Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/853191-How-The-Spoon-Changed-It-All
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #853191
Have you ever wandered why forks and spoons are set on opposite sides of the dinner plate?
There once was a time, when forks and knives lived in harmony. They would work together to cut thick meat, and they would struggle together to scoop applesauce. It was an amazing sight for the tourists: forks helping knives… or, was it knives helping forks… anyhow, it was all about to change, for that’s when the spoon entered the harmonized world of non-scooping cutlery…

It was a beautiful day; the ice-cream-clouds were floating high in the sky, and the earth made of chewy steak was buried well below the ground. A fork and knife were happily digging in the ground for some steak to cut, but suddenly, they heard a strange little voice…

“I can dig better than that; for my smooth metal face was actually made for scooping!” And at that, the forks and knives of the whole town stopped what they were doing, turned around, and tried to defend themselves.
“We can dig just as well as you spoons, also: we have air holes in our system, and you’re ugly!” said a very defensive fork.

A couple of days went by, and there were no signs of spoons anywhere. All of the sudden, there was a loud sound. It sounded like a stampede, or even an army, and sure enough it was. An army of spoons, that is! Luckily, the cutlery of “Fork-Knife-Ville” prepared an army of their own. As the silverware battled for justice, the nice giant, who was of course very nice, forcefully jumped down from his home above the ice-cream-clouds. He picked up the leader of the spoons, “Sergeant Spoonful”, and crushed him to smithereens.

All the rest of the spoons got frightened, and one of them said, “We didn’t mean to hurt, or even kill, anyone: we just wanted to prove a point: that spoons are far more better than forks and knives, and that we deserve the right to live with all of the other cutlery!”

And at that, the nice giant made the citizens of Fork-Knife-Ville agree to let all of the spoons from “Cutleria” live with them in their town. Together they thanked the nice giant, and triumphed over big banana splits.


I will conclude this composition with an important statement…

Have you ever wandered why the fork and knife are on the opposite sides of the spoon when a table is set? Well; that’s simply because after all these years, they still have a few fights, and we need to keep them separate!!!
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