru's image.

He watches as the bath settles, his reflection changed.


Nudaru's hair, shorter, his face, thin and pale.


leans forward hand rising to touch his shoulder length strands.


mocks him, touching nothing but air.


Nudaru's eyes flicker open, and he sits up in the tub. He leans forward gawking at his reflection.

As it should, his reflection gawks back.

Sighing, Nudaru swirls toward the door.

Dayton kicks her leg out so that it becomes visible in the doorway.

Nudaru moves to face forward. In the process, his eyes sweep across a pair of SCISSORS. He takes them in his grasps, and proceeds to butcher his hair.

Wet strands fall both to Nudaru's shoulders and the water surrounding him.

He inspects the cut in the water. His hair only vaguely resembles the style in his dream.

Nudaru's FIST pounds the water. Droplets shoot out colliding with both the wall and floor.

The water settles.

The REFLECTION shows NUDARU facing the door.


                   I'm here.

Dayton waves her hand in the doorway.

                   No. Can you come here?


Dayton pulls herself up, hand SLAPPING the wall to her rear, heel SLAMMING against the ground.


Dayton enters, feet dragging on the floor.

A shadow looms over Nudaru. He looks up at Dayton standing by a few feet away.

Nudaru extends the hand holding the scissors.

                   Can you...


Dayton eliminates the space between she and Nudaru and for no reason at all, he stands.

Dayton freezes. Her eyes flutter nervously up Nudaru's naked flesh to his eyes staring down at her.

In the uncomfortable silence attraction tumbles through confusion. Then, both Nudaru and Dayton sink away, denying the chemistry.

Nudaru taps Dayton's shoulder with the scissors' handle.

The young woman takes the sheers in her possession.


Nudaru does as he is told, and Dayton positions herself on the edge of the tub.


-- The SOUND of a PIANO.

-- Light streams in through the window of a parlor.

-- A distorted image of a man seated at a 'Baby Grande'.

-- An elderly couple stand side by side in the center of the parlor. Smiles overtake their expressions. Their hands slide into an embrace.

-- The same piano, the stool vacant. The keys continue to beat out the tune without the assistance of a minstrel.

-- A luxury vehicle swerves off a country road. The vehicle topples end over end almost as if dancing to the rhythm of the piano number.

-- A man's throat slashed violently.


Nudaru shoots up from the floor, hands around his neck. He pants wildly, eyes searching for an absent assailant.

Dayton twitches in her sleep. Her sudden movement quickly lures Nudaru back to reality.

He lurches toward the door, pausing somewhere between a crawl and crouch position.

Dayton falls still, her breath returning to a calm, steady rhythm.

Relieved, Nudaru slowly lowers to a seated position then shifts to lay back down.

The red NUMBERS of a digital clock appear as Nudaru's head moves to the floor. The digits blaze through the darkness announcing the time.

Twelve forty-five.

Nudaru re-situates himself hands tucked beneath his head, body curling into the fetal position.


The clock on the night stand reads two thirty.

Nudaru remains in the fetal position, eyes staring blankly ahead at Dayton's combat boots stashed in the corner.

The SOUND of Dayton's breathing begins to over power the other noises in the room.

Nudaru's eyes wander in the direction of the bed behind him. He rolls over and sits up.

Silently he watches Dayton sleep. His eyes lock on to the slow rise and fall of the comforter. The monotonous bob hypnotizes him.

His head rises and falls in unintentional imitation.

Shaking himself from the trance. He pulls himself to his knees, sleep deprived eyes studying the state for which they yearn.

Casually Nudaru looks away, eyes landing on the empty spot on the other side of the mattress.


Dayton's FACE, lids closed.

The bedroom door CREAKS.

Dayton's brows furrow.

The floor SQUEAKS.

The young woman blinks awake, surveying the room without lifting from the pillow.

The sheets beside her are ruffled, and slightly indented.

Dayton shifts, curiously extending a hand.


The young woman's eyes wander in the direction of the open bedroom door.


A wet brush SWEEPS across dry canvas.

Nudaru paints a wall, his head rises to follow his arm, eyes attentive to every stroke.

Dayton appears beside him. She takes up her own brush, and a bucket of paint.

Nudaru continues diligently, gradually loosing interest in his works and gaining interest in Dayton's.

Completely distracted, Nudaru turns to watch the young woman's brush. It slides up and down the wall elegantly.

Nudaru's vision drifts to Dayton herself. He looks her up and down, entrapped.


A beautiful WOMAN's face partially obscured by the rays of the sun.

The Woman smiles. She reaches out. Her index finger motions for someone, unseen, to come closer.


Dayton dips her brush. Her eyes shift in Nudaru's direction.
She faces him, reads into his gaze, and suddenly flings paint in his direction.

Nudaru jerks backward as a glob hits his chest. He smiles, dips the tip of his brush and then points it at Dayton's exposed stomach.

                   You better not.

Nudaru continues his approach.

Dayton backs against a wall, frantically she searches for an escape, before she can find one, Nudaru charges, brush swiping across the woman's abdomen with precision.

PAINT flies back and forth across the room, as the two battle.

Nudaru throws his BRUSH out before him imitating a fencer. Dayton copies the stance, swinging, and parrying back and forth.

Nudaru knocks Dayton's brush from her hand. He grins at her, advancing.

Without warning he stumbles back in the opposite direction.

Dayton advances now, paint roller in hand. She holds the utensil like a spear swinging it back and forth, forcing Nudaru to jump and dodge.

Dayton thrusts her weapon at Nudaru's head, he side swipes the roller, then grabs the handle wrenching both the object and Dayton forward.

Dayton's body thrusts against Nudaru's.

They stand before each other panting in exhaustion.

Dayton's smile turns to confused longing, Nudaru's cocky confidence becomes something similar.

Dayton leans closer, her eyes staring intently at Nudaru's lips. She parts her own, shuts her eyes.

Nudaru dabs paint on the tip of Dayton's nose.

Dayton's eyes flicker open.

Nudaru grins.

                   I win.


Nudaru and Dayton head down the sidewalk side by side, a bag of carry out in one of each of their hands.

Nudaru lifts his bag sniffing the cartons.


Nudaru smiles and nods with enthusiasm.

They approach a news stand. The alcohol billboard looms up ahead. A woman begs for change near by.

Dayton's expression stiffens.

Any spare change today, Baby Bird?

Dayton jams her hand in her pocket before the question is completed.

                   Holding solids today?

Dayton places a fist full of coins in the outstretched hand of the older woman.

                   I was yesterday.

Nudaru hangs back, uncomfortable with the situation. His eyes fall to the strange woman's uncovered arm.

Pale limbs hold puncture wounds. The combination of purple and red flesh hint to possible infection.

Dayton rummages through her bag removing a carton. She hands it off, using her free hand to cup both of the other woman's hands around the food.

                   Here. If you can't eat it, give it to
                   someone who can.

The woman nods, her eyes swell up with tears.

                   Thank you, Baby Bird.

The Beggar presses the carton to her chest, then heads off down the street away from Dayton and Nudaru.

Dayton turns, toward Nudaru and waves him on.

The Duo head past the news stand in silence.


                   Police Baffled as to the identity of
                   stab victim.


A 'black and white' pulls up ahead.

Dayton yanks Nudaru into a crowd waiting to cross the street. She peaks passed him to the squad car parked along their usual path.

Two officers exit, and head toward a burger joint.

Dayton turns away, as one glances at her.

The light changes.

Dayton swiftly crosses the street urging Nudaru to weave through the others.

                             (Referring to the Beggar)
                   What's wrong with her?

Dayton's head snaps up toward Nudaru. She puzzles over his question, slowly reattaching herself to their previous scene.


They continue in the direction of the apartment, cutting through an intersection.

                   Who is she?

                   Once, she was my mother.
                              (Dayton's eyes wander back
                              to the road ahead)
                   She got hooked when I was little.
                   After the first time my dad blew
                   our money at the tables. She tried
                   rehab, but when he was killed...

                   I'm sorry.

                   Me too.

Dayton and Nudaru pass a mattress store. The shop window sports a made bed. A cut out couple are taped to the mattress, their faces express total comfort.

Dayton faces the window. Her eyes study Nudaru's reflection in the pane.

                   Did you have trouble sleeping last

                   No more than usual.


Nudaru avoids Dayton's gaze.

Someone POUNDS away on a PIANO in the distance, the mystery player shows little care for musical accuracy. The sound draws near as the couple continue on.

                   Well... I do keep having this dream...

Nudaru stops in his tacks.


Dayton keeps moving. She halts and turns abruptly upon discovering she walks alone.

Nudaru remains rigid in the middle of the sidewalk. He cocks his head in the direction of the distorted symphony.

Dayton approaches his side.

                   What is that?

                   What is what?

                   That sound?

Dayton listens. She circles, placing the noise.

                   I think there's a music store over here
                   somewhere. Why?

Nudaru moves passed her. He clears a series of electronic stores, glancing into the windows for an indication of music.

Finally he approaches a wide window with instruments decoratively placed on display. GUNNY'S MUSIC STORE arches above on the pane.

Nudaru moves to the door, entering without hesitation.


Nudaru weaves passed guitars, woodwinds, brass, drums.

Dayton throws open the front door a second later. Barely able to keep up, she trails NUDARU by a few feet.

A young boy BANGS away on a display instrument. Nudaru approaches him, his expression raked with a anger and disgust.

Swiftly Nudaru snatches the child up and away from the keys.

Dayton approaches, hands falling to her thighs, body leaning forward in an attempt to regain strength.

Nudaru holds the child like a dirty diaper. Scowling at the boy he swivels toward Dayton wiggling both boy and bag in her direction. Dazed and confused, Dayton takes both off her companion's hands, watching as Nudaru immediately perches on the instrument's stool.

Dayton turns toward the little kid.

Both stare at one another in utter discomfort.

Dayton lowers the boy to the ground and he runs off, shoes SQUEAKING on polished floor.


Nudaru's hands hover above the keyboard a moment. He gracefully fiddles with the keys, and then labors the familiar tune from his dreams.

Gradually his formation morphs to elegance. His timing, and the melody become flawless.

Nudaru shuts his eyes. His fingers dance along the Ivory as if possessed.

Dayton stands by, eyes darting back and forth to her sides as customers approach marveling at Nudaru's heart felt performance. She shifts uncomfortably, arms shielding her frame.

Nudaru sways. His expression becomes intense.

The song winds down.

The last notes echo throughout the shop, and it becomes evident that Nudaru searches for each and everyone in his memory bank.

The last note fades.

Nudaru opens his eyes. There is sadness in his gaze. A longing in the way his fingers remain on the keys.

He drops his head, and a single applause draws him from the piano.

A man, baring the store logo on his apron, steps from the crowd as it dissipates. He pulls up beside Nudaru, hand resting against the instrument's side.

                                       STORE OWNER
                   That was great. I've never heard
                   anyone play The way you did. Where
                   did you learn to play like that son?

Nudaru's eyes dart toward Dayton's face, a silent call for help.

Dayton bites her lip, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze.

Looking away, Nudaru seems to contemplate the question.

Finally, he faces the owner.

                   I don't know.


An aerial of an old elevator rising slowly. The machinery SCREECHES painfully, then halts.

The door opens, jerking as the gears struggle to carry out their duty.

Dayton steps off into the hall, bags of carry out held in one hand. She turns, extending her free hand to assist Nudaru as he pushes a piano toward the apartment door.

                   I can't believe that old man just
                   gave this to you.

Nudaru lifts a hand to keep the stool in place, pressing forward while Dayton guides.

                   Of course its a piece of shit.

Stopping at the entrance, Dayton recovers her key, and unlocks the door.


One end of the piano wobbles through the door.

Nudaru, wheels the instrument to a vacant spot against the wall.


Nudaru pulls the stool off the top sitting it right side up on the floor. He sits before the instrument, again playing the song from his dreams.

Dayton enters closing the door behind herself. She pulls up to Nudaru's side, more observant to his stance and expression than the tune.

                   What is that anyway?

Nudaru shrugs.

                   Its kind of depressing.

                   It is, isn't it?

Nudaru plays a few more notes, the conversation a secondary action.

                   You know anything else?

Nudaru's fingers slam down onto the keys.

Dayton jumps.

Nudaru absently stares at his hands. Much like in the music store he contemplates the question, then looks up in defeat.

                   No. I don't. I'll stop.

His lowers his head.

A deafening silence suffocates the room. The crinkle of the bag both interrupts and intensifies violent stillness.

Nudaru's stomach growls on que. He smiles somewhat embarrassed, and Dayton offers a semi-uncomfortable giggle.


                   What does Bird stand for?

Spread out on the floor across from one another, DAYTON and NUDARU attempt to enjoy a meal.

                   I don't know what you mean.

                   I heard that cop call you Bird, and
                   your mother --

Dayton cringes.

                   -- that woman called you Baby Bird.

Dayton shoves rice in her mouth. She chews, swallows and then replies.

                   My father was a stool.

Nudaru doesn't seem to comprehend.

                   A stool pigeon. He used to give up
                   information to the cops: whose
                   selling what, where, stuff like that.

Dayton stuffs in more rice.

                   When my mom started using, he had to
                   take over raising me. I was around
                   when he ran the streets. Sometimes
                   when the cops were around, asking
                   their questions.

Dayton reaches for her cup. She lifts, sips the contents and returns the cup to the floor.

                   Anyway, I started giving up info
                   after that. I thought it was cool, when
                   I was a kid. The cops called my dad
                   Bird, instead of Pigeon -- Bird is my
                   last name.
                             (Dayton shrugs)
                   The next thing I knew they were
                   calling me Baby Bird.
                   Then my old man past. And I stopped

                   What happened to him? Your Dad.

Nudaru snatches a carton up, hand awkwardly clutching chop sticks.

                   The worse thing that could. A Cop.

Nudaru nods and tries to eat. He struggles to use his set of chopsticks, watching Dayton woof down rice with little trouble.

Dayton lowers her upturned carton, eyes falling to the other choices. She spots Nudaru in her search, his face littered with frustration.

                   Like this.

Dayton holds her chopsticks out in Nudaru's direction. She gives him a visual, which he struggles to imitate.

                   No. Not like that. Just wait.

Dayton places her own chopsticks upon a napkin then crawls around the indoor picnic to Nudaru's side.

With both hands, she grabs Nudaru's, positioning his fingers in the proper fashion.

                   Like that. Try.

Nudaru looses himself in the sight of the woman. His hand remains outstretched before him, but his expression shows he is no longer interested in technique.

Nudaru studies, instead, Dayton's eyes, lips, her skin.

Dayton looks down, somewhat irritated that her words go ignored. She parts her lips to bark a smart remark, but takes pause.


The chopsticks fall from Nudaru's hand, CLATTERING on the ground.

Nudaru rises to his knees, hands extending toward Dayton's face.

The young woman pulls away in shock. She and Nudaru linger just within each others reach.


A beautiful WOMAN's face partially obscured by the rays of the sun.

The Woman smiles. She reaches out, her index finger motions for someone, unseen, to come closer.

Her lips pucker, drawing near to the unseen companion.


Nudaru's eyes search Dayton's confused expression. Again he reaches for the woman, his hands gently clasping both sides of her face to draw her into his kiss.

Unlike his hands on the piano, nothing in Nudaru's actions suggest he has forgotten this sort of contact. Instead the attentive aggression in his approach suggests he has only fought the need to pursue his need.

Dayton leans in, kissing back. Her hands rise to Nudaru's chest, fingers anxiously undoing his clothing. Nudaru does the same stopping only to pull his shirt over his head.

The couple gradually move to the floor.

Nudaru climbs atop Dayton. His mouth traces kisses along her neck. They roll over and Dayton imitates Nudaru's previous action.

Nudaru closes his eyes.

Low MOANS escape his lips.


-- The beautiful Woman pins Nudaru to a wall. She grins up at him, and then leans forward to kiss his neck.

-- MOANS of pleasure mix with the SQUEAKS of an aging mattress. A man's hand grasps a moving headboard.

-- The Woman struggles with someone in a bathroom. A man's hand brushes her hair to one side. A razor slashes into her check.

-- Hysterical LAUGHTER echoes off tile walls. The door CREAKS aside.

-- The Woman falls to the floor as Nudaru struggles with another man.

-- Nudaru stumbles toward the tube, he regains his footing lunges forward to retaliate. A razor slices the side of his throat.

-- A man gripping a bloody razor stands before a mirror, hair hiding his face. He draws the razor up toward his chest where horizontal scars line his torso. He presses, turns to look at Nudaru on the floor. Nudaru looks up, hands wrapped around his throat, his own body racked with the same wounds.


Nudaru shoves Dayton away from his throat, bolting upright.

Dayton slides over onto the floor, arms still clutching Nudaru's frame.

Hyperventilating, Nudaru's hands rise to clutch his neck. Regaining his composure, to an extent, Nudaru reaches down and snatches Dayton's hand from within his pants, tossing the limb aside.

The young woman sits up.

                   What's wrong?

Nudaru turns to Dayton fighting tears. He shakes his head at her, climbs to his feet and then runs to the bathroom slamming the door behind himself.

Dayton climbs to her feet chasing after him. She POUNDS on the door, and then grabs knob.

The lock CLICKS.


No response.

                   Nudaru are you okay?

Dayton lingers, ear pressed to the door. Receiving no answer she heads off.


Nudaru watches as the shadow of Dayton's feet retreat in the direction of her bedroom. He runs trembling fingers through his hair, then stumbles to the sink cutting on the water.

Nudaru's HANDS move beneath the spray splashing cold water onto his face.

He lifts slightly, gripping the bowl.


a long haired man, face buried beneath strands, lingers in the mirror where Nudaru should be. He imitates Nudaru's position, head hung low.


runs wet fingers through his hair a second time head rising as he completes the action.


Mimics Nudaru his fingers pushing back hair to reveal Nudaru's face.


gawks in horror.


stares back, a sadistic smirk forming.


looks from the reflection to an empty spot beside the tub.


Nudaru on the floor clutching his throat.

The fallen WOMAN drags herself toward the bedroom, moaning weekly.

Their attacker stands over Nudaru.

The two men are identical.

                   So I guess we do 'all look alike'.


Nudaru faces his reflection, now nothing more than his own image staring back at him.

Hands clutch the porcelain bowl. His head cocks to the side curiously.

Nudaru's PUPILS fully dilate.


Nudaru makes his way down the slightly ajar bedroom door removing the belt around his waste.

As he approaches the entrance he winds the belt around one wrists, and then grips the buckle with the other hand testing the leather's resistance.

Stopping at the door, he peers in through the crack, the little light from the bedroom window shining on his face.


Dayton asleep, back to the door.

The door CREEKS, Nudaru's foot guiding it aside.

Slowly, he approaches, lifting the belt with intent.

Dayton rolls over in her sleep.

Nudaru hops backward, lowering the buckle, and placing the wrapped arm back behind his waste.

He waits in silence.

Dayton YAWNS, but doesn't open her eyes.

The corner of Nudaru's mouth twitches slightly, his free hand motioning to recapture the buckle.

Dayton again adjusts, a soft glow from the window lights up her face.

Nudaru's eyes land on Dayton's face. He studies her, a cruel expression fading.

Nudaru's PUPILS shrink down to their usual size. The belt unwinds and slips from his wrist to the floor.

Glancing around in the dark, seemingly confused, Nudaru heads back to the door, exiting the room.


-- Dayton and Nudaru shop for groceries, Nudaru rides the cart like a skateboard racing a kid down the aisle. Dayton catches him, and scolds Nudaru to the amusement of the child.

-- Dayton and Nudaru work in the Old Building. Nudaru hammers nails into a new window frame. Distracted by glare, he hits his finger and convulses in pain. Dayton kisses his wound.

                   All better.

Nudaru grins sheepishly.

-- Nudaru's hair longer in length. He runs his fingers through the strands, turning toward Dayton posted behind him. She looks at the shag do, scrunching up her face. Nudaru laughs, and grabs the scissors.

-- Nudaru dressing. Midway through putting on his shirt, he stops to examine his scared chest. Motioning to traces one of the old wounds, Nudaru silently scolds himself, pulling his hand away and his the shirt down. Exiting, Nudaru heads down the hall. Just outside the living room entrance he spots the piano. Nudaru fights to look away.


Dayton, with trash bags in each hand, kicks open the back door to reveal Guy posted on the wall across from her.

Dayton's eyes enlarge. She drops the bags, and whirls around attempting to flee.

Guy lurches forward grabbing two handfuls of the young woman's shirt. He swings her around to the wall where he'd previously waited, tossing her against the brick work.

Dayton's back scrapes the jagged structure, and she wrenches in pain.

                   Where the hell are you going?

Guy snatches Dayton forward by her collar.

                             (Shaking her head)

                   Lying bitch. You got my money, Dayton?


Guy removes one hand from Dayton's clothing. He balls his fist and throws it in the air.

Dayton's hands fly up in protest.

                   Not yet. I just need a little more
                   time. A week or two.

Guy's fist pauses inches from Dayton's face. He lowers his hand, and releases Dayton.

The young woman's hand rises to her throat, rubbing where the fabric has left a red mark.

                   You've got until tomorrow.

                   Tomorrow, but I can't...

                   ...have the money by then? We'll you
                   better, otherwise you'll be a lot less
                   active, and there'll be one less junky
                   begging on my streets.

Guy backs up and turns like he plans to leave.

Dayton sighs in relief, lowering her guard.

Guy does a 180. His hand slams into the wall beside Dayton's head.

Dayton curls up in a defensive position.

Laughing, Guy walks off leaving Dayton alone.

Dayton looks up and down the road, body trembling. She reaches out, slams the restaurant door, and then screams at the top of her lungs.


Dayton's SCREAM ECHOES throughout the city.


birds depart the branches, spooked by the sudden noise. They fly off in a panic, dashing in every direction.



Dayton runs wildly down the sidewalk, dodging and shoving passed other pedestrians.

A bottle is knocked from one's hand as she goes by. The alcohol billboard reflects in the glass, right before it shatters on the concrete.


Dayton throws open the door, charging to the kitchen.

Nudaru, at the piano, stares blankly at the keys seemingly unaffected by the sudden entrance.

Cabinets in the other room BANG against their frames. Pots and Pans CLATTER against each other and the floor.

Dayton reenters with a coffee tin. She slumps onto the couch simultaneously removing the container's lid.

Nudaru remains facing the piano, oblivious to Dayton's activity, she oblivious to his lack of movement.

Dayton tilts the tin, and dumps the contents. Balled bills flick out onto the table top, change bounces off the wood, rolls onto the floor, and then RATTLES to a halt.

Dayton's gaze sweeps across every dollar, every loose coin. Her hands hover above the table, flattening FIVES, TENS, TWENTIES.


Dayton suddenly turns to face Nudaru.

He remains in the same position.

Dayton stands.

                   That song keeps going through my
                   head. I keep thinking, 'maybe if I
                   play it long enough I'll remember

Dayton positions herself at Nudaru's side.

                   Do you?

                   Sort of. I don't know what's real,

                   What do you think is real?

                   What do I think?
                              (looking up at Dayton)
                   Or what do I want?
                             (breaking his gaze)
                   Did I ever tell you about the dreams?


                   I heard this song in a dream. There
                   was a big house. A couple holding
                   hands in a parlor, listening to this
                   music. I think I'm playing the piano.
                   I feel like I Am. Why else would I
                   know how?

Nudaru's fingers move toward the keys. He pulls his hands back against his chest quickly, eyes darting up toward the wall in an effort to fight instinct.

                   I thought the dreams were memories.
                   Broken images, coming back to me. I
                   was so excited. I'm not anymore. That
                   time we...


Nudaru raises his hand, silencing Dayton.

                   That day we got this I saw something.
                   Something frightening. I tried to
                   ignore it, but I can't anymore.

Nudaru faces Dayton, the same hand that silenced her caresses her cheek.

                   I need to know what happened to me.


                   Nudaru. N-U-D...

Dayton leans against the glass frame, her hand alternating between twirling the cord around her finger and trying to force the door open further.


Nudaru paces back and forth, head shifting on occasion to listen on the part of the conversation he can hear.


                   Yeah. Kawasaki.

Dayton searches for abandon paper in the booth with one hand, her other removes a pen from her pocket. Finding nothing, she motions with the pen as if writing.


Nudaru scurries in search of parchment.

Sticking his hand in a trash bend just inches away, he recovers a napkin. He brushes away crumbs, removes a tomato, tosses the vegetable, and then hurries back to Dayton's side.



Dayton's face scrunches up in disapproval, before she ever so carefully takes the napkin using her thumb and forefinger.

She situates herself and then presses her pen to the white material.

                   All right, go ahead. Yeah 283. Okay.

Dayton hangs up the phone, jots a few notes and then steps out to:


looking off in the distance, Dayton flops the hand with the napkin in it over in Nudaru's direction.

                   There's the address.

Nudaru all but snatches the napkin out for Dayton's hand.

                             (Looking at the note)
                   Where is this?


                   You know how to get there?

                   Everyone knows how to get there.
                   Everyone, but you, I guess.

                             (Pointing to the Napkin)
                   How do I get here?

                   I'd take a cab.

                   A cab.

Nudaru nods, and starts off down the street. He hails a cab, stepping back as the yellow automobile pulls to the curb.

Nudaru tugs the handle on rear passenger door.

It opens.

He puts one foot in the vehicle, turns and finds Dayton still posted beside the phone booth.

Dayton stares at her feet.

                   What are you waiting for?

                   What if you have a family?


Nudaru steps back. He slams the cab door shut, motions for the driver to wait, and then heads over to Dayton.

Swinging his arm out, he grabs hold of Dayton's tugging her against him.

                   I said, what if you have a family

                   That would be great.

Dayton clinches her jaw.

                   Yeah. I was thinking that too, at
                   first. Maybe someone would be
                   looking for you, offering a reward or

Dayton attempts a smile.

                   But then I thought, what if the family
                   waiting, is like: kids, a dog, a wife.

Nudaru's hand falls from Dayton's arm. His gaze drifts, and his jaw drops. He circles, then stumbles back to a stoop where he nearly collapses.

                   I didn't really --

Dayton stares down at the taxi, unable to look Nudaru in the face.

                             (Looking at Dayton)

Dayton's eyes only slightly wander in Nudaru's direction.

                   You make me feel, like I've never

                   Like you don't remember feeling.

                             (Voice rising louder
                              than intended)

Dayton jumps. Pedestrians glance in the couples' direction.

                   I've never felt, the way you make me

                   How can you be so sure of that, when
                   you're not sure of anything else?

The couple exchange a knowing look.

                   I can't go on not knowing, but
                   regardless of how things turn out,
                   I'm not the person I was before.

Nudaru stands and this time takes hold of Dayton's hand.

                   Come with me?


A combination of modern and historical structures pass by, reflections in the cab's rear passenger window. Through the images, Nudaru peers out, eyes briefly attracted to a girl scout troupe skipping along the cobblestone walkway in a decadent city park.

The cab slows and pulls to a stop in front of a three story building. A construction sight hugs its side. Men in hard hats parade about, tools in hand, too occupied by lunch or work to acknowledge the car's arrival.

Nudaru opens the passenger door. He steps out onto the sidewalk glancing at the address etched on one of several stone pillars guarding the grounds.

283 sticks out boldly. The stone unaffected by rain and erosion suggest that it has been replace or recently modified.

Dayton slides out, her foot hitting the street. She hands the driver a bill through the rolled down window, then walks around to stand beside her companion.

                   Remember anything.

The cab pulls off, the engine nearly swallows Nudaru's voice as he replies.

                   Nothing, yet.

Nudaru approaches one of the men exiting the building's front entrance.

                             (To Construction worker)
                   Excuse me, do you know the people
                   who live here?

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   That live here? Yeah, I knew them.
                   Well, I knew of them.

                   What do you mean?

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   The folks were killed in a car
                   accident about two years back. There
                   kid survived, but got involved in
                   some bad stuff, and lost the place.
                   The city owns it now.

Nudaru suppresses a whimper. He faces Dayton eyes shutting in an effort to control his emotions.

                              (To Construction worker)
                   Bad stuff, like what?

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   As I hear it, drugs. The kid got
                   addicted to heroin or something, after
                   his parents died. Real bad stuff.

Dayton glances briefly at Nudaru.

He avoids her gaze, his expression gradually morphing from depression to rage and then instantly back again.

                   You said you knew of them. What were
                   they like?

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   My wife used to say they were decent.
                   The boy played piano, gave back to
                   the community by mentoring. My kid
                   took lessons.

                   So you never met them?

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   No. Sherry handled all that --
                   raising the kids. I put food in
                   their bellies, and clothes on their

                   You're speaking in past tense again.

                                       CONSTRUCTION WORKER
                   My wife and I separated. She moved
                   out of state, and took the kids with
                   her. Now if you don't mind I got
                   child support I got to pay.

The Construction Worker shoves passed to the work sight, leaving Nudaru and Dayton lingering on the property.

                             (Dayton sneers)
                   ...you want to go inside.

 Reflections in a Broken Mirror III  (18+)
[Master Scenes 36 - 50] A man wakes to a harsh world, with no recollection of his past.
#858329 by Mizarie
© Copyright 2004 Mizarie (cybe_r_iter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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