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Rated: GC · Poetry · Religious · #853747
God's provision in time of need.
As I walked down a dark and winding road, I found I could not get home. When I noticed there was a small cloud of smoke. There was a man there who looked oddly familiar. He had a kind face and asked if I was lost and needed help. He offered a seat and drink of water. I partook of his hospitality and a took the chance to warm up by the fireside. I eyed him slowly, not knowing what to say. I needed direction, what was I going to do? As if he read my mind, he took my hand and led the way. We walked in silence for a little ways. The day had cleared up, then he began to say:

"I was once like you, filled with such sorrow
and pain. I was never sure of anything in life nor what direction to take. Until I heard about a man who came to provide the way. He had just a simple message of peace, love, and faith. He had patience. He was kind. Many cursed His presence, and shunned Him away. Leaving everyone in disarray, they seeked to end his days. He took their ridicule, He took their hate, knowing that they had sealed their fate. The more they hurt Him, the more He prayed. Eagerly waiting to take turns to crack the whip. He was filled with a terrible sadness for them, cursing themselves to eternal damnation. Still, He took it without reservation, for it was for out salvation.

On the day He was taken home, He asked the Father to forgive them. He looked in the crowd for a kind face, sadly not seeing one. How many hated Him, because of the truth. Some shouted and danced, and others beamed happiness, in their disgrace. He had loved them and enriched their lives, and now they swore He spat lies. With tears streaming down his face, He gave himself to the ultimate loving grace. Our ultimate advocate, our lawyer, was about to leave us. Thunder boomed and lightning cracked. The earth shook and the heavens rained, the sky went from blue to black.

Many knew that He had promised to come back, and that He promised to never die. For the third day was drawing nigh. The morning dawned on that day, the whispers spread the joyous news, 'He is risen!' While those responsible were looking to be forgiven. All the doubts had gone away, as He stood before us whole again. Instucting us to spread the message, to help those in need. To never do an evil deed. With a smile and a gentle hug, the time had come for Him to depart, living in those who had opened their hearts. In our eternal home, He awaits our arrival. His arm reaching out to greet us and take us in his loving embrace, allowing us to gaze upon His face. With His instructions, the way was shown. With a little faith, and an open heart, you will never be lost or weary again."

As his words slowly sinked in, my face was streamed with tears. The answer to all my troubles were simple to fix. My faith was renewed, and my life made sense. So many questions came at once to me. Who was this man who knew just what to say? How did he know the words he needed to say? At last it came time for us to part. I thanked him, and was relieved. A smile played on his lips, as he gathered his things to leave. he said, "Just pass this message along and help others in need. Things happen that cause you to stumble and fall along the way as you struggle up the rocky narrow hill. Just ask His advice and He will be there anytime you need. Never dwell in despair because He will always be there. Trust the Lord, and never lose your faith. For this is the only way to be saved."

He looked deeply into my eyes, gave me a hug, went on his merry way. As he faded in to the distance, he turned and waved. He gave a little nod, and instantly I knew He was my loving God.

© Copyright 2004 Rachel Reyna (mysticallady30 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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