Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/852527-Ballad-of-Love
by JMiles
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #852527
What true love is.
I walk into the palace.
I see him eye to eye.
This is the man that loves me
So much that He would die.

The walls extend forever.
My feet are walking on clouds.
I am not alone.
The sounds I hear are not quiet, but not loud.

The precious air is the best ever.
I feel as if I am in paradise, in Eden.
Everything is white—perfect and pure.
Except for me—I feel like Eve, after sinning in the garden.

I put on the white garments and cleansed myself.
But my mind wasn’t made new.
I was made a new person.
But how come my mind didn’t change, too?

I promised to love Him and glorify Him.
I felt a true sense of love.
But I am not worthy—
I mean, His love is more than my life—it was above.

I walk forward more.
I don’t deserve it, but I can’t go back.
The crowds disappear, and it is just Him and me.
My breath shortens, and it feels like I am having an anxiety attack.

He rose up from His glorious chair.
His robes were perfect.
He walked towards me.
I bowed my head out of respect.

I tried to hold back the tears.
But they come and come.
He gently holds my head
And wipes my tears with His thumb.

He moves His hands to my shoulders
And embraces me.
He lets go
And goes down to one knee.

A basin of water is within reach.
He takes a cloth and the water.
He points to a chair.
“Take a seat, relax, My daughter.”

I sit, with Him at my feet.
He dips the cloth in the basin and reaches for me.
He grabs my foot, and starts to clean it.
“I truly love Thee.”

A million thoughts race through my mind.
Shouldn’t He be in the chair and me on the floor?
He looks up at me and smiles.
“No, because I love you more.”

His fingers caress my feet, removing all the dirt.
Even His touch is exploding with love.
I turn my head away--
Its something I’m not worthy of.

He pauses, and looks up.
“You have been faithful and true.
You served Me,
And now I have the honor of serving you.”

My soul breaks apart.
My words are ruined by my sorrow.
This can’t possibly be true—
Not today, not tomorrow.

I have been selfish beyond reason.
All I think of is myself.
My actions center around me,
I never thought of anything else.

I always went along with the crowd,
Hiding my faith in Him.
Sure, I would disagree,
But the consequences couldn’t be that grim.

I devoted time to Him.
But my heart wasn’t completely there.
I’d think of other things.
I wasn’t being fair.

I said I truly believed-
That I was saved.
But then I turned away.
Satan had me enslaved.

I couldn’t resist the lure.
I sinned. A lot.
I had said I loved You.
But it seemed as if I completely forgot.

Things in life happened—
They changed my views.
Everything changed.
I looked over my life, and knew I had to choose.

I chose Him.
He is my Eternal Light.
I was totally at peace—
And everything was right.

Then He started to show me things--
Things I was doing wrong.
I looked, and He was right—
I had been doing them all along.

I asked for forgiveness, and
He gave it to me.
He gave me strength
And pulled me from the enemy.

But I still could honor Him more.
He deserves much more.
I am not good enough for His love.
Its not supposed to be a chore.

All of these thoughts
Raced through my mind.
I feel so ashamed.
How could He still be so kind?

I tried to look away.
Tears filled His loving eyes.
He puts down the cloth.
He stands, and looks me straight in my eyes.

We see each other’s pain.
He gets a chair.
He sits next to me
And says a silent prayer.

When He is done, He turns to me.
“My child. What is wrong?”
I shake my head.
“I’m not worthy. I don’t belong.”

“Of course you do.
I chose you for My own.
I knew you before you were born.
You were never alone.

I lived just for you.
I taught others.
I set an example,
For you and all your brothers.

I knew I would die.
I knew the pain.
I knew the cruelty.
But I wouldn’t die in vain.

The religious leaders
in My day
Didn’t like My teachings
and what I had to say.

They imprisoned me.
The charges were not true.
The people wanted a criminal released,
Not me, the King of the Jews.

I endured the beatings
Almost to the point of death.
I didn’t fight back.
I prayed and took another breath.

I was forced to carry my own cross.
Fatigued, I almost died on the way.
A man from the crowd was forced to help me.
I was already fading away.

I was nailed to the cross.
Steel went through bone.
I was beyond the point of pain.
All I could do was groan.

They stood up the cross.
I was between two men.
One didn’t repent.
One did, and I knew I would see him again.

The soldiers taunted me.
They gambled for my robe.
I couldn’t bear it anymore.
I died, and my blood covered the entire globe.

They put Me in a grave.
Three days later, I came to life once more.
All the sins were forgiven.
I took their burdens forevermore.

I saved you from death.
Now you can live forever.
I know you have sinned.
I will never leave you—never.

I am the Lord.
I do not change.
I have forgiven the past.
I love everyone-not just a range.

So do not worry, my love.
Everyone has sinned.
But My blood took care of it.
I am always here, just like the wind.

You say you were not a servant.
That is not so.
Remember those things you did,
Not so long ago?

Even the simple things
Mean a lot to Me.
It doesn’t have to be extravagant.
Look around—you have helped people in need.

What you have done to the least
You have done to Me too.
The outreach, the love,
And putting them above you.

I know you are new to the faith.
But you will grow.
What you reap,
You will indeed sow.

But keep at it. You are special.
I made you unique.
You have your own purpose.
You love me, and My kingdom is what you seek.

You will be tested in the world.
You will feel crushed.
But look towards heaven.
Do not feel rushed.

I love you.
I have your entire life planned out.
I live in you.
I know your insecurities, your doubt.

Do not fear tomorrow,
For I am already there.
Life will never get out of control.
Trust in Me, and spend time in prayer.

You say you are not worthy.
But I don’t think so.
Didn’t you say you loved Me?
That enough makes you worthy, just so you know.

I will never leave nor forsake you.
I love you with all of My heart.
You are the love of My life.
We will never be apart.

I died for you, my love.
No matter what you think, I am true.
Its really simple—
I love you.

Trust in me with all of your heart and mind.
Good things will come.
It might not seem good, but it will be.
Only I know what you can become.

So forget your problems.
Drop your burdens and fears.
I am your God.
I cry with you, and save all of your tears.”

My face lights up with adoration.
I was wrong.
I am only human.
I will not last on Earth for long.

But what I do can change the lives of others.
I can lead others to Him.
My mind looks eternally,
The future is not grim.

No matter what happens, I will be safe.
Safe in His arms.
What more could I ask for?
I have no problems, no more alarms.

He returns to my feet.
Before long, they are done.
He smiles.
“Go, my child. We are one.”

He embraces me again.
This time He leaves a part of Him.
I have unspeakable joy.
The world is bright, no longer dim.

I will forever sing His love.
He didn’t have to die, but He did.
He did it for me.
And for all mankind.
© Copyright 2004 JMiles (miahammfreak9 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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