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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fanfiction · #853997
Dwayne puts things in perspective for Hunter.
(Reviews and rating are appreciated and needed to sate my ego.)

Me Neither

Time off.

He hadn’t heard or even dared to think about that phrase in so long he barely even remembered how to speak it. Hunter found that the very idea of a break, no matter how brief, made it impossible for him to even sit still or keep a thought in his head. All he could concentrate on was getting through today. Just one more day until he could just let his body and mind relax. He didn’t have any plans, really he had no where to go. It was only three days, no sense in going home or going away. Just a brief and long expected furlough. Hunter knew he’d find someway to occupy himself.

Of course there was a minor hitch, he’d sprained his wrist earlier in the week and up until today the pain had really only been a dull aggravating ache. But today Hunter had been feeling so good he’d pushed things a little too hard in the ring and now the real pain was back, bright and sharp. Almost enough to dampen his day, almost. But nothing was going to spoil this long weekend, no house shows, no business, no fans, just a break.

The gym had emptied out long ago and the locker room was just as deserted and Hunter found himself just a packed gym bag away from getting good and gone. He moved as fast as his one good hand would allow pausing only when the undeniable feeling of eyes upon him caused him to stop.

Hunter turned to see The Rock leaning against the doorway with that smarmy look on his face.

Hunter stared at him expectantly for a moment, waiting for the other man to say something. But all Rock did was raise his eyebrows in anticipation as if Hunter was the interloper.

“Can I help you with something?” Hunter finally asked in irritation.

“Nope, sure can’t.” Rock said never changing his pose or his expression.

“Well what exactly is it that you want?” Hunter asked shoving his elbow pads into his bag and grimacing a bit at the sudden burst of pain.

“Me? I don’t want anything I’m just killing time. Do you want anything?”

Hunter wrinkled his forehead in confusion, if Rock was playing some sort of angle he couldn’t quite figure out what the point was. Of course there might be no other point except just to annoy him, in which case mission accomplished.

“Whatever it is you’re doing, you can keep right on doing it here in the dark cause I’m heading out.” Hunter bent slightly to grab his bag but unfortunately made the mistake of using his injured right hand. It nearly went limp, unable to bear the weight of the strap and with a groan Hunter dropped his bag to the floor. Damn it, he heard people say a clean break was better than a sprain and at that moment he was inclined to agree.

As he cursed himself for being stupid Hunter noticed Rock walk forward and pick up the bag himself, placing it on his left shoulder as his own bag was already on his right.

“What are you doing? I didn’t ask for your help.” Hunter said his voice a mixture of anger and disbelief. “If I was going to ask for help, Hollywood, your name would be at the bottom of a very long list. Quite frankly, I don’t like you.” He concluded extending his hand to reclaim his bag.

“Yeah, me neither.” Rock said, turning with Hunters bag still in hand as he walked out of the room.

‘Just what the hell is this happy horseshit? He did not just walk away with my bag.’

Hunter was speechless. Just what the hell was he up to? One thing was for sure, the only way he’d find out was to follow him and either Rock would explain himself or Hunter would beat it out of him. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Grabbing his jacket Hunter began a hurried stride toward the retreating figure of The Rock.

“What the hell are you doing!” Hunter called out after him angrily but Rock kept walking as if he wasn’t even paying attention. When he did respond it was with a question.

“You managed a gym right?” he called back casually over his shoulder.

“Excuse me?”

“A gym.” He repeated slowly. “Is the Rock speaking too fast for you? You want me to slow it down. Pay attention.” The typical cocky tone was there but as always his joking manner belied the annoyance in his voice
“Yeah, I did.” Hunter said caustically as he fell into stride beside the other man. The pain in his wrist and hand hadn’t subsided at all and his preoccupation with that was the only thing preventing him from pummeling the Rock.

“Well then you should know that what you pulled today was beyond stupid.” Rock said glancing at him sidelong.

“I worked out, the same as I do every day.”

“You worked out with an injury and you worked out unnecessarily hard. So, the Rock is asking why did you do that?”

“Well some of us don’t have a leading man career to fall back on just in case the whole wrestling deal doesn’t pan out. This is my livelihood, maybe I just take it more seriously than you.” Hunter snapped back. They were rapidly approaching the exit and his intention was to take the other man off guard, grab his bag once they’d cleared the door and put this meandering conversation behind him.

“Ouch, that was a good one, you got me, right here” Rock said pointing to his heart before flashing a mocking smile. “Don’t think you’ve fooled the Rock though, I know why you do it. I know why you kept wrestling even after you tore your quad and I know why you’re in the gym before anyone else gets there and long after everyone’s left.”

“Yeah, enlighten me.” Hunter responded feeling slightly embarrassed that he actually wanted to hear the other mans assessment.

Rock stopped walking and turned his head to Hunter quickly. They were paused in the doorway and Hunter heard the cold air whistling and whipping just outside the heavy glass.

“You don’t think you deserve what you have. You think you always have to be the best but you’re never convinced you are and you probably never will be.” He said and before the Hunter could quite grasp what had been said to him Rock opened the door and walked out. Still Hunter didn’t hesitate to follow.

“Maybe you missed it,” he began, slipping into the confident tone that came so easily. “You know since you just drop in on us sporadically nowadays, but I have no doubt that I’m the best. I’ve given more of myself and my time to this business than anyone. I deserve to be where I am. Do you have any idea how I sacrificed for-“

“That’s a Creed song Hunter, don’t you think The Rock knows that? Just because that was part of your big comeback video doesn’t mean you bought into it. You know they say never believe your own press but maybe you should once in awhile. You‘re just as good as they say you are. Don‘t you know that by now.”

Unless his ears deceived him, it actually sounded like The Rock was trying to pay him a compliment, albeit it in a left-handed way. A part of him wanted to accept it, but Hunter wouldn’t allow himself to believe there weren’t strings attached.

He followed his adversary hastily across the parking lot, his car was in sight and he was in more than a hurry to get out of this bitter cold. Of course just why the Rock seemed to also be headed for his car was another matter all together.

“All I’m saying is that you should give yourself a break every now and then. No one would think less of you. Lord knows I wouldn’t”

“I don’t care what you think about me!” Hunter shouted with exasperation and the words echoed across the empty lot. In his mind he had realized there was little doubt now that Rock was headed for Hunters car as well. In fact he was now standing outside the drivers door with his palm outstretched.

Seeing the perplexed look on the other mans face Rock answered his unspoken question with a mock apologetic tone.

“Oh didn’t The Rock mention it, you’re giving me a ride back to the hotel. See I got dropped off by the limo this morning and I didn’t tell them to come back and get me cause I didn’t know when I’d be leaving. You know how it is.”

Hunter was thunderstruck and found himself getting even angrier than he had been. Having to be subjected to this mans blather on the short walk from locker room to the car was one thing but the half an hour ride back to the hotel was quite another. There was no way this was going to happen.

“You didn’t bring your car?” he asked in disbelief.

“No, The Rock didn’t bring his car, it’s at home. Now can we get in please? It’s cold, I mean damn aren’t you cold?.”

Hunter glanced at the deserted facility they had just left and the vacant parking lot before giving a sigh of resignation.

“You’re not driving.” Hunter said simply motioning for both of their bags after he pushed the trunk release button.”

“Yeah I am.” Rock said bypassing the blonde man to toss the bags in the back. “I’m sure you’re quite adept at using one hand but I don’t think it’s for driving. Plus look at what you got here man,” he said shutting the trunk “You’ve got a great big Hummer, you know the Rock has always wanted to drive one of these.” He extended his hand again.

Hunter couldn’t quite believe what he was doing even as he did it. But the next thing he knew he saw himself drop his car keys into The Rocks hand, grumbling only slightly as he made his way over to the passengers side.

Fine, let him drive, I don’t feel like it anyways. We’re both going to the same place, it doesn’t really matter. Course I don’t know what’s going to be more painful, my hand or his speeches
They both situated themselves in their seats and seatbelts and Rock started the engine. Motorhead blared through the car speakers and was abruptly cut off as Rock ejected the CD.

“Great googley moogley, I hope you don’t expect the Rock to listen to that. I think since I’m driving I’m going to opt for country.”

“I can’t stand country.” Hunter protested.

“Yeah, me neither.” Rock said as he scanned the stations for the appropriate level of twang.

They pulled out of the lot and Hunter was determined to remain silent. Some of the things Rock had said had cut a bit close. Hunter didn’t know what bothered him more, the fact that this man had so easily and accurately summed him up or the idea that maybe despite all his effort he really was transparent after all. Either way, he was certainly just going to keep his mouth shut, once they got to the hotel they’d part company and he could put this whole odd incident behind him.

“So, as the Rock was saying, the way I figure it-“ he began as they pulled out onto the main road.

“If you must talk and I emphasize must, cut the third person crap.”

“Oh you want to cut characters huh? I thought this is what we do, this whole little interaction here. You know heel to heel, icon to icon?”

“I’m not in the mood.” Hunter said after a long pause and to his surprise he meant it. It was what they did though, Rock was right about that. But while it kept him alive in one way it wore him down in another.

“Yeah me neither. All right Paul, you want to break character consider them broken. My point, and I’ll just sort of sum up, is that you have no idea who you really are. Not to mention you have an inferiority complex which is why you push yourself so hard.”

It was no doubt just as unexpected to the Rock as it was to Hunter personally when he burst out laughing.

“Just where the hell do you get off saying something like that? You don’t know me Rock, you’ve never known me. We work together that’s all. We’re not buddies, we’re not partners, we’re not friends. You’re a face in the hallway, Hollywood, just another body I’ve got to climb over.

“Okay, number one,” the other man began as they pulled up to a stop light. “It’s not Hollywood and it’s not Rock, it’s Dwayne, no characters remember. Second, climb over to get to where?”

At that comment Hunter was silent as he found that he didn’t quite have an answer.

“It’s just a figure of speech.” he said finally.

“Right, a figure of speech. Okay, lets change subjects, what are you doing this weekend?”

Hunter was a bit taken aback by the sudden switch.

“Umm, I don’t know just relax I guess.”

“Well I know you’re going to relax.” Dwayne said as they turned onto the highway. “But specifically what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, I don’t have anything specific planned.” Paul said with an annoyed shrug.

“See that’s just what I’m talking about.”

Paul shifted in his seat uncomfortably completely baffled by this whole evening.

“What, what are you talking about?”

“Are you hungry at all? I don’t even know if I ate breakfast today.” Dwayne said as if he hadn’t heard Paul’s question.

They were only a few blocks away from the hotel and Paul was in a definite hurry to extract himself from this situation.

“No, I’m not hungry.” He deadpanned and at the same time his stomach made a groan of protest.

“Yeah, me neither.” Dwayne said as they pulled in the drive thru of a McDonalds.

“Why do you keep doing that, I said I wasn’t hungry.”

“I know I’m agreeing with you.” Dwayne said affecting a look of confusion as he rolled down his window.

‘Welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?’

“Yes, I’ll have two number four’s with two Coke’s.”

‘$7.94 please pull around.’

“You see I’ve got my whole weekend planned out and you know how many times I intend to think about work, not once.” Dwayne said with a shake of his head.

“Good for you.” Paul replied with disinterest.

“You’re missing the point. Actually you’re missing a lot more than that.”

Paul glanced over at this man who was speaking so earnestly to him and Dwayne stared back with a sort of half smile
As they pulled up to the first window Dwayne took a twenty from his wallet and handed it to a girl in a paper hat. The screaming started about 30 seconds later.

“Oh my God, are you?!? I mean it can’t be, but it’s you isn’t it? It’s you?”

Dwayne flashed that bright wide smile of his and nodded. “Yeah it’s me, you caught The Rock about to chow down.”

“Oh my God, I love you so much! I just love you!” the girl squealed.

“Well I love you right back, so thank you.”

“Oh my God, I… I’m sorry, I have to give you your change, don’t I?” The girl turned back to the register and Dwayne elbowed Paul, who was oddly captivated by the exchange, in the ribs.

“Okay, here ya go.” The girl said her hands shaking as she gave him back the dollar bills. “Can…can I have your autograph?”

“Sure you can.” Dwayne said removing a pen and signing one of the bills. “The Rock doesn’t have any paper on him so this will have to do.”

“That’s just fine.” The girl said excitedly.

“Okay, bye now.” He said handing it to the girl who resumed her squealing.

Paul watched the whole scene with a detached smirk all the time wondering whether his companions genial manner was genuine or not.

They pulled to the final window and the first girl must have alerted the whole staff because Paul counted at least seven people pressed against the glass, jostling for position.

“Is that Triple H?” Paul vaguely heard one of them ask and he immediately turned to Dwayne to shake his head no. He certainly wasn’t in the mood to sign autographs and even if he had been, the pain in his hand had other ideas.

“Hell no, you think The Rock would be caught dead riding around in the same car as that jabroni?”

After signing a few other autographs they finally received their food from the grateful fans and were once again back on the road.

“See that’s what I mean, that kind of thing used to excite you, it use to get you going, didn’t it?”

They never stop!” Paul spat angrily. “You never get any private time, you can never just leave your house or walk your dog or shop for groceries without some mark coming up to you. You always have to be on. You always have to be in character. You can’t tell me that doesn’t get to you.”

“Sure it gets to me. But then I just have to stop and remember how hard I worked to get here, and why I’m still here. And that all this attention and adoration misguided as it sometimes is, is what I wanted. Then I’m happy to sign whatever they want or pose for a few pictures cause I remember what it was like to be them. Do you remember the first time you ever signed an autograph?”

The memory of that day came back quickly, a good deal quicker than Paul had expected.

“Yeah,” Paul said beginning the story with slow reluctance. “ I was back with WCW, we were doing some house show I don’t know where. I was one of the last guys off the bus and we had to walk through this crowd of people to get in. It was real cold and none of the guys were stopping to sign anything and I was so damn new I was certain nobody would want my signature anyways. And then as I’m walking by I hear this kid call out, “Hey Terra Rizing!” I stop and it’s this little boy about 7 years old and he’s holding out his pen and paper. I walk over give him my autograph and his face just lights up. I think I was on cloud nine the rest of that night but… it’s different now.”

“Don’t their faces still light up?”

“Yeah but-“

“It’s only different because you’ve lost something.”

“So what if I have, what’s it to you?” Paul said angrily.

“What’s it to me? Well, I’ll tell you. I’ve never met a better worker in the ring than you. I’ve never been in matches with someone I trusted just as much as myself. But you’ve lost a step Paul, and it’s not physical it’s not nearly as cut and dry as all that.”

“I don’t like being psychoanalyzed.”

“I don’t like having to do it.” Dwayne said and for the first time his voice sounded angry. “But I don’t want to see this take you down. Life is short, particularly in this line of work but we all know that coming in. The WWE is like a stone we all just keep butting our heads against, one after another after another, but we’re the only things that ever really break. The way I see it you have three choices, either it eventually kills you, cause you take the final bad bump in the ring. Or it takes you down slowly the way it’s taking Jake The Snake. Second choice is you just survive it and not much more and like Vietnam flashbacks you keep thinking you’re there or wishing you were. Or you live it and you love it for the time you’re here.”

“You’re talking to me about dedication?” Paul said a bit indignantly. “I’m not the one who comes back and then leaves after a month.”

“No, I’m talking about the dream, you had it and now you’ve lost it.”
For Paul this was all a bit surreal, sitting here being told that he had forgotten about the dream by this man. Despite all the storylines and implied rivalries Paul had really had very little interaction with Dwayne at all. Their characters were enemies but Paul didn’t really think of him that way, when he thought of him at all that is. They’d never talked, never confided in each other but somehow he was actually making sense. He was beginning to think that perhaps this man who he thought he shared very little with knew him best.

By now they had pulled into another parking lot, this one belonging to the hotel they’d all been booked into.

Dwayne turned off the motor and hit the button to open the truck but just before he exited the vehicle he turned back to Paul, his eyes deep and serious.

“This business is killing you, and it’s killing your body by way of your mind. You’ve got the passion but you forgot the dream.”

Paul started in his seat, those were almost the same words he thought to himself earlier in the evening. Maybe Dwayne was right. There were days when he could feel it, this incredible weight dragging him down a weight that title after title didn’t relieve. When had it gotten so damn heavy? He was finally able to get out of the car a moment later and silently followed the other man into the building.

Dwayne finally taking notice of the look on his companions face gave a soft sigh.

“Look, maybe I’ve been out of line. I know we have never been friends but I think in a different time, under different circumstances we actually would have been great ones. I was just trying to help. But maybe I called this one wrong. Anyways…” he said trailing off and Paul extended his left hand silently asking for his bag. Without argument Dwayne finally returned the mcguffin to him and Paul turned and without saying another word headed for the elevator bank. The doors opened before he even had the opportunity to hit the button and he stepped inside. Paul could see Dwayne standing only a few feet away waiting for the next elevator appearing noticeably more withdrawn and introspective than he had been on the ride over.

Paul made the decision before he was even fully aware of it himself. But the next thing he knew he forced his hand between the rapidly closing doors, their sensors causing them to spring open again.

“You coming?” he said simply and Dwayne turned back to him in surprise. “It didn’t seem like you were quite through yakking so I figured I’d at least let you finish your thought. If we have to have this heart to heart I certainly don’t want it going beyond tonight.” he finished sarcastically.

“Yep, me neither.” Dwayne said stepping in beside him.

* * *

Paul unlocked the door to his hotel room completely unsure of what might happen next. Silently they both dropped their bags to the floor and Dwayne seated himself at a nearby table while Paul sat on the edge of the bed.

“Here man, I’ve been bogarting your burger I’m sorry.” Dwayne said removing his own food before tossing the greasy bag towards Paul.

Paul glanced into the bag and grimaced.

“How can you eat this stuff, it’s like pure fat you’d be better off with a stick of butter.” he said as he unwrapped the sandwich.

“Come on, you can’t eat right all the time,” Dwayne laughed “You’ve got to treat yourself to more than just protein shakes every now and then.”

Paul could feel the others man’s eye on him as he took a bite of the hamburger and Paul’s reaction was so strong even he couldn’t stop it.

“God damn that’s good.” he mumbled around the mouthful of food. There was just no arguing how good bad food tasted. And this time when Dwayne laughed he couldn’t help but laugh with him.

“You know you should really put some ice on your wrist.” he said seriously after they had quieted.

“The swelling went down, it’ll be fine.” Paul said dismissively but Dwayne wasn’t going to be put off so easily. He stuffed a French fry in his mouth before rising from his chair.

“That doesn’t mean anything Paul, you could still be injured, you just might not know it. Hold on a second.” Paul watched him as the tall man walked over to his discarded bag and started rooting through it. He came up with a roll of ACE bandage and then headed for the bed. Paul eyed him suspiciously as he approached the bed, but instead of stopping there he made his way over to the phone.

“Hello, I’m in room 324,” he spoke into the receiver after a moment, “I was wondering if you could have a bottle of champagne sent up in a large bucket of ice. Yes, thank you.”

“Why did you just order champagne?” Paul asked as for the hundredth time that evening he was unsure as to just what was going on.

“Relax man, I was just getting the ice for your wrist.”

“Then why didn’t you just order ice?”

“Good question.” Dwayne said and paused momentarily as if to consider that. “Hold out your hand.”

“I’m eating.”

“Come on, the sooner you let me do this the better you’ll feel.” Dwayne said softly as he reached for Paul’s hand. At the first touch of those familiar fingers stroking his skin in a distinctly unfamiliar way he felt his heart start to pound. This didn’t make any sense, he told himself, why was Dwayne doing this and more importantly why was Paul reacting to it the way he was? But then again maybe it was all in his head, I mean what was he doing really, it was just one guy helping out another. No big deal.
“Come on man.” he said and Paul reluctantly allowed Dwayne to take his hand and place it in his lap. Dwayne unraveled a long piece of the bandage and proceeded to wrap it around Paul’s hand and wrist. There eyes met every so often, basically anytime that Paul dared to glance up he found Dwayne staring at him, his face unreadable. Just when the silence was beginning to seem oppressive Dwayne started to speak.

“So, what exactly was the last thing I was saying?”

“Umm...I think it was something about passion.”

“Oh yeah, I guess I was.” Dwayne said finally releasing his hand and Paul was suddenly aware of just how close the other man was and that just maybe he wouldn’t mind it if he was closer.

My God this is insane, what am I thinking? Have I stumbled into the bizzaro world. I’m straight, last time I checked and I’m always checking...Half an hour ago I wanted to punch him and now I want to...

“Okay I think my point was that when all you focus on is the business you can sometimes let different opportunities and experiences pass you by.” Dwayne never took his eyes from Paul’s as he spoke and his words seem to come out slower and smoother than before their meaning seemingly undeniable.

“Opportunities.” Paul said with a question in his voice.

“You know, something you’ve always wanted to try...” Dwayne said leaning forward. Paul felt his body respond with incontestable proof that there was something he desperately wanted to try but instead he pulled back.

“Dwayne...” he began his voice fading as his conviction disappeared by the second. “I haven’t...I don’t do this...”

As Paul felt the other mans hand rise up to the nape of his neck he inhaled deeply.

“Yeah, me neither.” Dwayne responded a second before his lips met Paul’s.

* * *

Paul felt his body tense at the contact before he sunk into relaxation at the sensation of Dwayne’s lips on his. Just as he was growing to love the pressure and the caresses the other man pulled back.

“Do you want to stop? I can go to my room, none of this will have happened and I’ll just see you on Monday.” He said and Paul knew he was serious all he had to do was ask and he’d leave and take this secret with him.

Asking him to leave was the last thing Paul wanted to do.

“Hell no.” Paul said trying to control the shake in his voice and succeeding for the most part.

Following impulse over logic Paul leaned forward roughly grabbing Dwayne and pulling those enticing lips back where he now felt they belonged. Dwayne groaned in response and Paul felt his fingers as they moved to take the band from his long hair.

God how long has it really been since I’ve been with somebody. Day’s, weeks, month’s everything runs together so that I can’t even remember half the time. There’s just the job, only the job, always the job. But maybe I can let that go if only for tonight.

Seemingly out of nowhere they were both breathing heavily as they broke the kiss. This time it was Dwayne who pulled away and subsequently removed himself from the bed. Paul kept quiet for a moment his gaze locked to Dwayne who was seductively working his way out of his ‘Just Bring It!’ shirt.

“You putting on a show for me?” Paul smirked, sounding calm, though it was really only his resolve combined with the throbbing of his wrist that kept him from pouncing on the man.

“The most electrifying show there is.” Dwayne responded with a smirk of his own.

At the sight of Dwayne’s broad bare chest Paul felt his cock make itself decidedly known. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen the man nearly naked and even completely naked before. The locker room quickly removed any and all modesty from a person. But that was a completely different situation and Paul was discovering that connotation was everything. The man before him was stunning, the smooth bronzed skin, the slopes and planes of his body sculpted fit and at this moment completely at Paul’s disposal.

Paul unceremoniously tugged at his own shirt tossing it in the corner. He was much too excited to return the mini strip tease and it was best to keep rolling while he still had the nerve. He couldn’t help feel a stab of pleasure as he noted Dwayne reciprocating similar glances at his body. There was only the slightest of pauses as Dwayne worked at undoing the buckle of his belt. Waiting for him to get to the button and the zipper was near agony for Paul and when a knock sounded on the door he cursed aloud.

“Room service.”

At Paul’s curse Dwayne had broken into a smile and a light laugh. “Yeah just leave it outside the door.” he said.

“Actually sir, we’re not allowed to do that. It’s against policy. Technically I have to wheel it into the room for you.”

Dwayne gave a sigh and Paul watched intently as his jeans hung about the man’s hips. Before letting them drop to the floor Dwayne removed his wallet and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He stepped out of the jeans, walked to the door and bent over to slip the bill underneath the crack. Paul had no complaints as he was treated to a complimentary view of his ass.

“Hey kid, take a look down, what does that do for your policy?”

There was a moment of silence and then an audible squeak of disbelief before the person on the other side responded
“You have a good evening sir.”

“That’s what I thought. You’re still dressed?” Dwayne asked as he turned back to more important matters.

That was all the invitation Paul needed and only seconds later his jeans were atop Dwayne’s in a small pile on the floor. Clad in only his underwear he climbed into bed and waited expectantly, for once in his life content to let someone else have the upper hand.

Dwayne switched off the light before lifting the sheets and slipping onto the bed beside Paul. Their lips met again the darkness and this time it was Paul who groaned as he felt Dwayne’s hand caress the hard muscles of his abdomen.

“Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.” Dwayne murmured in amusement.

“Come on Hollywood you can do better than that.” Paul responded and the next thing he knew the other man was above him his weight pressing down enforcing the reality of the situation.

As Dwayne's lips traced light breathy patterns down his neck Paul ran his fingers over his lovers shoulder blades and back. Every so often as their hips would brush he’d feel the other man’s cock, firm and erect still confined, just as his own was by underwear. As soon as that contact was broken Paul’s only desire was to reestablish it again. Gradually his movements in bed became more forceful and in spite of his injured wrist Paul decided he had no intention of just lying quietly and being ‘taken‘.

. When he sunk his teeth into Dwayne's shoulder the other man shuddered in surprise. The only illumination that was scattered about the room came from the moonlight outside but it was still enough for Paul to see the flash of approval in Dwayne’s eyes.
Their bodies slid against one another warm beneath the cool sheets and Paul’s hands slowly traversed lower down the flexing muscles of Dwayne's flesh. When he arrive at his hips his intention had been to dispense with the unnecessary underwear but that plan was derailed as he felt Dwayne’s hand firmly take hold of his cock.

Paul gasped in reply and Dwayne no doubt seeing just the response he wanted took advantage of the opportunity. To Paul’s delight he inched down his body lavishing attention first on his nipples then down the center of his chest, across the landscape of his stomach, stopping just below his belly button. All the time he never took his hand from Paul’s cock which begged for explicit contact but was only receiving gentle rhythmic strokes.

Not surprisingly it was Paul’s underwear that disappeared first as Dwayne insistently tugged it off. By now Dwayne was nothing more than an indistinct shape beneath the sheets that Paul could still feel but hardly see. However once his lips descended upon the tip of Paul’s cock he became quite a bit more apparent. His pelvis nearly springing from the mattress at the contact Paul let out a low moan of ecstasy at the sensation and the release.

Dwayne began with lazy circles of his tongue around the head as his hand lightly caressed Paul’s inner thigh. Gradually though his pattern became more concentrated and Paul was able to time his almost uncontrollable thrusts upward with Dwayne's ministrations.

Closing his eyes Paul felt all the worry and tension seep from his body replaced only with the hedonistic desire to live this moment, this passion. And in his opinion it stopped far too soon. Before he knew it Dwayne’s mouth was gone replaced again by his hand and Paul found himself ruing the absence of the former. Before he could protest Dwayne had moved back up his body stopping Paul’s mouth with a kiss. At the dizzy, delicious pressure he felt himself relent once again and his fingers resumed their quest to remove Dwayne's underwear. Upon arrival however Paul found that the deed was already done.

A thought occurred to him suddenly that turnabout was fair play and as he ran his palm over his lovers close cropped hair he whispered; “Let me get on top for awhile.”

To Paul’s surprise Dwayne shook his head.

“Why not?” Paul questioned.

“Cause I’m in charge this time.“ He joked before dropping his head to run his tongue over Paul’s earlobe.

“Come on Hollywood I can give as good as I get.”

“Next time...” And before Paul could respond Dwayne answered the unspoken question “And there will be a next time. But right now, I need you to turn over.”

A stab of pleasure at the request, which had the tonality of a command, coursed through Paul’s body and wordlessly he complied.

Dwayne pushed himself to his knees to allow Paul to maneuver into position. Paul felt impatient at the loss of Dwayne’s flesh pressed against his and he was never more desperate in his desire to have the feeling of that body heat return. Just what Dwayne was doing he couldn’t quite see but he jumped slightly as he felt his palm on his thigh gently spreading them apart. A calming caress over the smooth skin of Paul’s back made him relax and he smiled as he again felt Dwayne’s solid frame atop his. Paul sighed his approval and Dwayne placed his left hand over Paul’s, interlocking their fingers.

At the feeling of Dwayne’s cock at his entrance Paul tensed again and as the pressure increased followed by distinct pain he gripped the mattress in reaction. Paul immediately sensed Dwayne draw back in reluctance, surprise or possibly both
“Want me to-” Dwayne began but Paul wouldn’t allow him to finish.

“No, no keep going.” he insisted and Dwayne obliged. Paul was forced to grit his teeth as Dwayne slowly pushed the head of his large cock within but he only took a few second to adjust. And as Dwayne’s length slipped further and further inside him the pain became only a memory and a vague one at that. As he adapted to the sensation a wave of pleasure washed over him and then he was meeting Dwayne's thrusts. As his need became more urgent so did his movements and Paul’s body demanded harder contact. The response from Dwayne was swift though through his own haze of ecstasy Paul knew his lover was loosing what little control he had. Still in a sure movement he leaned back and grasping Paul’s hips pulled him from his flat position off of the bed. Now on all fours with Dwayne on his knees behind him Paul found himself slamming back against the others mans body as he in turn snapped his hips forward in accommodation.

Both men groaned low in their throat and Paul lowered his head to the sheets before him allowing his body to be alternately pushed and pulled by Dwayne whose movements he could feel growing more and more erratic.

Suddenly Dwayne was leaning over him, his body warm and heavy as he planted kisses across Paul’s neck and back. When he felt Dwayne's hand reach in front of him and grasp his cock it took all his resolve not to come right there. The pleasure that he thought couldn’t possibly be topped multiplied exponentially as Dwayne matched his strokes matching them to the ministrations of Paul's cock.

Finally with both of them so near release Paul pushed himself back against Dwayne one more time driving the man’s cock seemingly deeper than it had previously ever gone. With a hoarse cry Dwayne gave a few more convulsive thrusts before exploding within Paul.
As Dwayne slowed his movements with relaxation Paul felt himself being slowly pushed over the edge. With Dwayne still within him moving languidly, still murmuring softly in his ear and still stroking the hard length of his cock, Paul finally gave in.

With a curse he came, the explosion and gravity of it all flooring him in a way that had never happened before. He collapsed onto the bed utterly spent from the effort breathing heavily as he stared up at the flushed and smiling face of his new lover. Dwayne however who seemed not nearly as exhausted bounded out of bed and headed to the door.

“Where are you going?” Paul asked surprised at how weak his own voice sounded.

“The champagne. We don’t need anybody banging on the door again do we?”

“No, I guess not.” Paul said as he watched Dwayne open the door a crack the hall light illuminated his handsome naked form before he hastily extended his arm to pull the tray inside. “I’m sure we’ll find a use for it later.”

“How’s your hand?” Dwayne said crawling back into bed and pulling Paul into his embrace. “You want the ice now?”

“No actually, I’m feeling...better than I have in a long time. Almost happy. ” Paul said almost unable to keep the easy smile from his face.

“You deserve to be happy, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. “

As Paul glanced at the clock which read 11:56 the smile faded a bit. “It’s almost tomorrow, he said.“

“Well that’s great. Tomorrow’s is another chance and we could all use that. Remember why you started this in the first place Paul, you’ve got the passion but you forgot the dream. I think it’s time you remembered.”

Paul remained silent, momentarily lost in his own thoughts.

“Did you hear me?” Dwayne asked stroking his lovers hair lightly when Paul didn’t respond.

“I heard you.” he answered finally “ I heard everything you said tonight.”

They left the discussion at that both knowing what tonight had meant and what it had changed, but choosing to leave it unsaid for now. There was time to ruminate and remember and relive tomorrow. That’s what tomorrow were for.

“You know, I’m not used to sharing a bed, especially not with someone who takes up as much space as you.“ Dwayne said punctuating his statement with a yawn. “But somehow I’m just not in a big hurry to give this up.“

“You know something.” Paul began “Me neither.”

© Copyright 2004 Swordfish (swordfish at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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