Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/850665-Someone-Loves-You
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #850665
This poem is dedicated to anyone who has found true love.
Somewhere there is someone who loves you.
You may not always realize it, but there is.
You may not always believe it, but there is.

Someone out there loves you.

You may think it is a passing interest.
You may think it is a harmless crush.
You may think it is lust,
or fantasy.
You may think anything and everything but the truth:
Someone out there loves you.

Your heart cannot know the joy that you bring to this love.
Your heart cannot possibly fathom how deep the love is for you...
But it is there.

Across miles, across the depths of time, another soul aches for you.
You are always on their mind,
You are always in their heart,
You are always the first thought of the day and the last of the night.

When you are gone, you are missed,
not missed like one misses a sunny day,
or the sound of a favorite tune,
but missed with a longing so deep that your absence,
however short,
that it causes your love to pine for you,
consuming them,
preventing them from thinking anything else but the moment you return.

Someone out there loves you.
They long to be with you,
hold you,
caress you,
kiss you tenderly on your lips.
They long to take you in their arms,
pull you close,
and never let you go.

Someone out there loves you.

Their love for you burns like fires unknown,
like the fires of a newly born star,
or one which is about to end it's life in the most magnificent display in the heavens.

This fire burns eternally,
not to be snuffed by time,
by fate,
by accident or mistake,
this fire burns on a wick that runs deep,
on fuel that grows more potent with each day,
causing the flames to grow,
causing the love to swell,
causing the lover to spiral into the depths of passion over you!

Someone out there is in love with you!

And all they ask of you is the simplest requests:
to share that love with them.
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