Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/854869-The-Empty-Tomb
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #854869
The women find Jesus tomb empty on that first Easter morning.
The Empty Tomb
© 2001 by Janice Green

Mary Magdalene(sobbing): I just can’t bring myself to believe he’s gone.

Salome(crying): I share your grief. My sons, James and John, were with him every day.

The Other Mary(also crying): And my sons, James and Joses, as well.

Salome: Do we have enough spices? I brought all the myrrh and alow I could find.

The Other Mary: I brought some cassia and stacte.

Mary Magdalene: And I found some onycha and galbanum.

The Other Mary: Oh, how I wish we had the nard. (speaking to Mary Magdalene) Maybe you were too extravagant when you poured it all on Jesus at the home of Simon. If you had just saved a little of it.

Mary Magdalene: Oh no! You have it all wrong. If we put it on Jesus’ body now he wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. I’m so glad I used it while he was still with us. (sobbing harder) Besides, how was I to know he would be taken from us so suddenly?

Salome: Mary is right. Even Jesus said she had done a beautiful thing.

The Other Mary: Oh, I know, I know. I should never have said it. But I do wish we had some nard now.

Mary Magdalene: I’m worried about something else. How are we ever going to roll that huge stone away from the tomb so we can anoint Jesus’ body?

The Other Mary: I’ve been thinking about the same thing. Surely, it would take many men to roll the stone away.

Mary Magdalene: If only Jesus could perform just one more miracle for us.

(The women walk along in silence)

Mary Magdalene(looking up at the empty tomb): Do you see what I see?

Salome: It’s a miracle!

The Other Mary: Who will go in first?

Salome: I’m afraid…

Mary Magdalene(cautiously): Come on. We mustn’t be afraid.

(The women enter the tomb and are not visible)

Mary Magdalene(as if in a faint): Oh! His body is gone!

The Other Mary: Where is he?

Salome: Did the soldiers take him away?

(Bright light shines from inside the tomb.)

Mary Magdalene: OH MY!

The Other Mary: What… who… are they?

Salome(exclaimed in awe and wonder): Angels!

(All three women continue to make short random utters and gasps of amazement as the Angel speaks.)

Angel’s voice (male): Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen! Remember how he told you while he was still with you in Galilee: “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.”
Mary Magdalene(deep inhale—surprise): Yes! He did!

Salome: Could it really be?

The Other Mary: Is Jesus alive?

(The women rush out of the tomb and joyfully dance and run out the way they came in exclaiming:

All 3 women adlib: “He is alive! Jesus is alive!” (etc.)

Mary Magdalene(crying, comes back alone as if looking for Jesus.): The disciples don’t believe me. Is it really really true? I just have to look one more time to be sure.

Jesus: Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?

Mary Magdalene(talking to herself): This must be the gardener. (talking to Jesus) “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.

Jesus: Mary.

Mary Magdalene: Rabboni! Teacher!

Jesus: Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

Mary Magdalene(running back the way she came in, shouting): “I have seen the Lord!” (and) "I have seen Him!" (and) "I have seen Jesus!"(repeat randomly over and over)
© Copyright 2004 queenbjan (queenbjan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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