Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/846882-Toney
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #846882
A story of rape.
When I awoke, I didn’t know where I was. And I was tied to the bed. My wrists were crossed above my head. My ankles were tied to the sides. I was very open and vulnerable. The lights were turned low, and lavender incense wafted through the room. What was this all about?

Against my will, I thought of all the things that could happen to me, here, tied up, and I was getting.. oh, i dunno.. aroused.

The door to my right opened slightly, and a thin, wiry figure stepped into the room. He was fully clothed. As he got closer I saw that he had short, black hair, dark eyes, and olive skin. He was Hispanic. He changed into his PJ’s, and laid down beside me. What? This made no sense. I was tied up and naked and he was ignoring me. I started to feel uncomfortable.

Fifteen minutes later, I was starting to doze off. The Hispanic rolled over, and placed his tool on my stomach. It was fair size – as far as I could tell, but I didn’t have much experience. I didn’t have any experience.

He sat up, and sat on me. The weight was on my hips, and the tip of his penis was resting on my abs. He leaned over and started sucking on my lower lip. He then started nibbling on it. It started to bleed. He moaned softly, evoking a wave of pleasure in me.

I breathed in sharply, the pain of being bit finally reaching my brain. He started kissing me more passionately, and I was reciprocating. Soon, it was a game of tonsil hockey.

Kissing isn’t something I thought would be very fun. The idea of sharing saliva wasn’t too appetizing. But, in reality- wow.

He was playing with my right nipple as his tongue explored mine. It made me long for more, and I could feel him harden slowly. He brought his left hand to the other nipple, which sent a sharp spasm of feeling.

As I became more and more aroused I started breathing deeper, gasping for breath, but the only breath I got was his own.

It felt so good.

And me, being a virgin.

There were two places now, two places stimulated, but one was left in the cold. I struggled against my binds as I tried to squeeze my legs together.

Suddenly he was gone from my mouth, and his tongue was trailing all over my face, down my chin, to my neck, leaving a trail of moisture. He was now fondling my breasts with much urgency. It no longer felt good, but still arousing as crazy. I could feel him harden a little bit more. Since he had gone from my mouth to my neck, he had to move his whole body down, which put his dick at a very interesting place. Soon he moved his lips to my chest.

The more he fondled, the harder he got. I was getting so hot.

Suddenly – my paranoid mind never gives me a break – I had a thought. What if – what if he actually fucked me? What if I got pregnant? I had an absolute fear of pregnancy.

“S- Stop,” I gasped, barely audible.

“No. Stop,” I said, louder.

He paid me no attention, just went on violating my body.

His left hand trailed down my stomach and came to rest on my hip. Then he began humping me. He didn’t try to penetrate, but he was gyrating his hips back and forth. I could distinctly feel his engorgement. It was HUGE. There was no way I would let that thing inside me.

“Stop it!” I yelled, “Don’t!”

His eyes flickered up & looked at me, but he didn’t stop.

Dammit, he was sexy.

“Stop!!” I screamed, so his fucking brain would actually register it. I sat up as far as I could to scream at him some more.

He licked my stomach and looked up. His eyes twinkled playfully. He laughed softly.

“Que vas a hacer? Como me vas a detener? Estas amarrado a la cama,” he smiled playfully. “Eres mi esclava”

I gave him a confused look. I don’t speak Spanish. He laughed again, a soft, sensuous chuckle, “What are you going to do? How are you going to stop me? You are tied to the bed. You are my slave.”

Oh. my. god. This can’t be happening! He was seriously going to fuck me. And fuck me. And when I get loose, and pregnant, I’ll be dumped out on the street to fend for myself. And- where am I? LA? Chicago? Alaska? Oh no. If I was in Alaska- freezing winter nonstop… I'd freeze to death. It would be the end of me. At least in LA, there would be people – horny old men, but – maybe someone who would help? At least I have to go while I’m not bogged down by a loud, whining, screaming baby.

I struggled, as hard as I could, but the flimsy cords stayed put.

The Hispanic sat back and watched me as I desperately tried to free myself. He was smiling, although I couldn’t see it. I wrestled with no one, and myself, and the bed for fifteen minutes before I started to panic.

The Hispanic’s organ had not orgasmed, and was limping. Suddenly, I felt two hands on my hips and something bulbous somewhere else.

I became extremely frantic as he started to push.

As with everything, there is a strategy. I focused everything on one ankle, and with a sudden burst, my left foot was free.

This caught us both by surprise. I was stationary for a second before I realized I could move. I kicked him hard in the chest, and he fell off the bed. With as much power as before, I ripped my right ankle off the bed. It didn’t budge, however, so I tried again. The bed cracked. The Hispanic was starting to stand up. I tried on more time to free my right ankle. The bed just cracked more. I heard a click.

At first I thought he had a gun, but it was a Swiss army knife. I think a gun would’ve been better. He grabbed my foot, still tied to the bed. I was terrified of what he was going to do. I didn’t want to kick him out of the way. He had a knife- I imagine a sharp one- and it wouldn't take much to slice my leg open.

He cut the rope.

My mouth was in an O, about to form a question. His was smiling.

He sat on me again. I was still too schocked to react. Then he began thrusting.

“You jackass!” I yelled, as I used my legs to try to get him off me. Once again he fell to the floor.

The lights went out. It was completely dark.

“Now’s your chance,” I thought ruefully, “Now’s your chance to get outta here.”

I heard the door open and close. He had left. Why had he left?

I was now left with a way to figure out how to get my hands out of these binds. Think, girl, think! I wiggled my body this way and that, trying to twist around in any way possible. Eventually I got to where I was sitting on my knees, facing the wall, with my wrists still tied to each other and the headboard. With a strong tug or five, the cord broke and I was catapulted backward, just about falling off the bed to where the Hispanic would have been. My head was hanging over the side. But my hands were still bound together.

Those bastards. They tied my wrists together and used a separate cord to tie them to the headboard.

My eyes had by now gotten used to the dark, and I thought I saw the glimmer of light reflected off someone’s eyes.

He hadn’t left?!

Suddenly, after a quiet click, a bright light was shining in my eyes, blinding me. Someone pushed me back on the bed by my shoulders, and then sat on my face. I had no time to gather a breath.

I suddenly felt something cool on my chest, between my breasts. I had no clue what it was. His (I’m pretty sure it was a guy) hand was rough and big. I felt it as he turned his hand and the thing in it. I felt a sharp edge along the one side of it, and realized it was a knife.

Crap, what is it with this guy? He has some crazy fetishes.

With a terrible Spanish accent, I heard someone say, “My turn.” That someone sat on me, too, on my hips. He leaned over, placing his hand on my stomach to put all his weight on it, and took the knife from the man sitting on my face, suffocating me. He fought.

“My turn!” the one on my hips said.

“No,” the other replied, forcefully.

They started fighting. Oh, this is great, huh?

It was pretty painful, but I rolled out from underneath the two. I didn’t know where the end of the bed was, so I ended up crashing onto the floor.

After a few minutes they went from fist fighting to screaming, and now they were talking. I studied my wrists carefully in the darkness. I couldn’t really see much, since the only light came from a solitary window high up. Where was the lightswitch in this place?

I felt along the wall for a switch, but didn’t find one.

“You! Bitch!” one of them called. He didn’t have much accent, so I guess it was the first one I met. Ha. Met.

I whipped around to face the darkness, my back to the wall.

The light was turned on from somewhere else. I guess he couldn’t see where he was going, either. He grabbed my shoulders and pinned me into the wall. My hands were down in front of my body. As he pressed closer they dug into him, and me. He had a frightening look on his face. Orgasmic.. and murderous.

“Hmmm. This isn’t working,” he mused. “Mathew, toss me the knife.”

As he cut the cords on my wrists, I said, “So he’s Matt, huh? Who are you?”

He flung my arms back, holding them against the wall.

“What’s it to you?” he asked accusingly. Then he kneed me in the stomach. As I doubled over, he said, “I’m Toney.”

The door opened, and two more people came in. These two were short, and I caught a glimpse of their faces. They were just kids.

Of course, I was only 14, and Toney and Matt didn’t seem much older.

Someone was sitting on the bed. I guess it was Matt. He leaned over, grabbed my arm, and pulled up onto the bed. Oh, god.

Matt had a tight, tight grip on my arm. I tried to get out of his grip but he didn’t budge. Then there was another hand on my other wrist, sore from the tight rope. I was sitting on the bed, and my arms were spreadeagle. I felt a hand cup my breast, and I started getting horny all over again.

Every time I get aroused, I get this unstoppable feeling of wanting. Wanting a man inside me; in and out; throbbing; sex. I felt that now, even though I was in incredible danger. And I knew it.

I felt another hand on my other breast. Fondling gently.

Then he started getting rough on me. I hate rough sex. It really turns me off.

I tried as much as I could to get away, but they had an extremely good grip on me. Toney started sucking on my neck again, as best as he could. I was sitting on my legs- and I realized they were still free. I shifted my weight and kneed him in the chest. He started wheezing. I guess I knocked the wind out of him. When he finally looked up, he was glaring. I didn’t see it, though, as I was too busy trying to get away. One of them was finally starting to get tired. Bored, maybe. As Toney recovered he got angrier and angrier.

“You BITCH!” he screamed, and smacked me across the face, leaving a horrible sting and a big red mark.

Using all his weight, he leaned on my shoulders and forced me to lay down. I felt hands on my ankles, now. They were holding me spred-eagle, and I was basically powerless to stop it. I was completely at Toney’s mercy, and he was pissed. The four guys holding my hands and feet one by one sat on them. I guess it was easier than actually trying to hold me down.

“No! Please! You can’t-”

“Can’t, what, bitch? You are mine- you are all of ours. We’ll force you to do whatever we want. You are our slave.

“Then just let me go! I’m not worth all this. I’m really not.”

“No, you are, but soon you won’t be; not after we’re done with you.”

I could feel the balls of one of the guys that was sitting on my hand.

Toney moaned.

He grabbed my hips hard, then he put his dick on my vagina. It was soft. So he used right right hand to warm it up a little. Then, he positioned it in the right place. Or, for me, the wrong place.

As soon as I felt it, I started wiggling around again, trying to get away. I will *not* allow myself to become pregnant.

He got hard very quickly. I could easily feel it swell to a great size. If I let him inside it would be the most painful experience- I think that I’ve ever had

Then he started to push.

“No!!” I screamed. “Get off me!”

The guy on my left hand was quick to action. He straddled my face, each knee digging into my arms, and stuck his dick in my mouth.

A bj? Hell no. I bit him, hard. He started bleeding. He started breathing heavily. He grabbed my ears, and started to fuck my mouth. Was this guy masochist? I kept biting him. Why would he let me do that? The only reason I could think of that he enjoyed it. Or maybe he had AIDS, and wanted to share the joy.

Oh my god! And he was bleeding in my mouth! I shook my head side to side, trying to get his dick out of my mouth, but it was no use- just painful, since he had a deathgrip on my ears. He was thrusting himself in and out of my mouth, as if I had two fucking cunts.

The guy on the real end was having a lot of trouble. He was pushing so hard, and trying to find a handhold on my body. My hips didn’t work, so he searched for my breasts, but they were too small. Anyway, they were getting sat on.

So he grabbed the other guy’s balls.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not get inside me. I was just too tight. It was enough for him to have an orgasm, however. It hit like a fire hose.

He got off, panting.

“Well, Alex” he said, “I guess you’ll have to loosen her up.”

A small figure jumped on my body, as if I was an amusement park ride; ready to be ridden over and over and over again by any old person. In this case, horny person.

He started pushing also. After about fifteen minutes, the guy sitting on my face finally had his orgasm. All over my face. That’s just about when Abraham forced himself inside me, stretching me out.

© Copyright 2004 Sarah Di (elwing at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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